Splitting Vim window into three panels - vim

I am new to Vim and I want to consider Vim as a potential code IDE for developing Python and C/C++ codes.
After struggling a lot I finally managed to install enough Plugins such as YCM,color-schemes,... to get a minimum development environment.
What I am struggling to fix are as follows:
1-Vim must automatically split a window into three panels for a python or C/C++ file to edit like the attached image.
Note: The vim or .vimrc setting must be set to be plain for other file types.
2-YouCompleteMe popup menu must be limited in size and get specific background(bg) and font color.
3-The 2 extra panels YCM popup doc and GDB/Compiler output should not write to file and the user should insert only once :q! or :wq to quit from the main file window (user should not close all the panels separately).
4-The compiler/gdb output must be shown in its dedicated window with scroll capability.


gnu screen not to change my window titles

I set meaningful names to new windows I create in gnu screen, but then when I 'cd' or open vim that name gets changed to 'pwd' for instance. Is there a way to prevent screen from changing the title? I know there's a setting like that in tmux, but for some reason vim scrolls really slow in tmux with multiple vertical splits, so I had to abandon it (tmux). Ideas appreciated!
Add the following line to your .screenrc if you are using the latest version:
defdynamictitle off

Recall previous command in the RubyMine console

In the RubyMine consoles, like the one that appears in RubyMine 7 while debugging, how do you recall the previous command or line you typed? Something similar to pressing the up arrow in a conventional terminal or console.
The history of commands can be accessed similar to any conventional terminal or console :- using the up and down arrows to scroll through the history.
The commands history size limit can be specified in : File|Settings|Editor - "Console commands history size"
Scrolling through console history with the up key in any command line environment can be pretty tedious. option-command-E, can show you your entire commands history.
Looking into RubyMine 7.0 Doc
In an interactive console, you can:
Type commands in the lower pane of the console, and press Enter to
execute them.
Results are displayed in the upper pane. Use basic code completion
Use Up and Down arrow keys to scroll through the history of
commands, and execute the required ones.
Load source code fom the editor into console.
Use context menu of the upper pane to copy all output to the
clipboard, compare with the current contents of the clipboard, or
remove all output from the console.
Use the toolbar buttons to control your session in the console.
Configure color scheme of the console to meet your preferences.
Refer to the section Configuring Color Scheme for Consoles for

Focus follow mouse in vim

I am aware that the mousefocus option is only supposed to work in gVim. But I was wondering, if it's possible to have the console Vim switch to different windows in response to mouse clicks, would it be not possible to easily add following mouse movement to it, too?
I'm an xmonad user, I love the focus following the pointer feature, I do a lot of pdf viewing and browsing while writing in Vim, and I'd be so much happier if I didn't have to keep mentally switching back and forth between two different types of focus changing.
If that's completely not possible, I guess opening new Vim windows (as with :split) in new instances of the terminal is no easier to do?
It would not be at all simple to add this. Using the mouse within the terminal works by vim sending control codes to the terminal requesting that mouse actions be sent as part of the input stream. Terminals only report clicks not changes in the pointer position, so vim has no way of knowing where the mouse is.
With major changes it would likely be possible for a vim with X support to get pointer activity directly from the X server, but that would likely be reported by pixel rather than by character so further work would need to be done before it could determine which vim window is currently under the pointer.
set mouse=a
should do the trick but it will probably depend on your terminal emulator. See :help 'mouse'.
This works for Windows 7/Cygwin 32bit mintty/vim 7.3: (I DO NOT use gvim!)
Having installed this: http://ehiti.de/katmouse/, I can scroll the window under my cursor without having to have clicked to select a window, click-selecting of single vim-windows works, too. It does not pull the vim window to the foreground, if another window overlaps it, if that is what you desire. Still it can be scrolled without click-selecting it first.
Check if there exists a software paket for your distribution, that implements your desired mouse behavior on the OS level. When this works for my self-compiled vim in cygwin, it might very well work with console vim on linux, too.
This post here serves as evidence, that it is possible at all, that is the reason this was not made a comment. When I am on linux again I will investigate this further and update this post, but that might take a while.
On set mouse=a: The vim help states you a need a terminal capable of handling mouse inputs, further information can be found here. :help ttymouse might also be helpful, i.e. if you have a xterm-compliant console, but :help term is set to something else.
UPDATE: (Freshly installed Fedora 19 with packages, no self-compiled stuff.)
Fedora 19 + se mouse=a = scrolling in single console vim window with several buffers opened next to each other independently works, too. Window manager used is LXDE.

Better Tab Navigation in gVim

How can I get tabs in gVim to work like they do in most good IDEs? I say gVim specifically because that is the version of Vim that I use but I am open to alternatives.
I want the following things for my tabs:
Ctrl+Tab goes to the MRU (most recently used) tab.
Holding down Ctrl and then pressing Tab multiple times continues to change to the next most recently used tab every time you press Tab.
When ctags are built and working and you press Ctrl+], if this takes you to a different file it should open that file in a new tab or if a tab with that file is already open it should switch to that one.
Easy tab reordering with the mouse just by dragging them around.
I am posting all these as a single question because I am hoping there is a good single solution that will do all or most of these things instead of having to hack each customization in individually. I would think this would be the preferred behavior by most of us.
Vim has no built in MRU. There is at least one plugin for that, though, but I've never used it.
The tabs in Vim are not the same as the tabs in your IDE, they are more like perspectives. The equivalent of your IDE's tabs in Vim are buffers and "(split)windows". There are a number of ways to work with buffers including some native ones and a number of third party plugins. Some of these plugins have MRU-like features.
The Vim wiki has a bunch of pages about tabs.

more intelligent global bookmarks in vim

Here's how global bookmarks work.
Let's say I have two tabs in my vim session. One showing foo.txt, one showing bar.txt. I go to line 10 in foo.txt and hit mA
Then I go to the other tab, showing bar.txt. I hit `A, and the workspace on that tab opens foo.txt, putting my cursor on line 10.
So now I have two tabs, both showing foo.txt. This is less than ideal.
How I want it to work is, if one of my active workspaces on any tab is showing the file I the bookmark system is trying to navigate too, move my focus to that tab. If the file isn't open, sure - open it in my active workspace.
Is there any way to make this possible?
This is not a problem with Vim's global bookmarks. It's a problem with Vim's tabs.
In most text editors, tabs serve as a list of currently open files, but in Vim, the buffer list serves this purpose. If you think of a tab in Vim as being like a saved layout for split windows, then you'll meet less friction. This answer sums it up nicely, and I made a screencast to try and explain how tabs can be used.
Here is a script that answers your initial question. But as far as I'm concerned, nelstrom is right: tabs are not meant to contains the others files, but other layouts.
How do I jump to markers within different tabs in vim?
