gnu screen not to change my window titles - linux

I set meaningful names to new windows I create in gnu screen, but then when I 'cd' or open vim that name gets changed to 'pwd' for instance. Is there a way to prevent screen from changing the title? I know there's a setting like that in tmux, but for some reason vim scrolls really slow in tmux with multiple vertical splits, so I had to abandon it (tmux). Ideas appreciated!

Add the following line to your .screenrc if you are using the latest version:
defdynamictitle off


Mouse scrolling in vim scrolls terminal window

I am just getting started using Vim and came across :set mouse=a which I've found really useful for navigating a file, however for some reason when I try and scroll now it scrolls the whole terminal window and not just the vim window.
Then I scroll up and can see the terminal outside Vim
Any ideas on how to fix this? I've tried resetting mouse= and exiting and re entering vim.
The problem was that I had accidentally disabled Allow Mouse Reporting in error.
Checking Menu > View > Allow Mouse Reporting or Cmd + R has fixed it!
I think the cheap answer to your question is that you should be navigating through files in vim using motion commands, Ctrl + d, etc. It might seem slow at first, but it really becomes more natural down the line.
That said, if you are on Mac and using Terminal, you might need to hold the Fn to temporarily disable mouse support. (Check this out for reference: OS X Terminal Mouse Support
Also, you can always try MacVim, which supports mouse scrolling out of the box.
If neither of those solutions work for you, some more information would be helpful for troubleshooting, e.g., your operating system, recent changes to your vimrc, etc.

Splitting Vim window into three panels

I am new to Vim and I want to consider Vim as a potential code IDE for developing Python and C/C++ codes.
After struggling a lot I finally managed to install enough Plugins such as YCM,color-schemes,... to get a minimum development environment.
What I am struggling to fix are as follows:
1-Vim must automatically split a window into three panels for a python or C/C++ file to edit like the attached image.
Note: The vim or .vimrc setting must be set to be plain for other file types.
2-YouCompleteMe popup menu must be limited in size and get specific background(bg) and font color.
3-The 2 extra panels YCM popup doc and GDB/Compiler output should not write to file and the user should insert only once :q! or :wq to quit from the main file window (user should not close all the panels separately).
4-The compiler/gdb output must be shown in its dedicated window with scroll capability.

How to Split Screen Emacs and Terminal

I use PuTTY and I am wondering if it's possible to open an emacs text file in split screen with the terminal window.
I looked everywhere for the answer, but all I've found is how to have two emacs windows open, and I would like to be able to see and switch between the terminal window and an emacs file.
You could use the region feature in screen rather than using the split screen within emacs... but then you might want to rebind the escape key in screen.

Avoid auto hide when moving between windows using VIM split horizontal

I am struggling with this odd behavior. I am learning vim and I guess I deconfigure it trying to playing with multiple windows.
Now when I split horizontally a window (using ctrl+ws) and try to move between them, I can only see a window at the same time (I guess the size of the focused window is set to 100% automatically) so I can re-size it again using ctrl+w=, but it's frustating do it many times.
I am using the spf13 config. And using this my local config in .vimrc.local
Thank you guys :)
You probably have :set winheight=999, this creates this effect.
Find out where it got set via
:verbose set winheight?
and remove that setting, or undo it via :set winheight&.

In Vim, why doesn't my mouse work past the 220th column?

I tend to maximize a terminal to one screen, and vertically split several windows in Vim. Everything works fine for the first few windows on the left, but clicking past about the 220th column in the terminal doesn't work correctly. Any mouse clicks past column 220 seem to be wrapping around to column 1. I've tested in xterm, urxvt, and Gnome terminal with and without tmux/screen; always the same behavior. If I greatly increase the size of the font in Gnome terminal, I can click on the last column (although it is no longer past column #220).
If I run a command in a terminal that prints to standard output, I can click all the way to the right of the terminal. The problem does seem to be related to Vim.
I have set mouse=a in .vimrc. I'll post the entire file on request, but it doesn't seem to have anything else related to the mouse.
It's probably irrelevant, but I'm running Xmonad+Gnome. Thanks in advance.
This has been fixed in Vim 7.3.632. See :h sgr-mouse. Or just put this in your ~/.vimrc:
set ttymouse=sgr
If you want to be compatible with versions that don't have mouse_sgr compiled in, use:
if has("mouse_sgr")
set ttymouse=sgr
set ttymouse=xterm2
To see if your version of Vim has mouse_sgr, run vim --version from the command-line, or in Vim, enter :version, and look for +mouse_sgr.
If you're using older versions of screen, or terminal emulators that don't support SGR, you may need to upgrade or switch. These settings work with all new versions of screen, tmux, gnome-terminal, PuTTY/KiTTY, iTerm2, and, using TERM=xterm-256color or screen-256color.
Update: If you're using neovim, SGR support is enabled by default.
I deleted the bug report, as that tracker was for the website, not the text editor.
In looking in the correct place for an existing bug report, I found this:
To summarize, it was an xterm limitation that has been lifted. However, Vim does not yet support columns longer than 223.
This seems to be a bug, as supported by comments made by redstreet. I filed a bug report:
A few years later, the bug still seems to be present.
The solution I found is neovim: a modern refactor of vim. Among other features, this bug has been resolved.
I simply copied my .vimrc into .nvimrc, and my plugins just worked with nvim. Maybe I'll just keep using that.
