Getting value of a boolean control in v4l2 - linux

I am trying to adjust the brightness of a camera. Before setting brightness, I am trying to check whether brightness is in auto mode or not. We can do so by checking volatile flag but I am running kernel version 2.6.32 which does not have this functionality. So, the other option is to check V4L2_CID_AUTOBRIGHTNESS, which I am doing but it is returning EINVAL.
I am using following code to get the value:
struct v4l2_control control; = V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS; // This is working fine
// = V4L2_CID_AUTOBRIGHTNESS; // This is giving EINVAL in ioctl
if (-1 == ioctl(camDesc, VIDIOC_G_CTRL, &control))
cerr << "VIDIOC_G_CTRL" << " :: " << errno << endl ;
cout << "Successfully got property. Value :: " << control.value << endl;
May be V4L2_CID_AUTOBRIGHTNESS is a boolean property that's why it is giving EINVAL, but then I am not able to find any other method by which I can get the value of boolean property.

In the V4L2 the set of IOCTL is mostly implemented (or not implemented) on side of the actual sensor. This one is not an exception. Thus, you have two potential problems here: a) a driver of the actual sensor does not implement the specific IOCTL, b) the IOCTL is only to set a property, though I think you still may read last set value.

Some of the properties (user controls) can be disabled, so if we will directly change there value using v4l2_control, then it may give some error.
Best way to do is, by checking the appropriate flags using queryctrl and then set the actual value.
struct v4l2_queryctrl queryctrl; = V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS; // V4L2_CID_AUTOBRIGHTNESS i.e. any user ctrl
if (-1 == ioctl(camDesc, VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL, &queryctrl))
if (errno != EINVAL)
cerr << "ERROR :: Unable to set property (NOT SUPPORTED)\n";
else if (queryctrl.flags & V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_DISABLED)
cout << "ERROR :: Unable to set property (DISABLED).\n";
struct v4l2_control control; =;
control.value = eValue; // Any value
if (-1 == ioctl(camDesc, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control))
cout << "Successfully set property." << endl;


How do I convert strings of numbers, coming from a .txt file into an int array using stoi::("string")

I've been trying to take a .txt document with three number entries, read those entries as strings and convert those entries in ints, then put them into an int array, but had no success in doing so and i have no clue as to why. Note that the entries as well as some variable names are pre determined by the assignment, additionally we have to use the std::stoi("string") command, which i am not familiar with nor has any syntax been provided to us (which is especially strange since we are usually not allowed to stray to far from the lecture material)
What I excpected to happen is that the numbers from the .txt file were converted into an array, however what actually happened is that an "unhandled exception" (my apologies if that term does not make sanes we have to programm in our native language) occured and the string library opened itself, marking the error on line 107. The problematic line in my code seems to be "auftraegearray[i++] = std::stoi(MengeanAuftraegen);"
int main()
std::fstream Auftraege;"Auftraege37.txt", std::ios::out);
Auftraege << "10" << std::endl;
Auftraege << "1" << std::endl;
Auftraege << "20" << std::endl;
int i = 0;
int auftraegearray[4];
std::string MengeanAuftraegen;"Auftraege37.txt", std::ios::in);
while (!Auftraege.eof())
getline(Auftraege, MengeanAuftraegen);
std::cout << MengeanAuftraegen << std::endl;
auftraegearray[i++] = std::stoi(MengeanAuftraegen);

How to suspend all other threads inside a separate class function c++

I am working on a final project for a class. This project is to mimic multiple atm's. That is my program already runs. Inside of my main.cpp, I created the threads, for now just two, later on maybe more, They call a class Begin that rand() if customers are going to make a deposit or withdraw and then rand() the amount they are going to use and does this 5 times.
#include "ATM.h"
void main()
Begin test1;
thread first(&Begin::atm, test1);
thread second(&Begin::atm, test1);
delete resbox::cashbox;
I cannot figure out how to suspend my threads created in Main.cpp inside of my observe() function like so:
void watcher::observe()
float cash;
if (resbox::cashbox->gettotal() >= resbox::cashbox->getmax())
//suspend all other threads
cout << "Please empty cash box it is full! with $"<< resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
cout << "How much would like to withdraw?" << endl;
cin >> cash;
cout << "This is the amount in the reserve box now is $" << resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
//resume all other threads
if (resbox::cashbox->gettotal() <= 500)
//suspend all other threads
cout << "Please fill cashbox it is low, has $" << resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
cout << "How much would like to add?" << endl;
cin >> cash;
cout << "This is the amount in the reserve box now $" << resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
//resume all other threads
Whenever the condition is met for one of the if statements I need to be able to suspend all other threads except the current thread that met the condition. Then after the data is completed before leaving the if statement and observer functions resume all other threads.
I read about the possibility of using SuspendThread, and ResumeThread from here, how to suspend thread. Yet I am having a hard time passing the threads created in main.cpp to the observer function so that I could call those functions. I figured out how to create threads from, I also notice I could potentially use a mutex locking as refered to from What is the best solution to pause and resume pthreads?
I am using c++ under Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community.
This is my first time dealing with threads. For my use which is better, pass the created threads to the observer function, or is there another to pause/suspend and then resume them and how would i do so? Thank you for any advice/help provided.
Currently If I run my program and one of the conditions is met by a thread, the other thread will also meet the same condition and I have to enter the amount to deposit/withdraw twice before the threads continue until each thread has dealt with 5 customers each for a total of 10 customers.
I finally figured out what I needed and what to use thanks to:
Class RWLock
By utilizing this class, inside my project. Then creating a global instance of that class.
Then I added the reader and writer lock and unlocks where it function inside my code the best. Like so:
void Begin::atm() //The main function that makes it easier for threads to
call and run the Program.
ATM atm;
int choice, amount;
for (int i = 0; i < imax; i++) //mimics a total of 5 customers
rw.ReadLock(); //Have to place to read lock here.
choice = rand() % 2; //Randomizes the choice of depositing or withdrawing.
amount = rand() % 5000 + 1; //Randomizes 'the amount of cash that the customers use.
rw.ReadUnlock(); //Read unlock must happen here otherwise it blocks the writers.
rw.WriteLock(); //Must happen here!
if (choice == 0)
cout << "\tCustomer depositing $" << amount << endl;
else if (choice == 1)
cout << "\tCustomer withdrawing $" << amount << endl;
//error checker against the randomizer for the choice of depsoiting or withdrawing.
cout << "error rand creating wrong number" << endl;
rw.WriteUnlock(); //Must Happen here!
Sleep(5000); // Sleeps the program between customer usage to mimic actual use.

Different values depending on floating point exception flags set

Short question:
How can setting the _EM_INVALID exception flag on the FPU result in different values?
Long question:
In our project we have turned off floating point exceptions in our Release build, but turned on ZERODIVIDE, INVALID and OVERFLOW using _controlfp_s() in our Debug build. This is in order to catch errors if they are there.
However, we would also like results of numerical calculations (involving optimisation algorithms, matrix inversion, Monte Carlo and all sorts of things) to be consistent between Debug and Release build to make debugging easier.
I would expect that the setting of the exception flags on the FPU should not affect the calculated values - only whether exceptions are thrown or not. But after working backwards through our calculations I can isolate the below code example that shows that there is a difference on the last bit when calling the log() function.
This propagates to a 0.5% difference in the resulting value.
The below code will give the shown program output when adding it to a new solution in Visual Studio 2005, Windows XP and compile in Debug configuration. (Release will give a different output, but that's because the optimiser reuses the result from the first call to log().)
I hope that someone can shed a bit of light on this. Thanks.
Program output:
Xi, 3893f76f, 7.4555176582633598
K, c0a682c7, 7.44466687218
x, da8caea1, 0.0014564635732296288
Invalid exception on
x, da8caea2, 0.001456463573229629
Invalid exception off
x, da8caea1, 0.0014564635732296288
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
unsigned uMaskOld = 0;
errno_t err;
cout << std::setprecision (numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 2);
double Xi = 7.4555176582633598;
double K = 7.44466687218;
double x;
cout << "Xi, " << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << *(unsigned*)(&Xi) << ", " << dec << Xi << endl;
cout << "K, " << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << *(unsigned*)(&K) << ", " << dec << K << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Untouched" << endl;
x = log(Xi/K);
cout << "x, " << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << *(unsigned*)(&x) << ", " << dec << x << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Invalid exception on" << endl;
err = ::_controlfp_s(&uMaskOld, 0, _EM_INVALID);
x = log(Xi/K);
cout << "x, " << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << *(unsigned*)(&x) << ", " << dec << x << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Invalid exception off" << endl;
err = ::_controlfp_s(&uMaskOld, _EM_INVALID, _EM_INVALID);
x = log(Xi/K);
cout << "x, " << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << *(unsigned*)(&x) << ", " << dec << x << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
This is not a complete answer, but it is too long for a comment.
I suggest you isolate the code that does the questionable calculations and put it in a subroutine, preferably in a source module that is compiled separately. Something like:
void foo(void)
double Xi = 7.4555176582633598;
double K = 7.44466687218;
double x;
x = log(Xi/K);
…Insert output statements here…
Then you would call the routine with different settings:
cout << "Untouched:\n";
cout << "Invalid exception on:\n";
…Change FP state…
This guarantees that the same instructions are executed in each case, eliminating the possibility that the compiler has for some reason generated separate code for each sequence. The way you have compiled the code, I suspect it is possible the compiler may have used 80-bit arithmetic in one case and 64-bit arithmetic in another, or may have used 80-bit arithmetic generally but converted some result to 64-bit in one case but not another
Once that is done, you can partition and isolate the code further. E.g., try evaluating Xi/K once before any of the tests, storing that in a double, and passing it to foo as a parameter. The tests whether the log call differs depending on the floating-point state. I suspect that is the case, as it is unlikely the division operation would differ.
Another advantage of isolating the code this way is that you could step through it in the debugger to see exactly where behavior diverges. You could step through it, one instruction at a time, with different floating-point states simultaneously in two windows and examine the results at each step to see exactly where the divergence is. If there is no divergence by the time you reach the log call, you should step through that, too.
Incidental notes:
If you know Xi and K are close to each other, it is better to compute log(Xi/K) as log1p((Xi-K)/K). When Xi and K are close to each other, the subtraction Xi-K is exact (has no error), and the quotient has more useful bits (the 1 that we already knew about and some zero bits following it are gone).
The fact that slight changes in your floating-point environment cause a .5% change in your result implies your calculations are very sensitive to error. This suggests that, even if you make your results reproducible, the errors that necessarily exist in floating-point arithmetic cause your result to be inaccurate. That is, the final error will still exist, it just will not be called to your attention by the difference between two different ways of calculating.
It appears in your C++ implementation that unsigned is four bytes but double is eight bytes. So printing the encoding a double by aliasing it to an unsigned omits half of the bits. Instead, you should convert a pointer to the double to a pointer to const char and print sizeof(double) bytes.

Linux ptrace memory reading & process management

I'm trying to read a processes memory on Linux (Xubuntu, to be precise). I'm pretty new to Linux, though I've done this same read using Win32API ReadProcessMemory() before in Windows. The general idea is that I'm trying to develop some software for a game which will get my stats and upload them to a server, which will track my progress and keep a log of it. The end goal is to make a bot which will automatically play and farm data about the game. In order to do this, I need to be able to access the processes memory. In Windows, that's dead easy. In Linux, it's proving a little more complex.
I've found a memory address which contains information I want to read. The information is an int32, and it is stored at 84a1bd8. I found it using GameConqueror 0.13. The address remains correct after restarting, so it appears there is no ASLR (as there was in Windows). I also know the ProcessID (I can find this using task manager for now, though if someone knows a simple way to get a PID by either ClassName, Exe name, or similar, that would be great too!) So, that looks like it should be all I really need to use PTRACE_PEEKDATA to read the memory, right? Well, that's the problem, it doesn't appear to be. My code looks like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <errno.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
pid_t pid = 4847;
int addr = 0x84a1bd8;
long ret = ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, pid, NULL, NULL);
cout << "ptrace Status: " << ret << endl;
cout << "Errno: " << errno << endl;
ret = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, pid, (void*)addr, NULL);
cout << "ptrace Status: " << ret << endl;
cout << "Errno: " << errno << endl;
ret = ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, NULL, NULL);
cout << "ptrace Status: " << ret << endl;
cout << "Errno: " << errno << endl;
return 0;
The output looks like this:
ptrace Status: 0
Errno: 0
ptrace Status: -1
Errno: 3
ptrace Status: -1
Errno: 3
Being quite new to Linux, I don't know where I'm to find error codes and how I can work out what this error actually means, and nor do I know if I am even declaring the address correctly. Should I declare it as an int in it's decimal equivalent? Is there anything I'm missing?
Thanks for your time
Found the solution to be that when using ptrace() you must call in an order:
ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, pid, addr, NULL)
So the simple answer: You need to attach and detach before and after reading the memory.
It may also be useful to know that between the attach and detach commands, the process will sleep, meaning this method isn't so good for my purpose, but may be useful to others :)
Thanks to #PeterL. for your help.

Reading a value in associative array creates a new key

I have code such as this. I use
pvalueholder is class that is polymorphic , it can hold all sort of types, string..etc..
It also can have a type undefined.
typedef hash_map<pvalueholder,pvalueholder,pvaluehasher > hashtype;
hashtype h;
pvalueholder v;
h[v]=5; // h has one element
pvalueholder v2=h[v]; // here h gets a new key/value how is that possible?
cout << (string) (h[v]) << endl; // here h gets another new key/value how is that possible?
int i =0;
for (hashtype::iterator h1=h.begin(); h1!=h.end();h1++)
cout << "no: " << i++ << endl;
} // this prints three lines, it should print one...
Two values are undefined here, the third one is 5 as expected.
size_t pvaluehasher::operator() (const pvalueholder& p) const
cout << "hashvalue:" << p.value->hashvalue() << endl;
return p.value->hashvalue();
Here is what is printed:
Do you have any ideas what it may be?
Thank you.
the function operator()(parameter1,parameter2) needs to be different in case of Microsoft STL.
For microsoft, it needs to return less than relationship between parameter1 and parameter2.
For gcc, it needs to return equality. I returned equality.
The comparison function for the keys was not correct...
The function returned true for equality while it has to return less than in case of Microsoft STL.
My guess would be that your hash function is incorrect - meaning it produces different hash values given the same key "c".
Show the declaration for pvalueholder and full code for pvaluehasher.
It's almost impossible to comment on hash_map, because it's never been standardized, and the existing implementations aren't entirely consistent. Worse, your code doesn't seem to be correct or compilable as it stands -- some places the value associated with the key seems to be an int, and other places a string.
Using std::tr1::unordered_map and fixing the rest of the code to compile and seem reasonable, like this:
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<std::string, int> hashtype;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, std::pair<std::string, int> const &d) {
return os << d.first << ": " << d.second;
int main() {
hashtype h;
std::string v = "c";
h[v]=5; // h has one element
int v2=h[v];
cout << h[v] << endl;
int i =0;
for (hashtype::iterator h1=h.begin(); h1!=h.end();h1++)
cout << *h1 << endl;
} // this prints three lines, it should print one...
return 0;
The output I get is:
c: 5
This seems quite reasonable -- we've inserted only one item, as expected.
Solution: the function operator()(parameter1,parameter2) needs to be different in case of Microsoft STL. For microsoft, it needs to return less than relationship between parameter1 and parameter2. For gcc, it needs to return equality. I returned equality. The comparison function for the keys was not correct... The function returned true for equality while it has to return less than in case of Microsoft STL.
