What does the backward slash (\) do in a format mask? - excel

Can't seem to find the answer in Google. Is it in a similar category of symbols like $ and ! or something else entirely?
The formula I found on Google is:
which converts 1500000 to 1.5M.

In your given example (a format mask), a backslash acts as an escape sequence. Basically, it is equivalent to wrapping the next character in double quotations. This is done to get the literals for 0 and M, since there are a number of characters that have special meanings unless you use an escape sequence.
Date-formatting and time-formatting characters (a, c, d, h, m, n, p, q, s, t, w, y, /, and :), the numeric-formatting characters (#, 0, %, E, e, comma, and period), and the string-formatting characters (#, &, <, >, and !)all must be escaped to be accessed literally.
Due to the slight confusion as to what context you don't understand \ in, I have added a bit of additional information.
In cell formatting:
The backslash \ is used to escape special characters, like a colon.
For instance, if you wanted
100 : 1
since the colon is a special character, you would have to use \ (an escape sequence) to access it as a literal, like this:
100 \: 1
which outputs 100 : 1 as desired.
Another example of use would be the \n VB newline character (different language obviously), which will escape to a new line in your output. In this case, the \ escapes the literal of the key n to access the special constant vbNewLine.
It follows in many programming languages, \ followed by something is often an escape sequence, and used to avoid or access a special characterization of a given key or character.
It is also worth noting that in VBA, the backslash character can be used to force an evaluation of the integer equivalent of a quotient, for instance:
100\33 = Int(100/33)
This is an often overlooked way to divide as well as round down to an integer in a single step.
In workbooks:
One of the options to create a range name in your workbook is to precede the name of your desired range name with a backslash. For instance, a valid range name would be \HLF1


Is it possible to use a "plain" long string?

In Julia, you can't store a string like that:
str = "\mwe"
Because there is a backslash. So the following allows you to prevent that:
str = "\\mwe"
The same occurs for "$, \n" and many other symbols. My question is, given that you have a extremely long string of thousands of characters and this is not very convenient to treat all the different cases even with a search and replace (Ctrl+H), is there a way to assign it directly to a variable?
Maybe the following (which I tried) gives an idea of what I'd like:
str = """\$$$ \\\nn\nn\m this is a very long and complicated (\n^$" string"""
Here """ is not suitable, what should I use instead?
Quick answer: raw string literals like raw"\$$$ \\\nn..." will get you most of the way there.
Raw string literals allow you to put nearly anything you like between quotes and Julia will keep the characters as typed with no replacements, expansions, or interpolations. That means you can do this sort of thing easily:
a = raw"\mwe"
#assert codepoint(a[1]) == 0x5c # Unicode point for backslash
b = raw"$(a)"
#assert codepoint(b[1]) == 0x25 # Unicode point for dollar symbol
The problem is always the delimiters that define where the string begins and ends. You have to have some way of telling Julia what is included in the string literal and what is not, and Julia uses double inverted commas to do that, meaning if you want double inverted commas in your string literal, you still have to escape those:
c = raw"\"quote" # note the backslashe
#assert codepoint(c[1]) == 0x22 # Unicode point for double quote marks
If this bothers you, you can combine triple quotes with raw, but then if you want to represent literal triple quotes in your string, you still have to escape those:
d = raw""""quote""" # the three quotes at the beginning and three at the end delimit the string, the fourth is read literally
#assert codepoint(d[1]) == 0x22 # Unicode point for double quote marks
e = raw"""\"\"\"""" # In triple quoted strings, you do not need to escape the backslash
#assert codeunits(e) == [0x22, 0x22, 0x22] # Three Unicode double quote marks
If this bothers you, you can try to write a macro that avoids these limitations, but you will always end up having to tell Julia where you want to start processing a string literal and where you want to end processing a string literal, so you will always have to choose some way to delimit the string literal from the rest of the code and escape that delimiter within the string.
Edit: You don't need to escape backslashes in raw string literals in order to include quotation marks in the string, you just need to escape the quotes. But if you want a literal backslash followed by a literal quotation mark, you have to escape both:
f = raw"\"quote"
#assert codepoint(f[1]) == 0x22 # double quote marks
g = raw"\\\"quote" # note the three backslashes
#assert codepoint(g[1]) == 0x5c # backslash
#assert codepoint(g[2]) == 0x22 # double quote marks
If you escape the backslash and not the quote marks, Julia will get confused:
h = raw"\\"quote"
# ERROR: syntax: cannot juxtapose string literal
This is explained in the caveat in the documentation.

python Using variable in re.search source.error("bad escape %s" % escape, len(escape)) [duplicate]

I want to use input from a user as a regex pattern for a search over some text. It works, but how I can handle cases where user puts characters that have meaning in regex?
For example, the user wants to search for Word (s): regex engine will take the (s) as a group. I want it to treat it like a string "(s)" . I can run replace on user input and replace the ( with \( and the ) with \) but the problem is I will need to do replace for every possible regex symbol.
Do you know some better way ?
Use the re.escape() function for this:
4.2.3 re Module Contents
Return string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed; this is useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may have regular expression metacharacters in it.
A simplistic example, search any occurence of the provided string optionally followed by 's', and return the match object.
def simplistic_plural(word, text):
word_or_plural = re.escape(word) + 's?'
return re.match(word_or_plural, text)
You can use re.escape():
Return string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed; this is useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may have regular expression metacharacters in it.
>>> import re
>>> re.escape('^a.*$')
If you are using a Python version < 3.7, this will escape non-alphanumerics that are not part of regular expression syntax as well.
If you are using a Python version < 3.7 but >= 3.3, this will escape non-alphanumerics that are not part of regular expression syntax, except for specifically underscore (_).
Unfortunately, re.escape() is not suited for the replacement string:
>>> re.sub('a', re.escape('_'), 'aa')
A solution is to put the replacement in a lambda:
>>> re.sub('a', lambda _: '_', 'aa')
because the return value of the lambda is treated by re.sub() as a literal string.
Usually escaping the string that you feed into a regex is such that the regex considers those characters literally. Remember usually you type strings into your compuer and the computer insert the specific characters. When you see in your editor \n it's not really a new line until the parser decides it is. It's two characters. Once you pass it through python's print will display it and thus parse it as a new a line but in the text you see in the editor it's likely just the char for backslash followed by n. If you do \r"\n" then python will always interpret it as the raw thing you typed in (as far as I understand). To complicate things further there is another syntax/grammar going on with regexes. The regex parser will interpret the strings it's receives differently than python's print would. I believe this is why we are recommended to pass raw strings like r"(\n+) -- so that the regex receives what you actually typed. However, the regex will receive a parenthesis and won't match it as a literal parenthesis unless you tell it to explicitly using the regex's own syntax rules. For that you need r"(\fun \( x : nat \) :)" here the first parens won't be matched since it's a capture group due to lack of backslashes but the second one will be matched as literal parens.
Thus we usually do re.escape(regex) to escape things we want to be interpreted literally i.e. things that would be usually ignored by the regex paraser e.g. parens, spaces etc. will be escaped. e.g. code I have in my app:
# escapes non-alphanumeric to help match arbitrary literal string, I think the reason this is here is to help differentiate the things escaped from the regex we are inserting in the next line and the literal things we wanted escaped.
__ppt = re.escape(_ppt) # used for e.g. parenthesis ( are not interpreted as was to group this but literally
e.g. see these strings:
Out[4]: '(let H : forall x : bool, negb (negb x) = x := fun x : bool =>HEREinHERE)'
Out[5]: '\\(let\\ H\\ :\\ forall\\ x\\ :\\ bool,\\ negb\\ \\(negb\\ x\\)\\ =\\ x\\ :=\\ fun\\ x\\ :\\ bool\\ =>HEREinHERE\\)'
_ppt='(let H : forall x : bool, negb (negb x) = x := fun x : bool =>HEREinHERE)'
__ppt='\\(let\\ H\\ :\\ forall\\ x\\ :\\ bool,\\ negb\\ \\(negb\\ x\\)\\ =\\ x\\ :=\\ fun\\ x\\ :\\ bool\\ =>HEREinHERE\\)'
the double backslashes I believe are there so that the regex receives a literal backslash.
btw, I am surprised it printed double backslashes instead of a single one. If anyone can comment on that it would be appreciated. I'm also curious how to match literal backslashes now in the regex. I assume it's 4 backslashes but I honestly expected only 2 would have been needed due to the raw string r construct.

Efficient way to insert characters between other characters in a string

What is an efficient way in MATLAB to replace/insert one symbol (in series of symbols) with several others that correspond to the one that is being replaced?
For example, consider having a string Eq: Eq = 'A*exp(-((x-xc)/w)^2)'. Is there a way to replace * with .*, / with ./,\ with .\, and ^ with .^ without writing four separate strrep() lines?
Regular expressions will do the job nicely. Regular expressions simply find patterns in text. You specify what kind of pattern you are looking for by a regular expression, and the output gives you the locations of where the pattern occurred.
For our particular case, not only do we want to find where patterns occur, we also want to replace those patterns with something else. Specifically, use the function regexprep from MATLAB to replace matches in a string with something else. What you want to do is replace all *, /, \ and ^ symbols by adding a . in front of each.
How regexprep works is that the first input is the string you're looking at, the second input is a pattern that you're trying to find. In our case, we want to find any of *, /, \ and ^. To specify this pattern, you put those desired symbols in [] brackets. Regular expressions reserve \ as a special symbol to delineate characters that can be parsed as a regular expression but actually aren't. As such, you need to use \\ for the \ character and \^ for the ^ character. The third input is what you want to replace each match with. In our case, we simply want to reuse each matched character, but we add a . at the beginning of the match. This is done by doing \.$0 in the regular expression syntax. $0 means to grab the first token produced by a match... which is essentially the matched symbol from the pattern. . is also a reserved keyword using regular expressions, so we must prepend this symbol with a \ character.
Without further ado:
>> Eq = 'A*exp(-((x-xc)/w)^2)';
>> out = regexprep(Eq, '[*/\\\^]', '\.$0')
out =
The pattern we are looking for is [*/\\\^], which means that we want to find any of *, /, \ - denoted as \\ in regex, and \^ - denoted as ^ in regex. We want to find any of these symbols and replace them with the same symbol by adding a . character in front - \.$0.
As a more complicated example, let's make sure that we include all of the symbols you're looking for in a sample equation:
>> A = 'A*exp(-((x-xc)/w)^2) \ b^2';
>> out = regexprep(A, '[*/\\\^]', '\.$0')
out =
A.*exp(-((x-xc)./w).^2) .\ b.^2
I'd go with regexp as in rayryeng's answer. But here's another approach, just to provide an alternative.
ops = '*/\^'; %// operators that need a dot
ii = find(ismember(Eq, ops)); %// find where dots should be inserted
[~, jj] = sort([1:numel(Eq) ii-.5]); %// will be used to properly order the result
result = [Eq repmat('.',1,numel(ii))]; %// insert dots at the end
result = result(jj); %// properly order the result
And a variant:
ops = '*/\^'; %// operators that need a dot
ii = find(ismember(Eq, ops)); %// find where dots should be inserted
jj = sort([1:numel(Eq) ii-.5]); %// dot locations are marked with fractional part
result = Eq(ceil(jj)); %// repeat characters where the dots will be placed
result(mod(jj,1)>0) = '.'; %// place dots at indices with fractional part
The vectorize function already does almost all of what you want except that it does not convert mldivide (\) to ldivide (.\).
By "efficient," do you mean fewer lines of code or faster? Regular expressions are almost always slower than other approaches and less readable. I don't think they're necessary or a good choice in this case. If you only need to convert your string once, then speed is less of a concern than readability (strrep will still be faster). If you need to do it many times, this simple code that you alluded to is 4–5 times faster than regexrep for short strings like your example (and much faster for longer strings):
out = strrep(Eq,'*','.*');
out = strrep(out,'/','./');
out = strrep(out,'\','.\');
out = strrep(out,'^','.^');
If you want one line, use:
out = strrep(strrep(strrep(strrep(Eq,'*','.*'),'/','./'),'\','.\'),'^','.^');
which will also be slightly faster still. Or create your own version of vectorize and call that.
Where regular expressions shine is in more complex cases, e.g., if your string is already partially vectorized: Eq = 'A.*exp(-((x-xc)/w)^2)'. Even still, the vectorize function just uses strrep and then calls strfind to "remove any possible '..*', '../', etc." and replace them with the proper element-wise operators because it's faster (symbolic math strings can get very large, for example).

What is the right pattern to for numbers with negative symbol?

I have a string of numbers separated by spaces and I need to store them in a table but for some reason negative symbol is not getting recognize.
cord = "-53 2 -21"
map = {}
for num in cord:gmatch("%w+") do
table.insert(map, num)
map[1], map[2], map[3] = tonumber(map[1]), tonumber(map[2]), tonumber(map[3])
This is the output I'm getting:
I think the problem is with the pattern I'm using, what should I change?
The pattern "%w" is for alphanumeric characters, which doesn't include -, use this pattern instead:
or better:
since numbers are all you need.
%w+ does not attempt to mach only numbers, so try %S+ to get all "words", that is, all sequences of non-zero characters.
If you want to match only numbers, try %-?%d+. Note the optional minus sign in the pattern. Note also that you must escape the minus sign.

scala string.split does not work

Following is my REPL output. I am not sure why string.split does not work here.
val s = "Pedro|groceries|apple|1.42"
s: java.lang.String = Pedro|groceries|apple|1.42
scala> s.split("|")
res27: Array[java.lang.String] = Array("", P, e, d, r, o, |, g, r, o, c, e, r, i, e, s, |, a, p, p, l, e, |, 1, ., 4, 2)
If you use quotes, you're asking for a regular expression split. | is the "or" character, so your regex matches nothing or nothing. So everything is split.
If you use split('|') or split("""\|""") you should get what you want.
| is a special regular expression character which is used as a logical operator for OR operations.
Since java.lang.String#split(String regex); takes in a regular expression, you're splitting the string with "none OR none", which is a whole another speciality about regular expression splitting, where none essentially means "between every single character".
To get what you want, you need to escape your regex pattern properly. To escape the pattern, you need to prepend the character with \ and since \ is a special String character (think \t and \r for example), you need to actually double escape so that you'll end up with s.split("\\|").
For full Java regular expression syntax, see java.util.regex.Pattern javadoc.
Split takes a regex as first argument, so your call is interpreted as "empty string or empty string". To get the expected behavior you need to escape the pipe character "\\|".
