CentOS 6.6 TCadmin - Server not responding to query - linux

Hello "stackers" i've been trying the past few days to set-up TCadmin GamePanel on my CentOS server.
We're running CentOS 64 bit, with 32 lib installed.
-We can create Murmur/counter-strike: Source servers running without problems.
-Other servers not responding to query.
-we've allowed port range 27015 - 27030
-SteamCMD is running and we can connect to steam API (tried via. the server)
Following folder names are with lowercases:
So after what my research lead to. It isn't because of uppercase letters.
We've tried to reinstall the entire server but nothing works.
Does anybody know why this is happening?
(if some info are missing i'll provide them to you)
Best regards

TCadmin support responded to our ticket:
Bu default Tcadmin Runs the "srcds.exe"
This is not the right file to run
Cilck on the server, choose service settings and change "srcds.exe" to "srcds_run"


Problems running .NET Core 3.1 and SQL Server 2017 Linux images on Linux host

I'm running a Web API using .NET Core 3.1 with EF Core 3.1 connecting to a SQL Server 2017 database. Every component is built in a Linux Docker image and I'm using docker-compose with Nginx as a reverse proxy to route to my Web API.
When I test my deployment on Windows 10 using Docker Desktop, everything works perfectly. When I test the exact same images, with the exact same docker-compose.yml file on a Linux host (Ubuntu 18.04), the connection from the API to the Databse seems to drop from time to time, randomly, which is a problem when it happens in the middle of a DB write operation. I either get a 504 (timeout), or worse, a lock on a database row which blocks access to that table.
Again, if I deploy in Windows, this never happens. Only happens when the Docker host is Linux.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to find some solution for the past 3 days, but nothing I've tried corrected that behaviour on my Linux box.
One more thing. On Windows, instead of connecting the API to the DB by name (the container's name), I'm using host.docker.internal in the connection string. There is no equivalent for Linux. I've read about a couple of hacks, but none seem to solve my problem.

Getting over a 426 upgrade required

I've been working on a web app (front Angular, back Node/Express/Mongo) for a few months now.
I run Angular on localhost:4200 and Node on localhost:3000
Some people in our team are running the backend in a VM that runs on their computers.
So that the app works in both cases we've edited the windows hosts file to make the app point to the correct place (either the VM or the back on the local machine) mysite
Developers using the VM changed with their VM's IP.
Everything worked smoothly.
A few days ago, our company installed bitlocker on every PC and I believe it caused our setup to break for everyone not using the VM (which is not subject to bitlocker)
People working on localhost started receiving from the front app:
OPTIONS http://mysite:3000/auth/login 426 (Upgrade
The requests are not even hitting the Node server. Looks like they're redirected to a websocket server?
If I change the requests to target localhost:3000 the app works again but we lose the setup for people working on the VM. (thus committing code becomes annoying if we need to change the base url each time)
I could make an environment for each case but it's not clean and I'd like to know why it suddenly broke.
Try changing the port from 3000 to something else.
I just ran into this issue when a coworker tried running an express app we've been building on a Windows machine for the first time, as opposed to an EC2 instance. I've been using a Mac during development.
The issue seemed to be that was already mapped on company Windows machines. If you run netstat -an in a command prompt you may see it in use already.
hello mate this usually happens due to protocol mismatch between the PC and server.TLS 1.0 and 1.1 were permanently deprecated on June 4 2018. I suspect you’re using something that still uses and old version of TLS.

Running .ktr created in windows on centos 6.5 server

I trust all is well.
We have .ktr files that are created in widows 7 that we need to run on a centos 6.5 server using pan.
I am trying to run the following command the server:
[root#BTNYSLDVD01 data-integration]# /home/pentaho/data-integration/pan.sh /file=/home/pentaho/data-integration/file.ktr
However I am getting the following error:
2015/10/07 13:03:28 - File Output.0 - Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
The file.ktr file was created and runs properly without errors on a widows 7 computer. The only modification I made was that I altered the <server></server> tag from <server>ip address</server> to <server>localhost</server>
I know that the password is correct because I am able to connect to the database from console.
We cannot create the .ktr files on the centos server since we do not have the desktop installed.
My question is "Is there snything special we need to do when running a .ktr file that was created in windows 7 on a centos 6.5 server"?
Thanks in advance for your help.
First run this
cd data-integration
chmod +x *.sh
It will make the shell scripts executable.
Without more details, it's hard to know what is wrong.
I guess that you may have a problem of access via ssh : maybe you should have a key (e.g. generated via ssh-keygen) for the user root?
It gets pretty interesting. I find out on page
"A Unix socket file is used if you do not specify a host name or if you specify the special host name localhost."
Unix socket pretty special feature not available on Windows, but Kettle is written on Java which suppose to work on different OS, and can't use Unix socket since it's plafrorm specific. It has to use tcp/ip connection.
Against it, mysql command is platform specific and able to utilize power of Unix socket, since it native tool.
Just try to put instead of localhost
We were able to solve the issue. The issue was that mysql did not allow access from We deployed pentaho on another server and were able to get the file to work. Thanks Simar for all your help.

Installing JavaComm API on Ubuntu

I know this question has been asked several times around the internet, but I have spent about a week trying to solve this problem with little luck.
I am trying to install JavaCommAPI (an archived Java package to allow communication with rs232) on a remote linux Ubuntu 11.0, 32-bit server in order to deploy a web project which I have developed on a local apache server on my windows PC.
The thing that puzzles me is, I am able to get the .war web project to deploy on a local apache server on a separate 32-bit LinuxMint16 PC by correctly placing the javax.comm.properties, comm.jar, and libSerialParallel.so files in their respective places.
I use System.getProperty("java.library.path"); in order to find the correct library path in order to install correct files.
On my LinuxMint16:
javax.comm.properties -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib
comm.jar -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/ext
libSerialParallel.so -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/i386
On my remote Ubuntu server I did the exact same for its reported library path
(for example: /usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/javax.comm.properties ;
/usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/ext/comm.jar ;
...fails =(
Things of note: I added the needed apache jars and comm.jar to my libraries in Eclipse using the BuildPath wizard (right click on project --> Build Path-->add external jars) which points to local files on my PC which I obviously cannot use for a remote server which I am only accessing through command line. May this is affecting it somehow?
I tried to get error output (System.err) from the Java Console printed to a separate file for my remote server as that feedback was very helpful in getting all the files sorted on my LinuxMint PC.
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(pathName);
Which again, is oddly working beautifully to print the stream to a local .txt file on my LinuxMintPC but not to the one I designate on my remote ubuntu server.
I am really at a wits end here!! Am I mixing and matching appropriate versions of Systems prohibiting things to run smoothly? I am not sure how to proceed from here, if anyone has any insights I would die of happiness. Thanks
I needed to install OPEN JDK7 on my ubuntu, put files in appropriate library paths (as described above) and now it works.

phpmyadmin on Oracle Linux Server

I'm a newbie in the open source world. Always used to paying i can't imagine we can get a whole OS for free!!! None the less from reputed companies like Oracle, i'm sold! OK so i got Oracle Linux server 6.1 installed and its running fine. I also checked all the boxes under webserver and MySQl during installation and i can see the Apache home page when i type localhost on the browser and i have started both the Apache & the MySql services.
My question: is there a GUI based admin tool like phpmyadmin to administer the MySql DB which is already installed? If not can someone point me to a step by step guide for the same. I have been trying since last 4 days and i just can't understand how to do this and what is required? I also saw some post saying something like Oracle Enterprise Manager is available through which we can administer the DB but i just can't find out how to get to the console? Is there a locahost url or something to get it to work?
Finally all i want to do is run Drupal on the Linux server and be able to administer the DB with phpmyadmin, if everything is complicated can i just install LAMP or XXAMP which will give me everything i need in one go. Although i feel since Apache & MySQL is already installed when i installed the OS not sure what will happen.
I know i'm all over the place, making the transition from Windows and am really new to this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Oracle Enterprise Linux is based off of the Red Hat sources, just like CentOS.
Found a link on how to get it setup with CentOS 6, which should work for OEL.
