Getting over a 426 upgrade required - node.js

I've been working on a web app (front Angular, back Node/Express/Mongo) for a few months now.
I run Angular on localhost:4200 and Node on localhost:3000
Some people in our team are running the backend in a VM that runs on their computers.
So that the app works in both cases we've edited the windows hosts file to make the app point to the correct place (either the VM or the back on the local machine) mysite
Developers using the VM changed with their VM's IP.
Everything worked smoothly.
A few days ago, our company installed bitlocker on every PC and I believe it caused our setup to break for everyone not using the VM (which is not subject to bitlocker)
People working on localhost started receiving from the front app:
OPTIONS http://mysite:3000/auth/login 426 (Upgrade
The requests are not even hitting the Node server. Looks like they're redirected to a websocket server?
If I change the requests to target localhost:3000 the app works again but we lose the setup for people working on the VM. (thus committing code becomes annoying if we need to change the base url each time)
I could make an environment for each case but it's not clean and I'd like to know why it suddenly broke.

Try changing the port from 3000 to something else.
I just ran into this issue when a coworker tried running an express app we've been building on a Windows machine for the first time, as opposed to an EC2 instance. I've been using a Mac during development.
The issue seemed to be that was already mapped on company Windows machines. If you run netstat -an in a command prompt you may see it in use already.

hello mate this usually happens due to protocol mismatch between the PC and server.TLS 1.0 and 1.1 were permanently deprecated on June 4 2018. I suspect you’re using something that still uses and old version of TLS.


How to open rust-rocket server to LAN?

I tried rocket, cargo run, access to http://localhost:8000 and looks well.
However, I failed to access to http://192.168.developing.pc:8000 from other PC in LAN.
I tried http://192.168.developing.pc:8000 in developing PC but was not able to access.
At first I thought it is related to firewall but I was confused because it was not able to access from own machine.
How can I do?
I'm completely not familiar with networking so that I'm not sure if only the executable I built is enough or need other service such as nginx or IIS or something.
I'm developing in windows 10 and want to deploy on ubuntu finally. (ubuntu machine is not ready)
Thank you.
export ROCKET_ENV=stage ;cargo run

CrushFTP on Azure VM giving "405 Method Not Allowed error" for POST method

We had CrushFTP installed on an Azure 2012 VM that recently died, so to speak. We wound up spinning up a new VM and reattaching the original data disk to the new VM.
After configuring IIS for the web portal part of CrushFTP, and cleaning up some script errors on the landing page, which is now on a 2016 VM, we get an HTTP 405 error when trying to log in to CrushFTP.
I checked to make sure the VM accepts POST requests - it does. The confusing thing is when I check the browser console, it's saying the server is NOT accepting POSTS, and this is happening both on our company network and from outside the network. I can see from our work network it's an issue with our proxy server, but from my mobile device outside of the network, I see the exact same rejected methods.
Any ideas? I don't have a whole lot of code to share since CrushFTP is a black box.
EDIT: I think the IIS setup was a red herring. I was going off some notes from a former co-worker who set this up, but I don't believe she set it up in IIS.
From what I'm reading, the CrushFTP HTTP server needs to be exposed as a public app through port forwarding in the VM. Whenever I run Crush locally on the VM, everything works fine. But since I set it up in IIS it hasn't worked.
I figured it out. I had to add an "Allow" entry of POST in IIS.

net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when moving app from local machine to remote server

Had a look around at some other threads and there doesn't seem to be someone with this exact problem.
The problem is that I have made a webapp that works fine when hosting it locally. On the app there is a button that causes a request to be sent to my server and it performs as expected on localhost:3000 but when I host it remotely on a linux box purchased from digital ocean the site loads but the when the button is pressed I see
in the console.
I'm not sure how useful it would be to post code so I will leave that out unless requested. I'm hoping this is due to some server configuration issue?
Further info:
This is a node application on a server running ubuntu. To run the application I use and keep it running I use PM2.
Thanks in advance.

CentOS 6.6 TCadmin - Server not responding to query

Hello "stackers" i've been trying the past few days to set-up TCadmin GamePanel on my CentOS server.
We're running CentOS 64 bit, with 32 lib installed.
-We can create Murmur/counter-strike: Source servers running without problems.
-Other servers not responding to query.
-we've allowed port range 27015 - 27030
-SteamCMD is running and we can connect to steam API (tried via. the server)
Following folder names are with lowercases:
So after what my research lead to. It isn't because of uppercase letters.
We've tried to reinstall the entire server but nothing works.
Does anybody know why this is happening?
(if some info are missing i'll provide them to you)
Best regards
TCadmin support responded to our ticket:
Bu default Tcadmin Runs the "srcds.exe"
This is not the right file to run
Cilck on the server, choose service settings and change "srcds.exe" to "srcds_run"

Launching an app using its URL on OpenShift Origin

I'm learning to use the open source version of OpenShift. I have downloaded the linux image and started it on a virtual machine (named VM1) on my PC, which runs Windows 7. On another VM (named VM2) I have installed another linux OS and configured the JBoss IDE to work with OpenShift. Then I have successfully created and hosted an app on my local OpenShift PaaS cloud. Here is where the problem starts:
On VM2 (the one running linux where I developed the app) I have no problem accessing my account webpage on OpenShift, viewing what apps I have created and testing them.
From any other PC on my network I can log in to the OpenShift web console and view my apps by simply entering the IP of VM1 (in my case There I can see the URL to launch my app: http://localtest2-mydomain.openshift.local/ . But when I click on it, I get a message saying that the web page is not available. Again, if I use this link in VM2, it works like a charm.
I tried changing the system32\drivers\etc\hosts file so that and link ending in openshift.local will be sent to the IP address of VM1, but it doesn't work. Can anyone help me?
As far as I know, you can not use wildcards in your hosts file, you would need to specify the entire url in your hosts file for it to find it correctly. Give that a try and see if it helps.
