How to run Total Commander 64bit under the Digital Guardian Platform or TortoiseSVN 32bit on a 64bit OS - tortoisesvn

My company recently deployed the Digital Guardian Platform ( Now Total Commander 64bit shows the following error upon startup:
This application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK
to close application.
The only help I found was the tip to install the 32bit version. That worked. However now I am missing the icon overlays from TortoiseSVN 64bit. This annoyance can be solved by installing the 32bit version of TortoiseSVN as well. BUT as of version 1.7.something the TortoiseSVN installer doesn't let you install the 32bit version on a 64bit OS.
Does anyone know whether it is either possible to run Total Commander 64bit under the Digital Guardian Platform or TortoiseSVN 32bit on a 64bit OS?


NVM for Windows successfully installed but CMD prompt informs my version of Node.exe not compatible with my Windows version

I'm on a Microsoft Surface Pro X (it features Windows 10 Home on ARM 64-bit processor) trying to install Node.js. I've decided to use NVM for Windows. I can successfully install and get NVM for Windows running correctly. To my understanding, I'm able to install different versions of Node (i.e. 16.16.0 and 16.13.1, for example, both LTS) as shown in below graphic. But when I try to run Node, I get the error "This version of C:\Program Files\Nodejs\node.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information and then contact the software publisher."
I am not clear on the why this is happening. Am I not downloading a version of Node that is compatible on my ARM 64-bit processor? I've read through several closed issues on the GitHub page but I haven't encountered someone bringing up this same error. I'm pretty confident it does NOT have to do with the integrity of my symlinks too, or my system environment variables. See below:
Your help and insight is appreciated. Thanks.

Can we build install shield - Install script / Install script MSI project to generate 64-bit setup.exe?

I want to know whether it is possible to create setup.exe (64-bit) from install shield.
I have read following things to do this, but nothing worked :
Actually I'm not able to load the 64-bit dll into 32-bit installer(using UseDLL() ), following is the reason for that, so I want to build 64-bit setup.exe, which might load my 64-bit dll.
Thanks in advance.
UseDLL is part of InstallScript. InstallShield Installscript engine supports only 32 bit dlls as of now. So, UseDLL does not load x64 DLLs.
Install Script Project is still 32-bit(in Install Shield 2020), They are supporting MSI project as 64-bit (from Install Shield 2020). So we can not build installer as 64-bit from Installer script Project.

Check if Windows Imaging Component on Windows 8.1 64bit

I was trying to install Ansys 15 64-bit on my Windows 8.1 64bit. In prerequisite check, it did not detect WIC as installed. The installer worked on my other laptop (also Windows 8.1 64 bit).
Solutions Tried
I knew WIC comes preinstalled and there is no installer for Windows 8.1. (A setup for XP was available...tried to install it anyway, unsuccessfully).
So, I tried updating my windows, checking system using SFC /SCANNOW etc.
1.How can I detect if WIC is installed on Windows 8.1?
(A similar question for XP was asked. Its solutions don't apply here)
2.How to install WIC on Windows 8.1? (I don't want to reinstall Windows)
I found the answer after going through my other laptop's registry. It seems that many programs (like Ansys etc.) determine the availability of WIC by the presence of the following registry key:
Once I added this key the Prerequisite Check program detected WIC as installed.

Aptana Studio 3.3.0 crashes on start - Arch Linux

here's my system specs;
Arch Linux x86_64,
Kernel: 3.6.10-1-ARCH,
Gnome 3.6.2,
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.4-1,
jdk7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u9_2.3.3-1,
lib32-libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg-turbo 1.2.1-1, libjpeg6-turbo 1.2.1-1
libpng12 1.2.50-2,
net-tools 1.60.20120804git-2,
unzip 6.0-6.
Ok, so there's the list of requirements that are installed, version numbers as well. Upon launch, the loading/splash screen won't even show, and then nothing... it just dies out. I attempted to launch it "aptana -v" and no output in the shell. I have looked for any error logs in ~/ , but nothing is there.
Other steps I've done is to delete any configuration folders/files for eclipse and aptana-secure in ~/. Also did a clean uninstall of just Aptana (not the dependencies), reinstall. Same result.
Any suggestions?
It appears that there is a mix up in the downloads. 32-bit and 64-bit got switched. If you are on 32-bit download 64-bit and vice versa. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
See issues below:
Aptana 64 bit version crashes on startup on 64bit Linux OS with 64bit Oracle 7 java
Linux Installer contains x64 bit version of the project

I cannot see turtoisesvn on windows server after installing it

I just installed tortoisesvn on windows server 2008 but it is not showing any menus for tortoise when i right click any folder. can anyone help?
You probably have a 64-bit Windows and installed the 32-Bit version of Tortoise.
Install the 64-Bit version as well. Both versions can be installed parallelly. It even makes sense to do so: 64-Bit Explorer needs 64-Bit Tortoise, but other 32-Bit apps may need 32-Bit Tortoise.
