Intern functional test: mock datetime - intern

I'm new to intern test. I would like to know can I mock datetime with intern functional testing (example: test run 3 days ahead of today).

lolex ( is used by sinon.js to mock Date.
It simply replaces Date with its own implementation (


What is the point of Jest's createTransformer method in its *Transformer interface?

I have been looking into/debugging code transformation related issues in Jest for the last day and a recurring theme is that the SyncTransformer#createTransformer method is a constant source of surprise and it is not really documented why it exists.
The SyncTransformer interface only has a single field one has to implement: process. But it seems that if one implements createTransformer those other methods will not be used: instead Jest seems to create a new transformer using createTransformer, which caused me to lose a few hairs until I figured what was going on. This behaviour is not documented either.
The babel-jest source for Jest 27.
I filed a documentation bug issue with Jest after I could see that the behavior was not mirrored in the docs, which I subsequently fixed by updating the types and docs for code transformation.
The rules for this is basically like follows:
if createTransformer exists as an export, then jest-transform will use that to create a transformer dynamically and not use any of the other exports
if the transformer is imported using import (and not require) it will try to use processAsync and fall back to process if the async version does not exist

How to run only the tests defined in feature files with nightwatch-cucumber

If in my package.json I define a yarn script test that only calls nightwatch command; It seems as it is that it'll run both the scenarios that are found in the features folder as well as any test that is not necessarily a test made with Cucumber (plain nightwatch tests under the tests/ folder).
Is there a way for me to distinguish the execution of only the "cucumber+nightwatch" tests from the plain nightwatch ones, so I filter and only run from one of the two sets?
The author of nightwatch-cucumber suggested this approach via e-mail:
use an environment variable in nightwatch configuration (JS based).
This environment variable can decide the source of the tests.
One note: this package will be deprecated if nightwatch 1.x will come
out. So I suggest not to invest to much time with it instead use the
new nightwatch-api package.
A quick workaround to filter out plain nightwatch tests from the cucumber+nightwatch ones was to edit the src_folders in the nightwatch.json file to an empty array, like this:
"src_folders" : [],

Groovy Imports Taking Several Seconds

I'm completely new to Groovy, so apologize in advance if I'm missing something obvious.
I'm trying to do some simple REST API scripting in Groovy, but first wanted to understand it's performance for requests/JSON parsing vs Python. I wrote the following script - and am seeing that the imports are taking ~7 seconds. Is there any way to 'include' those in the script, so it doesn't take so long on each run?
def now = new Date()
println now.format("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
import static*
for (i = 0; i <1; i++) {
def Client = new RESTClient("" )
def resp = Client.get(contentType: JSON)
def myResponseObject = resp.getData()
println myResponseObject.items[i].id
now = new Date()
println now.format("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
I get this output:
~$ time groovy Requests.groovy
real 0m7.173s
user 0m4.986s
sys 0m0.329s
Just the first few lines of Grabs and imports are taking the majority of the runtime , and that's what I'd like to cut down.
It's not the import that takes time, but #Grab annotation which comes from Grape - a Groovy dependency management system. Those 3 lines:
define your script dependencies. Those dependencies are 3rd party libraries provided as a JAR files. Some of them may even have their own dependencies which will be also downloaded to satisfy dependency you have defined (e.g. http-builder requires Apache's HTTP client and core lib).
Running this script takes some time (about 1 second on my laptop), because Groovy has to determine all dependencies and add them to the classpath to satisfy all imports. Keep in mind that your script uses a lot more dependencies than those 3 and all of them have to be resolved.
Using Grape is actually a compromise between using 3rd party libraries in the most easiest way and some overhead that is delegated to Groovy. Alternatively you could run your script with:
groovy -classpath ${GROOVY_CLASSPATH} Request.groovy
where ${GROOVY_CLASSPATH} contains paths to all JAR files you need to successfully run the script. And believe me - you will have to add at least 15 libraries instead of those 3 grapes. Then you will be able to remove all #Grab annotations (they are not needed in this case because you will satisfy groovy script with providing all libs in the classpath) and your script will execute in the blink of an eye - there will be no overhead caused by resolving and loading all dependencies.
Another alternative solution is to use Gradle to manage all dependencies and create so called "fat JAR" that contains all mandatory dependencies inside - in this case you will be able to run your program with java command and all imports will be in place without any dependencies resolving mechanism.
Final conclusion. Grape is a powerful Groovy's feature that has it's own limitations. It allows you to handle dependencies-hell pretty easily, but it comes with its own cost. I hope this answer will help you making a good choice.

How to use Spock from the Command Line

I am writing a set of groovy scripts to be used as part of a Jenkins Pipeline Library. Currently I am using plain old JUnit to test them but would like to switch to Spock. I simply run the tests from the command line by invoking the following groovy script.
import groovy.util.AllTestSuite
import junit.textui.TestRunner
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_DIR, "./tests")
System.setProperty(AllTestSuite.SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN, "**/*Test.groovy")
I am trying to figure what the equivalent script would be to run Spock specifications. My first attempt was to switch the SYSPROP_TEST_PATTERN to "**/*Spec.groovy. I have one ...Spec.groovy file written and sitting under ./tests that looks like this:
#Grab(group='org.spockframework', module='spock-core', version='1.0-groovy-2.3')
import spock.lang.*
class UtilsSpec extends Specification {
def "Just testing"() {
1 + 1 == 2
When I invoke my groovy script though I get:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Don't know how to treat
/SourcCode/jenkins/pipeline-utils/tests/JustTestingSpec.groovy as a
JUnit test
That makes sense. I need to be using Sputnik but I've looked at the Spock and Sputnik source, and the Spock example project but these all assume you are using maven or gradle. I can't figured out the right way to invoke Sputnik directly. Any ideas?
Even though what you ask is possible and BalRog has already suggested a solution, in the long run it is better if you just use Gradle or Maven to run your tests from command line.
All Jenkins tutorials you will encounter will talk about Maven and/or Gradle and thus it would make much more sense to use a build system than custom scripts.

How can create a Junit4 Suite with Groovy?

I have
#Suite.SuiteClasses( [
public class MySuite{
But eclipse doesn't give me a "Run As Junit4 Test". All the individual test classes work fine with GUnit, the groovy unit test runner built into eclipse.
Any thoughts?
The only way I found to do this was to create a java class with a #Suite.SuiteClasses annotation as usual. You can put in the .class names of the Groovy classes you have for tests and it works well.
Kind of lame if you don't already have some java code to do it this way but I had a mix of Java and Groovy so it wasn't as big a deal.
The other option is to not use Suites at all and to use name patterns to find and run tests. Both ant and maven support this sort of pattern matching. I find it much easier than making sure I keep the suites up to date and Eclipse can just run all tests in a package if I want to do that.
Thanks for the help.
#Suite.SuiteClasses accepts Class[] as its parameter.
You may try:
#Suite.SuiteClasses([First.class, Second.class] as Class[])
public class MySuite {
