TFS change SharePoint links - sharepoint

Our company has a SharePoint server where we have to store all of our documents, our TFS 2013 has links to this SharePoint server. We have been told that the company is getting a new SharePoint server which will have a different url
This means that all links within our TFS need to be repointed to the new SharePoint site
Does anyone know of a way to change the links without someone having to go in to each PBI; see if it has any links; if it does then remove the old link and add a new one?
We have 100's of documents and would rather not have to do this manually so any help will be much appreciated
This is all beyond my control, all I've been told is they are migrating our SharePoint site to another server...

You can write a PowerShell script that will open all PBIs and change the links to the new SharePoint. In order to get access to TFS from PowerShell scripts you have to install Team Foundation Server 2013 Power Tools and check the PowerShell Cmdlets option during installation.

I was unable to work out how to do this using the PowerShell Cmdlets but I have been able to write a program to do this using Team Foundation Work Item Tracking Client
I have looped through each of the work items and their external links, if the link is to our old SharePoint site then:
I remove the old link
Add a new link with location of the same document on the new SharePoint


SharePoint content restored but websites missing

I have restored a content database to SharePoint 2010 (which we completely broke after upgrading TFS to 2013).
When I open the content site, all the sub-sites are listed, but clicking one of these "sub-sites" goes to page not found. (The sub sites were created from TFS 2012 when new team projects were created).
How do I get the team project sites to work again?
You likley do not have a managed path configured for your SharePoint sites. If you look at the URL of the sites that you can't see you should be able to figure out the managed paths to add.
You are kinda defining mount points for site collections here. Without that mount point SharePoint will not render your sites.

How to export/move a Sharepoint 2013 site

After building a protoype Sharepoint site for the client I am now looking to export it for the client's eyes.
I'm looking for the best solution for exporting, sharing or moving a Sharepoint 2013 site for the client to see on their server. The site is currently only on one server so no server farms are involved.
The site is built using Sharepoint 2013.
I've been running through this guide, but could anyopne clarify if this process creates a back-up of the entire site or just the database:
Any help would be greatly appreciated - Thanks!
There is a great video on how to do a backup and restore in SP10.
This does work for SP13 except the backup needs to be done with PowerShell.
How Do I: Backup and Restore a SharePoint 2010 Site Collection?
The backup and restore is not guaranteed to give you the exact result as some features could be activated and some CSS could change the look of the imported site.

Issues with converting HTML file to master page in SharePoint 2013

Right now I have an HTML file and I'm trying to convert it to a master page. I'm using a VM on CloudShare.
So I create a new site collection and go into the site settings. Under “Look and Feel”, Design Manager isn’t there so I’ve found that if I go to “Site Collection Features” under “Site Collection Administration”, and activate “SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure” Design Manager will show up. So I go into design manager, but under Edit Master Pages none of the file or folder names will show up, and when I convert the html file the status column doesn’t show up either, so I can’t go to preview it or to the snippets gallery.
The only thing I can find online is to create a new site collection, which I’ve tried a few times. This happened on my old CloudShare VM, and creating a new site collection fixed it, but it’s not working for this. Can anyone help?
Personally when working with new master pages I have found that the best application to use is SharePoint Designer. You should be able to download it for free. Here are the instructions to configure SharePoint designer using it with CloudShare.
Figured it out - I made a new site collection and set it to a Publishing site template and it fixed the issue.

Create Dynamic TFS Query in SharePoint Portal

We have recently moved our project over to TFS 2010 for CM control and issue tracking. For the most part we have been happy with the move. However, we have found that we need a way to allow users (notably our help desk) to write dynamic queries against our Product Backlog. The Query Results Web Part works fine for displaying information like Outstanding Work Items and Recent Issues, but our users need the ability to query for specific information that can change from support call to support call. Is there a way to allow a user to create a custom, dynamic query in TFS? If not are there any 3rd party tools that integrate with SharePoint that would allow this?
TFS 2010 has a web based user interface called Web Access. Users can create and view their own queries from there with the queries part of te app; they can also search for work items by words contained in their titles
By default, there is typically a link on the upper-left to it from the SharePoint site that TFS 2010 creates. If the link is not there you can access it directly its (default) URL: [http://address-of-your-TFS-server:8080/tfs/web]
I decided to use the Page Viewer Web Part to embed the actual query form from the Team Web Access to the Project Portal. Everything seems to work great when doing that. The only downside is you get a 'Nag Dialog' whenever you leave the page.

sharepoint fba

i have a wss 3.0 site up and running using forms based authentication. Is there a way to upload multiple files (basically copy and paste a folder containing files)?
also, when i try to access the site using designer 2007, i can't access the site and it asks me to install sharepoint services or frontpage extensions. how can i modify the site using designer?
I know that in designer that the functionality exists to copy/paste a folder.
Thank you!
Regarding your first question, see this on Stack Overflow. Essentially, it's by design and Microsoft don't give you that functionality. You could try turning on Client Integration but I don't know if it will work. If you need an alternative, searching around I found UploadZen which seems to support multiple uploads with FBA.
Are you also using forms auth with SharePoint Designer? The bottom of this blog post from Mike Hatch has information that might help you.
Try out installing the SP2 for the SharePoint 2007 and the office Application. In the Office application they have solved may of the issue that were part of FBA enabled sites. Please refer to this for more information.
