How can I start transaction in SAP easy access using jScript with code which contains /dsd/, like /DSD/DE_ENTRY? In other cases it seems like
But it won't work with /dsd/ tCodes.
Since you appear to be remote-controlling the SAP GUI client, you have to specify the transaction code as you would in the GUI: session.StartTransaction("/n/DSD/DE_ENTRY");
we are interested in blocking isrddn for some of the users. We are trying to do it without creating a shell of our own, is there something inside isrddn that will help? What is the easiest way to do it? Thank you!
You can utilize Exit 3/4 (SELECT start and end exits). Exit 3 could be used to check for SELECT PGM(ISRDDN) and then do some sort of authorization check to see if the user is allowed to run the pgm. If not set rc=8 (or 16) to terminate the SELECT service with an authorization failure.. This would be how to do it using ISPF. There might be ways via your security software as well. A SELECT PGM(ISRDDN) will generate a LINK SVC for ISRDDN, so a hook in the LINK macro could do security checks.
ISRDDN does a lot more than just the LISTALC function as can be seen by checking the tutorial. Keep in mind that ISPF is not authorized code and a "smart" programmer could write their own routines to do the same thing.
I'm working in new application written in Siebel 8.1, issue appears when I'm trying to replay script and I can't handle that.
Replay Output:
Error -27086: Auto-correlation callback function
"flCorrelationCallbackParseWebPage" failed (rc=1) for parameter
I have done all steps for prepare record options from:
I'm using Loadrunner 11.52 (Siebel Web protocol), IE8.
We've been using the autocorrelation library for quite a few years on my team and we see this a lot. Unfortunately, it's not an easy problem to diagnose.
First I would check your test results and your VUser log to see if something happened before the autocorrelation failed. (Make sure your logging is set to parameter substitution in runtime settings).
Check your parameter files for extra spaces, commas, etc. Sometimes I've seen that error right after it rejects something about your parameter file.
Worst case scenario, your script is corrupted and you'll have to start over. We've gotten in the habit of making frequent backups of our scripts just because of this issue. Usually, we'll be able to start from our backup and continue or create a new script and paste the old code in. Autocorrelation error "magically" goes away with the same code in a new script.
If auto(magical)correlation does not work then use manual correlation.
Record twice with same data: Compare. You will find session, state and time data.
Change the credentials: Re-record. Compare. You will find credential related correlation
Change the business record but keep the same business process. Re-Record. You will find the business related correlation.
Do not expect autocorrelation to provide a magical working script. You have about a 0.0001% chance of that happening without LoadRunner script development intervenetion.
This question is related to the github issue of Neo4django. I want to create multiple graphs using Neo4j graph DB from Django web framework. I'm using Django 1.4.5, neo4j 1.9.2 and neo4django 0.1.8.
As of now Neo4django doesn't support labeling but the above is my core purpose and I want to be able to create labels from Neo4django. So I went into the source code and tried to tweak it a little to see if I can make this addition. In my understanding, the file 'db/models/' has class BoundProperty(AttrRouter) which calls gremlin script through function save(instance, node, node_is_new). The script is as follows:
script = '''
results = Neo4Django.updateNodeProperties(node, propMap);
The script calls the update function from library.groovy and all the function looks intuitive and nice. I'm trying to add on this function to support labeling but I have no experience of groovy. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed? Any help would be appreciated. If it works it would be a big addition to neo4django :)
Thank you
A little background:
The Groovy code you've highlighted is executed using the Neo4j Gremlin plugin. First it supports the Gremlin graph DSL (eg node=g.v(nodeId)), which is implemented atop the Groovy language. Groovy itself is a dynamic superset of Java, so most valid Java code will work with scripts sent via connection.gremlin(...). Each script sent should define a results variable that will be returned to neo4django, even if it's just null.
Anyway, accessing Neo4j this way is handy (though will be deprecated I've heard :( ) because you can use the full Neo4j embeddeded Java API. Try something like this to add a label to a node
from neo4django.db import connection
node = g.v(nodeId)
label = DynamicLabel.label('Label_Name')
""", nodeId=node_id)
You might also need to add an import for DynamicLabel- I haven't run this code so I'm not sure. Debugging code written this way is a little tough, so make liberal use of the Gremlin tab in the Neo4j admin.
If you come up with a working solution, I'd love to see it (or an explanatory blog post!)- I'm sure it could be helpful to other users.
NB - Labels will be properly supported shortly after Neo4j 2.0's release- they'll replace the current in-graph type structure.
I'm developing a COM server to be used from Excel VBA. When I update the server (edit code, unregister, re-register) Excel seems to carry on using the original version of the COM server, not the updated version. The only way I have found to get it to use the updated version is to close and re-open Excel, which gets a bit irritating. Is there a way to force Excel to use the newly registered version (maybe some kind of "clear cache" option)?
More details:
The server is being developed in Python using win32com.
In VBA I'm doing something like:
set obj=CreateObject("Foo.Bar")
Where Foo.Bar is the COM server I have registered in the registry.
If I unregister the server then run the VBA code, I get a "can't create object" error from VBA, so it must realise that something is going on. But once I reregister it picks up the old version.
Any hints appreciated!
I've found a solution to my problem - the general idea is to set things up so that the main COM server class dynamically loads the rest of the COM server code when it is called. So in Python I've created a COM server class that looks something like:
import main_code
class COMInterface:
_public_methods_ = [ 'method1' ]
_reg_progid_ = "My.Test"
_reg_clsid_ = "{D6AA2A12-A5CE-4B6C-8603-7952B711728B}"
def methods(self, input1,input2,input3):
# force python to reload the code that does the actual work
return main_code.Runner().go(input1,input2,input3)
The main_code module contains the code that does the actual work and is reloaded each time the COM method is called. This works as long as the inputs don't change. There will presumably be a runtime penalty for this, so might want to remove the reload for the final version, but it works for development purposes.
Just a suggestion, have you tried to Unload the object? Maybe create a button in your excel spredsheat that force to unload the object.
I hope it helps
I am using the Scriptom extension to Groovy 1.7.0 to automate some processing using Excel 2007 under Windows XP.
This always seems to leave an Excel process running despite my calling quit on the excel activeX object. (There is a passing reference to this phenomenon in the Scriptom example documentation too.)
Code looks like:
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXObject;
def xls = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application")
xls.Visible = true
// do xls stuff
The visible excel window does disappear but an EXCEL process is left in the task manager (and more processes pile up with each run of the script).
There are no error message or exceptions.
Can anyone explain why the Excel process is left behind and is there any way to prevent it from happening?
This works:
The javadocs state:
In some cases, the JVM can close
before everything is cleaned up, which
can leave automation servers
(especially Excel) hanging. Call this
before your script exits to get
correct behavior from automation
Looks like you are missing
like it is done here.