Which are the best tools for nodejs TDD/BDD? - node.js

I developed some nodejs applications which are at the moment in a stable state (change of specs is not frequent). I would like now to cover the critical parts of my code with tests.
Do you have suggestions/experiences to share?

Mocha+Chai+SuperTest will be the best option for writing code in NodeJs
If you want to use any code coverage tool then Istanbul will be best to work with these modules


React NodeGUI - Question about technology. Choosing Desktop Platform

I estimate possibility to write Report Desktop Application using React NodeGUI. There is some questions what I need to find answer before starting to develop by NodeGUI. Could you help me to figure out.
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of my program without compile code. Is it possible?
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of program adding some program module code of other developers. How way is it possible to do?
What way is to work with XML files in React NodeGui?
Is there possibility to run other program code written by C/C++ or other languages? What restriction of running non-native JS modules?
What way is to connect to SQL or NoSQL DB (PostgreSQL, Oracle, Mongo and etc)?
What are reasons yet to write or not write Desktop Applications by React NodeGUI?
React NodeGui is just another npm module that you would install in a nodejs program. It is a pure javascript library. It depends on NodeGui which is another regular npm module. NodeGui contains C++ code which acts as a nodejs addon. But for all purposes think of nodegui and react nodegui as regular npm modules. An app built with these libraries is a regular nodejs app.
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of my program without compile code. Is it possible?
All business logic is written in javascript so any change in those would follow the same flow of how you would in a nodejs app.
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of program adding some program module code of other developers. How way is it possible to do?
Yes you can use all npm modules available in npm that works with nodejs.
What way is to work with XML files in React NodeGui?
You can find a lot of npm modules you can use to parse and work with xml files in the npm registry.
Is there possibility to run other program code written by C/C++ or other languages? What restriction of running non-native JS modules?
Yes it is possible to run non js code by building them as NodeJs addons.
What way is to connect to SQL or NoSQL DB (PostgreSQL, Oracle, Mongo and etc)?
You have a lot of modules available in the npm registry for these which work with NodeJs.
What are reasons yet to write or not write Desktop Applications by React NodeGUI?
Reasons to use:
- NodeGui apps are native apps so they get all the benefits of native apps. They are snappy, they are accessible and run with low memory and cpu usage.
Reasons not to use:
Its under development so is only recommended for hobby projects as of Dec 2019.
PS: I am the author of the library

What are the trade-offs of writing conventional node modules in ES6 with a babel workflow?

When developing front-end code for the browser, I often use the es2017 preset when transpiling down to a distribution bundle, which allows me all the conveniences of the included transformers. For conventional modules, I usually stick to whatever the required node engine I've specified for that particular module supports.
I would like to start developing these "conventional" modules using babel transformers as well, but I can foresee drawbacks to this, including:
It might inhibit the debugging workflow (more specifically when working with an IDE)
The performance of the module might suffer
What's the current state on this matter - would you say it makes sense to use babel in conventional modules given the aforementioned and other trade-offs? What are the pros/cons for your preferred workflow?
Bonus question: What are some reputable modules and/or module authors out there that are already using this technique? I've seen Facebook do it for their react ecosystem but I guess that makes sense since those are mostly modules for the browser.
It is converted back to vanilla JS (babel does that part).
What you get is that you can utilize Classes which I found useful.
Hopefully with time, browsers will support ES6 and we will not need babel.
The only drawback is that when debugging, you have to produce a source map, but that is temporary, see above.
To answer your second question: I'm using React in one of the websites, and most of the modules I needed (from npm) are using ES6.
I believe that the trade-offs or drawbacks that you mention both do not apply to developing nodejs code using babel as ES7 transpiler. Personally, I find using ES7 features with node tremendously productive.
There is source map support for debugging. I use karma for testing and it comes with excellent source map support (I use IntelliJ but I believe most IDEs will do). You can checkout this REST-API repository on github. It's a nice stack for building nodejs data backend. It uses karma for testing - even comes with code coverage support. It also integrates with pm2 for scaling and availability.
Regarding performance: I think transpiled code has been shown to run faster in many scenarios than the code a developer would write when not having advanced language features available. I will post some links later.

Comparison between `lab` and `code` vs `mocha` and `chai` nodejs libraries

I am new to node.js and I have decided that I will be using hapijs for my web and API implementations.
However, I have found that the hapi community built and use lab and code for the test and assertion libraries, which are a rewrite of mocha and chai.
I am having a hard time finding the differences between those libraries.
I know there is the possibility of using them all interchangeably but I would like a more detailed comparison, as I want to define and adhere coding standards and I don't like mix and match of libraries, unless there is a valid reason.
Any feedback is appreciated
When you are planning to build web application using nodejs Hapi is more suitable for it. Writing TTD is important for developer now a days. Lab and code is node framework to help to writing unit test in nodejs. Lab comes with Hapi to cover unit case for endpoint like writing test case for route and covering different scenarios for route. Code is an assertion library. Code is used if you are asserting response code ,response body and any header parameters.

unit testing for node.js

I looked into various frameworks for writing unit tests for an application developed in node.js. There exists multiple options like: nodeunit, jasmine-node, should.js library in Mocha. All seems to be pretty much capable of testing everything. I couldn't find any limitation of any of above mentioned options.
I will prefer to use nodeunit as it seems easy to use as a beginner. Any suggestion about any limitation of nodeunit would be highly helpful before I start working on this. Or any suggestion if anyone thinks that there exists a easier and better option for unit testing in node.js.
I previously used JUnit in Java and want to find similar testing framework. It was hard for me to getting started with BDD frameworks like Mocha. Finally I stoped on node unit. All advanced functions which I couldn't find in node unit was finded in expect.js. Also important testing framework in web application context is superagent(which helps to make requests, and get responce on tests), it was easy to mix with node unit, and easy to test async code. One more nice thing there is plugin for WebStorm :)

Need Testing in node.js

I'm quite new to testing in javascript, where I work, we us node.js for our projects.
I finished one of our projects, but I only used manual testing.
I need to develop my testing skill and I dont know how to improve it.
I need any testing tool to run my node.js projects, could you please tell me how to improve and learn new testing skills?
Look at Mocha test framework. I think this is the best choose for testing node.js applications at this moment.
If you are using Node to develop a web application you could use one of the headless browsers to test the user interaction (along with ajax) there are PhantomJS and Zombie for example.
Look around in Node Toolbox you'll find many frameworks and utilities to create your tests.
This is a good overview on some of the different unit test tools for Node.js:
3 Quick Tips for Writing Tests in Node.Js (after some rambling)
