Need Testing in node.js - node.js

I'm quite new to testing in javascript, where I work, we us node.js for our projects.
I finished one of our projects, but I only used manual testing.
I need to develop my testing skill and I dont know how to improve it.
I need any testing tool to run my node.js projects, could you please tell me how to improve and learn new testing skills?

Look at Mocha test framework. I think this is the best choose for testing node.js applications at this moment.

If you are using Node to develop a web application you could use one of the headless browsers to test the user interaction (along with ajax) there are PhantomJS and Zombie for example.
Look around in Node Toolbox you'll find many frameworks and utilities to create your tests.

This is a good overview on some of the different unit test tools for Node.js:
3 Quick Tips for Writing Tests in Node.Js (after some rambling)


Is is possible to make Desktop App with Nodejs along with Online connectivity

I am trying build an application that can run offline and online too. If the application is offline it must run with minimum functionality and if it get an internet it automatically push data online Any references or tutorials would be appreciated.
any references that can help me to achieve this.
Yes, surely that's possible and you already mentioned the tools: node.js and electron are suitable. Most electron apps do that (whatsapp and joplin directly come to my mind).
You can look in the source of those already available apps, but it might be difficult. I would start with the tutorial of electron and search for the features as "check internet connectivity" (i.e. here on stackoverflow)
Your question is a bit to broadly stated to help in detail.
Yes, surely that's possible. you can use the node.js and electronJs with Angular are suitable.
For Angular and NodeJs refer the below document:
Build a Basic CRUD App with Angular and Node
For ElectronJs refer the below demo project:
Electron Samples
Best luck !!

Which are the best tools for nodejs TDD/BDD?

I developed some nodejs applications which are at the moment in a stable state (change of specs is not frequent). I would like now to cover the critical parts of my code with tests.
Do you have suggestions/experiences to share?
Mocha+Chai+SuperTest will be the best option for writing code in NodeJs
If you want to use any code coverage tool then Istanbul will be best to work with these modules

Xcode bots cucumber iOS

i'm wondering if it possible to use any UI testing framework (cucumber based is preferable like calabash-ios) with XCode bots CI.
I'd like to see test results inside bot stats. thanks
I would love to see a working example of cucumber tests running on Xcode bot as well. Another option is to use KIF, here is a detailed tutorial how its done:
You can actually use Cucumberish:
In combination with the built-in XCUI or third party frameworks like KIF.
Give it a try, it gives you the beauty of Cucumber with a native environment.
I end up with XCTest UI Framework. Here is some resource:

A simple way to set up automated BDD test environment for Node.js server + SPA javascript framework?

Here's my project's setup:
Frontend: Angular.js/Backbone.js SPA app
Backend: Node.js + NoSQL db as backend
Already have Karma set up for SPA testing (with mock JSON responses)
Already have Mocha set up for Node.js, with an isolated "test" environment for test DB setup and teardown
Now the problem comes when I try to set up integrated BDD test (namely, start node servers, start a browser and run SPA tests inside the browser with actual JSON calls to the backend). After some searching, I failed to find a simple and straightforward solution to my problem, so I thought I'd ask here so other people in similar situation may also benefit from the answers. Thanks!
I would suggest Gruntjs all the way. While on the surface it seems like just another redo of make(1), the community support and HUGE collection of plugins makes it super useful. It will solve all the problems you mentioned plus some.

unit testing for node.js

I looked into various frameworks for writing unit tests for an application developed in node.js. There exists multiple options like: nodeunit, jasmine-node, should.js library in Mocha. All seems to be pretty much capable of testing everything. I couldn't find any limitation of any of above mentioned options.
I will prefer to use nodeunit as it seems easy to use as a beginner. Any suggestion about any limitation of nodeunit would be highly helpful before I start working on this. Or any suggestion if anyone thinks that there exists a easier and better option for unit testing in node.js.
I previously used JUnit in Java and want to find similar testing framework. It was hard for me to getting started with BDD frameworks like Mocha. Finally I stoped on node unit. All advanced functions which I couldn't find in node unit was finded in expect.js. Also important testing framework in web application context is superagent(which helps to make requests, and get responce on tests), it was easy to mix with node unit, and easy to test async code. One more nice thing there is plugin for WebStorm :)
