I tried to append a value to the ssh config file but it seems that it doesn't work if specify two different values, it reads the first not the second.
It seems sensible, instead of trying to re-write the entire file, to just modify the value.
Currently the value is:
Port 22
I want to go in and change the value to:
Port 222
The best I can come up with is this:
sed -c -i "s/\(Port *= *\).*/\1$REPLACEMENT_VALUE/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
However I know this isn't right because it's working in a way where it is expecting to have an equals sign between the value and the variable.
I need the script to do something like this:
Look for the variable (i.e Port)
Switch this line with my own line
I think you mean this,
sed 's/.*\bPort\b.*/REPLACEMENT_VALUE/' file
$ echo -e "foo\nPort 22" | sed "s/.*\bPort\b.*/$REPLACEMENT_VALUE/"
Port 222
I have a text file, called texto.txt in Documentos folder, with some values like the ones below:
cat ~/Documentos/texto.txt
65f8: Testado
a4a1: Testado 2
So I want to change a whole line by using a customized function which gets as parameters the new value.
The new value will always keep the first 6 characters, changing only what comes after them. Although I am testing only the first four.
Then I edited my .bashrc including my function like shown below.
export BUSCA="$(echo $* | cut -c 1-4)";
sed -i "/^$BUSCA/s/.*/$*/" ~/Documentos/texto.txt ;}
When I run the command below it works like a charm, but I feel it could be improved.
muda a4a1: Testado 3
cat ~/Documentos/texto.txt
65f8: Testado
a4a1: Testado 3
Is there a smarter way to do this? Maybe by getting rid of BUSCA variable?
I'd write:
muda() {
local new_line="$*"
local key=${newline:0:4}
sed -i "s/^${key//\//\\/}.*/${new_line//\//\\/}/" ~/Documentos/texto.txt
using local variables, not exported environment variables
does not call out to cut, bash can extract a substring
escaping any slashes in the variable values so the sed code is not broken.
i want to run a sed command with programatically with changing parameters.
the thing is that i cant find the correct syntax to do so.
i want to configure a conf file with this and
change a dir path to another.
i'm currently using:
RESULT=$("sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf")
and i get the error message:
./change_tst.sh: line 7: sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--//home/test_dir/g' /home/tst/conf.conf > /home/script_tst/conf.conf: No such file or directory
the ">" is not working for some reason.
what am i doing wrong? or what is the best way to do this ?
i drooped the result variable and now running this:
(sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/$root_inst_dir/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf) > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf
the new file is being created in > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf,
but the search/replace is happening literally and not as a variable...
Putting " inside parenthesis will result in bash wanting to execute a command named exactly:
sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
Such command does not exist on your system.
Probably you intended to put " outside $(...):
RESULT="$(sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf)"
Better way, if you don't need the RESULT variable and if you want to properly escape root_inst_dir variable:
sed 's#--ROOT_DIR--#'"${root_inst_dir}"'#g' "${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf" > "${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
Or if you need RESULT variable:
sed 's#--ROOT_DIR--#'"${root_inst_dir}"'#g' "${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf" > "${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
RESULT=$(cat ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf)
I am not that good on linux shell script and I need little help.
I want to edit a file via script (finding the line and edit).
The Original line is:
# JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=< hostname >"
I want to uncomment and replaye hostname with
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname="
You can refer to the set command, change the filename with the name you are working at,
sed -i 's## JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=< hostname >"#JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname="#' filename
Fine answers, but they don't do anything by way of TEACHING the gentleman how and why it works.
If you were using the mundane text editor, ed, you would use three commands after invoking the command "ed filename":
s/^# //
s/< hostname>/
So, you can use a pipe to submit those commands directly to ed, specifying "-" as its first argument so that it doesn't bother you by reporting character counts upon reading in and writing out the file:
( echo 's/^# //'; echo 's//'; echo w ) | ed - filename
You don't need to echo 'q' also because ed will automatically quit when it runs out of input or encounters "end of file" (you can simulate this on the keyboard by just hitting the CTRL-D key rather than actually typing q ).
Here's one way to do it:
sed -i -e 's/# \(JVM_OPTS=.*=\).*/\1127.0.0.1"/' path/to/file
That is, replace the line with the text captured within the group \(JVM_OPTS=.*=\), so everything from JVM_OPTS= until another = sign, and append" to the end.
If there might be other lines in the file starting with # JVM_OPTS=,
then you could make the pattern matching more strict, for example:
sed -i -e 's/# \(JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=\).*/\1127.0.0.1"/' path/to/file
What I'm basically trying to do is automatically detect if there is text in a line, and if so create a new variable containing the text in said line , within a script. If there is no text in a line then the variable doesn't get created. I can do this manually by opening the file -
$ cat file.txt
then adding to my script the appropriate lines -
VAR1=$(sed -n 1p $TXT)
VAR2=$(sed -n 2p $TXT)
but this is a pain since I have to count how many lines there are total, then copy and paste each line assigning the variables and changing 'VAR!' to 'VAR2' and '1p' to '2p'. There has to be an easier way. Thanks
#JNevil thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Heres what ended up working for me -
for var_name in (cat links.txt); do
wget <servername.com>$var_name
Still dont know how to use curl but this worked fine!
Ok, here I'm again, struggling with ssh. I'm trying to retrieve some data from remote log file based on tokens. I'm trying to pass multiple tokens in egrep command via ssh:
commentsArray=($(ssh $sourceUser#$sourceHost "$(egrep "$v" /$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log)"))
echo ${commentsArray[0]}
echo ${commentsArray[1]}
echo $commax
where $v is something like below but it's length is dynamic. Meaning it can have many file names seperated by pipe.
The output which I get is:
oracle#'s password:
bash: UserComments/propagateBundle-2013-10-22--07:03:57.jar/New: No such file or directory
bash: line 1: UserComments/propagateBundle-2013-10-22--07:05:37.jar/nouserinput: No such file or directory
Thing worth noting is that my log file data has spaces in it. So, in the code piece I've given, the actual comments which I want to extract start after the jar file name like : UserComments/propagateBundle-2013-10-22--07:03:57.jar/
The actual comments are 'New Life Starts here' but the logs show that we are actually getting it till 'New' and then it breaks at space. I tried giving IFS but of no use. Probably I need to give it on remote but I don't know how should I do that.
Any help?
Your command is trying to run the egrep "$v" /$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log on the local machine, and pass the result of that as the command to run via SSH.
I suspect that you meant for that command to be run on the remote machine. Remove the inner $() to get that to happen (and fix the quoting):
commentsArray=($(ssh $sourceUser#$sourceHost "egrep '$v' '/$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log'"))
You should use fgrep to avoid regex special interpretation from your input:
commentsArray=($(ssh $sourceUser#$sourceHost "$(fgrep "$v" /$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log)"))