GNUplot use GN variable in a label - gnuplot

GN produces the variable STATS_max_y when plotting data.
I'd like to use it in a label, such as:
set label 4 "The highest value is: STATS_max_y"
but I can't see how to concatenate the GN variable and the label text.
I tried:
"The highest value is: . STATS_max_y"
and I get internal error : STRING operator applied to non-STRING type

Something like:
set label 4 sprintf("The highest value is: %f", a)
should do it. For more information, check out

"The highest value is: " . STATS_max_y - my suggestion
"The highest value is: . STATS_max_y" - OPs code
So the closing quote is at a different position. The first line is a constant string ("...") concatenated (via the .-operator) with the variable <STATS_max_y>, the second line ist only a constant string (everything between the two quotes).


Set position according part of an objectname

I'm trying to script something in blender3D using python.
I've got a bunch of objects in my scene and want to translate them using a the numerical part of their objectname.
First of all i collect objects from the scene by matching a part of their name.
root_obj = [obj for obj in scene.objects if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(, "*_Root")]
This gives me a list with:[['01_Root'],['02_Root'],['03_Root'],['00_Root']]
My goal is to move these objects 15x their corresponding part of the name. So '00_Root' doesnt have to move, but '01_Root' has to move 15 blender units and '02_Root' 30 blender units.
How do i exctract the numberpart of the names and use them as translation values.
I'm a pretty newb with python so i would appreciate all the help i can get.
A string is a list of characters, each character can be accessed by index starting with 0, get the first character with name[0], the second with name[1]. As with any list you can use slicing to get a portion of the list. If the value is always the first two characters you can get the value with name[:2] you can them turn that into an integer with int() or a float with float(). Combined that becomes,
val = int(name[:2])
You then have a number you can calculate the new location with.
obj.location.x = val * 15
If the number of digits in the name might vary you can use split() to break the string on a specific separating character. This returns a list of items between the specified character, so if you want the first item to turn into an integer.
name = '02_item'
val = int(name.split('_')[0])
Using split also allows multiple values in a name.
name = '2_12_item'
val1 = int(name.split('_')[0])
val2 = int(name.split('_')[1])

Cannot return a float value of -1.00

I am currently doing an assignment for a computer science paper at university. I am in my first year.
in one of the questions, if the gender is incorrect the function is suppose to return a value of -1. But in the testing column, it says the expected value is -1.00. And I cannot seem to be able to return the value of '-1.00', it will always return a value of -1.0 (with one zero). I used the .format to make the value 2sf (so it will appear with two zero's) but when converting it to a float the value always returns "-1.0".
return float('{:.2f}'.format(-1))
This isn’t as clear as it could be. Does your instructor or testing
software expect a string '-1.00'? If so, just return that. Is a
float type expected? Then return -1.0; the number of digits shown does
not affect the value.
I don't know exactly what you have done, but i had tried this way and output what you expect.
b = -1
>>> print("%.2f" % (b))
>>> print("%.2f" % (-1))
What does the following code do?
The '{:.2f}'.format(-1) creates some string representation of -1. defined by the format string. The float(...) converts this string to the float 1. The print command converts this float to a sting, using some default format, and prints this string to the screen. I think that isn't what you expected because the format you used does not effect the print command in formatting the string.
I assume you want
and this actually does what you want, it prints
It is not necessary to convert -1 explicitely to float
gives the desired result:

Extracting a specific word and a number of tokens on each side of it from each string in a column in SAS?

Extracting a specific word and a number of tokens on each side of it from each string in a column in SAS EG ?
For example,
row1: the sun is nice
row2: the sun looks great
row3: the sun left me
Is there a code that would produce the following result column (2 words where sun is the first):
and possibly a second column with COUNT in case of duplicate matches.
So if there was 20 SUN LOOKS then it they would be grouped and have a count of 20.
I think you can use functions findw() and scan() to do want you want. Both of those functions operate on the concept of word boundaries. findw() returns the position of the word in the string. Once you know the position, you can use scan() in a loop to get the next word or words following it.
Here is a simple example to show you the concept. It is by no means a finished or polished solution, but intended you point you in the right direction. The input data set (text) contains the sentences you provided in your question with slight modifications. The data step finds the word "sun" in the sentence and creates a variable named fragment that contains 3 words ("sun" + the next 2 words).
data text2;
set text;
length fragment $15;
word = 'sun'; * search term;
fragment_len = 3; * number of words in target output;
word_pos = findw(sentence, word, ' ', 'e');
if word_pos then do;
do i = 0 to fragmen_len-1;
fragment = catx(' ', fragment, scan(sentence, word_pos+i));
Here is a partial print of the output data set.
You can use a combination of the INDEX, SUBSTR and SCAN functions to achieve this functionality.
INDEX - takes two arguments and returns the position at which a given substring appears in a string. You might use:
SUBSTR - simply returns a substring of the provided string, taking a second numeric argument referring to the starting position of the substring. Combine this with your INDEX function:
This returns the substring of str from the point where the word 'sun' first appears.
SCAN - returns the 'words' from a string, taking the string as the first argument, followed by a number referring to the 'word'. There is also a third argument that specifies the delimiter, but this defaults to space, so you wouldn't need it in your example.
To pick out the word after 'sun' you might do this:
Now all that's left to do is build a new string containing the words of interest. That can be achieved with concatenation operators. To see how to concatenate two strings, run this illustrative example:
data _NULL_;
a = 'Hello';
b = 'World';
c = a||' - '||b;
put c;
The log should contain this line:
Hello - World
As a result of displaying the value of the c variable using the put statement. There are a number of functions that can be used to concatenate strings, look in the documentation at CAT,CATX,CATS for some examples.
Hopefully there is enough here to help you.

How do I only replace the first instance of a number in a string?

I am taking a description of the weather using rainfall in millimeters and converting it to inches. I have worked out to calculate the rainfall in inches and replace it in the string. Because the description also has other numbers, I want to only replace the first instance of the number I converted (rainfall is listed first).
weatherConverted = weatherConverted.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\(precipitationInMillimeters)", withString: "\(precipitationInInches)")
precipitationInMillimeters is an Integer, hence the escape sequence. I know that the function rangeOfString(_:) will return the range of the first instance of the string I put in it, but I don't know the proper syntax for calling that function and getting it to return to the range parameter.

Meaning of $ in a string?

I came along this
__date__ = "$Date: 2011/06$"
and found this in the docs
$$ is an escape; it is replaced with a single $.
$identifier names a substitution placeholder matching a mapping key of "identifier". By default, "identifier" must spell a Python identifier. The first non-identifier character after the $ character terminates this placeholder specification.
${identifier} is equivalent to $identifier. It is required when valid identifier characters follow the placeholder but are not part of the placeholder, such as "${noun}ification".
but I don't understand it.
Could someone explain in plain english what's the $ for and give some examples preferably?
To Python, those dollar signs mean nothing at all. Just like the 'D' or 'a' that follow, the dollar sign is merely a character in a string.
To your source-code control system, the dollar signs indicate a substitution command. When you check out a new copy of your source code, that string is replaced with the timestamp of the last committed change to the file.
This has been used in the context of string replace. For ex, if you have scenario with a variable which takes different value in same string, you can use this as follows:
import string
mytext = "$dog is an animal"
replaceDogtoCat = {"dog":"cat"}
mytemplate = string.Template(mytext)
print mytemplate.substitute(replaceDogtoCat) #output: cat is an animal
replaceDogtoGoat = {"dog":"goat"}
print mytemplate.substitute(replaceDogtoGoat) #output: goat is an animal
$dog is a variable which would get replaced when substitute gets executed
