How to add windows store-style interface to desktop app, similar to Google Chrome? - windows-8.1

I recently found a new feature of Google Chrome on windows 8.1: a "Windows 8 Mode" available from the menu in the top-right corner of the window:
This opens a Windows Store-style interface, as if it were its own app:
Does anyone know how Google does this, clearly without sideloading an app using the auto-generated "Add-AppDevPackage.ps1" powershell script that Visual Studio generates when you create an app package?
Thanks in advance,


Is there an quivelant to a Tab Control in Linux Monodevelop?

Easy question: I'm new to Linux Desktop Application Development coming from a Microsoft Windows and Visual Studio Desktop Application Development background and am trying to make a basic GUI application in Monodevelop C# that has what's called a Tab Control in Visual Studio. I can't for the life of me though find an equivalent control in Monodevelop under either Containers or Widgets in the Toolbox and Google has been no help. Am I missing something obvious or is a Tab Control an outdated object, design wise, and has been replaced with something else? Thanks in advance!

Outlook app - Debug in non-IE browser

I am creating an Office App (Outlook addin/web-app). While debugging, the app is always launching in IE desktop version. I want to start debugging the app in non-IE browser - FF, Chrome. I couldn't find any settings related to this within the project. How can I achieve that?
Any help will be appreciated.
Microsoft Visual Studio: Currently you will be able to debug you project in Visual studio 2015 or later only using IE browser. By "debugging in VS" I meant you set breakpoints directly in IDE for your JS code. As of VS2017 RC release you will be able to debug your project in two browsers (IE and Chrome), even today, Edge coming as well. Please see Client-side debugging of ASP.NET projects in Google Chrome.
If you need just to start your project in yet another browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) you need to use this article to switch your Browser in IDE: Testing with an Alternate Browser. After you switch to another browser, please restart VS; I have tried this myself and it works, your project will be started in the browser of your choice by pressing F5. With this approach you would need to debug your code with development tools of this browser (F12) or some 3rd party extension.
Visual Studio Code: (VS community edition) Looks like have support for debugging your code in Chrome and setting up break points directly in VS Code IDE. Please refer to Introducing Chrome Debugging for VS Code. You would require to install VS extension as described in the article.
Other options: If you are using yet another Tool please refer to the following blog about different methods of debugging office add-ins: The many ways of office web add-ins debugging
I finally figured out the solution. Select the Manifest project, hit F4 to open Properties window. Choose your preferred Start Action. Here is a screenshot.
Start Action image

WIX in VS 2012 Menu and Commands missing

I just installed WIX 3.10 and I'm using VS 2012 Ultimate. I have then successfully added a WIX setup project to my solution but that's about as far as I can go because the WIX menu is not showing up. The commands buttons that should appear at the top of the solution explorer window does not appear, neither does the shortcut button that appears just below the 'clean' button when you right click the project. I have tried uninstalling and restarting my PC several times but still the same.
snap shot of the solution explorer window.
I'm obviously missing something, but what? Thanks very much.
The designer you're looking for is from a 3rd party commercial product:
Normally one would write most Wix files by hand. It's relatively simple XML and the documentation isn't bad.
You can install the extension: Tools -> Extensions and Updates
Then in the search box type 'wix' and Enter.
The extension name is 'Designer for Visual Studio Wix Setup Projects':

Where is Visual Studio Online Monaco?

I've recently been using Visual Studio Online 'Monaco' to edit an AngularJS application that I have hosted as an Azure website. I want to use Monaco as it has in-browser typescript support.
As far as I can tell the only place to get to Visual Studio Online 'Monaco' is via a well hidden link on an associated Azure Website's Dashboard, down the bottom of the page on the right hand side.
E.g. the final access url ends up being:
Is this the only place to get to Monaco?
It appears to be a good alternative to Cloud 9 and for development of Typescript and .Net solutions but I'd like a more style way of setting up dev environments. e.g. log in, clone from github, start coding.
Edit: From replies over time to this question...
As of Dec 2015 Visual Studio Code is an excellent locally hosted version similar to Atom but with a Visual Studio vibe, and cross platform:
As of July 2015 an option in the Azure Web App Dashboard has appeared.
To enable Visual Studio Online for a web app:
Go to the 'configure' tab of the web app
Switch the 'EDIT IN VISUAL STUDIO ONLINE' on, click Save
An 'Edit in Visual Studio' option appears on the dashboard tab under the 'quick glance' area
Clicking on this takes you to the VSO pointing at your web app
Note: If you deploy via git etc your vso changes may be overwritten
As of July 2016 in the new portal
This has been renamed to App Service Editor.
App Services => Your App => Tools => App Service Editor (Preview)
Click go in the panel that opens up to navigate to
Update to add pic (by Luke)
At this point in time, the only way you can edit code online is via the link in the Azure portal (or by using the url directly as you've done).
I presume that Monaco will show up on other Microsoft properties at some point in time, but that's just a guess.
UPDATE: A lot has changed since this answer was given. The summary added to the the question provides a good overview of Monaco's usage, though you should also add to the Typescript Playground. The VSCode team is even looking to make Monaco available as a standalone tool you can use in your own apps (see GH issue)
P.S. VSCode is built on top of Electron and, being open source, you can look at the code of the Monaco editor today.
As of today, it is accessed by adding the Visual Studio Online extension to your website and then clicking "Browse" at the top when the extension is selected. It is unclear why Monoco is so hidden, perhaps they want to wait until it is "done" before doing a big push?
UPDATE 11/23/2015: The Monaco editor was open sourced last week (as part of vscode). The vscode repository is also the repository for Monaco.
Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's new desktop editor that is built on web technologies and the editor component is Monaco.
See: What is the Visual Studio Code editor built on
As of January 2016 in the new portal
App Services => Your App => Tools => Extensions => Add + => Visual Studio Online
Going back through that chain and selecting "Browse" will navigate you to

No "Store" menu available in Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone

I have downloaded the Windows Phone SDK 8.0 from MS site. I have installed it in two ways :
WPexpress_full installed via web.
wpsdkv80_enu1.iso (1.6 Gb) download and install.
In both the cases, I could not find the store menu. I have developed an app and it has to be submitted to the Windows Phone Store. I could not find any solutions over these forums. I need some guidance.
Note: I also tried to find this menu by looking in Tools - > customize options. That did not work for me.
You cannot submit Windows Phone 8 apps using just Visual Studio. You have to login here and submit the XAP with your app using the New App dialog:
Windows Phone Dev Center
You can actually begin the app submission process with the store from Visual Studio 2012 via the menu with: Project >>> Store >>> Reserve App Name...
However, this is just a link to the actual website:
