Turing Machine Design - string

I recently encountered the following problem:
Give a Turing machine diagram for a Turing machine that on input a string x ∈ {0, 1}∗ halts (accepts) with its head on the left end of the tape containing the string x′ ∈ {0, 1}∗ at the left end (and blank otherwise) where x′ is the successor string of x in lexicographic order; i.e. the next string in the sequence ε, 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, . . . in which the strings are listed in order of increasing length with ties broken by their corresponding integer value. (Briefly document your TM.)
I am confused as to how to start designing an appropriate solution for it. Could I get a couple of pointers for firstly designing this machine, and then Turing machines in general?

Turing Machines
First off, you need to understand what a Turing machine is, and by Turing machine, I'm assuming you're talking about a Universal Turing Machine. This is a conceptual machine created by the Godfather of Computer Science, Alan Turing.
The machine is built up of some components. First, an infinite tape that contains input. Something like..
Then a set of rules..
if 1 then 0
if 0 then 1
So when the machine hits the 1, the output is 0, as per the rule. We define the machine hitting a value when the read head is set to it. The read head is like the current position in the turing machine. So it will go..
^------------Current head.
Then the next iteration:
^----------Current Head
This machine is actually simulating bitwise NOT functionality. You can also set a state in a turing machine, so for example:
if 1 then enter state 1
if 0 then enter state 0
Big deal right? Example suddenly, now you can do stuff like:
1. if 1 and in state 1 output 1 and enter state 0
2. if 1 and in state 0 output 0 and enter state 1
3. if 0 and in state 0 output 1 and enter state 1
4. if 0 and in state 1 output 0 and enter state 0
And we define a state as our default state. In this example, let's call it state 0. So when the machine starts, it sees a 1. Well I'm in state 0 and I've just got a 1 so I'm going to do rule number 2. Output a 0 and enter state 1. The next number is a 0. Well I'm in state 1, so I call rule number 4. See where this is going? By adding states, you really open up what you can do.
Now, a Universal Turing Machine is what's known as Turing Complete. This means that it can compute any computable sequence. Including, the specification for your assignment!
Your Assignment
So let's look at your assignment in the context of a turing machine.
The aim of the machine is to print out..
0 1 00 01 11 000 001 011 111
So we know that we need to maintain a state. We also know that the state needs to get deeper and deeper. So if you user types in 000, we need to be able to know that we have three characters to output.
And in terms of homework help, that's I'm afraid all I should be responsibly giving you. A good understanding of the turing machine, plus an understanding of what you need this to do, should result in a start in your research to a solution.


Buffer overflow exploitation 101

I've heard in a lot of places that buffer overflows, illegal indexing in C like languages may compromise the security of a system. But in my experience all it does is crash the program I'm running. Can anyone explain how buffer overflows could cause security problems? An example would be nice.
I'm looking for a conceptual explanation of how something like this could work. I don't have any experience with ethical hacking.
First, buffer overflow (BOF) are only one of the method of gaining code execution. When they occur, the impact is that the attacker basically gain control of the process. This mean that the attacker will be able to trigger the process in executing any code with the current process privileges (depending if the process is running with a high or low privileged user on the system will respectively increase or reduce the impact of exploiting a BOF on that application). This is why it is always strongly recommended to run applications with the least needed privileges.
Basically, to understand how BOF works, you have to understand how the code you have build gets compiled into machine code (ASM) and how data managed by your software is stored in memory.
I will try to give you a basic example of a subcategory of BOF called Stack based buffer overflows :
Imagine you have an application asking the user to provide a username.
This data will be read from user input and then stored in a variable called USERNAME. This variable length has been allocated as a 20 byte array of chars.
For this scenario to work, we will consider the program's do not check for the user input length.
At some point, during the data processing, the user input is copied to the USERNAME variable (20bytes) but since the user input is longer (let's say 500 bytes) data around this variable will be overwritten in memory :
Imagine such memory layout :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
If you define the 3 local variables USERNAME, variable2 and variable3 the may be store in memory the way it is shown above.
Notice the RETURN ADDRESS, this 4 byte memory region will store the address of the function that has called your current function (thanks to this, when you call a function in your program and readh the end of that function, the program flow naturally go back to the next instruction just after the initial call to that function.
If your attacker provide a username with 24 x 'A' char, the memory layout would become something like this :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
new data [AAA...AA][ AAAA ][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
Now, if an attacker send 50 * the 'A' char as a USERNAME, the memory layout would looks like this :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
new data [AAA...AA][ AAAA ][ AAAA ][[ AAAA ][OTHER AAA...]
In this situation, at the end of the execution of the function, the program would crash because it will try to reach the address an invalid address 0x41414141 (char 'A' = 0x41) because the overwritten RETURN ADDRESS doesn't match a correct code address.
If you replace the multiple 'A' with well thought bytes, you may be able to :
overwrite RETURN ADDRESS to an interesting location.
place "executable code" in the first 20 + 4 + 4 bytes
You could for instance set RETURN ADDRESS to the address of the first byte of the USERNAME variable (this method is mostly no usable anymore thanks to many protections that have been added both to OS and to compiled programs).
I know it is quite complex to understand at first, and this explanation is a very basic one. If you want more detail please just ask.
I suggest you to have a look at great tutorials like this one which are quite advanced but more realistic

linearK - large time difference between empirical and acceptance envelopes in spatstat

I am interested in knowing correlation in points between 0 to 2km on a linear network. I am using the following statement for empirical data, this is solved in 2 minutes.
obs<-linearK(c, r=seq(0,2,by=0.20))
Now I want to check the acceptance of Randomness, so I used envelopes for the same r range.
acceptance_enve<-envelope(c, linearK, nsim=19, fix.n = TRUE, funargs = list(r=seq(0,2,by=0.20)))
But this show estimated time to be little less than 3 hours. I just want to ask if this large time difference is normal. Am I correct in my syntax to the function call of envelope its extra arguments for r as a sequence?
Is there some efficient way to shorten this 3 hour execution time for envelopes?
I have a road network of whole city, so it is quite large and I have checked that there are no disconnected subgraphs.
Point pattern on linear network
96 points
Linear network with 13954 vertices and 19421 lines
Enclosing window: rectangle = [559.653, 575.4999] x
[4174.833, 4189.85] Km
thank you.
system.time({s <- runiflpp(npoints(c), as.linnet(c));
+ linearK(s, r=seq(0,2,by=0.20))})
user system elapsed
343.047 104.428 449.650
I made some really small changes by deleting some peripheral network segments that seem to have little or no effect on the overall network. This also lead to split some long segments into smaller segments. But now on the same network with different point pattern, I have even longer estimated time:
> month1envelope=envelope(months[[1]], linearK ,nsim = 39, r=seq(0,2,0.2))
Generating 39 simulations of CSR ...
1, 2, [etd 12:03:43]
The new network is
> months[[1]]
Point pattern on linear network
310 points
Linear network with 13642 vertices and 18392 lines
Enclosing window: rectangle = [560.0924, 575.4999] x [4175.113,
4189.85] Km
System Config: MacOS 10.9, 2.5Ghz, 16GB, R 3.3.3, RStudio Version 1.0.143
You don't need to use funargs in this context. Arguments can be passed directly through the ... argument. So I suggest
acceptance_enve <- envelope(c, linearK, nsim=19,
fix.n = TRUE, r=seq(0,2,by=0.20))
Please try this to see if it accelerates the execution.

Emulation: Unconditional jumps and PC increment through CPU cycles

I'm writing a simple GB emulator (wow, now that's something new, isn't it), since I'm really taking my first steps in emu.
What i don't seem to understand is how to correctly implement the CPU cycle and unconditional jumps.
Consider the command JP nn (unconditional jump to memory adress pointed out), like JP 1000h, if I have a basic loop of:
increment PC
read opcode
execute command
Then after the JP opcode has been read and the command executed (read 1000h from memory and set PC = 1000h), the PC gets incremented and becomes 1001h, thus resulting in bad emulation.
tl;dr How do you emulate jumps in emulators, so that PC value stays correct, when having cpu loops that increment PC?
The PC should be incremented as an 'atomic' operation every time it is used to return a byte. This means immediate operands as well as opcodes.
In your example, the PC would be used three times, once for the opcode and twice for the two operand bytes. By the time the CPU has fetched the three bytes and is in a position to load the PC, the PC is already pointing to the next instruction opcode after the second operand but, since actually implementing the instruction reloads the PC, it doesn't matter.
Move increment PC to the end of the loop, and have it performed conditionally depending on the opcode?
I know next to nothing about emulation, but two obvious approaches spring to mind.
Instead of hardcoding PC += 1 into the main loop, let the evaluation if each opcode return the next PC value (or the offset, or a flag saying whether to increment it, or etc). Then the difference between jumps and other opcodes (their effect on the program counter) is definable along with everything else about them.
Knowing that the main loop will always increment the PC by 1, just have the implementation of jumps set the PC to target - 1 rather than target.

need help writing a program

I am taking a class in microprocessing, and having some trouble writing a program that will hold a value in a port for two seconds before moving on to the next port.
Can any one help this make more sense?
I have thought of using NOP but realized thats a bit unrealistic, I have tried ACALL DELAY but for some reason its pulling up as an unknown command.
I am stumped at this point and would appreciate any help I could get.
I am using the DS89C450 With a clock of 11 MHz, i've tried asking the professor and he tells me its a peice of cake you should have this no problem, but reading and writing code is breand new to me ive only been doing it for two weeks. when i look at the book its almost like it written in chinese its hard to make sense of it, my fellow class mates are just as stummped as i am, i figured my final resort would be to ask someone online that might of had a similar problem or someone who has a little more insight that might be able to pont me in the right direction.
I know i need to load each port with the specified value my problems lies in the switching of the ports giving them the 2 second delay.
My program look likes this MOV P0, #33H MOV P1, #7FH MOV P2, B7H MOV P3, EFH so with these four ports being loaded with these values i need P0 to go to P1, P1-P2 and so on when getting to P3 its value needs to go to P0 and loop it all. i was going to use SJMP to loop it back to the start so the program is always running
While doing this there is the two second delay where each value only stays in each port for only two seconds thats what still fuzzy, does the rest sound right ?
i have done something similar in PIC 16f84 micro-controller
to make a delay you have 2 ways either use interrupts or loops
since you know the Instructions_per_second you can use a loop to generate the required number of instructions that takes the required time
this link illustrates how to determine the loop indexes (as you might need nested loops if the number of instructions required is required .. in PIC i had to make 1 million instruction to make a delay of 1 second)
I've never done this with that particular chip (and I don't know the assembly syntax it supports), but a pseudocode approach would be something like this:
Load initial values into ports
Initialize counter with (delay in seconds * clock ticks per second) / (clock ticks in loop)
While counter != 0
Decrement counter
Swap port values:
P3 -> temp, P2 -> P3, P1 -> P2, P0 -> P1, temp -> P0
Loop (4 times?)
I think this is all you really need for structure. Based on my 10 minute reading on 8051 assembly, the delay loop would look like:
MOV A, b6h ; ~91 ticks/sec # 11 ms/tick
JNZ DELAY ; NOP-type delay loop

Variable substitution faster than in-line integer in Vic-20 basic?

The following two (functionally equivalent) programs are taken from an old issue of Compute's Gazette. The primary difference is that program 1 puts the target base memory locations (7680 and 38400) in-line, whereas program 2 assigns them to a variable first.
Program 1 runs about 50% slower than program 2. Why? I would think that the extra variable retrieval would add time, not subtract it!
10 PRINT"[CLR]":A=0:TI$="000000"
20 POKE 7680+A,81:POKE 38400+A,6:IF A=505 THEN GOTO 40
30 A=A+1:GOTO 20
Program 1
10 PRINT "[CLR]":A=0:B=7600:C=38400:TI$="000000"
20 POKE B+A,81:POKE C+A,6:IF A=505 THEN GOTO 40
30 A=A+1:GOTO 20
Program 2
The reason is that BASIC is fully interpreted here, so the strings "7680" and "38400" need to be converted to binary integers EVERY TIME line 20 is reached (506 times in this program). In program 2, they're converted once and stored in B. So as long as the search-for-and-fetch of B is faster than convert-string-to-binary, program 2 will be faster.
If you were to use a BASIC compiler (not sure if one exists for VIC-20, but it would be a cool retro-programming project), then the programs would likely be the same speed, or perhaps 1 might be slightly faster, depending on what optimizations the compiler did.
It's from page 76 of this issue: http://www.scribd.com/doc/33728028/Compute-Gazette-Issue-01-1983-Jul
I used to love this magazine. It actually says a 30% improvement. Look at what's happening in program 2 and it becomes clear, because you are looping a lot using variables the program is doing all the memory allocation upfront to calculate memory addresses. When you do the slower approach each iteration has to allocate memory for the highlighted below as part of calculating out the memory address:
POKE 7680+A,81:POKE 38400+A
This is just the nature of the BASIC Interpreter on the VIC.
Accessing the first defined variable will be fast; the second will be a little slower, etc. Parsing multi-digit constants requires the interpreter to perform repeated multiplication by ten. I don't know what the exact tradeoffs are between variables and constants, but short variable names use less space than multi-digit constants. Incidentally, the constant zero may be parsed more quickly if written as a single decimal point (with no digits) than written as a digit zero.
