OpenCart 2.0: How To Remove Billing Details from Chekout Page - opencart2.x

Basically, I want to remove Step 2: Billing Details from the Checkout Page of OpenCart 2.0. My site will only be accepting bank deposits, cash on delivery, and pickup from store as methods of payment so I will not be needing Step 2. How do I go about this?
I've seen a lot of how-tos but not for OpenCart 2.0. The code seems to have changed quite a bit from the previous releases and I'm at a lost.
Thank you for the help!

I know this is quite old but i just got stuck with the same problem and found a solution without using any extension.
To completely remove the billing address on checkout on the
Comment or remove the else HTML on the else of this: if (!$logged && $account != 'guest')(32);
Find the javascript code: $(document).delegate('#button-payment-address', 'click', function() {(338) and find inside the delegate method the code: if ($shipping_required)(373), copy the javascript code(393), it should be an ajax call and delete the whole delegate javascript code that we just found
Find the if (!$logged)(124) code and replace the else javascript code with the ajax call you just copied.

Have you tried
Opening your checkout.tpl
$('#payment-address .checkout-content').html(html);
$('#payment-address .checkout-content').slideDown('slow');
replace with
$('#payment-address .checkout-content').html(html);
$('#payment-address #button-payment-address').click();
and change
<div id="payment-address">
<div id="payment-address" style="display:none">

Since you do not need any billing method and If step 2 is skipped, then step 3 and step 4 can be skipped by default.
go to catalog\controller\checkout\checkout.php and comment the following line to disable step 2 and skip to step 5.
$this->data['text_checkout_payment_address'] = $this->language->get('text_checkout_payment_address');
$this->data['text_checkout_shipping_address'] = $this->language->get('text_checkout_shipping_address');
$this->data['text_checkout_shipping_method'] = $this->language->get('text_checkout_shipping_method');


Opencart Header Problems

So, I have modified the header.tpl file in OpenCart by removing the wishlist, linking the telephone# as a click to call and added a custom class called "great-barbecue". It worked in one version that I earlier installed. When that whole thing went sideways, I started from scratch and now the wishlist still shows up, the phone# and icon are not "click to call" and my custom class is not appearing at all? Here is a link to the code I have for header.tpl in catalog/view/theme/default/template/common header template
My site
When I copy and paste the code I get an error telling me to indent all code with 4 spaces and I really don't have time for that, hence the link. I have tried it in all browsers and when I look at the source code for the page the wishlist is still there, the phone still links to contact and my custom html is not there. I don't know how to fix this.
nice site, I have found this in the open cart forums, it looks like you have to remove all instances of the wish list. Try this and let me know how it goes.

Hide Sign Out Link in Liferay 6.2 Dockbar

In Liferay 6.1, we created a hook to hide the sign out link in the dockbar. However, when I look at the code for 6.2, I see the following:
<c:if test="<%= themeDisplay.isShowSignOutIcon() %>">
<aui:nav-item cssClass="sign-out" href="<%= themeDisplay.getURLSignOut() %>" iconCssClass="icon-off" label="sign-out" />
No matter how much I google, I can't find any reference to themeDisplay.isShowSignOutIcon(), aside from the API reference, which does me no good, as it is not commented at all. I did find the page that discusses the native LR theme properties and apparently determining whether to show/hide a sign out linkn is not one of the native theme properties.
Does anyone know if you can set the theme itself to show/hide the sign out link and how you would go about doing it?
I too analyzed ServicePreAction code, and found that all this code does is:
checks if the user is logged in or not
if yes, shows 'sign out' link, not otherwise
You can simply create a hook to override html/portlet/dockbar/view_user_account.jspf to either remove that code snippet from this jsp to hide it for all scenarios OR modify the condition to show/hide as per your requirements.
The only place that I've found where ThemeDisplay.setShowSignOutIcon is called is in ServicePreAction (linking master branch here). That being said, it looks like it's not configurable, but you can easily create another ServicePreAction in a hook. Please see an example in this plugin (referencing and liferay-hook.xml, but naturally there's also code that I'm sure you'll find. It's not big)
Another option - if you just want to unconditionally get rid of the link: Use CSS to hide it. Yes, it will still be there, but any way you choose to hide the link, the actopm at /c/portal/logout will still be available...

Use a Tag as Page Title in Kentico

I have a tag cloud on product listing pages on my site that goes to a tag results page which displays products that contain that chosen tag. I want to put a header at the top of that results page that says something like "Products Tagged As: (insert tag name here)"
Any advice? I can't seem to access the system variable that displays the currently chosen tag name. The page URL contains the tagID variable, if that helps:
I am using Portal Engine Kentico development, by the way. Thanks.
I know this question has been asked a while ago. But I am posting my answer just in case if anyone come across this question they can use this snippet.
Try using following macro
{%tag="";foreach(g IN SiteObjects.TagGroups){foreach(t IN g.Tags){if(t.TagID=ToInt(QueryString.tagid)){tag=t.TagName;}}}return tag;%}
Note: I am using Kentico Version 9.0
For some reason the macro doesnt work in page template directly, I put the above macro in a Static Text webpart its worked like a charm.
Hope it would help someone like myself.
Use following macro:
{% GlobalObjects.Tags.Where("TagID = " + ToInt(QueryString.GetValue("tagid", 0))) %}

Pagination [+next+] not working on MODx CMS template

I'm having difficulty getting the pagination functionality working with [[Ditto? ... ]] in MODx CMS.
I have the documents displaying in the page, limit is set to 5. The output from my other pagination template placeholders seem to be working but the [+next+] link doesn't load the next set of 5 documents (going in descending date order).
Here's my template code:
&dateFormat=`%F %D %Y`
<p>Showing <strong>[+start+]</strong> - <strong>[+stop+]</strong> of <strong>[+total+]</strong> Articles</p>
<ul class="clearfix">
<li>Page <strong>[+currentPage+]</strong> of [+totalPages+]</li>
The output I get is:
Showing 1 - 5 of 17 Articles
Page 1 of 4
Next >
as you can see the output is correct, however when I click the 'next' link the resulting URL is .../news.html?start=5 but the content of the page stays the same (i.e. the latest 5 documents are shown!).
This is how the template and functionality was when I was inherited this project from a client, and I have never used MODx CMS before -- can anyone help me please?
I there a way to update the SQL offset with a parameter or something? I've been all through the Wiki pages for Ditto / MODx but can't find what I need or what I should be doing that I'm not!
I would think you need to call ditto uncached [[!Ditto? attribs ]]
That's just a guess.
Also it looks like you are using EVO? check the cache syntax, you might need to put an exclamation mark at the end as well. [[!Ditto? attribs !]]
After plenty of searching I found a post on the MODx forum that pointed me in the right direction.
Turns out that caching was enabled in the page/document's settings (doh!). I disabled this and now it works fine!
However I have not set the no-caching token ('!') in Ditto's parameter string which, including the answer from Sean, my research has suggested is advisable and/or required. I've not worked with MODx before so I can't say for certain, but it seems to work without this for me!
Thanks #SeanKimball as your answer set me down the right path.

Pagination on Single-Entry view in ExpressionEngine

I am building a website with ExpressionEngine as the CMS. There is a "Work" section that displays all the projects, and a detail view that shows each project individually. It is at this point, on the single-entry view that I would like to have "prev" and "next" pagination. In my tests I have made it work when the URL is "" but it does not work when the specific entry is part of the URL: ""
I've tried putting the pagination code outside of the {exp:weblog:entries} tag as well as within it, but to no avail. This is what my pagination code looks like:
{if previous_page}
<li>< previous</li>
{if next_page}
<li>next ></li>
You are using pagination for lists of entries, what you need is the next / previous entry tags:
Hmm. I'm not sure what the issue is here, as I've never used the {pagination} tag in that way. After checking out the docs, I see that the example code for prev/next links inside of the {pagination} tag is wrapped inside of an {exp:comment:entries} loop instead of the normal {exp:channel:entries} loop.
The docs aren't very clear about the scope of this particular feature of the {pagination} tag. You might want to double check that, in your {exp:channel:entries} loop, you haven't included pagination as a value in the disable parameter.
You could also check out the page in EE's user guide about Next/Prev Linking, which details the use of {exp:channel:next_entry} and {exp:channel:prev_entry} tags in place of the {pagination} tag that you've been using. I've used these tags without a hitch, so I definitely recommend trying them if you can't get your method to work.
Best of luck!
