Changing NERDTree ~/.vimrc options on the fly without restarting VIM - vim

I would like to change my sort order dynamically. At times, I want my sources to be listed alphabetical, at times I want only one extension to be shown.
I can currently get it to work by editing NERDTreeSortOrder in my ~/.vimrc.
But how do I do this without re-launching VIM?
I tried just executing ":let NERDTreeSortOrder = ['new sort order']" but that doesn't really change anything. i add it to my vimrc, quit VIM and restart and it works.
By the way, if someone can tell me how to make NerdTree show only a specific extension, that would work for me too. I know I can make NERDTree not show a particular file type by adding it to ignore, but I want the other way around.
Any ideas?

You'll need to refresh the directory (after entering let NERDTreeSortOrder=[...]).
While in the NERDTree buffer, either :
r to limit the refresh to the selected directory
R to refresh from the start of the root node.
As for whitelisting specific file extensions, have at look at this question.

Have your tried source-ing your .vimrc from within vim?
:source $MYVIMRC or :source ~/.vimrc
:source can be shortened to :so, e.g. :so ~/.vimrc


Hard refresh in vim (not :so %)

Sometimes in vim I'll need to exit the vimrc file and enter back into it to update changes (for example if I'm editing other files related to it). To do this I'll normally do:
$ vim
ctrl-o ctrl-o " in vim
Would there be a way to do this all within vim? Something like:
:wq | !vim %
Additionally, why does it require me to do ctrl-o two times to go to the previous buffer (it almost seems like the first ctrl-o does nothing)?
Update: Please note that I am aware of doing :so % or :so $MYVIMRC, etc. My question here is how do I basically reset 100% of the things to whatever are in my current files? That is, unset ALL mappings, variables, etc. that may have been updated, removed, etc; update ALL files that may have changed (functions, plugins, colorschemes, etc.). I don't think "Running :so % on 20 files" is a good solution here, which is why my current solution is to close the file and re-open it.
As others have mentioned, you can source your .vimrc, but that doesn't completely reset Vim. If you want to just restart Vim, then you can do so by re-execing it.
Vim doesn't provide a built-in way to exec processes from within it, since typically one doesn't want to replace one's editor with another process, but it is possible to do so with Perl or Ruby, as you see fit:
:perl exec "vim"
:ruby exec "vim"
This may or may not work on Windows, and it of course requires that your Vim version have been compiled with support for the appropriate interpreters. Debian provides both in the vim-nox, vim-gtk3, and vim-athena packages, but not in vim or vim-tiny; Ubuntu, last I checked, did not provide Ruby support but did include Perl.
If you want to re-exec with the same buffer, you can use one of these:
:perl exec "vim", $curbuf->Name();
:ruby exec "vim",
Note that re-execing may cause your screen to be slightly messed up when exiting, so you may need to use reset to set it back to normal.
I don't know if you had tried this but you can source your vimrc file from vim itself by typing
In order to apply the changes, you don't have to exit vim and open it again, no need for a "hard refresh" :)
If you want to apply in on the .vimrc file itself, you can type
:so %
to apply the changes in another file, you can type:
:so ~/.vimrc #path to your .vimrc file
in normal mode, Ctrl-O takes you to where your cursor has been backward and Ctrl-I forward. You can check your jump list by typing :jumps, to clear your jumps :clearjumps
in insert mode, Ctrl-O escapes to normal mode and lets the user to do one normal mode command.

Can not switch to previous page in gvim

I have a very weird problem which did not exist in my environment before but now happened. When editing files, I'm used to doing this way:
gvim . #open current directory browsing
scroll up/down to select file, enter then edit.
ctrl-6 #back to previous directory
However one day I found the step3 was failed, it said "No alternate file".
My .vimrc file only contains:
colorscheme darkblue
set number
set autoindent
set nowrap
set ignorecase
set cursorline
I tried to clean all content in .cshrc but the same.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my gvim ?
Thanks in advance.
This looks to be a change in behavior introduced in Vim 7.4. The netrw view is no longer stored as an alternate file. See this discussion.
The Vim maintainers seemed split on what the correct behavior should be, but Bram himself offered up this advice with a mapping:
I do realize that editing the directory of the current file is
something I often do, but I never bothered to set up a mapping for
it. Typing ":e %:h" is not too difficult, but CTRL-O to jump back to
the netrw %directory view was easier.
I now added a mapping:
map ,d :e %:h<CR>
Let's see if I can get used to that.
Another related discussion can be found here.
You are likely using netrw to edit a directory. This is the equivalent of :Explore. Sadly netrw has a bad habit of not maintaining the alternative buffer, #. You maybe able to upgrade netrw or use :Rexplore (:Rex for short) to resume exploring.
Another option is to just use :e with wildcards and tab completion to explore files. Use <c-d> to list out completions as well.

Apply changes to .vimrc to source file

Im currently making a lot of changes in my .vimrc. At the same time Im also coding away on a project. To fix the new indentation and tabstop rules, and so on, I have to go through every line and re-indent them. This seems a little bit tedious.
Is there any way to apply the newest changes in my .vimrc to the whole source file?
Your problem seems to be that existing buffers do not get the updated (global) values of e.g. 'tabstop', because these are buffer-local options. Therefore, a simple :so % after editing the ~/.vimrc isn't sufficient.
There are several possible approaches:
Use sessions
With the current Vim state persisted via :mksession, you can safely :quit Vim, restart it, :so session.vim, and have the identical editing state, but with the new settings applied (this requires that you :set sessionoptions-=options)
Manually apply
You can e.g. :yank the changed :set tabstop=... commands that you've edited and reapply them to all existing buffers, e.g. by moving there and :#", or (if there are many) with the help of :bufdo.
Note that especially the indent settings can also be set from ftplugins, so your global settings may not be effective. You can check that for a buffer with :verbose set tabstop?.

vimrc setting to ignore file types in netrw

What is the setting used in .vimrc to make the netrw directory listing ignore/hide certain file types?
set wildignore=*.obj,*.exe only seems to work for tab completion.
Within netrw, you can ctrl-g to edit the hiding list, but that only lasts for that session.
As per, this should work:
let g:netrw_list_hide= '.*\.swp$'

Vim Editor open always users home directory

I installed Nerd_tree plugin for vim on ubuntu 10.04. It is great plugin. But I met the following problems:
after open nerd_tree to browse the files in /etc/apache2/sites-available/, now I close it, and go on with my work. Later I want open nerd_tree again to edit another file in /etc/apache, but nerd_tree shows me always the user home directory /home/toledot, So I have to up dir->up-dir->up-dir again. Is there a way let nerd_tree to remember the path, which I have used at the last minute?
I opened nerd_tree and select one file to edit. After my update on this file, and want to select another file to make some change. But I can not go back to the nerd_tree. I tried to make double click and tab and so on. It doesn't work. What is the hotkey to switch nerd_tree and the opened files in vim?
I am absolute new with vim and plugins, so please help me and explain the solution in details. I am very thankful for any suggestion or infos.
A couple of points that may be helpful.
If you set autochdir the current working directory will be automatically be set to that of the current file. You can do this either interactively or in your .vimrc file.
The official way to open the NERDTree window seems to be with the command :NERDTree. You can map this to any convenient key sequence.
You should be able to view the helpfile with the command :help NERDTree. If you have trouble getting the help, change to the directory containing file NERD_tree.txt (in vim) and execute :helptags .
You can also add bookmarks for file/directories that you often use. See
:help NERDTreeBookmarkCommands.
What you need is a handy map to :NERDTreeToggle. Put this in your .vimrc
nmap <silent> <F4> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
And just hit <F4> to open/close NERDTree, just like that, just as you last toggle-closed it.
You can also open a specific directory using :NERDTree /my/dir
I advise you to set autochdir so that whenever you open a file, working directory (you can find out this with :pwd) will be changed accordingly
