What is the general approach to fixing Go To functionality in Resharper - resharper

I often see that some of the ReSharper functionality just doesn't work until you restart VS and reopen the project. But this situation I have now is consistent across restarts. So I am using a Go To Everything fuctionality often. It is enabled in ReSharper settings.
But since yesterday Go To Everything (Ctrl + N for me) can't find most of the files in the project (though it can find some).
Here is a screenshot of the problem:
I have that file open in editor just to prove that it's there. I show it found in an open solution in file tree. But ReSharper doesn't seem to be able to find it.
What to I do to troubleshoot. Thanks you in advance.

The best thing to do here is to raise an issue with JetBrains. Either log a bug with the issue tracker, or email resharper-support#jetbrains.com. Include details about what version of ReSharper you're using, what type of projects you're using, version of Visual Studio, etc.
However, from that screenshot, it looks like ReSharper isn't configured to analyse that file - there's no "green tick" in the scrollbar. Is ReSharper disabled? Is that file excluded from analysis? (Mind you, even when it's excluded, it should still show up in go to results. Something odd is happening here, support should be able to help better than StackOverflow)


Android Studio 3.1.2 0 - no longer see errors in all files (red underlined)

I feel like I'm going crazy, but since updating to the new version of Android Studio, I can no longer tell which files have errors in them.
Previously, if I made a change in one class, like to a method signature, then all other classes that were calling that method would suddenly be highlighted in red (at that section along the top that shows the path). Now it shows nothing as though my code is good, except when I go to compile, I now get a load of errors in the build tab at the bottom, in a really unhelpful way to navigate through.
Is this something I can switch back to through a setting somewhere? I'm really not sure what to search for, but I've been through almost all of them.
Following another SO post, I turned on and off PowerSave mode, at the bottom of File menu (in Android Studio). This, temporarily at least, seems to have solved things.
This may be what you are looking for?
Either that or it may be in preferences.

Any way to circumvent inbuilt auto save in android studio?

The current Android Studio version has inbuilt auto save. Which means if you close a file, it will automatically save the changes.
This is inconvenient, it means when experimenting with code, all changes need to be noted as there's no option to have a dialog requesting to save changes on closing a tab or the project, as in many other ides.
According to documentation IntelliJ IDEA 15.0 Help/Saving and Reverting Changes:
When does IntelliJ IDEA auto save changed files?
Autosave is initiated by:
Compiling a project, a module or a class
Starting a run/debug configuration
Performing a version control operation such as pull, commit, push, etc.
Closing a file in the editor
Closing a project
Quitting the IDE
Note that those are optional autosave triggers, and you cannot turn off autosave completely.
These are the auto save settings that can be changed in Android Studio:
Is there any work around to circumvent this autosave?
These questions are related, but do not acknowledge that this intended behaviour of the ide and are rather asking for fixes within the ide.
How to disable Auto Save save in Android Studio
How turn off autosave in Android Studio?
If you want to experiment, use the revert button at the top right. This works especially well if you are using a VCS (like git...) as it will revert to the last committed version. And since commits are still manual, this will soon replace your traditional save.
If you are not using a VCS the point in time to which it reverts is a little more arbitrary, but in my experience it takes a pretty good guess. If that doesn't suffice, you can use the history button next to the revert button, which keeps track of every version IntelliJ saved, and you can then go back to any point in time you like. :)
Android Studio as a software is very much based on the JetBrains software solutions such as IntelliJ (used for Java) and PHPStorm (used for PHP, as its name shows).
As a concept in itself, JetBrains have implemented this feature and as a company believe that it's much more efficient and productive than manual save. Hence, there is no way to disable this behavior or enable any confirmations in Android Studio either.
Taken from JetBrains FAQ for IntelliJ:
Because IntelliJ IDEA has the ability to change so many files simultaneously in large refactoring actions, and change them without ever opening them, single file saves don't make very much sense. In recognition of this, IntelliJ IDEA reserves the right to save any of your files literally whenever it wishes. It's actually quite nice to never have to worry about your file's save statuses, once you get used to it.
Having said that, and encountering this issue myself too as a developer, I agree that it would be a good idea if the Manual Save feature were enabled by the Android Engineers (or JetBrains themselves). After all it is up to the developer to choose whether he needs this feature or not.
To Jetbrain's defence, they have a very good Undo function through their Ctrl + Z shortcut keys, letting the developer go back many steps and find where a certain error has occured.
All IntelliJ based products nowadays save any opened or modified files whenever they wish - read this as "immediately".
I would suggest you give up on trying to disable it (trust me, it's not possible to hack it) and either change your work flow or work on copies of the files.
As background I should mention that I am a plugins author for IntelliJ (with 3 publicly released plugins in the JetBrains repository) and thus have a reasonable understanding of the internal IntelliJ architecture.

In Visual Studio 2012 - Keyboard suddenly stops working properly

as stated in the questions title, we have an issue with VS2012. The problem is that sometimes suddenly some keyboard-input in VS isn't executed properly, if at all.
When the problem occurs, we are only able to type in characters and numbers, but neither are we able to delete them (backspace or DEL), nor to use the arrow key to jump up down a line or to the next/previous character. Overwriting a text which has been marked with the mouse is working.
I have found a very similar Question but the hints stated there doesn't work here. Those are:
Hitting Alt+Enter
Closing and Reopening Editor Windows
Closing the ToolboxWindow
Restarting VS
Pressing ScollLock
The Problem seems to be related to the Stylecop-AddIn. After uninstalling it, the issue doesn't come up anymore. Is there some known workaround? Thanks in advance!
Apparently StyleCop can be used with out Resharper, I didn't know. Very sorry. However, if you look at the documentation for StyleCop, if you right click on your project, click Source Analysis Settings, you will be presented with a dialog to turn on or off all of StyleCops rules.
Here is a link to the actual documentation which has images which helps describe it. StyleCop Settings

Why do Visual Studio 2012 and ReSharper 7 forget to display Intellisense tooltips?

I noticed a strange behaviour in my VS2012 installation. I use VS2012 Pro and ReSharper 7. Intellisense is just not showing code suggestions anymore. I found a few related questions in my research but they always had a slightly different setup going and none could solve my problem:
Intellisense is working but, it's not showing the tooltip about selected member functions/Properties anymore.
If I take a look at the C# Text Editor Settings in
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> General
Most of the times the two necessary boxes Auto List Members and Parameter Information are selected. However, code suggestions in Intellisense don't work. Sometimes, when I look at the described settings, they are unselected.
Selecting them will make code suggestions work as in VS2010 but, only once. When I check the settings afterwards, they are most likely still selected, but code suggestions are not working anymore.
Some people suggested deleting the %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0 Folder, which did not work for me. I also tried to reset all changes, which also didn't help at all.
Tools -> Import and Export Settings -> Reset
What in the world could make Visual Studio to just forget its settings and trigger such an irrational behavior?
I display the code suggestions by pressing CTRL+Alt+Space. However, I have to press that shortcut every time I want to see the suggestions. It has to be possible to automatically display them every time, when possible?
I was having a similar problem, but I kept overlooking one small ReSharper Intellisense setting. I would double check that you have Symbol completion on in
ReSharper | Options | Intellisense | Completion Characters
Check out the answer with screenshots.
Thanks for all the tips, I figured out what I had missing:
I had to enable "Completion Appearance" -> "Show Summary".
I also accepted Anthonys answer because he linked to a detailed post with screenshots that shows all steps necessary. (Although the thing I had missing is not mentioned there)
ReSharper uses it's own code suggestions that override Visual Studio ones, that could be the reason why the ones in the Visual Studio settings may be disabled. Please check ReSharper options at ReSharper -> Options -> Environment -> IntelliSense. Maybe they are turned off there. If your ReSharper options are turned on but you still have no intellisense, then please ReSharper's support at http://www.jetbrains.com/support/

ReSharper Settings Grayed Out

Today I tried to made "Code Cleanup" of single file in ReSharper 6.0 (VS 2010). The Code Cleanup dialog did not show up so I tried again.
I then discovered, that the feature is grayed out and when I press hotkey for Code Cleanup, the notification area shows that the "command is not available at the moment".
Even the Code Cleanup settings are hidden. The panel where settings should be shown says that the settings are solution-specific and thus a solution needs to be opened (although it is, however).
All other solution-specific settings and features work, except for Code Cleanup.
I want to avoid re-installing ReSharper or resetting its settings, because otherwise I would need to set it up again (long and annoying work of setting all the options as before re-install).
I am afraid that backing up settings and restoring it again restores the problem as well.
Any suggestions?
Ensure that the file that you're trying to cleanup is included in your solution.
Try to reopen solution (close and then open again).
Upgrade to 6.1.1, maybe its fixed there.
File a bug report at http://youtrack.jetbrains.com
Both ReSharper 7 and 8 seems to work OK.
I know this is an old answer, but I found a little more insight on this. According to Jerrie Pelser in this blog post from last year, this may have to do with the file being part of a NuGet package. In my case, this was definitely it!
In case of link rot, basically the post mentions that ReSharper will avoid refactoring/code cleaning for files it detects were added as part of NuGet packages. This is similar to how it will not allow code cleanup for generated code.
