How do I configure puppet parameterized classes from command line (hammer-cli)? - puppet

I want to use hammer CLI to modify the parameters of a puppet class. I tried this, but it defines a "Global" paramteter, not a class parameter.
hammer host update --id 10 --parameters foo=0,bar="blah"
What is the command line to set a class parameter ?

You want to set a smart class parameter. Unfortunately, I think you need to wait for this pull request to get merged in before you will be able to do this through the CLI.


Terrafom import on windows

i was following this tutorial and i came across a problem.
I'm using cmd.exe
i copied&pasted command terraform import aws_security_group.sg_8080 $(terraform output -raw security_group) from article Remove resource from the state, and i got error visible below, What should i do?
The import command expects two arguments.
Usage: terraform [global options] import [options] ADDR ID
Import existing infrastructure into your Terraform state.
This will find and import the specified resource into your Terraform
state, allowing existing infrastructure to come under Terraform
management without having to be initially created by Terraform.
The ADDR specified is the address to import the resource to. Please
see the documentation online for resource addresses. The ID is a
resource-specific ID to identify that resource being imported. Please
reference the documentation for the resource type you're importing to
determine the ID syntax to use. It typically matches directly to the ID
The tutorial you referred to is giving an example command line which relies on some expansion capabilities of typical Unix shells.
One way to achieve a similar result in the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) is to manually run the nested command and then copy-paste its result into the argument of the second command.
For example, first run the command inside the $( ... ) sequence:
C:\example> terraform output -raw security_group
Here I've assumed that the output would be the same as the ID shown in the example in the tutorial, but of course in your case you will have a different ID with an sg- prefix reflecting the actual security object in your AWS account.
You can then place that security group ID into the outer command line instead of the $( ... ) sequence:
C:\example> terraform import aws_security_group.sg_8080 sg-0096a764b1e76f7fd
This two-step process should reproduce the same effect that a Unix-style shell would've achieved with the command line shown in the tutorial.
I'm not familiar enough with cmd.exe to suggest a direct single-step command similar to the one in the tutorial, and I don't have a Windows system to test on, but there is a question on the SuperUser StackExchange which is asking the same thing you asked in more general terms, agnostic of Terraform; perhaps the answers there will be helpful.

Jenkins Extended Choice Parameter Plugin Groovy Script

So in the website for the plugin, the change-log for Version 0.61 (Mar 30, 2016) mentions that they have exposed Jenkins and project bindings for use in a groovy script. I'm currently trying to set a parameter (multi select) and i want it to have different options based on the value of another parameter which is set before this one in the Jenkins job. However i'm not able to get the value of that other parameter in the script.
My problem is very similar to the one explained here
I've tried using ${param}, $(param), $param, bindings.variables.get('param') in the script, and none of it works
I've also tried to set that parameter in the Variable bindings section of the script but still no success.
Any ideas about the correct way to obtain the value?
I set the variable binding as param on the other field that you want to dynamically populate and used param (please note that i didnt use $ ${} or binding.get etc). It worked for me.
As a side note, Will active choice reactive parameter work in your case?

confusion in context variable and Context Class in soap Ui

context,testRunner variables(built-in) in SoapUI are objects/instances of which classes in soapui api.
I was under impression that context variable is an instance of
but in the Context class i could not find exapnd method which we use regualrly as shown below
Please some body clarify...if both are difference where can i find list of all methods of context variable
The class of the context variable could be different depending on context.
The best way to get the class name to print it out: context.getClass() )
If we talk about groovy script test step then context should be if you run just your script without running the whole test case.
com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext if you run the whole or part of the test case including your script.
probably it could be other for different soapui project types..
So, what is the context of your groovy script?
Btw, how did you get com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.schema.Context ?
SoapUI initializes certain variables in certain level.
Here are the list of variables available at different level.
Project Setup Script
Similarly, below variables available at Test Suite Setup Script
And also certain variables available in Test Case Setup Script.
The same is with TearDown Scripts as well.
However, If I understand right, you were referring to Groovy Script test step.
And the following variables are available there are:
To be more precise, context.expand() is used to read certain property values either from test case, suite or project.
In order to read test case level property, CASE_PROPERTY
User one of the two:
In order to read test suite level property, SUITE_PROPERTY
User one of the two:
In order to read test project level property, PROJECT_PROPERTY
User one of the two:

How to not display KeyStorePassword on the command line?

when configuring https for play framework, I have to use following configuration when running the background task.
play -Dhttps.port=9443 -Dhttps.keyStore=keystore.jks -Dhttps.keyStorePassword=password run
I don't want to display the keystore password on the command line. It shouldn't be visible for all users on that machine.
HTTPS configuration can either be supplied using system properties or in application.conf
I recommend to use a combination of environment variables and the application.conf
Put your sensitive information in environment variables
Reference these environment variables from the application.conf:
Like this:
https.keyStore = defaultvalue
https.keyStore = ${?MY_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_ENV}
The question mark means that if there is no value found for MY_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_ENV then the defaultvalue from above will be used

Is there any way to run an individual test method in groovy?

I'd like to run an individual test method instead of the entire test class in Groovy on the cli - is this possible?
So instead of all the test methods in MyTestClass, I'd like to run just the testArbitrary method in MyTestClass.
Any help appreciated.
In Intellij Idea you could create run configuration, that will start single test method. Command will be copied to output panel and will look like so
com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.JUnitStarter -ideVersion5 -junit3 package.TestClass,testMethod
Like this, you can create your custom JUnitStarter class as described here
Natively, there is no such class, but it's pretty simple to create it.
