Python 3 Graphical calculator "bool object is not callable" error - python-3.x

Below is my attempt at a graphical calculator using Python 3. All the number, cancel and equals buttons work as they should. The issue I have is that when the '+' or '-' buttons are pressed, I receive this error message: "TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable." I would greatly appreciate if anyone could shed some light onto what this error message refers to and means.
from tkinter import *
class functions():
def __init__(self):
self.cumulative = 0
self.input = 0;
self.new_value = True
self.calculation = False
self.operation = ""
self.operation = False
def numpress(self, num):
self.number_equals = False
nostring = display_screen.get()
no2 = str(num)
if self.new_value:
self.input = no2
self.new_value = False
self.input = nostring + no2
def calc_total(self):
self.number_equals = True
self.input = int(self.input)
if self.calculation == True:
else: = int(display_screen.get())
def display(self, value):
display_screen.delete(0, END)
display_screen.insert(0, value)
def addition_calc(self):
if self.operation == "addition": += self.input
if self.operation == "subtraction":
self.cumulative -= self.input
self.new_value = True
self.calculation = False
def operation(self, operation):
self.input = int(self.input)
if self.calculation:
elif not self.number_equals: = self.input
self.new_value = True
self.calculation = True
self.operation = operation
self.number_equals = False
def cancel(self):
self.number_equals = False
self.input = "0"
self.new_value = True = 0
ops = functions()
root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
display_screen=Entry (frame, bd=10, insertwidth=1, font=30)
display_screen.pack( side =TOP)
topframe = Frame(root)
topframe.pack(side = TOP)
b1 = Button(topframe,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "1", fg="black",)
b1.pack(side = LEFT)
b1["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(1)
b2 = Button(topframe,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "2", fg="black",)
b2.pack(side = LEFT)
b2["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(2)
b3 = Button(topframe,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "3", fg="black",)
b3.pack(side = LEFT)
b3["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(3)
frame1 = Frame(root)
frame1.pack(side = TOP)
b4 = Button(frame1,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "4", fg="black",)
b4.pack(side = LEFT)
b4["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(4)
b5 = Button(frame1,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "5", fg="black",)
b5.pack(side = LEFT)
b5["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(5)
b6 = Button(frame1,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "6", fg="black",)
b6.pack(side = LEFT)
b6["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(6)
frame2 = Frame(root)
frame2.pack(side = TOP)
b7 = Button(frame2,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "7", fg="black")
b7.pack(side = LEFT)
b7["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(7)
b8 = Button(frame2,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "8", fg="black")
b8.pack(side = LEFT)
b8["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(8)
b9 = Button(frame2,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "9", fg="black")
b9.pack(side = LEFT)
b9["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(9)
button0=Button(frame3,padx=24, pady=8, bd=6, text="0", fg="black")
button0["command"] = lambda: ops.numpress(0)
buttonPlus=Button(command,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "+", fg="black")
buttonPlus["command"] = lambda: ops.operation("addition")
buttonMinus=Button(command,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "-", fg="black")
buttonMinus["command"] = lambda: ops.operation("subtraction")
buttonCancel=Button(command,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "C", fg="black")
buttonCancel["command"] = ops.cancel
buttonEquals=Button(command1,padx=24, pady=8, bd =6, text = "=", fg="black")
buttonEquals["command"] = ops.calc_total

In the functions class, you have both a method and an instance variable named operation. When your callback tries to call the method via ops.operation, it gets the instance variable instead, which, after __init__ has run, will be False. Instance variables "shadow" class variables (such as methods).
To fix this, change the name of either the method or the variable. Then you can refer to each one unambiguously.


AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'x' in Python

I'm working on a basic game with python, but the system gives an error
impostors.x = new_x_pos
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'x'
Below is my code, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've checked very carefully but still can't find the error, Since I'm a newbie, I don't have much experience so I hope you guys can help me
import pgzrun
import random
FONT_COLOR = (255, 255, 255) #màu RGB
WIDTH = 1300
HEIGHT = 700
COLORS = ["orange", "blue"]
current_level = 1
final_level = 5
game_over = False
game_complete = False
impostors = []
animation = []
def draw():
global impostors,current_level,game_over,game_complete
if game_over:
display_message("Game Over", "Press Space to play again")
elif game_complete:
display_message("You win", "Press Space to play again")
for im in impostors:
def update():
global impostors,current_level,game_over,game_complete
if len(impostors) == 0:
impostors = make_impostors(current_level)
if (game_over or game_complete) and
impostors = []
current_level = 1
game_complete = False
game_over = False
def make_impostors(number_of_impostors):
colors_to_create = get_colors_to_create(number_of_impostors)
new_impostors = create_impostors(colors_to_create)
return new_impostors
def get_colors_to_create(number_of_impostors):
colors_to_create = ["red"]
for i in range(0,number_of_impostors):
random_color = random.choice(COLORS)
return colors_to_create
def create_impostors(colors_to_create):
new_impostors = []
for color in colors_to_create:
impostor = Actor(color + "-im")
return new_impostors
def layout_impostors(impostors_to_layout):
number_of_gaps = len(impostors_to_layout) + 1
gap_size = WIDTH/number_of_gaps
for index, impostor in enumerate(impostors_to_layout):
new_x_pos = (index + 1)*gap_size
impostor.x = new_x_pos
def animation_impostors(impostors_to_animate):
for impostors in impostors_to_animate:
duration = START_SPEED - current_level
impostors.anchor = ("center", "bottom")
animation = animation(impostors, duration = duration, on_finished = handle_game_over, y = HEIGHT)
def handle_game_over():
global game_over
game_over = True
def on_mouse_down(pos):
global impostors, current_level
for impostors in impostors:
if impostors.collidepoint(pos):
if "red" in impostors.image:
def red_impostor_click():
global current_level, impostors, animation, game_complete
if current_level == final_level:
game_complete = True
current_level = current_level + 1
impostors = []
animations = []
def stop_animations(animations_to_stop):
for animation in animations_to_stop:
if animation.running:
def display_message(heading_text, sub_heading_text):
screen.draw.text(heading_text, fontsize = 60, center = CENTER, color = FONT_COLOR)
fontsize = 30,
center = (CENTER_X, CENTER_Y + 30),
color = FONT_COLOR)
The problem is the loop for impostors in impostors:. Rename the loop variable to impostor:
def on_mouse_down(pos):
global impostors, current_level
for impostor in impostors:
if impostor.collidepoint(pos):
if "red" in impostors.image:

run a function from a button in a frame

I'm just starting with python 3, I've made 3 scripts which do what I want them to do and now I'm trying to include them in a very basic GUI that I made with tinker.
I've joined my 3 scripts into a single file and made a function of each of them
Basically I'd like to run this or that function when I click on a button in the frame.
The problem is that of course I d'ont know how to do it, can someone point me in the right direction ?
Thanks for the help.
from tkinter import *
from datetime import *
import time
def c60duree(delta):
(h, r) = divmod(delta.seconds, 3600)
(m, s) = divmod(r, 60)
return "%s%02d:%02d:%02d" % (
"%d jour(s) " % delta.days if delta.days > 0 else "",
def code60():
while saisie != "X":
print ("Code 60 activé à ", c60d.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
saisie=input("Tapez entree pour la fin du code 60, X pour sortir : ")
print("Debut ", c60d.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
print("Fin ", c60f.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
print("Duree ", c60duree(c60x))
def relais():
print("Relais pilote demarré ")
relv=input("Quelle voiture ? ")
relp=input("Quel pilote repart ? ")
rele=input("Quantité d'essence ? ")
input("Tapez entrée à la sortie des stands ")
rel[0].append(relh), rel[1].append(relv), rel[2].append(relp), rel[3].append(rele), rel[4].append(rels)
print("Dureé ", rels-relh)
def essence():
print("Ravitaillement essence demarré ")
essv=input("Quelle voiture ? ")
essp=input("Quel pilote ? ")
essq=input("Combien de litres ? ")
ess[0].append(essh), ess[1].append(essv), ess[2].append(essp), ess[3].append(essq)
fenetre = Tk()
# frame 1
Frame1 = Frame(fenetre, bg="yellow", borderwidth=1, relief=GROOVE)
Frame1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)
# frame 2
Frame2 = Frame(fenetre, bg="green", borderwidth=1, relief=GROOVE)
Frame2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)
# frame 3
Frame3 = Frame(fenetre, bg="red", borderwidth=1, relief=GROOVE)
Frame3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)
# Ajout de labels
Label(Frame1, text="Essence").pack(padx=300, pady=100)
Label(Frame2, text="Relais").pack(padx=300, pady=100)
Label(Frame3, text="C60").pack(padx=300, pady=100)
If you want to continue using Labels, you can bind a function to them like this:
# Ajout de labels
label1 = Label(Frame1, text="Essence")
label1.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: essence())
label1.pack(padx=300, pady=100)
label2 = Label(Frame2, text="Relais")
label2.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: relais())
label2.pack(padx=300, pady=100)
label3 = Label(Frame3, text="C60")
label3.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: code60())
label3.pack(padx=300, pady=100)
I've had to give the labels each a name so I could add the binding. The bind method takes a key and a function. The key I've given is Button-1, which is the left mouse button. Therefore when you click on the label the function is run. When you bind a function, and extra argument called event is added. For this example we don't need event, so I've used lambda event: to essentially ignore it and call the function like normal.
Another way you could do this is with buttons:
# Ajout de labels
Button(Frame1, text="Essence", command = essence).pack(padx=300, pady=100)
Button(Frame2, text="Relais", command = relais).pack(padx=300, pady=100)
Button(Frame3, text="C60", command = code60).pack(padx=300, pady=100)
This is a lot more straightforward but looks different to a Label.
To make the text appear in the GUI, you could do something like this:
def essenceResult(ess, ent1, ent2, ent3):
essv = ent1.get()
essp = ent2.get()
essq = ent3.get()
ess[0].append(essh), ess[1].append(essv), ess[2].append(essp), ess[3].append(essq)
resultLabel = Label(Frame4, text = str(ess))
resultLabel.grid(row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
def essence():
Frame4.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
Label1 = Label(Frame4, text = "Ravitaillement essence demarré ")
Label1.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
essvLabel = Label(Frame4, text = "Quelle voiture ? ")
essvEntry = Entry(Frame4)
essvLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
essvEntry.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
esspLabel = Label(Frame4, text = "Quel pilote ? ")
esspEntry = Entry(Frame4)
esspLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
esspEntry.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
essqLabel = Label(Frame4, text = "Combien de litres ? ")
essqEntry = Entry(Frame4)
essqLabel.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
essqEntry.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
submitButton = Button(Frame4, text = "Submit", command = lambda: essenceResult(ess, essvEntry, esspEntry, essqEntry))
submitButton.grid(row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
fenetre = Tk()
# frame 1
Frame1 = Frame(fenetre, bg="yellow", borderwidth=1, relief=GROOVE)
Frame1.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx=5, pady=5)
# frame 2
Frame2 = Frame(fenetre, bg="green", borderwidth=1, relief=GROOVE)
Frame2.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx=5, pady=5)
# frame 3
Frame3 = Frame(fenetre, bg="red", borderwidth=1, relief=GROOVE)
Frame3.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx=5, pady=5)
Frame4 = Frame(fenetre)
Frame4 is used to show the things for essence, but is not displayed until the user presses the button. The inputs have been replaced with a label for the question and an entry for the user to put their answer. Then when they press submit, the essenceResult function adds a label with what the print function used to show.

Saving real time data in Python

I have a python interface of a software which stores data from the camera in excel. The software working is when I click Ready the camera starts recording and status shows(Running) and then when i click on the same tab it stops. NOw i want to write the current data in excel. Currently it is saving all the previous values.
It would be very helpful if i could get help on this as I am new to Python.
import wx
import wx.lib.activex
import csv
import comtypes.client
class EventSink(object):
def __init__(self, frame):
self.counter = 0
self.frame = frame
def DataReady(self):
self.counter +=1
self.frame.Title= "DataReady fired {0} times".format(self.counter)
class MyApp( wx.App ):
def OnClick(self,e):
rb_selection = self.rb.GetStringSelection()
if rb_selection == "WinCam":
data =
data = [[x] for x in data]
p_selection = self.cb.GetStringSelection()
if p_selection == "Profile_X":
data = self.px.ctrl.GetProfileDataAsVariant()
data = [[x] for x in data]#csv.writerows accepts a list of rows where each row is a list, a list of lists
elif p_selection == "Profile_Y":
data =
data = [[x] for x in data]
**elif p_selection =="data_info":
while self.data18 ==1:
data= [self.data1,self.data2,self.data3,self.data4,self.data5,self.data6,self.data7,self.data8,self.data9,self.data10,self.data11,self.data12,self.data13,self.data14,self.data15,self.data16,self.data17,self.data18]
file = open('C:\\Users\\Namrata\\data.csv', 'w')
with file:
a = ['Clip Level a', 'Clip level b', 'Major','Minor','Mean','Eff_2W','Ellip','Orient','Crosshair','Xc','Yc','Centroid','Rc','ADC Peak','Exposure','image zoom','plateau uniformity']
out = csv.writer(file)
datax = self.px.ctrl.GetProfileDataAsVariant()
datay =
data = [list(row) for row in zip(datax,datay)]#Makes a list of lists; X1 with Y1 in a list, X2 with Y2 in a list etc...
filename = self.ti.Value
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
w = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=',')
def __init__( self, redirect=False, filename=None ):
wx.App.__init__( self, redirect, filename )
self.frame = wx.Frame( parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY,size=(1000,760), title='Python Interface to DataRay')
p = wx.Panel(self.frame, wx.ID_ANY)
#Get Data = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(p, 'DATARAYOCX.GetDataCtrl.1')
#The methods of the object are available through the ctrl property of the item
self.counter = 0
sink = EventSink(self.frame)
self.sink = comtypes.client.GetEvents(, sink)
#Button Panel
bp = wx.Panel(parent=self.frame, id=wx.ID_ANY, size=(300, 400))
b1 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(280,25), pos=(20, 0),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b1.ctrl.ButtonID =297
self.data18= b1.ctrl.GetParameter()
b1.ctrl.GetParameter()#Id's for some ActiveX controls must be set
b2 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5, 30),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b2.ctrl.ButtonID =294
self.data1= b2.ctrl.GetParameter()
b3 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150,30),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b3.ctrl.ButtonID =295
data2= b3.ctrl.GetParameter()
b4 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5,60),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b4.ctrl.ButtonID =180
data3= b4.ctrl.GetParameter()
b5 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150, 60),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b5.ctrl.ButtonID =181
self.data4= b5.ctrl.GetParameter()
b6 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5, 90),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b6.ctrl.ButtonID =182
data5= b6.ctrl.GetParameter()
b7 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150, 90),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b7.ctrl.ButtonID =95
data6= b7.ctrl.GetParameter()
b8 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5, 120),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b8.ctrl.ButtonID =177
data7= b8.ctrl.GetParameter()
b9 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150, 120),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b9.ctrl.ButtonID =179
data8= b9.ctrl.GetParameter()
b10 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5,150),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b10.ctrl.ButtonID =302
data9= b10.ctrl.GetParameter()
b11= wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150, 150),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b11.ctrl.ButtonID =171
data10= b11.ctrl.GetParameter()
b12 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5, 180),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b12.ctrl.ButtonID =172
data11= b12.ctrl.GetParameter()
b13 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150, 180),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b13.ctrl.ButtonID =298
data12= b13.ctrl.GetParameter()
b14 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5, 210),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b14.ctrl.ButtonID =425
data13= b14.ctrl.GetParameter()
b15 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150, 210),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b15.ctrl.ButtonID =183
data14= b15.ctrl.GetParameter()
b16 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(5, 240),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b16.ctrl.ButtonID =409
data15= b16.ctrl.GetParameter()
b17 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(140,25), pos=(150, 240),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b17.ctrl.ButtonID =301
data16= b17.ctrl.GetParameter()
b18 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=bp,size=(280,25), pos=(5, 270),axID='DATARAYOCX.ButtonCtrl.1')
b18.ctrl.ButtonID =291
data17= b18.ctrl.GetParameter()
#Custom controls
t = wx.StaticText(bp, label="File:", pos=(5, 300))
self.ti = wx.TextCtrl(bp, value="C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\output.csv", pos=(30, 300), size=(170, -1))
self.rb = wx.RadioBox(bp, label="Data:", pos=(5, 330), choices=["Profile", "WinCam","Data Info"])
self.cb = wx.ComboBox(bp, pos=(5,380), choices=[ "Profile_X", "Profile_Y", "data_info","Both"])
myb = wx.Button(bp, label="Write", pos=(150,380))
myb.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClick)
myd = wx.Button(bp, label="Dialog", pos=(150,330))
myd.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClick)
pic = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=self.frame,size=(300,400),axID='DATARAYOCX.CCDimageCtrl.1')
tpic = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=self.frame,size=(300,400), axID='DATARAYOCX.ThreeDviewCtrl.1')
palette = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=self.frame,size=(10,250), axID='DATARAYOCX.PaletteBarCtrl.1')
self.px = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=self.frame,size=(300,300),axID='DATARAYOCX.ProfilesCtrl.1')
self.px.ctrl.ProfileID=22 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=self.frame,size=(300,300),axID='DATARAYOCX.ProfilesCtrl.1') = 23 = wx.lib.activex.ActiveXCtrl(parent=self.frame,size=(150,360),axID='DATARAYOCX.getdataCtrl.1')
row1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
row1.Add(window=bp,flag=wx.RIGHT, border=10)
row1.Add(window=tpic, flag=wx.LEFT, border=10)
row2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
row2.Add(self.px, 0, wx.RIGHT, 100)# Arguments: item, proportion, flags, border
col1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
col1.Add(sizer=row1, flag=wx.BOTTOM, border=10)
col1.Add(sizer=row2, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = MyApp()
to save data in real time you can do this:
first create a wx.timer that fires constantly:
self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
self.timer.start(#here you have to specify the amount of milliseconds the timer sleep before fire again)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer, self.timer)
then you create the OnTimer() function to store data in the excel file:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
def OnTimer(self, event):
data = #here you get your data
wb = load_workbook('path/to/yout/excel/file.xlsx')
sheet =
#here you have to play with cells rows and cols by inserting data and saving,
#for more info go to the below link
openpyxl documentation

Display multiple images in PIL

My problem is that when I try to display multiple images on the canvas using PIL, I end up with only the last image.
All the images have slightly different characteristics(angle offset). Also the having a plethora of entries, I have to use a loop for sure. Also I'll need to use PIL(tkinter objects not possible) for the angle offset feature.
Here is the code;
# Filename:
import os
import tkinter as tk
import h5py as hp
import numpy as np
import ntpath as ntp
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
def path_leaf(path):
head, tail = ntp.split(path)
return tail or ntp.basename(head)
class CoordFind:
def __init__(self):
self.LatPx = 0
self.LonPx = 0
def find_px(self, Lat, Lon):
self.LatPx = (Lat - LatN)/LatLc
self.LonPx = (Lon - LonW)/LonLc
class PlottingGUI(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.coord = CoordFind()
self.root = parent
self.root.wm_title("-|-|-|-|||Wind Vector Plotter|||-|-|-|-")
self.root.resizable(False, False)
self.path = "None Selected"
self.HaM = 0
self.Lat = 0
self.Lon = 0
self.WiD = 0
self.WiS = 0 = tk.Frame(self.root, width = (width+20), height = (height+20), bd = 2) = 1, column = 0)
self.frBro = tk.Frame(self.root, width = (width+20), height = 50, bd = 2)
self.frBro.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.frHi = tk.Frame(self.root, width = (width+20), height = 50, bd = 2)
self.frHi.grid(row = 2, column = 0) = tk.Canvas(, width = width, height = height, background = "white", bd = 0, relief = tk.SUNKEN) = 0, column = 0), 1, anchor = "nw", image = photo)
self.broButton = tk.Button(self.frBro, text = "Browse Dsets", command = self.analyseDset, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "yellow")
self.broButton.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 20)
self.selFile = tk.Label(self.frBro, text = self.path)
self.selFile.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.caution = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "Optional use. Warning!!, May lead to lags in program", fg = "red")
self.caution.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.shoRedBut = tk.Button(self.frHi, text = "Show H1", command = self.show_barbs1().__next__, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "#FF0000", fg = "white", activebackground="#E533B5")
self.shoRedBut.grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx = 7, pady = 2)
self.shoGrnBut = tk.Button(self.frHi, text = "Show H2", command = self.show_barbs2().__next__, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "#00B400", fg = "white", activebackground="#B5E533")
self.shoGrnBut.grid(row = 1, column = 1, padx = 7, pady = 2)
self.shoBluBut = tk.Button(self.frHi, text = "Show H3", command = self.show_barbs3().__next__, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "#0000FF", fg = "white", activebackground="#33B5E5")
self.shoBluBut.grid(row = 1, column = 2, padx = 7, pady = 2)
self.desc1 = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "100-250 hPa", fg = "white", bg = "black")
self.desc1.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self.desc2 = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "250-350 hPa", fg = "white", bg = "black")
self.desc2.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
self.desc3 = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "350-700 hPa", fg = "white", bg = "black")
self.desc3.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
def analyseDset(self):
self.path = askopenfilename(filetypes = (("Dataset files", "*.h5")
,("All files", "*.*") ))
self.jfname = path_leaf(self.path)
self.selFile = tk.Label(self.frBro, text = self.jfname)
self.selFile.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
def extDset(self):
hf = hp.File(self.path, 'r')
Lat = hf.get('Latitude')
Lon = hf.get('Longitude')
WiD = hf.get('WIND_DIRECTION')
WiS = hf.get('WIND_SPEED')
self.HaM = np.array(HaM)
self.Lat = np.array(Lat)/100
self.Lon = np.array(Lon)/100
self.WiD = np.array(WiD)
self.WiS = np.array(WiS)
self.BrbImR = np.empty((self.HaM.shape[0],1))
self.BrbImB = np.empty((self.HaM.shape[0],1))
def show_barbs1(self):
self.coord = CoordFind()
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
im =, 'Red_Barbs\icons8-wind-speed-43-47-50.png'))
w, h = im.size
im = im.resize((int(w/2), int(h/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
vec_im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im.rotate(45))
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
if self.HaM[i] == 0:
self.coord.find_px(self.Lat[i], self.Lon[i])
x = self.coord.LonPx
y = self.coord.LatPx
self.BrbImR[i] =, y, image = vec_im)
while True:
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):[i], state = tk.NORMAL)
self.shoRedBut.configure(text = "Showing H1")
def show_barbs2(self):
self.coord = CoordFind()
BrbImG = np.empty((self.HaM.shape[0],1))
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
im =, 'Green_Barbs\icons8-wind-speed-43-47-50.png'))
w, h = im.size
im = im.resize((int(w/2), int(h/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
if self.HaM[i] == 1:
vec_im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im.rotate(self.WiD[i]))
self.coord.find_px(self.Lat[i], self.Lon[i])
x = self.coord.LonPx
y = self.coord.LatPx
BrbImG[i] =, y, image = vec_im)
while True:
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):[i], state = tk.NORMAL)
self.shoGrnBut.configure(text = "Showing H2")
def show_barbs3(self):
self.coord = CoordFind()
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
im =, 'Blue_Barbs\icons8-wind-speed-43-47-50.png'))
w, h = im.size
im = im.resize((int(w/2), int(h/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
vec_im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im.rotate(180))
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
if self.HaM[i] == 2:
self.coord.find_px(self.Lat[i], self.Lon[i])
x = self.coord.LonPx
y = self.coord.LatPx
self.BrbImB[i] =, y, image = vec_im)
while True:
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):[i], state = tk.NORMAL)
self.shoBluBut.configure(text = "Showing H3")
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
backmap = "Map.png"
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file = backmap)
width = photo.width()
height = photo.height()
LatN = 69.5
LatS = -69.3
LonE = 148.9
LonW = 1.0
LatLc = (LatS - LatN)/height
LonLc = (LonE - LonW)/width
app = PlottingGUI(root)
The output currently is this;(For the green arrows as that is what I have tested on)
This is what I want;(But with different angles)
I am using Python 3.6 on Windows 10.
Thanks in advance!!
P.S.: Also there is another problem if someone can help me with that. I would like to be able to choose a particular image based on a range factor(Wind Speed) by doing like a switch-case(or if-elif-else) procedure if possible. But when I try to do that it says "No such File or Directory". I may put it in another Question though.
-------------------------------Solved(Till this point)---------------------------------
EDIT: Solved the problem of displaying multiple arrows according to
choice and at different angles.
Here's the code;
# Filename:
import os
import tkinter as tk
import h5py as hp
import numpy as np
import ntpath as ntp
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
def path_leaf(path):
head, tail = ntp.split(path)
return tail or ntp.basename(head)
class CoordFind:
def __init__(self):
self.LatPx = 0
self.LonPx = 0
def find_px(self, Lat, Lon):
self.LatPx = (Lat - LatN)/LatLc
self.LonPx = (Lon - LonW)/LonLc
class PlottingGUI(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.coord = CoordFind()
self.root = parent
self.root.wm_title("-|-|-|-|||Wind Vector Plotter|||-|-|-|-")
self.root.resizable(False, False)
self.path = "None Selected"
self.HaM = 0
self.Lat = 0
self.Lon = 0
self.WiD = 0
self.WiS = 0
self.ima = [] = tk.Frame(self.root, width = (width+20), height = (height+20), bd = 2) = 1, column = 0)
self.frBro = tk.Frame(self.root, width = (width+20), height = 50, bd = 2)
self.frBro.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self.frHi = tk.Frame(self.root, width = (width+20), height = 50, bd = 2)
self.frHi.grid(row = 2, column = 0) = tk.Canvas(, width = width, height = height, background = "white", bd = 0, relief = tk.SUNKEN) = 0, column = 0), 1, anchor = "nw", image = photo)
self.broButton = tk.Button(self.frBro, text = "Browse Dsets", command = self.analyseDset, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "yellow")
self.broButton.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 20)
self.selFile = tk.Label(self.frBro, text = self.path)
self.selFile.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.caution = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "Optional use. Warning!!, May lead to lags in program", fg = "red")
self.caution.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.shoRedBut = tk.Button(self.frHi, text = "Show H1", command = self.show_barbs1().__next__, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "#FF0000", fg = "white", activebackground="#E533B5")
self.shoRedBut.grid(row = 1, column = 0, padx = 7, pady = 2)
self.shoGrnBut = tk.Button(self.frHi, text = "Show H2", command = self.show_barbs2().__next__, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "#00B400", fg = "white", activebackground="#B5E533")
self.shoGrnBut.grid(row = 1, column = 1, padx = 7, pady = 2)
self.shoBluBut = tk.Button(self.frHi, text = "Show H3", command = self.show_barbs3().__next__, height = 3, width = 16, bg = "#0000FF", fg = "white", activebackground="#33B5E5")
self.shoBluBut.grid(row = 1, column = 2, padx = 7, pady = 2)
self.desc1 = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "100-250 hPa", fg = "white", bg = "black")
self.desc1.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self.desc2 = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "250-350 hPa", fg = "white", bg = "black")
self.desc2.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
self.desc3 = tk.Label(self.frHi, text = "350-700 hPa", fg = "white", bg = "black")
self.desc3.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
def analyseDset(self):
self.path = askopenfilename(filetypes = (("Dataset files", "*.h5")
,("All files", "*.*") ))
self.jfname = path_leaf(self.path)
self.selFile = tk.Label(self.frBro, text = self.jfname)
self.selFile.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
def extDset(self):
hf = hp.File(self.path, 'r')
Lat = hf.get('Latitude')
Lon = hf.get('Longitude')
WiD = hf.get('WIND_DIRECTION')
WiS = hf.get('WIND_SPEED')
self.HaM = np.array(HaM)
self.Lat = np.array(Lat)/100
self.Lon = np.array(Lon)/100
self.WiD = np.array(WiD)
self.WiS = np.array(WiS)
self.BrbImR = np.empty((self.HaM.shape[0],1))
self.BrbImG = np.empty((self.HaM.shape[0],1))
self.BrbImB = np.empty((self.HaM.shape[0],1))
def barb_def(self, WiS):
if WiS < 1:
self.ima = "1.png"
elif WiS < 3:
self.ima = "2.png"
elif WiS < 8:
self.ima = "3.png"
elif WiS < 13:
self.ima = "4.png"
elif WiS < 18:
self.ima = "5.png"
elif WiS < 23:
self.ima = "6.png"
elif WiS < 28:
self.ima = "7.png"
elif WiS < 33:
self.ima = "8.png"
elif WiS < 38:
self.ima = "9.png"
elif WiS < 43:
self.ima = "10.png"
elif WiS < 48:
self.ima = "11.png"
elif WiS < 53:
self.ima = "12.png"
elif WiS < 58:
self.ima = "13.png"
elif WiS < 63:
self.ima = "14.png"
elif WiS < 68:
self.ima = "15.png"
elif WiS < 73:
self.ima = "16.png"
elif WiS < 78:
self.ima = "17.png"
elif WiS < 83:
self.ima = "18.png"
elif WiS < 88:
self.ima = "19.png"
elif WiS < 93:
self.ima = "20.png"
elif WiS < 98:
self.ima = "21.png"
elif WiS < 103:
self.ima = "22.png"
self.ima = "23.png"
def show_barbs1(self):
self.coord = CoordFind()
vec_im = []
im = []
p = []
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
p.append("{}{}".format('Red_Barbs\\', self.ima))
im.append(, p[i])))
w, h = im[i].size
im[i] = im[i].resize((int(w/2), int(h/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
if self.HaM[i] == 0:
self.coord.find_px(self.Lat[i], self.Lon[i])
x = self.coord.LonPx
y = self.coord.LatPx
self.BrbImR[i] =, y, image = vec_im[i])
while True:
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):[i], state = tk.NORMAL)
self.shoRedBut.configure(text = "Showing H1")
def show_barbs2(self):
self.coord = CoordFind()
vec_im = []
im = []
p = []
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
p.append("{}{}".format('Green_Barbs\\', self.ima))
im.append(, p[i])))
w, h = im[i].size
im[i] = im[i].resize((int(w/2), int(h/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
if self.HaM[i] == 1:
self.coord.find_px(self.Lat[i], self.Lon[i])
x = self.coord.LonPx
y = self.coord.LatPx
self.BrbImG[i] =, y, image = vec_im[i])
while True:
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):[i], state = tk.NORMAL)
self.shoGrnBut.configure(text = "Showing H2")
def show_barbs3(self):
self.coord = CoordFind()
vec_im = []
im = []
p = []
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
p.append("{}{}".format('Blue_Barbs\\', self.ima))
im.append(, p[i])))
w, h = im[i].size
im[i] = im[i].resize((int(w/2), int(h/2)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):
if self.HaM[i] == 2:
self.coord.find_px(self.Lat[i], self.Lon[i])
x = self.coord.LonPx
y = self.coord.LatPx
self.BrbImB[i] =, y, image = vec_im[i])
while True:
for i in range(0, self.HaM.shape[0]):[i], state = tk.NORMAL)
self.shoBluBut.configure(text = "Showing H3")
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
backmap = "Map.png"
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file = backmap)
width = photo.width()
height = photo.height()
LatN = 69.5
LatS = -69.3
LonE = 148.9
LonW = 1.0
LatLc = (LatS - LatN)/height
LonLc = (LonE - LonW)/width
app = PlottingGUI(root)
But this ended up having a new problem. One set of coloured arrows is showing at a time but when I click the button to display another set it goes "Python stopped working because of some error" and then the shell restarts. Don't know what's the prob though.

Text Select and Text Headed Pyglet

I have a script that I'm working on, in Pyglet.In this application I wanted to insert a console and I took as an example "examples/" from Pyglet's guide. I modified it and tried to adapt it to my use. The result is this:
import pyglet, pyperclip
from import *
from pyglet import clock
from collections import OrderedDict
key = pyglet.window.key
class MainGame(pyglet.window.Window):
WDisplay, HDisplay = 1024, 576
Fullscreen = False
FPS = 60
Title = "test"
ConsoleVar = False
showFPS = False
showPOSITION = False
showENTITY = False
showINFO = False
showHELP = False
helpPAGE = 0
def __init__(self, width=WDisplay, height=HDisplay, caption=Title, fullscreen=Fullscreen, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(width, height, caption, fullscreen, *args, **kwargs)
platform = pyglet.window.get_platform()
display = platform.get_default_display()
screen = display.get_default_screen()
self.infoScreen = (screen.width, screen.height)
self.xDisplay = int(screen.width / 2 - self.width / 2)
self.yDisplay = int(screen.height / 2 - self.height / 2)
self.set_location(self.xDisplay, self.yDisplay)
def _load(self):
self.mapInfo = OrderedDict()
self.consoleClass = Console(self, '')
self.text_cursor = self.get_system_mouse_cursor('text')
self.focus = None
def update(self, dt):
if self.ConsoleVar:
def on_draw(self):, 1, 1, 1)
if self.ConsoleVar:
for sprite in self.mapInfo :
def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers):
if self.ConsoleVar:
if self.focus:
self.focus.caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers)
def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers):
if self.ConsoleVar:
if self.focus:
self.focus.caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)
def on_text(self, text):
if self.ConsoleVar:
if self.focus:
def on_text_motion(self, motion):
if self.ConsoleVar:
if self.focus:
def on_text_motion_select(self, motion):
if self.ConsoleVar:
if self.focus:
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == key.F1 and modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL:
if self.ConsoleVar:
self.ConsoleVar = False
self.focus.document.text = ""
self.ConsoleVar = True
self.focus.document.text = "/"
self.focus.caret.position = 1
if symbol == key.F2 and modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL:
if self.ConsoleVar:
self.ConsoleVar = False
self.focus.document.text = ""
self.ConsoleVar = True
self.focus.caret.position = 0
if symbol == key.ENTER:
if self.ConsoleVar:
self.ConsoleVar = False
if modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL and symbol == key.V:
if self.ConsoleVar:
if modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL and symbol == key.C:
if self.ConsoleVar:
def set_focus(self, focus):
if self.focus:
self.focus.caret.visible = False
self.focus.caret.mark = self.focus.caret.position = 1
self.focus = focus
if self.focus:
self.focus.caret.visible = True
self.focus.caret.mark = 1
self.focus.caret.position = len(self.focus.document.text)
class Console(object):
ComandConsole = []
def __init__(self, game, text): = game
self.groups =
self.image = pyglet.resource.image("graphics/other/alpha.png")
self.alpha = self.image.get_region(x=32, y=64, width=32, height=32)
self.alpha.width =
self.sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(self.alpha)
self.sprite.opacity = 128
self.sprite.x, self.sprite.y = 0, 10
self.groups["bg"] = self.sprite
self.document = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text)
self.document.set_style(0, len(self.document.text), dict(font_name = "Power Clear", font_size = 15, color=(255,255, 255, 255)))
font = self.document.get_font()
height = font.ascent - font.descent
self.layout = pyglet.text.layout.IncrementalTextLayout(self.document,, height, multiline=False)
self.caret = pyglet.text.caret.Caret(self.layout)
self.groups["text"] = self.layout
self.layout.x = 20
self.layout.y = (self.alpha.height / 2 + self.sprite.y) - (self.layout.height / 2)
pad = 2
def hit_test(self, x, y):
return (0 < x - self.layout.x < self.layout.width and
0 < y - self.layout.y < self.layout.height)
def Copy_Paste(self, function):
if function == "copy":
pyperclip.copy('Hello world!')
if function == "paste":
paste = pyperclip.paste()
self.document.text = self.document.text + paste = = len(self.document.text)
def Enter(self):
if len(self.document.text) == 0:
if self.document.text[0] == "/":
if self.document.text == "/ciao":
print("errore comando")
self.document.text = ""
def update(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
window = MainGame()
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(window.update, 1/window.FPS)
Now, I would like to be able to highlight some text in the console by pressing shift + left or right and, by pressing crtl + c, copy the selected text via pyperclip. How can I do?
Another question, always inherent. In the Console Class, I would like to create a rectangle above the console. In it, I would like to report some text on several lines (like a chat). The problem, more than anything else, is that I do not know how to write the text as soon as it reaches the limit of the rectangle.
Very last, now the console is called with crtl + F1 (and the symbol "/" is added) or with crtl + F2. However, I would like to activate it with the letters "U" and "T". The problem is that I do it, the console appears with the letters pressed to recall it. So how can I avoid it?
