Linux kernel module to monitor a particular process - linux

I would like to write a kernel module in Linux that can monitor all the memory accesses made by a particular process(that I specify by name in the kernel module). I would also like to keep track of all the signals generated by the process and log all memory accesses that result in page faults, and memory accesses that cause a TRAP or a SEGV. How could I go about doing this? Could you point me towards any resources that could get me started off?

Well if you have never written a kernel module before this might be a great start:
From there you basically wan't to grab process information and output it, perhaps create some kind of /proc device..
But you should know this isn't really something you need kernel mode for. You could probably do this easily right from user space.


Why Kernel Can't Handle Crash Gracefully

For user mode application, incorrect page access doesn't create a lot of trouble other than the application crash and the application crash can be done gracefully by exception handling. Why can't we do the same for kernel crash. So when a kernel module tries to access some invalid address, there is a page fault and the kernel crash. Why it can't be handled gracefully like unloading the faulty module.
More specifically I'm interested to know if it is completely impossible or possible. I am not inclined to know the difficulties it might pose in using the system. I understand a driver crash will result unusable device and I'm okay with that. The only thing is whether it is possible to gracefully unload a faulty driver.
As other answer explains very well why it's not feasible to recover from the kernel crashes, I'll try to tell something else.
There is a lot of research in this area, most notably from prof. Andy Tanenbaum with his MINIX. While the kernel crash is still fatal for the MINIX, MINIX kernel is very simple (micro-kernel) narrowing the space for bugs and inside it most other stuff (including drivers) is running as a user-mode process. So, in case of network driver failure, as they are running in the separate address space, all kernel needs to do is to attempt to restart the driver.
Of course, there are areas where you can't recover (or still can't recover), like in case of the file system crash (see the recent discussion here).
There are several good papers on this topic such as and I would highly recommend watching Tanenbaum's videos such this one (title is "MINIX 3: A Reliable and Secure Operating System" in case it ever goes offline).
I think this addresses your comment:
We should be able to unload the faulty module. Why can't we? That is my question. Is it a design choice for security or its not possible at all. If it is a design choice, what factors forced us to make that choice
You could live without screen if graphics driver module crashes. However, we can't unload the faulty module and continue because if it crashed and it runs in the same address space as kernel, you don't know if it poisoned the kernel memory - security is the prime factor here.
That's kind of like saying "if you wrap all your Java code in a try/catch block, you've eliminated all bugs!"
There are a number of "errors" that are caught, e.g. kalloc returns NULL if it's out of memory, USB code returns errors if there's no USB, etc. But there's no try/catch for the entire operating system, because not all bugs can be repaired.
As pointed out, what happens if your filesystem module crashes? Keep running without files? How about your ethernet driver? Now your box is cut off from the internet and you can't even ssh into it anymore, but doesn't even have the decency to reboot.
So even though it may be possible for the kernel to not "crash" when a module crashes, the state of the kernel could be arbitrarily broken. The kernel could stay alive without a screen, filesystem or internet connection, but what kind of existence is that?
The kernel modules and the kernel itself share the same address space. There is simply no protection if a modules starts to misbehave and overwrite memory from another subsystem.
So, when a driver crashes, it may or may not stay local to that driver. If you are lucky, you still have a somewhat functional kernel and can continue to work.
That doesn't happen with userspace because the address space for each process is separate and so it is possible to catch erroneous memory access and stop the process (this is a SEGFAULT).

Linux kernel : logging to a specific file

I am trying to edit the linux kernel. I want some information to be written out to a file as a part of the debugging process. I have read about the printk function. But i would like to add text to a particular file (file other from the default files that keep debug logs).
To cut it short: I would kind of like to specify the "destination" in the printk function (or at least some work-around it)
How can I achieve this? Will using fwrite/fopen work (if yes, will it work without causing much overhead compared to printk, since they are implemented differently)?
What other options do i have?
Using fopen and fwrite will certainly not work. Working with files in kernel space is generally a bad idea.
It all really depends on what you are doing in the kernel though. In some configurations, there may not even be a hard disk for you to write to. If however, you are working at a stage where you can have certain assumptions about the running kernel, you probably actually want to write a kernel module rather than edit the kernel itself. For all you care, a kernel module is just as good as any other part of the kernel, but they are inserted when the kernel is already up and running.
You may also be thinking of doing so for debugging, or have output of a kernel-level application (e.g. an application that you are forced to run at kernel level for real-time constraints etc). In that case, kio may be of interest to you, but if you want to use it, do make sure you understand why.
kio is a library I wrote just for those "kernel-level applications", which makes a kernel module see a /proc file as if it's a user of it (rather than a provider). To make it work, you should have a user-space application also opening that virtual file and redirect it to wherever you want to write your log. Something along the lines of opening the file with kopen in write mode and in user space tell cat /proc/your_file > ~/log_file.
Note: I still recommend printk unless you really know what you are doing. Since you are thinking of fopen in kernel space, I don't think you really know what you are doing.

How to dump the heap of running C++ process to a file under Linux?

I've got a program that is running on a headless/embedded Linux box, and under certain circumstances that program seems to be using up quite a bit more memory (as reported by top, etc) than I would expect it to use.
Since the fault condition is difficult to reproduce outside of the actual working environment, and since the embedded box doesn't have niceties like valgrind or gdb installed, what I'd like to do is simply write out the process's heap-memory to a file, which I could then transfer to my development machine and look through at my leisure, to see if I can tell from the contents of the file what kind of data it is that is taking up the bulk of the heap. If I'm lucky there might be a smoking gun like a repeating string or magic-number that comes up a lot, that points me to the place in my code that is either leaking or perhaps just growing a data structure without bounds.
Is there a good way to do this? The only way I can think of would be to force the process to crash and then collect a core dump, but since the fault condition is rare it would be preferable if I could collect the information without crashing the process as a side effect.
You can read the entire memory space of the process via /proc/pid/mem; You can read /proc/pid/maps to see what is where in the memory space (so you can find the bounds of the heap and read just that). You can attempt to read the data while the process is running (in which case it might be changing while you are reading it), or you can stop the process with a SIGSTOP signal and later resume it with a SIGCONT.

Write module of kernel (Linux), which to save the page of process from removing to the swap

Need to save the page of process (the user part!) from removing to the swap.
I need to do it in the kernel, only. (language C I know)
(Maybe insert hook in shrink_page_list?)
I have IDs of processes, which need to save and threshold amount of physical memory in the system (We fill, while it isn't filled). IDs and threshold write in /proc, /dev or /sys.
How to approach this?
What files to look at?
What tutorials to read?
Maybe there are examples that are somehow are related with this task.
Info: I compilling kernel of Debian Lenny, use Qemu for start it on my Ubuntu.
See get_user_pages.
Use get_user_pages, you can get whatever page you want and keep it locked in memory.
Even better, look at the comments on the source at

how to monitor the syslog(printk) in a LKM

deal all,
i am a newbie for writing Linux Kernel Module.
i used printk function in linux kernel source code (2.4.29) for debugging and display messages.
now, i have to read all the messages i added via httpd.
i tried to write the messages into a file instead of printk function, so i can read the file directly.
but it's not work very well.
so, i have a stupid question...
is it possible to write a LKM to monitor the syslog and rewrite into another file??
i mean is that possible to let a LKM the aware the messages when each time the linux kernel execute "printk"??
thanks a lot
That is the wrong way to do it, because printk already does this : it writes in the file /proc/kmsg.
What you want is klogd, a user space utility dealing with /proc/kmsg.
Another options is to use dmesg, which will output the whole content of the kernel buffers holding the printk messages, but I suggest you first read the linked article
You never, ever, ever want to try to open a file on a user space mounted block file system from within the kernel. Imagine if the FS aborted and the kernel was still trying to write to it .. kaboom (amongst MANY other reasons why its a bad idea) :) As shodanex said, for your purposes, its much better to use klogd.
Now, generally speaking, you have several ways to communicate meaningful data to userspace programs, such as:
Create a character device driver that causes userspace readers to block while waiting for data. Provide an ioctl() interface to it which lets other programs find out how many messages have been sent, etc.
Create a node in /proc/yourdriver to accomplish the same thing
Really, the most practical means is to just use printk()
