xPages dataTable page - xpages

I have a data table on my xPage that shows e.g. 10 rows (repeat limit, rows="10").
How do I know what's the current page number when I navigate through the records by using pager?
After switching between pages I'd like to return back and open dataTable exactly on same page I left:
getComponent("dataTable1").gotoPage(<page number I save>)

I think the best route to get the behavior you want is to use the <xe:pagerSaveState/> control from the ExtLib, which does the job of storing the state of a given pager and restoring it when you go back to the page. Brad Balassaitis has an example of how to use it here: http://xcellerant.net/2013/08/08/xpages-data-views-6-pager-save-state-control/


Yii2 Kartik Pagination BUG

Need an advice.
It appears that ANY setting of filters on one report -- even something as simple as records per page -- disrupts how other reports appear in a rather buggy looking way.
For example:
Go into my page > some view
Set Page Size to 13 and click Apply.
Now it's showing 13 records per page. BUT this simple setting has now trashed nearly every other pages view, which now only displays those fields that were in the view personalised. Other records are hidden.
What can I do in this case?

Kendo Grid Page Persistence

This is a more conceptual question, so I'm not initially submitting any code for it unless someone requests it.
On a current website of mine, I am using a Kendo UI grid to display a table of multiple pages. I also have a (Kendo UI) drop down list, allowing the user to filter rows by class (it reloads the page and makes the necessary edits through the controller).
My problem is this: when the user pages through the Kendo UI grid, it loads a new page and the filtering preferences do not persist. How can I make it either not reload the page(and do everything on the same page instead), or make the drop down box's value persist? Thanks, and tell me if there's any information that would be helpful for me to add!
CLARIFICATION: The functionality is all fine, the only issue is that the dropdownlist does not visually persist.
Actually you can bind both dropdownlist and grid to a single external datasource. This datasource will actually place a ajax call and get the records when the value in drop down changes. As the new records appear in datasource the grid can be refreshed or will automatically refresh without the page reload. Page reload doesn't look like a clean way to filter the grid.

XPages: Single Page Application Data View refresh

I have a Single Page Application that has two pages - the first page contains a Data View view control (I used the wizard to create the pages - I did not create any custom controls as the entire application only contains 4 pages!), the second page then displays the document selected in the Data View control. This works perfectly! My problem is that the documents that are displayed in the Data View Control are not being refreshed - I need to do a manual refresh for them to show up. Not a problem I though, just do an automatic refresh every 5 seconds (there are only going to be about 20 users using the application):
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL="></meta>
this refreshes the page perfectly - if a user is on the second page s/he gets bumped back to the page with the Data View control (i.e. Page 1) and does not stay on the open document (ie page 2).
How can I get the Data View control to refresh periodically without being bumped back to the Data View control?
Thanking you in advance
I don't think you really want to refresh the view every n seconds as that has the possibility of becoming a huge performance issue, plus the cause for weirdness as you pointed out. There are 2 ways to approach this:
In the Application Page properties, set resetContent to true
Create a onAfterTransitionIn event to do an XSP.partialRefreshGet on the data view or it's container. This way when someone lands on the view it'll refresh it's contents. Below is an example:
var widget = dijit.byId("#appPageName");
dojo.connect(widget, "onAfterTransitionIn", function(moveTo, dir, transition, context, method){
console.log("onAfterTransitionIn args=",arguments);
var appPageChildren = dojo.query("[id='" + appPageName + "']").children()[0];
var contentId = appPageChildren.id;
setTimeout(function() {
XSP.partialRefreshGet(contentId, {});

Infinite List (Pattern) with JSF/Richfaces (mobile web app)

I am currently introducing a mobile friendly version of our web-application.
In a first step I transformed a rich:dataTable with a lot of columns into a rich:dataList containing only a few columns as values.
The old table used pagination and I want to reuse this existing mechanism to some extend in the new list. In the new list, however, I don't want to paginate but append! So when I click on a "Load More" button, I want to append the new elements to the already existing ones.
However appending should not happen on the server side, but on the client side. Because the normal mechanism is to append elements on the backing bean's list on "Load More" and then trigger some reRendering (e.g. via ). The result of this, is that the old data is fetched from the server again, which I don't want. I just want the new data, which is the next pagination, to be appended to the already existing ones.
Does someone has an idea, how I can realize that?
(limiting factors: JSF 1.X and Richfaces 3.X [in combination with jQuery mobile])
An list pagination example (it's primefaces, cause I couldn't find a richface example): http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/dataListAjax.jsf And something like this I want to transform into an infinite list with a "Load More" button.
Would really appreciate your help and/or ideas about that!
Thanks in advance!
Just in case somebody else is interested in this...
I found a solution or rather a workaround:
I introduced another rich:dataList, that gets rerendered every time I click on "Load More".
The "Load More" button is a "a4j:commandButton" and its action triggers pagination. Finally I use its oncomplete-attribute to call a JavaScript function, that moves the next pagination (temporary list) to my main list via jQuery DOM manipulation.
It works just fine

Automatically open document when only one document is listed in repeat control

I have a repeat control for a domino view which displays the results from a search field.
As you type more characters into the search field the number of items in the list is reduced. If/When the the list only contains a single item I would like to open item automatically, without having to click the link.
Any ideas are appreciated.
Edit: after some very interesting responses, here are some screenshots
I have 3 elements on the page, a searchbar, a repeat control and a form:
When I start typing in the search bar, the repeat is refreshed with every keystroke:
the list is reduced, typing the next character ...
again the list is reduced, only 2 left, typing again....
Only one left, now it would be time to open the document in the form ..... without clicking the link.
I've tried several events on the page, but it seems that I could not find the one that will allow me to "select" the document and display the data in the form.
It seems that it's not as simple as I thought
Since you want to open the link automatically I don't know if I would try to base it on the getRowCount() of the repeat itself. You don't want to even get that far right? you just want to go to the single document.
I would put a function in beforePageLoad event maybe. Not totally sure which event but I'd try that first. Use SSJS and do a lookup that would basically return a collection of what the repeat would show. If the collection count = 1 then get your destination from that entry and do your redirection from there.
That what I would try at least. Interesting scenario!
Now that I see the screenshots this might be easier then you think and I have already implemented something similar on an internal application that I have built. It does rely on the fact that each entry in the list is 100% unique.
First of all you will need to bind the search field to a scoped variable and the onchange/onkeypress event will need to perform a partial refresh of a panel that contains both the list and the document portion of the page.
For the list the link on each item should set the value of the same scoped variable used in the search box and clicking the link should be set to run a partial refresh of the document area.
For the document area you will need two panels, the first panel will only display if there is no matching document and the second panel will only display if there is a matching document, you can do this in the rendered section by writing some ssjs that grabs a handle to the db/view and does a dblookup and returns either true or false if the document exists depending on panel your dealing with.
With this setup, when somebody clicks a link or fills out the searchbox the scoped variable will contain a value, the document panels will then check to see if this is a unique value in the view in the db and update themselves to either display the 'no document' panel or the 'document' panel accordingly.
You could add a evaluation script to the entry of your repeat control which checks the size of your repeat control using the method getRowCount() from the component. If this is 1 you could execute a context.redirectToPage("yourpage.xsp?id=yourid",true) this forces the current page to send a redirect request back to the browser and therefore redirects you to the correct page.
All you need to know is which xpage you need to open and which parameters you should use. But these could be retrieved from the content you are iterating over.
