XPages: Single Page Application Data View refresh - xpages

I have a Single Page Application that has two pages - the first page contains a Data View view control (I used the wizard to create the pages - I did not create any custom controls as the entire application only contains 4 pages!), the second page then displays the document selected in the Data View control. This works perfectly! My problem is that the documents that are displayed in the Data View Control are not being refreshed - I need to do a manual refresh for them to show up. Not a problem I though, just do an automatic refresh every 5 seconds (there are only going to be about 20 users using the application):
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL="></meta>
this refreshes the page perfectly - if a user is on the second page s/he gets bumped back to the page with the Data View control (i.e. Page 1) and does not stay on the open document (ie page 2).
How can I get the Data View control to refresh periodically without being bumped back to the Data View control?
Thanking you in advance

I don't think you really want to refresh the view every n seconds as that has the possibility of becoming a huge performance issue, plus the cause for weirdness as you pointed out. There are 2 ways to approach this:
In the Application Page properties, set resetContent to true
Create a onAfterTransitionIn event to do an XSP.partialRefreshGet on the data view or it's container. This way when someone lands on the view it'll refresh it's contents. Below is an example:
var widget = dijit.byId("#appPageName");
dojo.connect(widget, "onAfterTransitionIn", function(moveTo, dir, transition, context, method){
console.log("onAfterTransitionIn args=",arguments);
var appPageChildren = dojo.query("[id='" + appPageName + "']").children()[0];
var contentId = appPageChildren.id;
setTimeout(function() {
XSP.partialRefreshGet(contentId, {});


XPage not syncing properly with backend data on partial refresh

I have an XPage that displays fields in a document. I also have the ability to pop out a new window that displays those same fields. I'm implementing a document locking scheme so that the two instances can't cause conflicts (and this is how I'm testing it).
A problem I've run into is that when the user edits the document in the pop out and saves it, a partial refresh of the panel containing those same fields in the original page doesn't show the updated data.
The save in the pop out was successful, and I can see in the Notes client that the document does indeed have the new value, but the original page simply won't show the new value. A complete page refresh using the reload button in the browser works, but I'd like to trigger this programmatically and as quickly as possible, hence the partial refresh.
Does anyone know what is going wrong? Is the NotesXspDocument in the original page getting out of sync with the backend document? I read about document1.getDocument(true), but that doesn't seem to do anything.
(As usual, I can't supply source code unfortunately....)
Once the NotesXspDocument is loaded with the XPage, a partial refresh does not update the xspDoc from the back-end DB, but from the in-memory DataSource.
You will need to refresh the XPage:
Reload the url from browser or in ssjs with a context.reloadPage()

xPages dataTable page

I have a data table on my xPage that shows e.g. 10 rows (repeat limit, rows="10").
How do I know what's the current page number when I navigate through the records by using pager?
After switching between pages I'd like to return back and open dataTable exactly on same page I left:
getComponent("dataTable1").gotoPage(<page number I save>)
I think the best route to get the behavior you want is to use the <xe:pagerSaveState/> control from the ExtLib, which does the job of storing the state of a given pager and restoring it when you go back to the page. Brad Balassaitis has an example of how to use it here: http://xcellerant.net/2013/08/08/xpages-data-views-6-pager-save-state-control/

View data being cached/failing to refresh

I have a tabbed panel containing different sections of a form. In one section, users are given the ability to add a child document to the currently open document. In a second section, they are given a listbox, where the options are dynamically generated (via #DbLookup) by looking at a view of all the child documents, filtered by the current document's ID. This functionality all works correctly, however, there is a problem with the dynamic listbox options.
When a user adds a new child document, then switches to the next tab, the listbox is not updated with this new document. If they save/re-edit the main document or refresh the page, it makes no different, the user must load another XPage before going back to the original in order for the listbox to update. I have tried to resolve this by doing full updates of the page, using session.evaluate and "NoCache" in the #DBLookup call, or calling database.getView("My view").refresh(), but without luck.
There is also a similar problem where I have a repeat control which uses a view of child documents (again filtered by main document ID) as a datasource. When a user adds a child document using a button, it partially refreshes the repeat - but doesn't show the new child document until the page is refreshed again (or you leave the page and return).
Is there something crucial I am missing with regards to the JSF lifecycle/the way that view data is cached?
As first measure I would add another formula item to the listbox which simply returns the current time (#Now() should work). That way you can check if the listbox options are refreshed on the update in the first place.
If the options are refreshed fine it's indeed clear that the #DbLookup does some caching, although I'm not aware of any default caching logic.
At least for a test I would change the code to use a NotesView object instead of the #DbLookup, something like this:
var nview = database.getView("someview");
var nc = nview.getAllEntriesByKey(currentDocument.getDocument().getUniversalID(), true);
var a = [];
var ve = nc.getFirstEntry();
while (ve) {
a.push(ve.getColumnValues().elementAt(0)); // value of first column
ve = nc.getNextEntry(ve);
return a;
(I wrote the code from memory, there may be syntax errors).
Since the code only works with view entries it should be equally fast than the #DbLookup. And you could even do a nview.refresh() if needed.

Determine Selected Item and Current Page of Telerik MVC Grid - Client Side

I am using the Telerik MVC grid, with Ajax data binding.
I would like to do 2 things with the Telerik MVC Grid:
When a row is selected, detect (client side) which page the grid is currently on as well as which row was selected.
The next time the grid is loaded (using ajax ... I never leave the page), page back to the same page to show the last select. (I guess I am really just asking if there is a way to immediately go to a page of the grid once the data is loaded, rather than page 1)
Please keep in mind, I am aware of the client side events already. I would like to know how to do #1 from the event, and #2 either from the client side or programatically somehow.
Edit/More Details: I think I know what I need to do here. Since I am using Ajax loading here, the Ajax POST is being called somewhere in the Telerik code. I can see that during that Ajax POST they are sending a "page" parameter to the controller. If I could edit that somehow, I am sure it would work - but I am having trouble changing that parameter.
Thanks in advance!
For the sake of anyone else looking for this, I figured it out:
Getting the current page of the Grid:
To do this, I use jQuery to determine which number has the "selected" style (t-state-active) to determine the current page number. Example (my grid id is 'cases-grid'):
function getCurrentGridPage() {
///<summary>Gets the current page of the #cases-grid</summary>
var page = $('#cases-grid .t-state-active');
if (page.length == 0) {
return 1; //default to page 1 when unknown
return page.text();
The second part of my question was actually well documented on the Telerik site ... I just missed it for awhile. To load the grid to a specific page (other than 1) I added the following to my grid:
.Pageable(pager => pager.PageTo(#Model.InitialPage))
And added the InitialPage property to my model.

disable back button in browser

I have a website having frames. Clicking on button in one frame updates the pages to be loaded in other frames. Now when user press the back button few of the frames load previous pages. i want user not to move back to previous page.
I used the code history.forward() on onload event of all my pages.
This works fine when back is pressed. User got navigated to most recent page always.
But the case is suppose user navigate to number of pages by clicking on button in first frame which updates the pages to be loaded in other frames. After navigation user select a page from the list of browsing history, then it is move forward to only one page, not the last page he was viewing.
This Happens in IE.
In firefox it works fine. User can select any page from the browsing history, he is relocated to most recent page
My opinion is, you should review your concept, because you want to "reconfigure" the browser's navigation buttons. Disabling browser features is in my eyes old fashioned.
I used the code history.forward() on onload event
Try following this way:
In the head section, insert the javascript:
var historySize = history.length;
Then replace in onload event: history.forward() by history.go(historySize - 1). A positive value means move forward to a particular position in browser's history object (array).
I cannot guarantee that it will work, but it is worth to try out.
write this code between script tags
history.pushState(null, null, location.href);
window.onpopstate = function () {
