Is twisted conch available in python 3? - python-3.x

I noticed twisted.conch is not part of for python 3.Is it not yet migrated to python 3? I dont find any recent updates on the same when i search. I was planning to use it to establish multiple telnet sessions which ll help asses logs in my django app and also help debug live django application using manhole.
IS there an alternate i can use for my use case?
I checked out asyncio. However, my understanding is it might freeze the application during debug which would not suit my correct me if my understanding is wrong..
pls point me to latest twisted package for python 3 with conch support if available . if not, do you have any alternate suggestions?


Python integration in Qlik on MacOS

I'm very new to using Qlik and at the moment I've only used the cloud via my browser. I would like to integrate python and Qlik such that I can run my code on data in the QlikCloud and visualize using Qlik. I am using a Mac, therefore I can not install the desktop version of Qlik to do the integration.
Do you have any suggestions on how to integrate python in Qlik while using a Mac?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated, I have not been able to find any complete answers yet.
Thank you!
Use Data Load Script
When I first started Qlik, I had a very similar situation. My goal was to manipulate data to do calculations in Python, then basically import that into Qlik. What I ended up learning and realizing is that there's a 90% chance what you're trying to calculate outside of Qlik can be done in Qlik's data load script.
Get started with the Qlik data script:
In my opinion and experience, Qlik Community Forum is more active than Stack Overflow. I highly recommend checking it out for help:
But If You Still Need External Calculation...
That said, if you do have crazy calculations and math to do and/or need to use an external "thing", Qlik has a repo for a server-side extension. Repo at: (Docs and instructions in the link)
It has extensions for Java, C++, C#, Go, and Python.
I highly recommend this Server Side Extension developed by Nabeel which you can run in a docker on your machine.

Is it Possible to take existing Python Script file and run it on the web

I am trying to take existing python code and run it as a web application. I am not entirely sure on how to do this, I was thinking about connecting the code to flask or django, but have no idea where to start.
Amrit, what you are asking is possible, but you should consider reading the documentations of both flask and django, aswell as doing some research to try to understand which would serve you better. You will learn a lot from chasing those answers on your own.
If you want to start with django:
If you want to start with flask:

Python 3.5 support for Google-Contacts V3 API

I'm trying to work with the Google contacts API using Python 3.5, this presents an issue because the gdata library that is supposed to be used is not up to date for use with Python 3.5. I can use oAuth2 to grab the contact data in JSON and use that in my project, but part of the application is also adding a contact into the users contact list. I cannot find any documentation on this part, besides using the Gdata library, something I cannot do. The majority of project requires Python 3 so, switching to Python 2 would just not be something I could easily do. Is there any further documentation or a work around using the gdata library with Python 3? I'm actually very surprised that the contacts API seems so thinly supported on Python. If anyone has any further information it would be much appreciated.
For me I had to install like pip install git+ (without the egg). Since the package itself contains src dir. Otherwise import gdata would fail. (python 3.6.5 in virtual env)
GData Py3k version: pip install -e git+

python scripts with metasploit-framework

I have installed metasploit-framework from git. It's working fine. I have followed tutorial from Metasploit Framework.
Now I would like to add more scripts to this framework, like scripts from Avg Security Scripts
I would like to know, How can we install and tell metasploit to use these scripts?
Any help would be appreciated as it may help a step forward.
Metasploit is written in Ruby and it doesn't support modules or scripts written in Python. However, Metasploit does have an RPC interface using MSGPACK.
Here are some tutorials on using Python + MSGPACK + Metasploit:
And here is a library that SpiderLabs put out for MSF RPC written in Python:
Check out the guide here.
it's pretty easy, using Metasploit's default local module search path, $HOME/.msf4/modules, and there are just a couple caveats:
Mirror the "real" Metasploit module paths
Create an appropriate category
So if you're root user it is just a case of dropping in the modules into the correct directory strucutre at /root/.msf4/modules.

how to make a check for update option in python

I have a remote operations tool made in python and I have distributed it to my friend and he is using it good.
Now, whenever I add a feature to my app i would have to text him the link of my app (manual update type thing) which is bugging for a while.
So is there anyway I could add a auto-update feature a.k.a. check for update to my application for a automated update???
I googled about this but I couldn't find anything related and so I am stuck
Thank you in advance
There is a library called esky in which if you freeze with it, it can check for updates on a certain website, get a list of avaliable versions on a certain website, distribute patch files, and much more. check out here: esky p.s. I dont know if there is a version for 3.x though.
