python scripts with metasploit-framework - security

I have installed metasploit-framework from git. It's working fine. I have followed tutorial from Metasploit Framework.
Now I would like to add more scripts to this framework, like scripts from Avg Security Scripts
I would like to know, How can we install and tell metasploit to use these scripts?
Any help would be appreciated as it may help a step forward.

Metasploit is written in Ruby and it doesn't support modules or scripts written in Python. However, Metasploit does have an RPC interface using MSGPACK.
Here are some tutorials on using Python + MSGPACK + Metasploit:
And here is a library that SpiderLabs put out for MSF RPC written in Python:

Check out the guide here.
it's pretty easy, using Metasploit's default local module search path, $HOME/.msf4/modules, and there are just a couple caveats:
Mirror the "real" Metasploit module paths
Create an appropriate category
So if you're root user it is just a case of dropping in the modules into the correct directory strucutre at /root/.msf4/modules.


how to install ELKI on windows?

I would like to install ELKI on windows and use clustering methods from python source code. The official documentation on the installation and use of their methods is not clear, which makes it difficult to handle their tool.
It is a Java program. It does not need to be "installed".
If you have Java, you can just launch the jar file.
But the target audience are scientists and developers, these know how to run a Java program, and will want to check out the source code from Git anyway.

How to create my Python3 automation program useable by another users?

Right now I can create a simple Ms.Excel automation program using Python3 but I want to others can also use my program.
What kind of features or packages that I could learn to make others able to use my program? Such as turn my program into portable software or web application?
You need to look into packaging your python application with all its dependedncies. Pyinstaller is a good way to go you can find a very good tutorial here.

How to make a python application distributable

My question pertains to distributing a python application the proper way. i have done research, but the answers appear to be vague and usually instruct the user to upload projects to the python package index. I simply want to make sure i research the proper methods instead of steering in the wrong direction.
I have been writing a stock analysis application with stored text files, and a dozen or so python scripts that interact with each other. Outside computers are to communicate with my servers through a random port (not the internet ports). all the imports work properly and the communication works properly, but i have no clue how to approach the distribution/setup or the GUI.
As an application with dozens of python scripts, should i write each script as an executable via pyInstaller, or should i add a python environment to the application to install python on all the user systems?
I need to add 'README', and 'LICENSE' to the application. What is the point of set up? is that a resource so python knows what is going on or does it actually setup the application? Does it need a URL, and what is the point of using the URL? Do i need anything else for the setup tools?
How do i package the entire application to download on user systems? I want the software to be uploaded via a URL link or from a USB. Do i have to make a tar file? i can do it automatically by writing my own python setup script, but i believe python has an easier way. Do i put a function in the setup to send an executable file to the desktop as a controller so the users don't open all the folders? How do i install from a link on a website?
For a graphical interface for the users on python applications, do most programmers use tkinter, or python integration into HTML, CSS? I do not want this application to be live in a website, but rather as a desktop application. Do i need to use a framework, such as django, to implement python into my html code?
I apologize if this is all unorganized. Ive always coded my own programs and never distributed or put a GUI on any of the scripts, so i just want to make sure i approach the task the right way.

Python: Does the user need to download library?

noobie question here. I've been writing a program in python3.5.1 and I'm managing pretty well with the built in libraries like tkinter but I'm starting to want to use libraries that aren't built in with python3.5.1.
The problem with this is that as far as I can tell if I use a library that isn't built into python the users of my program will have to download the library as well. Which would be a major pain in the ass for a lot of users. Am I correct in assuming this? Is there a way to work around this?
I don't mind having to download the stuff myself, but I would like my users to be able to run my program with just basic python3.5.1.
Users need to download your program. And many Python programs do consist of multiple source files. In some cases you can simply include the external libraries you use with the files you're shipping to the user. But this may not work well if the libraries contain compiled C code and you're targeting multiple platforms.
Alternatively, you can simply document which packages users need to install to use your program. They can then use whatever system package manager they have, or PIP, etc.

Remote Python Program As Local Program

I am new to python. So please pardon my mistakes/ignorance.
I have an GUI app script that I use to copy some folders from another machine to my machine and also do some other processing with the files in the folders.
Now, I would like to place this script on my machine and let other people(with no python installed on theirs machines) to execute this script. I want it to behave as if it was running on their machine. I mean, I don't want to see any errors while this script from my machine makes any changes to their files like access denied etc. It should tread D:\ drive as theirs not mine.
Is it possible somehow in python?
Thanks in advance.
I don't know the way do such a thing. But maybe you can use tools such as py2exe to convert Python scripts into Windows .exe applications.
And as the introduction
It is an utility based in Distutils that allows you to run applications written in Python on a Windows computer without requiring the user to install Python. It is an excellent option when you need to distribute a program to the end user as a standalone application. py2exe currently only works in Python 2.x.
if you use python3.0 or 3.1, this question is helpful.
