Run commands in screen after creating one per bash - linux

I have the following bash file which should create a screen, go to a directory and then start a node script:
screen -S shared // 1
cd /home/nodejsapp // 2
node start.js app.js // 3
The problem is, after executing 1, I indeed see the screen 'shared', but 2 & 3 will execute on the previous terminal, not on the screen 'shared'.
How can I achieve that commands 2 and 3 will be executed on the current screen?

You may create a detached screen and then send commands to it. For example:
screen -d -m -S shared
screen -S shared -X -p 0 stuff $'cd /home/nodejsapp\n'
screen -S shared -X -p 0 stuff $'node start.js app.js\n'
If you need to attach to the screen session afterwards, then you can add one more line:
screen -S shared -r
See screen's manual for more details:
screen options
screen commands

You could run a "server" as the program within screen, which reads commands to execute from the pseudoterminal which the "tty" program identifies. For instance, as I'm writing this, tty says (inside screen)
and I can write to it by
date >/dev/pts/2
On the server side, the script would read line-by-line in a loop from the same device. (On some other systems, there are differently-named
devices for each side of the pseudoterminal).
That only needs a script which starts by getting the output of "tty", writing that to a file (which a corresponding client would know of), and then the client would read commands (whether from the keyboard or a file), write them to the server via the pty device.
That's doable with just a couple of shell scripts (a little more lengthy though than the usual answer here).


Run a command from a script directly to another process

I'm currently working on a script which interact with another process.
If it is relevant, the said process is a simdebug console. What I want is exiting it properly because when I kill the process itself, it creates a lock file .lck.
The Simdebug console is waiting for inputs and closes on receiving quit, then q and n, both sperated by an enter keypress to validate the command.
I managed to send some commands to the Simdebug using
echo quit > /proc/< PID >/fd/1
But it only print the results of the echo and I can't find how to send a enter keypress, only new lines '\n' .
I can't aswell manage to send a quit command which would execute directly in the Simdebug and not the terminal where it is sent from.
My question would be resolved if one of those two points is answered:
Is it possible to simulate a validate keypress as in :
Term 1 : echo ifconfig ; echo < enter keypress>
Which would then execute what's in the read buffer of the Term 2
Is there a way to already execute a commande in another process as in
Term 1 : < unknown syntax > pwd
Term 2 < shows pwd of term2 not term1>
Which would not be working only from terminal to terminal but with an already opened process in read mode.
This is actually a hard thing to do. If you send characters to the /proc/self/fd/0 device or similar stdin device link from a different master terminal then it will just output the characters to the output side of the master terminal of the other process.
With tools like expect or pdip or screen you can send anything you want to a process encapsulated in their pseudoterminals as if it comes from their master terminal. But if a process is running then it will already have it's own terminal.
You can be in luck if your console can be persuaded for a controlling terminal transfer with reptyr.
For example if your console has process id 999999 (and you have screen and reptyr installed and maybe did something to appease selinux or apparmor/yama protections):
screen -dmS automateconsole
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'reptyr 999999^M'
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'quit^M'
sleep 1s
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'q^M'
sleep 1s
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'n^M'
sleep 1s
screen -S automateconsole -p 0 -X stuff 'exit^M'
But note:
You probably should cleanup the program that init'ed the console.
On Ubuntu at least I could not reptyr processes from other SSH sessions.

Background shell script can't reach directories after ssh logout, even with nohup

I want to run a shell script in the background on a server machine and starts that shell script from an ssh connection. Even though I run the background process script with nohup, the background script fails due to an directory unreachable error as soon as I close my ssh connection (and no sooner).
nohup ./ > /dev/null 2> local/errorLog.txt < /dev/null &
while [ true ] ; do
cd optaplanner-examples
mvn exec:exec // calls java process
cd ..
So when I run, everything works fine for hours, until I disconnect my ssh connection.
As soon as I log out, the errorlog.txt fills up with: /home/myUser/server/optaplanner-simple-benchmark-daemon/local/output/
./ line 64: /home/myUser/server/optaplanner-simple-benchmark-daemon/local/processed/failed_machineReassignmentBenchmarkConfig.xml: No such file or directory
fatal: Could not change back to '(unreachable)/server/optaplanner-simple-benchmark-daemon/local/optaplannerGitClone/optaplanner': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /home/myUser/server/optaplanner-simple-benchmark-daemon/local/input: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /home/myUser/server/optaplanner-simple-benchmark-daemon/local/input: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /home/myUser/server/optaplanner-simple-benchmark-daemon/local/input: No such file or directory
... // 1000+ more of that ls error
(Full source code)
well, it's not necessarily an encrypted home directory, but likely it's an auto-mounted home directory (e.g over NFS or so). It's mounted upon session startup, and unmounted upon exit. An encrypted home dir is only one of the possible reasons to use such a technique.
The main question is what's the rule that determines whether a user needs home dir or not. I would expect that it could be an allocated pty. You could test if it's actually true by starting a non-interactive SSH session w/o a pseudo-terminal: ssh -T user#host ls /home/myUser/server. I could expect that in this case you won't get a proper directory listing.
Then I would use a program like screen to prolongate interactive session lifetime beyond SSH session limits.
The server might use some other mechanism to provide the home directory for interactive SSH sessions. E.g. monitor interactive sessions listed in utmp In this case you will need a program that would keep the record as long as you need for your service. Perhaps you could use an automatically re-established SSH session. For example I use the following systemd unit to automatically keep a ssh tunnel from one of my workstations in different private networks:
Description=A tunnel to SOME_HOST
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -N -q -R 2222:localhost:22 SOME_HOST
When a failure occurs, systemd automatically restarts the unit and SSH session is re-established.
I always use the screen utility to run my scripts instead of nohup.
With screen your process will keep running in even your current ssh session times out or gets disconnected.
Use as follows -
apt-get install screen (On Debian based Systems)
yum install screen (On RedHat based Systems)
To run your application and check the output live (provided your script file does not start a background process and it outputs to the stdout and/or stderr
cd your_app_directory_path
screen ./
Once you are done and want to leave (without stopping the process), use CTRL + A + D to detach the screen.
To check your processes which are run using the screen utility -
screen -r
to reattach a running process
screen -r <screen id or name>
Hope this was useful.
One workaround is to use screen to keep the ssh session open. You can use screen -r to reconnect to the session if you get disconnected.

create screen session that doesn't terminate with the program

I'm working on a startup script that is initiated from rc.local. I start up several programs with
screen -d -m my-prog
and that works great. However, if one of the programs has problems and exits, so does the session. I'd like to be able to have the session stick around so I can attach to it and see the output from the program before it crashed.
Is there a way to do this? I thought about
screen -d -m bash -c my-prog
But again, if my-prog terminates then so does bash and then so does screen.
You can follow the answer at
They suggest something like you were trying in your second attempt, but instead of using bash to invoke the command (which terminates with the command as you noted), invoke bash after the command finishes like:
screen -dmS session_name sh -c 'my-prog; exec bash'

No Sockets found: screen script called on startup

I have added a script called to the /etc/init.d/ directory. I have set the permissions so it is executable and called
update-rc.d /etc/init.d/ defaults 100
to add the script to startup.
Inside the file is the following:
echo "creating screen and starting tron server..."
screen -S tronserver -m /home/pi/programming/tronserver/a.out
The a.out file is a compiled program which runs a server I have created. Now when I call
screen -ls
It says no sockets found. However, I have tried connecting to the server and it is successful, indicating the screen/socket is there somewhere, running in the background.
So why can I not see this mystical socket!?
As Andrew is already alluding to, init scripts are run as root, and screens belong to different users. When you type screen -ls you will see the screens of the current user, not all screens on the system.
So yes, sudo screen -ls or sudo screen -r will do the trick.
Edit (for completeness and future reference): as pointed out by the OP, it is necessary to also add the -d flag to the screen command to detach right away in the init script, or else the screen will remain attached.

Using screen in bash script

I'm running a game server on a remote server where I use a detached screen instance to leave it running.
I'm now creating a script that can be used to shut down the server, back up all the vital files and start it up again, however I'm having a few difficulties with dealing with the screen.
I assumed that I could just switch into the detached screen in the script (after the server had already been shut down) by calling screen -r in the script.
But that doesn't seem to work because if I run the script from outside screen it just launches the server in that session.
screen -r
cd ~/servers/StarMade/
screen -d
This is what I thought would do the trick but it doesn't. Maybe somebody can help me out here. I'm not a bash expert. In fact this is propably my first bash script that doesn't include "Hello World". Thanks.
Your script, as in your example, will get executed by your sell, not the one in the screen. You need to tell the running screen to read a file and execute it - that's what the -X option is for.
cat > $tempfile <<EOF
cd ~/servers/StarMade/
screen -X readbuf $tempfile
screen -X paste .
rm -f $tempfile
You can leave screen running in a 2nd terminal session to see what happens.
