Adding non refrenced dll in bin folder while publishing website - visual-studio-2012

How to write code for copying dll and xml files from one folder to bin while publishing the website.Need to add few dll in published folder automatically which are not referenced in project Need to know the syntax for the same.


Shared ReSharper settings with out-of-source cmake builds

I am using cmake to generate my solution files and I'm doing that out-of-source. So I have a myproject folder and a myproject_build folder. When I save my ReSharper settings in team solution, it creates a dotsettings file in the myproject_build folder.
How can I make sure that saving these settings goes into the source folder and be sure that all team members have the same settings?
I guess I would place a common dotsettings file into myproject, the file that you and your team will modify in the future. During generation of the solution into myproject_build you should generate a myproject.sln.dotsettings file as well, that need to hold a reference onto the file from myproject. You can include any other dotsettings file by going to ReSharper | Manage Settings and then right-click any layer (team-shared in your case) and add the particular file.

Need to include a DocumentFormat.OpenXML dll in project

I have a customization project where I'm importing an Excel file content into the Lot/Ser No. Allocation grid. This works fine on my machine, but I had to download the DocumentFormat.OpenXml dll and include a reference in my class library project in order to do this. I've created a customization project, but when someone else tries to use it, that reference and that file are not there. I've tried to include it in the files section of the customization manager, but I have no way of doing that (can't browse to a file) - not that that would make any difference anyway, since that's the bin folder of the website, and not the class library.
Bottom line: Is there a way to include a dll file that's used in the class library project references in a customization package?
Add the dll file in Bin folder of your local website -> the file should appear in the Add Files dialog inside Customization Project Manager
Select the dll file in the Add Files dialog and click Save
After that, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll becomes a part of your customization package, which will always deploy it together with your extension library
Ruslan provided a good answer explaining how to include your custom DLL, however you might want to know that there are built in functions to read Excel files which make inclusion of third-party libraries unnecessary. Please refer to the following article:

Why isnt my VS2012 file making a dll file inside my bin folder?

I published my website and there were no errors but when I went back to VS I noticed that the Bin Folder is empty and that VS didn't create a dll file. I don't know what code would be helpful for me to include so just tell me and I'll put it up.

How to add AssemblySettings.dll.config file in a class library files in C#

I have created a Class library file in c# named as AssemblySettings. Then i added Configuration files. When i build the project, in bin folder config files and AssemblySettings.dll.config file was created.Then i want to add assembly settings in AssemblySettings.dll.config. But in solution explorer .dll.config file was not created. Kindly help me.
This file appears as app.config in Solution Explorer. The build process changes the name to NameOfAssembly.dll.config and puts it in the build folder.

TFS Build 2010 - Custom Binary Location and SharePoint WSP

I'm building a solution using TFS Build 2010. This solution has multiple projects and one of the projects is SharePoint.
I want TFS Build to put binaries for each project in its own folder (i.e. customized binary folder). So I followed the instructions from MSDN and it works.
Now the challenge is that I'm not able to generate a WSP file with the customized binary folder (note that I'm able to generate WSP without the customized binary folder). I'm getting this error:
C:\\..\..\Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.targets (389): Unable to get the assembly for SharePoint Project Item "Layouts".
I think TFS Build/MSbuild is not able to locate the correct assembly because I changed the "OutputPath" value to achieve customized binary folders.
You are going to have to update the Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.targets file. This file is located in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\SharePointTools\ on the build server.
Go to line number 366: <CreateSharePointProjectService Configuration=...
Change the attribute OutDir="$(TeamBuildOutDir)" to OutDir="$(TargetDir)" and save the file.
I have a blog post on this topic with screenshots.
