Vim suggestions for search commands / and? - vim

Is it possible to have search suggestions for vim while typing in ? or / command?
Im looking something like... aka neocomplete, fuzzyfinder... see the image.

After typing /, you can press <C-f> to open the command-line window. In it, you can select / search for previous search patterns, edit them (just like in a normal buffer), and use the current one via <Enter>. You can also directly enter this mode via q/. To recall a previously used search, <Up> is quicker, though.
There are plugins that allow to complete words from the open buffer(s) into command-line mode. I use CmdlineComplete.


Vim normal mode in command pallete

When i write / or : vim opens command mode - i can write command like:
vimgrep /abc/
If i click shift+p it fill the previous command.
In this case if i want to change only letter a to b I should use arrow key until i get to the letter and then rename it
abc -> bbc.
Is there any faster way - arrow keys are far away and slower to write.
Can I use normal mode when I im in the command pallete(bottom place where i write the commands).
Thank you
You are confusing "command mode" (another name for normal mode) with "command-line mode".
Shift+P (or simply P should insert P. Did you mean <C-p>?
How large is your keyboard for your arrow keys to be "far away"?
See :help cmdline-editing.
Yes, Vim's command-line has limited editing capabilities; for complex edits there, you'd have to use cursor keys. Fortunately, there's a command-line window, which allows edits just like in any other buffer.
You'll find the complete explanation at :help command-line-window. Here's just a quick guide:
If you already know this is going to be a complex edit, open via q: / q/ instead of : / /.
If you only realize this while editing, you can switch via <C-f>.

vim - navigating characters in command mode

Relatively new to VIM and having a great time using it.
One very minor annoyance I've been having is command mode character navigation when I want to revise a command. I'm used to using readline shortcuts on the regular (non-vim) command line but these shortcuts don't seem to work in : command mode.
For example, using ctrl + b to go back a character ends up sending me to the start of the line, or using alt + f to go forward a word ends up clearing the line and exiting command mode.
The only way I've found to navigate in command mode is to use the arrow keys, but I'm under the impression you should avoid the arrow keys in vim for max efficiency.
What is the standard way to navigate around in : command mode? Do vim users usually use the arrow keys here? Is there a different way to modify commands?
As a more concrete example, I've been using vimgrep a lot to search through files. I'll do a command like:
:vimgrep /font-family/j my-project/**/*.less | cope
Later, I'll want to use the same search but look for a different property, so I hit : then ctrl + p to access my previous vimgrep. Now here I have to use the arrow keys to navigate backwards to the search string and modify it. It would be much faster if I could use readline to navigate backwards by word then delete by word.
For small edits, Backspace and light use of the cursor keys should be fine. For anything larger, I would advise to use the command-line window:
In the command-line window the command line can be edited just like editing
text in any window.
So, there's no need to mentally switch to readline key mappings; just use the full editing power (including any custom mappings) of Vim!
You can switch via <C-F> from the command-line, or directly enter it (from normal mode) by pressing q: instead of :. All the details can be found at :help cmdline-window.
I like this question. Long time vim user, but new-ish here, so I can't vote it up. But indeed, perhaps unofficially, many vim fans feel that most of the time the goal is to not have your hands leave home row position (fingers move, hands relatively still).
I will admit, when it comes to command mode, I use the arrows. With P being on my pinky finger, I would miss-hit ctrl-P a lot, and it's faster to slide my right hand down (on my Natural keyboard) and find the up-arrow by quick feel, instantly, to do the same thing. Once I'm there, left-right arrows are also easy to find without looking or delay. Also Ctrl-arrows let you skip by word.
One of the great things about vim is the :help. I have easily spent tens of hours over the years reading through it, and it solves 95% of my problems if I have enough time and working-memory to push deep enough into it.
Here is what I found for :help readline:
READLINE readline.vim ft-readline-syntax
The readline library is primarily used by the BASH shell, which adds
quite a few commands and options to the ones already available. To
highlight these items as well you can add the following to your
|vimrc| or just type it in the command line before loading a file with
the readline syntax:
let readline_has_bash = 1
This will add highlighting for the commands that BASH (version 2.05a
and later, and part earlier) adds.
Give it a try! (I am using vim 7.4)
You can see a list of the default key binds with :help cmdline-history (scroll down a bit) and :help ex-edit-index.
You can remap this with cnoremap:
cnoremap <C-b> <Left>
cnoremap <C-a> <C-b>
" .. Probably more
Note that using cmap will probably get you into problems here since the right-hand side is the currently mapped action, whereas with cnoremap the right-hand side it will always use the native Vim action.

Editable vimgrep string in command line

I use vimgrep a lot to navigate in files and usually use the last search from the history to modify the search pattern and run it again.
Is there a way to display in the command line an editable string like the one below, with the cursor already positioned between the two search pattern slashes (and the pattern being empty)?
:vimgrep // **/*[ch]|copen
I don't want to use a constant mapping (like the one at this vim tip) since I want to be able to add/change options (\c etc.).
I'd recommend using the command-line window for this (q: opens it from normal mode), since you
can edit the command with the regular normal mode keystrokes (and you get syntax highlighting too).
You can also move around in your history just like in a normal buffer. So ?vimgrep<Enter>nnn... will search for and move you to all your old vimgrep commands.
Just hit <Enter> as normal when you are done editing, or :q<Enter> to abort the command and quit the window like you would any other.
Finally, here's a mapping to quickly bring up your empty vimgrep template in the command-line window.
:nnoremap \v q:ivimgrep<Space>//<Space>**/*[ch]<Bar>copen<Esc>F/;i
Reference: :help cmdline-window

Traversing directories with vim file name completion in insert mode (Ctrl-X Ctrl-F)

I’m trying to use vim’s compl-filename feature (Ctrl-XCtrl-F) to complete paths in INSERT mode, but I can’t work out how to traverse into directories without (temporarily) ending the completion mode:
Let’s say I want to complete the path /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup.
I would like to be able to do something like:
The issue is, as soon as I start typing* after a path match (like /etc/), it ends file name completion. I would like it to stay in file name completion, so that I can still use Ctrl-F, Ctrl-N, etc. Since it ends completion, I have to type Ctrl-XCtrl-F again to restart it, and the helpful completion popup menu disappears in the meantime.
Is there an option I can set to change this?
* By ‘typing’ here, I am referring to characters in 'isfname' -- of course, typing other characters (like space or punctuation) should not continue file name completion.
I'm not sure exactly what you're saying, but you can just press Ctrl-XCtrl-F again on a directory while you're in the completion menu to expand it. You don't have to close out of the menu first. I just keep Ctrl held down and tap xf to traverse a directory, n and p to move up and down and w to go back up.
If you don't use :h i_CTRL-F then you could remap it. For example,
inoremap <C-f> <C-x><C-f>
Simple remap would be
inoremap / /<C-x><C-f>
So when you type slash(/) in insert mode you will get that auto completion popup :)
Place it in your .vimrc file (for vim) or in init.vim (for neovim)
Vim doesn't do auto-completion.
For that, you'll need a dedicated plugin like AutoComplPop or NeoComplCache
Please use insert "i" first before using cntr+x+f. I was in similar situation. :)

How do you search through Vim's command history?

I would like to have the following search in Vim too
Enter a word of your previous command, and you get the full command.
I know the chronological history tool in Vim
However, it is not that useful as the fuzzy reverse search.
How can you have a similar reverse search in Vim as in the terminal?
Type q: in the normal mode to open commands window. You can search/edit here using regular vim commands. You start in Normal mode. Press Enter to execute a command.
This approach lets you search across whole command not just beginning of line.
Enter the first letters of your previous command and push <Up> arrow (or Ctrl+p).
:set li<up>
:set lines=75
Don't forget to check history option and set it to big enough value
:set history=1000
Press Ctrl+F in command mode to open the command history window. Then, you can use / , ? , and other search commands. Press Enter to execute a command from the history.
For more about the command history window, see :h cmdwin .
Here are the docs for Vim's commandline history, also see this part of the docs on Vim's commandline history that covers the key bindings while in the history. It looks like you can say :foo and then hit the up arrow to find the last command that started with foo.
With FZF fuzzy search command: :History:
I was looking for this as well (finally after wondering why it wasn't built-in for some time) and decided I couldn't resist whipping up an implementation, so here you go:
It should work just like the shell's--well there are still a couple basic things missing (like pressing ^R again to skip to next match), but all that I use is in this first release, and I plan to add the rest in the coming weeks as I get time.
