Getting 'a' value from 'Maybe a' return type in Haskell - haskell

I have a Haskell function eval :: WExp -> Memory -> WValue with a bunch of different instances of itself for different cases. For now, knowledge about WExp, Memory, and WValue is not relevant. My problem is that, for a specific instance of eval, I am using a lookup function, which takes the parameter of eval (a string in this case) searches a list of key-value pairs for that string. Note that this lookup function is not the one included in the Prelude; it is self-defined within the .hs file. If the string is found, the value associated with it is returned, but if it is not found, Nothing is returned. Because of the Nothing case, the type of lookup is actually Maybe a, where a would be a WValue in this case. Because eval would return a Maybe WValue, the compiler obviously complains that the type is not WValue.
I thought that there might be some kind of general method to extract the a value from any function that returns Maybe a.

Do this
input <- getUserInput
result <- lookup input structure
case result of
Just a -> putStrLn $ "I'm so happy you chose "++show a++"."
Nothing -> putStrLn $ "So sorry; "++input++" is not a valid option."
Don't do this
input <- getUserInput
result <- lookup input structure
case result of
Just a -> putStrLn $ "I'm so happy you chose "++show a++"."
Nothing -> error $ input ++ " is not a valid option."
This is bad because your program just goes splat if the user input is wrong.
Really don't do this
There is a function called fromJust that attempts to pull a value out of a Maybe and throws an error if it finds Nothing. It looks like
fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust (Just a) = a
fromJust Nothing = error "Oops, you goofed up, fool."
This makes it hard to see what went wrong.
And really, really don't do this
But if you want to play with fire, you can try it just for fun. This will attempt to get a value out of a Maybe and crash real hard if it finds Nothing. By "crash real hard" I mean you'll get a segmentation fault if you're lucky, and you'll publish your private keys on the web if you're not.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
module Unsafe.FromJust (unsafeFromJust) where
-- Clear sign of bad news
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- This creates a "closed kind" with types
-- 'JustType and 'NothingType. You could just
-- define datatypes called JustType and NothingType,
-- but this makes the intent clearer.
data MaybeType = JustType | NothingType
data M (t::MaybeType) a where
-- The order of these constructors must not
-- be changed, because this type must look,
-- at runtime, exactly like a Maybe
N :: M 'NothingType a
J :: a -> M 'JustType a
-- A safe sort of fromJust for M.
fromJ :: M 'JustType a -> a
fromJ (J a) = a
-- Really, seriously unsafe.
unsafeFromJust :: Maybe a -> a
unsafeFromJust m = fromJ (unsafeCoerce m)

The function you are looking for is maybe defined in Prelude.
You need to decide on what to return if the expression is Nothing. Lets say you want to get empty string "" for Nothing. Then the following will let you get out of Maybe boxes.
Prelude> maybe "" id (Just "hello")
Prelude> maybe "" id (Nothing)

If you know that the lookup is successful, and that the Maybe a is actually Just a, you can simply pattern match:
let (Just val) = lookup ...
and there you have your val::a out of your Maybe a. Note that this is unsafe code which will ungracefully throw an error if lookup returns a Nothing.

Well, you got yourself into a quagmire because the type of your lookup says that it could fail. Haskell forces you in this case to deal with the possibility that such a failure will occur. This is the case if lookup returns Nothing.
If you are really sure that lookup never fails (maybe because you preprocessed and type-checked the program, or you really trust it :) ) you could use fromJust from Data.Maybe. Note that is is really just a band-aid solution because fromJust will produce a (Haskell) runtime error on its own if called with Nothing.


In Haskell, if a function returns a "Maybe a" type just so it is safe and total, how is it useful anymore?

So I have to define a safe version of the head function that would not throw an error when [] is passed as the argument. Here it is:
safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead [] = Nothing
safeHead (x:_) = Just x
But now, is this function still of any use? Because suppose that type "a" is a Int, then you can add two objects of type Int, but you can't add two objects of type "Maybe Int".
As it was mentioned in comments, you can actually add two Maybes. I just wanted to give another point of view on that.
Yes, you can't directly apply (+) to Maybe Ints, but you can upgrade it to another function that is able to do so automatically.
To upgrade unary function (like (+1)) you write fmap (+1) maybeInt or (+1) <$> maybeInt. If (+1) had type Int -> Int, the fmap (+1) expression has type Maybe Int -> Maybe Int.
Upgrading bin-or-more-ary functions is a bit more complex syntax-wise: (+) <$> maybeInt <*> maybeInt or liftA2 (+) maybeInt maybeInt. Again, here we promote (+) :: Int -> Int -> Int to liftA2 (+) :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int.
Handling Maybes this way allows you to build up a computation that works with Maybes out of pure functions and defer checking for Nothing. Or even avoid that if you eventually plug it into another function that takes Maybe as argument.
Of course, you can use fmap and liftAs on any Applicative, not just Maybe.
"Just" is one such function. Here's how you can use its result (for the ghci REPL):
import Data.Foldable (sequenceA_)
let writeLn = putStrLn . show
let supposedlyUnusable = writeLn <$> Just 0
sequenceA_ supposedlyUnusable
which prints 1 or we can continue to try the other interesting example - using the Nothing case
let supposedlyUnusable = writeLn <$> Nothing
sequenceA_ supposedlyUnusable
which doesn't print anything.
That's a complete program which works even for other instances of Traversable or Foldable where you couldn't do a case analysis on the Maybe value. <$> is the key that lets you apply a function to whatever's contained in the Maybe or any Functor and if you have two Maybes (or two of the same Applicative) you can use the pattern fn <$> applicative_a <*> applicative_b which is like fn a b but where a and b are wrapped up things like Maybe values.
So that leaves a couple of remaining ways to use a Maybe that I can think of, all of which use case analysis:
let {fn (Just n) = Just $ 1 + n; fn Nothing = Nothing}
fn v
-- but that was just a messy way of writing (1+) <$> v
let fn v = case v of {Just n -> Just $ 1 + n; Nothing -> Nothing}
-- and that's the same program with a different syntax
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
fromMaybe someDefault v
-- and that extracted the `value` from `v` if we had `Just value` or else gave us `someDefault`
let {fn (Just n) = writeLn n; fn Nothing = putStrLn "No answer"}
-- this one extracts an action but also provides an action when there's nothing
-- it can be done using <$> and fromMaybe instead, but beginners tend to
-- find it easier because of the tutorials that resulted from the history
-- of the base library's development
let fn v = fromMaybe (putStrLn "No answer") (writeLn <$> v)
oooh, oooh! This one's neato:
import Control.Applicative
let v = Just 0 -- or Nothing, if you want
let errorcase = pure $ putStrLn "No answer"
let successcase = writeLn <$> v
sequenceA_ $ successcase <|> errorcase
-- that uses Alternative in which Maybe tries to give an answer preferring the earliest if it can
of course we also have the classic:
maybe (putStrLn "No answer") writeLn v
Safety comes with a cost. The cost is normally extra code, for avoiding error situations. Haskell has given us the way to avoid this at the compile time rather than at run time.
Let me explain with examples from other languages. Though I won't name any language, but it would be apparent which languages I am talking about. Please be sure that all languages are great in their ways, so do not take this as I am finding fault in other language.
In some languages you have pointers and the way you will do safeHead is to return either int pointer or null pointer. You will have to de-reference pointer to get the value and when you de-reference null pointer you will get error. To avoid this, extra code will be needed to check for null pointer, and do something when it is null.
In some dynamic languages, you have variables assigned to null. So in above example your variable could be type int or it could be null. And what will happen if you add null to int? Most probably undefined situation. Again special handling needs to be done for the null case.
In Haskell too you will have to do the same, you will have to guard the null situation with extra code. So what's the difference? The difference in Haskell is doing it at the compile time and not at the run time.* i.e. the moment you have this kind of code along with your definition of safeHead, p = safeHead xs + safeHead ys, the code will give error at the compile time. You will have to do something more for addition if type Maybe Int. You can write your function for adding two or multiple Maybe Ints or create newype for Maybe Int and overload + or do something as mentioned in other answers.
But whatever you do, you do it before unit testing. Definitely much before it goes on production. And earlier the error is caught lesser is the cost. That's where the advantage of type safe Haskell comes in handy.
* There could be mechanism in other languages to handle this at compile time.

Why can't I use the type `Show a => [Something -> a]`?

I have a record type say
data Rec {
recNumber :: Int
, recName :: String
-- more fields of various types
And I want to write a toString function for Rec :
recToString :: Rec -> String
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ map ($ r) fields
where fields = [show . recNumber, show . recName]
This works. fields has type [Rec -> String]. But I'm lazy and I would prefer writing
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ map (\f -> show $ f r) fields
where fields = [recNumber, recName]
But this doesn't work. Intuitively I would say fields has type Show a => [Rec -> a] and this should be ok. But Haskell doesn't allow it.
I'd like to understand what is going on here. Would I be right if I said that in the first case I get a list of functions such that the 2 instances of show are actually not the same function, but Haskell is able to determine which is which at compile time (which is why it's ok).
[show . recNumber, show . recName]
^-- This is show in instance Show Number
^-- This is show in instance Show String
Whereas in the second case, I only have one literal use of show in the code, and that would have to refer to multiple instances, not determined at compile time ?
map (\f -> show $ f r) fields
^-- Must be both instances at the same time
Can someone help me understand this ? And also are there workarounds or type system expansions that allow this ?
The type signature doesn't say what you think it says.
This seems to be a common misunderstanding. Consider the function
foo :: Show a => Rec -> a
People frequently seem to think this means that "foo can return any type that it wants to, so long as that type supports Show". It doesn't.
What it actually means is that foo must be able to return any possible type, because the caller gets to choose what the return type should be.
A few moments' thought will reveal that foo actually cannot exist. There is no way to turn a Rec into any possible type that can ever exist. It can't be done.
People often try to do something like Show a => [a] to mean "a list of mixed types but they all have Show". That obviously doesn't work; this type actually means that the list elements can be any type, but they still have to be all the same.
What you're trying to do seems reasonable enough. Unfortunately, I think your first example is about as close as you can get. You could try using tuples and lenses to get around this. You could try using Template Haskell instead. But unless you've got a hell of a lot of fields, it's probably not even worth the effort.
The type you actually want is not:
Show a => [Rec -> a]
Any type declaration with unbound type variables has an implicit forall. The above is equivalent to:
forall a. Show a => [Rec -> a]
This isn't what you wan't, because the a must be specialized to a single type for the entire list. (By the caller, to any one type they choose, as MathematicalOrchid points out.) Because you want the a of each element in the list to be able to be instantiated differently... what you are actually seeking is an existential type.
[exists a. Show a => Rec -> a]
You are wishing for a form of subtyping that Haskell does not support very well. The above syntax is not supported at all by GHC. You can use newtypes to sort of accomplish this:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
newtype Showy = forall a. Show a => Showy a
fields :: [Rec -> Showy]
fields = [Showy . recNumber, Showy . recName]
But unfortunatley, that is just as tedious as converting directly to strings, isn't it?
I don't believe that lens is capable of getting around this particular weakness of the Haskell type system:
recToString :: Rec -> String
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ toListOf (each . to fieldShown) fields
where fields = (recNumber, recName)
fieldShown f = show (f r)
-- error: Couldn't match type Int with [Char]
Suppose the fields do have the same type:
fields = [recNumber, recNumber]
Then it works, and Haskell figures out which show function instance to use at compile time; it doesn't have to look it up dynamically.
If you manually write out show each time, as in your original example, then Haskell can determine the correct instance for each call to show at compile time.
As for existentials... it depends on implementation, but presumably, the compiler cannot determine which instance to use statically, so a dynamic lookup will be used instead.
I'd like to suggest something very simple instead:
recToString r = intercalate "\t" [s recNumber, s recName]
where s f = show (f r)
All the elements of a list in Haskell must have the same type, so a list containing one Int and one String simply cannot exist. It is possible to get around this in GHC using existential types, but you probably shouldn't (this use of existentials is widely considered an anti-pattern, and it doesn't tend to perform terribly well). Another option would be to switch from a list to a tuple, and use some weird stuff from the lens package to map over both parts. It might even work.

Return an empty object of a certain type in Haskell

Here is what I am trying to do:
justExpose :: Maybe a -> a
justExpose (Just x) = x
justExpose Nothing = -- an empty object of type a
Any ideas?
In case your type a has monoid structure in it, then you can use this:
import Data.Monoid
justExpose :: Monoid a => Maybe a -> a
justExpose (Just x) = x
justExpose Nothing = mempty
Some examples of this:
λ> let x = Nothing :: Maybe (Sum Int)
λ> justExpose x
Sum {getSum = 0}
λ> justExpose (Just [])
But you should note that Maybe type is very useful in lots of situations.
The Maybe a is the standard "type with empty value".
The way to extract that a is to perform a case-split or (better) use a
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a -- Defined in ‘Data.Maybe’
function, which is declared as
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe def optional =
case optional of
Just value -> value
Nothing -> def
So, you just need to import Data.Maybe and call fromMaybe with an appropriate "empty object" of your choice (or what the task's domain requires there).
You can also leave it as Maybe a or even start to work in the Maybe monad, if you have many a -> Maybe b actions in the domain; the question here is the reason behind your "How do I...".
What you are asking for is a "null" in many other languages. Haskell deliberately does not provide such a thing, because it is unsafe.
You can get the code to compile as follows:
justExpose :: Maybe a -> a
justExpose (Just x) = x
justExpose Nothing = undefined
but if you call it with a Nothing you will get a runtime exception, because the value is, as the name suggests, undefined!
Update: As several people have pointed out, this functionality is provided by Data.Maybe.fromJust, as you can find by searching hoogle for your type signature Maybe a -> a
There is no such thing as an "empty object of a certain type" in Haskell (the gruesome "null" from various other languages). This is a necessity for type safety. If you ever want an "empty value" you are required to use Maybe.
There is however a thing known as ⊥ ("bottom"), which in some ways similar but not really the same thing. Every type has ⊥ as a possible value. Bottom manifests itself in several ways: typically as an error or as an infinite loop. For example, the following function yields bottom:
f x = f (x + 1)
This function will never return because it will loop indefinitely, and hence it's value is ⊥. Or you can raise an error:
justExpose :: Maybe a -> a
justExpose Nothing = error "there is Nothing"
But keep in mind such an error cannot be caught!* The error function (or similarly, the undefined value) should only be used when you know that it's not supposed to ever happen. (As a side note: the justExpose function is already available in the Data.Maybe module in the form of fromJust.)
[*] There are some tricks involving IO that can be used to catch it, but it can't be done in pure code without unsafePerformIO.

Why do Haskell inferred types in return type polymorphism lead to runtime errors?

The reason I'd choose to use Haskell is because of its rich type system. This gives me more information at compile-time about my program, helping me have confidence that it is sound.
In addition, it would appear that Haskell is an optimal language in which to approach the expression problem, as Haskell typeclasses can dispatch on return type. (In contrast to Clojure protocols - which can only dispatch on first argument).
When I explore a Haskell polymorphic return value function like read:
read :: (Read a) => String -> a
with the following program:
addFive :: Int -> Int
addFive x = x + 5
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (addFive (read "11"))
putStrLn (read "11")
I get the following result:
Runtime error
prog: no parse
So I appear to be getting a runtime error in a language with a superior type system.
Contrast this with the equivalent code in Clojure:
(defn add-five [x] (+ 5 x))
(println (add-five (read-string "11")))
(println (read-string "11"))
This gives the following result:
My question is Why do Haskell inferred types in return type polymorphism lead to runtime errors? Shouldn't it pick them up at compile-time?
That runtime error has nothing to do with polymorphism, and everything to do with the fact that the string "11" can't be parsed as a list of characters by the read function.
Here are things that work. Note that "11" can, at runtime, be parsed as an Int and "\"Some More String\"" can, at runtime, be parsed as a string.
print $ 5 + read "11"
print $ "Some string" ++ read "\"Some More String\""
Here are some things that don't work. They don't work because "Not an integer" can not be parsed as an Int and "11" can't be parsed as a string.
print $ 5 + read "Not an integer"
print $ "Some string" ++ read "11"
As was pointed out in the answer to your previous question, the type information has already been inferred at compile time. The read functions have already been selected. Imagine if we had two functions readInt :: String -> Int and readString :: String -> String that were provided for the read function for the Read instances for Int and String respectively. The compiler has already, at compile time, replaced the occurrences of read with the original respective functions:
print $ 5 + readInt "Not an integer"
print $ "Some string" ++ readString "11"
This must have happened at compile time precisely because type information is eliminated at compile time, as was explained in the answer to your previous question.
A part of the issue here is that in Haskell one can define partial functions, i.e., functions which may fail on certain inputs. Examples are read, head, tail. Non-exhaustive pattern matching is the common cause of this partiality, others including error, undefined, and infinite recursion (even if in this case you do not get a runtime error, obviously).
In particular, read is a bit nasty since it requires you to ensure that the string can be parsed. This is usually harder than ensuring that a list is non empty, for instance. One should use a safer variant such as
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
main = do
print $ readMaybe "11" :: Maybe Int -- prints Just 11
print $ readMaybe "11" :: Maybe String -- prints Nothing
Another part of the issue is that polymorphic values (such as read "11") are actually functions in disguise, since they depend on the type at which they are evaluated, as seen in the example above. The monomorphism restriction is an attempt to make them behave more as non-functions: it forces the compiler to find a single type for all the uses of the polymorphic value. If this is possible, the polymorphic value is evaluated only at that type, and the result can be shared in all the uses. Otherwise, you get a type error, even if the code would have been typeable without the restriction.
For example, the following code
main = do
let x = readMaybe "11"
print $ x :: Maybe Int
print $ x :: Maybe Int
parses 11 once if the monomorphism restriction is on, and twice if it is off (unless the compiler is smart enough to do some optimization). By comparison,
main = do
let x = readMaybe "11"
print $ x :: Maybe Int
print $ x :: Maybe String
raises a compile-time type error if the monomorphism restriction is on, and compiles and runs just fine if it is off (printing "Just 11" and "Nothing").
So, there is no clear winner between enabling and disabling the restriction.
The type of read is
(Read a) => String -> a
which implies it (compiler or interpreter, actually) will choose its return type according to the requirement of context.
Therefore, in addFive (read "11"), because addFive requires a Int, the type of read chosen by compiler will be String -> Int; in putStrLn (read "11"), it will be String->String because putStrLn requires a String.
And this choice happens at compile time, which means after compilation, your program sort of equals
main = do
print (addFive (readInt "11"))
putStrLn (readString "11")
But this readString cannot parse its argument "11" as a string, so it crash at run time.
The fix of this problem is simple:
main = do
print (addFive (read "11"))
putStrLn (read "\"11\"")

"No instance for (Monad ..." in if-then-else and guards

I have the following function:
appendMsg :: String -> (String, Integer) -> Map.Map (String, Integer) [String] -> Map.Map (String, Integer) [String]
appendMsg a (b,c) m = do
let Just l = length . concat <$> Map.lookup (b,c) m
l' = l + length a
--guard $ l' < 1400
--return $ Map.adjust (++ [a]) (b, c) m
if l' < 1400 then let m2 = Map.adjust (++ [a]) (b, c) m in return m2 else return (m)
In case l' < 1400 the value m2 should be created and returned, in case l' > 1400 I eventually want to call a second function but for now it is sufficient to return nothing or m in this case.
I started with guards and was immediately running in the error
No instance for (Monad (Map.Map (String, Integer)))
arising from a use of `return'
Then I tried if-then-else, had to fix some misunderstanding and eventually ended up with the very same error.
I want to know how to fix this. I do understand what a Monad is or that Data in Haskell is immutable. However, after reading two books on Haskell I feel still quite far away from being in a position to code something useful. There is always one more Monad ... :D .
This looks very much like you're confused about what return does. Unlike in many imperative languages, return is not the way you return a value from a function.
In Haskell you define a function by saying something like f a b c = some_expression. The right hand side is the expression that the function "returns". There's no need for a "return statement" as you would use in imperative languages, and in fact it wouldn't make sense. In imperative languages where a function is a sequence of statements that are executed, it fits naturally to determine what result the function evaluates to with a return statement which terminates the function and passes a value back up. In Haskell, the right hand side of your function is a single expression, and it doesn't really make sense to suddenly put a statement in the middle of that expression that somehow terminates evaluation of the expression and returns something else instead.
In fact, return is itself a function, rather than a statement. It was perhaps poorly named, given that it isn't what imperative programmers learning Haskell would expect. return foo is how you wrap foo up into a monadic value; it doesn't have any effect on flow control, but just evaluates to foo in the context of whatever monad you're using. It doesn't look like you're using monads at all (certainly the type for your function is wrong if you are).
It's also worth noting that if/then/else isn't a statement in Haskall either; the whole if/then/else block is an expression, which evaluates to either the then expression or the else expression, depending on the value of the condition.
So take away the do, which just provides convenient syntax for working with monads. Then you don't need to return anything, just have m2 as your then branch (with the let binding, or since you only use m2 once you could just replace your whole then expression with Map.adjust (++ [a]) (b, c) m), and m in your else branch. You then wrap that in a let ... in ... block to get your bindings of l and l'. And the whole let ... in ... construct is also an expression, so it can just be the right hand side of your function definition as-is. No do, no return.
You state that the result of your function is
Map.Map (String, Integer) [String]
and, through the use of return, state that it is also monadic. Hence the compiler thinks there should be an Monad instance for Map (String, Integer).
But I am quite sure this will compile if you drop return and do and write in before the if. Or at least it will give you more meaningful error messages.
