How to create a dialog box dynamically in MFC application? - visual-c++

I am working on a MFC SDI application. I want to get a dialog box called on the click of a menu button but I want to create that dialog box dynamically and not use the resource view. I am not able to figure out how to do that even after googling a lot.

Create an empty dialog resource or use a empty resource template in memory.
Create the dialog. Either using a pointer to the resource template in memory, or in the resource.
Call DoModal.
In OnInitDialog. Resize the dialog, Create all child windows, set the dialog title...

Back around Visual Studio 2008, there was some sample code called DLGTEMPL. I've used it to build a dynamic dialog just like you want. I'm using VS2013 and I could not seem to find the sample code on my local hard drive. However, Microsoft still makes this available here via a VS2005 samples page. Simply click on "Download Sample" at the top and it will install the sample onto your hard drive. The sample provides the basis for creating a dynamic dialog from an in memory resource.


Unable to get text that has no identifier inside pane with pywinauto

I have pane inside pane , identifiers are available till pane inside pane I want to get text.
Identifiers are as
Is there any way to get text having no identifier inside pane
It's impossible using MS UI Automation API (both Inspect.exe and pywinauto use it under the hood).
If it's .NET app, it could be possible in far theory by managed DLL injection. I'm aware about only this minimal proof-of-concept: (not tried yet).

Acumatica Customization (Framework vs ERP) not consistent with TXX guides

I was asked to create a new maint page where data could be added. Just like in the T100 series part1:Maintenance pages. Immediately a few issues arise, why in the Acumatica ERP project I am unable to complete the steps done in the Framework application? I tried to add a new item -> PXgraph option(as described in the instructions) was not available, I couldn’t even add my own c# class from scratch the option was not listed. Instead it just listed page options(will add screenshots below). I attempted to create a new .cs file outside the scope of the project and import it into the file and it wouldn’t recognize it as an available file to import. In the end I attempted to manually drag and drop the file into the Objects folder I wanted the file to be a part of.
VERSUS ERP Add new item
Secondly, I created a new ListView in the page. I was not able to choose my Typename:SO.SOusrPhoneExtMaint.cs file from the list of options. I have rebuilt the project numerous times to see if that was the issue. I manually added the TypeName by going into the source of the aspx and typing it my graph. When I tested the graph I got the following errors that “Invalid type PX.Objects.SO.SOUsrPhoneExtMaint specified for datasource.” My question is why is there a discrepancy between the framework and the erp application for customization and how do I customize the graphs and pages if they don’t take the same approach as the TXX development guides. If I am doing something fundamentally wrong I'd like to know what is the right approach.
I recommend that you use the Customization Project Editor for any customization of Acumatica ERP.
To add a custom form, perform the following actions:
Navigate to the Customization Projects form (SM204505; System > Customization > Manage)
Select an existing customization project or create a new project by clicking "+" on the form toolbar
Click the project name to open the project in the Customization Project Editor
On the navigation pane of the editor, select SCREENS to open the Customized Screens page
On the page, click ADD SCREEN > CREATE NEW SCREEN to open the Create New Screen dialog box
Fill all the required fields and click OK to obtain workable template of your custom form
The New Screen wizard creates the form template and includes it as the following items in the customization project:
two File items - .aspx page code for the new form
a Code item - code template for business logic controller
a Page item - the link to the new page content, which you can further develop by using the Layout Editor
a SiteMapNode item - the site map object of the new form
(For an example see Lesson 11: Creating a Custom Form of the T300 Acumatica Customization Platform Training Guide)
Further you can develop the items by using the tools you prefer.
The custom form will be added to Acumatica ERP after the project is published.

Open custom user control in tool window using VS Package

I'm trying to create simple custom command (added in TOOLS menu option) to open the tool bar with custom control in VS 2013 using VS Package project.
I'm following this guide but not sure why it's not working.
When I click on it, it opens tool window but without content under it. I want to show the MyControl.cs or custom control content under it.
I've tried a lot to find it out on Google but no relevent article found for same.
I've notice when I created new VS Package, it created "MyControl.xaml" file which loading it's data properly. I deleted that file and created new user control "MyControl.cs" which is not loading data.
Not sure if it requires VSIX project or VS Package. Is there any other way to do this?
Nothing in vsix development is simple at first. Try using this tutorial. It's from a series you can find here.
For you to show custom tool window content you have to extend the ToolWindowPane class and override the Window property returning your content as a IWin32Window. The tutorial fully explains it, and very well I might add, and the series is excellent even though it targets vs2010.

Able to take controls in parent window even after launch of another dialog using DoModal

I have an application which is created using MFC and I have created a MFC dll on click of a button the exe will call the dll which in turn will launch a dll using dialogClass.DoModal().
My Problem is even after this dialog I am able to access my parent application. which I should
not be able to access. Is there any setting for this . Can somebody help me on this
Sounds like you have created a modal-less dialog. If you create the same dialog as a modal pop-up dialog, then you should get the behaviour you have described.
This link should give you the information you are looking for: Using Dialog boxes
Other links that might be useful are:
Dialog box styles
Window styles

MFC SDI Application without a default "New Document" on Startup

My application is an SDI with multiple views. By default, it creates a new document when the application starts. I want to modify this behavior so that a new document is created only when user explicitly clicks on "New". Or at least mimic this behavior. Any ideas? I am using Visual Studio 2008 with MFC feature pack. I googled and found some solution to this problem in an old MS Journal article. But unfortunately it doesn't seem to work now. Any workarounds or solutions? In short, I need to differentiate between framework call to OnFileNew() and User Click on New.
Are you sure the frame work calls OnFileNew? If so, set a breakpoint in the function then trace back to where its called. If necessary, override the function calling it and do everything the same except the creation of a new document. That should do it.
