Unable to get text that has no identifier inside pane with pywinauto - python-3.x

I have pane inside pane , identifiers are available till pane inside pane I want to get text.
Identifiers are as
Is there any way to get text having no identifier inside pane

It's impossible using MS UI Automation API (both Inspect.exe and pywinauto use it under the hood).
If it's .NET app, it could be possible in far theory by managed DLL injection. I'm aware about only this minimal proof-of-concept: https://github.com/vperevalov/WPFA (not tried yet).


Popup window inside a task pane add-in

I have a task pane add-in in Office.
I have an item in the task pane, and a delete button. Now, when users click on the delete button, I want to pop up a small window to ask if users are sure about the deletion. If yes, we continue; if no, we go back to the current page.
It is like the Window confirm() method for a web page.
Does anyone know how to pop up this small window in the task pane add-in?
Additionally, if I want users to choose an option in this popup window (eg, choosing a colour between blue or red) before continuing (let's forget yes or no), how could we realise this? More generally, is it possible to create a custom confirm box?
As you design and build web apps for Office 365 or add-ins for Office and SharePoint, you can take advantage of the Office UI toolkit to make your experience look and feel like Office. The Office UI toolkit has key plug and play components that will make it easy to create web experiences that connect to and integrate with Office.
One of the controls offered by Office Fabric JS package is Dialog which has a lot of customization. I believe you'll find one suitable for your task.
Yet another option is to use any UI package which has variety of UI controls, for example jQuery mobile. And finally you may just write your own control.

Open custom user control in tool window using VS Package

I'm trying to create simple custom command (added in TOOLS menu option) to open the tool bar with custom control in VS 2013 using VS Package project.
I'm following https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb165987.aspx this guide but not sure why it's not working.
When I click on it, it opens tool window but without content under it. I want to show the MyControl.cs or custom control content under it.
I've tried a lot to find it out on Google but no relevent article found for same.
I've notice when I created new VS Package, it created "MyControl.xaml" file which loading it's data properly. I deleted that file and created new user control "MyControl.cs" which is not loading data.
Not sure if it requires VSIX project or VS Package. Is there any other way to do this?
Nothing in vsix development is simple at first. Try using this tutorial. It's from a series you can find here.
For you to show custom tool window content you have to extend the ToolWindowPane class and override the Window property returning your content as a IWin32Window. The tutorial fully explains it, and very well I might add, and the series is excellent even though it targets vs2010.

UIAVerify and Inspect are showing different UI elements

I'm trying to get some automated UI testing in place for a legacy MFC application. Using Microsoft's UI Automation library has been really smooth and easy in C# to get tests in place.
The MFC application under test contains a tab control as the "main" root element, and that tab control houses most of the application. There's also a few buttons outside the tab control. From a high level, the UI tree looks like this:
-Tab control <- most things live in here
Tabs are added to the tab control dynamically, but that has not been a problem for UI Automation.
However, there's 2 tabs in the application that do not have any controls listed in UI Automation or UIAVerify. The controls do show up in Inspect. There's nothing special about the problem tabs. They're the same as all the other tabs in the application.
Is there a reason why some parts of an MFC application won't show up in UI Automation or UIAVerify?

How to create a dialog box dynamically in MFC application?

I am working on a MFC SDI application. I want to get a dialog box called on the click of a menu button but I want to create that dialog box dynamically and not use the resource view. I am not able to figure out how to do that even after googling a lot.
Create an empty dialog resource or use a empty resource template in memory.
Create the dialog. Either using a pointer to the resource template in memory, or in the resource.
Call DoModal.
In OnInitDialog. Resize the dialog, Create all child windows, set the dialog title...
Back around Visual Studio 2008, there was some sample code called DLGTEMPL. I've used it to build a dynamic dialog just like you want. I'm using VS2013 and I could not seem to find the sample code on my local hard drive. However, Microsoft still makes this available here via a VS2005 samples page. Simply click on "Download Sample" at the top and it will install the sample onto your hard drive. The sample provides the basis for creating a dynamic dialog from an in memory resource.

QTP Addin - Object is not being recognised

QTP doesn't recognize item when I disable some add-ins which was checked when I added them in to the repository
Note: I actually selected all the add in's when I added the objects into repository - .Net, JAVA, Oracle, Siebel, SAP, Web Services, Silverlight, ActiveX(I know I am a Noob). When I just select Web right now and run the script, it's unable to recognize the object and when I add the object again(with only Web checked), it's being added as a new object and is being recognized when I run it.
So my question is what is the relationship of an object with respect to add in? How does it go on to affect the property of the same object?
Add-Ins are Collections of Pre-Defined Object Types
The add-in contains built-in property sets for a specific group of related UI objects. This helps QTP identify the runtime objects more effectively for a specific type of application.
For instance, it's quite predictable that browser-based applications will be using the standard HTML elements, so the basic web objects (i.e. Page, Frame, WebButton, WebList) have already been defined in advance inside the Web add-in.
The Evil in Enabling All Add-Ins
Most likely, you're facing the issue because all add-ins were enabled during recording. QTP had the option to choose from any of the pre-defined objects in all of those add-ins as it sees fit. You could have ended up with an object repository that's a hybrid of object types found in multiple add-ins.
We faced this similar issue before where a web button (i.e. html input type="button") was recorded as a SAPWebButton. That's because all add-ins were enabled during recording and no one noticed. It worked fine until we disabled all other add-ins, except for the Web add-in. Since the Web add-in only knows about a WebButton not a SAPWebButton, this resulted into identification problems.
Prevention and Fix
The correct approach is to decide which add-in is most appropriate for your application type before recording, enable it and disable the rest.
You will have to manually update the problematic object via Update Run Mode. If there's too much, you'd be better off recording from scratch.
