I am running RedHawk 1.10 on CentOS6.5 which uses gcc 4.4.7, but I am interested in a more recent version of gcc such as 4.8 or 4.9. I know that newer versions can be installed. Has anyone had experience using these with RedHawk? Are there any problems?
I believe Redhawk has had some mild testing on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which I think has gcc 4.8.2 as its default.
Should you run into any compilation issues, you should open tickets on the github page.
My current version of GCC:
gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16)
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
How to upgrade the GCC to 5.X.X
(As you have GCC 4.4.7, I assume you're running RHEL 6.x, hopefully 6.9, the latest released version.)
On RHEL 6 & 7, you can use Red Hat Developer Toolset (DTS) to install new(er) versions of various components, including GCC. DTS uses the 'software collection' packaging method, so the new version will be installed alongside the default version -- without creating any conflicts -- and you'll be able to user both.
If you require GCC 5.x, you will need to use DTS 4.x, which includes this version. If you just want a new version, then I would recommend using the newest DTS available, which is 6.1 (or the just released 7.0 beta), which include GCC 6.x and 7.x respectively.
See Documentation for Red Hat Developer Toolset for instructions on how to install and use DTS.
# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-6-rpms
# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-optional-rpms
# yum -y install devtoolset-6-gcc
$ scl enable devtoolset-6 'gcc -o output_file source_file...'
(Note that support for DTS 4.x ends in Nov 2017, so using the newest version is really recommended.)
I have installed debian stable version and it is packaged default with mono 3.2.8 version. However I see mono 3.2.8 is from 3 years back and the latest stable version is in the mono release list
Here is the link where it shows packaged version of mono with debian
1) I want to know why stable version of debian points to very outdated mono version? Is there any reason for not updating default mono version to latest one's 4.8 or higher?
Debian stable is not "stable versions of software," it's a stable operating system. Stable in this context doesn't mean "it doesn't crash," it means that the packages in it doesn't change. Here's the official description of the releases.
The reason why debian stable points to an outdated version of pretty much everything is that it takes a long time for a version of a package to get into stable. If you want modern versions of things, I suggest running unstable or testing.
I'm quite new to Debian and now I wanted to install Mono 5.0.0 on Debian 8 in order to run some programs, which require Mono 5.0.0, but I don't have a clue how to install Mono. Currently I've got installed Mono 4.8.1, but what do I have to to, in order to update this?
Thanks for your help!
See the recent announcement here about Linux packages: http://www.mono-project.com/news/2017/04/24/mono-linux-package-repository-changes-beginning-with-5-0/
How do I install the Haskell Platform in Debian?
unfortunately, deb.haskell.org isn't working.
If there is no way to install the platform, then how do I install the most up to date versions of GHC and Cabal with apt-get?
Have you tried Haskell Platform for Linux ?
Using the Generic Linux Binaries, you can get the 2014.2.0.0 version of Haskell instead of the 2012.2.0.0 community version.
I use the Generic Linux Binaries on Ubuntu 12 and 14 without any problem. It is designed for Deb 7 systems, it should work for you.
Debian has a haskell-platform package in the main repository, though the version in Wheezy isn't the latest (as is common for a stable release with long-term support). That's the easiest and most convenient way to install Haskell in Debian, and it's supported e.g. with security updates for the life of the Wheezy release. Consider using that unless you specifically need a newer version.
Also, note that a new version of Debian (Jessie) is likely to be released in the next few months. That includes a newer version of the haskell-platform package.
When i try ./configure i got this :
checking for LUA... configure: error:
Package requirements (lua >= 5.1.3)
were not met:
Requested 'lua >= 5.1.3' but version of Lua is 5.1.2
So i try to update lua with remove and new install but still does not work
~/lsyncd-2.0.3# lua -v Lua 5.1.2
Copyright (C) 1994-2007 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
How can i update the package to 5.1.4 ?
(I am on ubuntu 8.04)
Thanks :)
8.04 is pretty old in Ubuntu years. If Lua 5.1.3 or 5.1.4 don't show up on synaptic ("package manageer"), then chances are that they have not been backported to 8.04. The best remedy would be for you to upgrade your Ubuntu system to the latest LTS version, which is 10.04 Lucid Lynx. There should be an option or button on your update manager or package manager.
The newer Ubuntu will provide a recent Lua.