"Generator already running" message on any error - node.js

I have a very simple generator function, like this
exports.whatever = function *(next) {
this.body = 'wow';
Now, there obviously is a syntax error here ('z' on the third line),
but with koa's generators, the error I get in the console is basically useless for debugging; I do not get the line of the error, the file, or even the type of error. All I get is:
Error: Generator is already running
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.next (native)
at onFulfilled (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:59:19)
at /Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:48:5
at Object.co (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:47:10)
at Object.toPromise (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:112:63)
at next (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:93:29)
at onRejected (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:79:7)
Is there any way to see the real detail of the error? Thanks in advance.


AwesomeWM: Error when initialising a theme

I've currently started using the AwesomeWM and started configuring it. I struggle at theming: whenever I try to change the theme, I get this error message:
It tells me that the error is on the line 553/554, but if I don't adjust any themes, they work without any errors.
Code for theming:
local theme_path = string.format("%s/.config/awesome/themes/%s/theme.lua", os.getenv("HOME"), "powerarrow")
Lines the error says are wrong (553/554):
client.connect_signal("focus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end)
client.connect_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end)
So, what's the problem?

How to catch errors (Smartsheet API Python SDK)

I am missing fundamental knowledge.
How to 'properly' catch errors returned by the API.
I'm using Python 3.+
If I pass in the wrong sheet ID
update_sht = SmSh.Sheets.get_sheet(dd_id)
print("OK?:", update_sht, flush=True)
print("Error Print:\n", update_sht)
I get this response (in the IPython console)
Response: {
status: 404 Not Found
content: {
"errorCode": 1006,
"message": "Not Found",
"refId": "jod4cgoou0sw"
OK?: {"result": {"code": 1006, "errorCode": 1006, "message": "Not Found",
"name": "ApiError", "recommendation": "Do not retry without fixing the
problem. ", "refId": "jod4cgoou0sw", "shouldRetry": false,
"statusCode": 404}}
and while it returns an error response, it isn't an exception according to try/except.
At this point, I would like to exit out of the loop I am in, instead of continuing on until I get to other lines of code like this
for col in update_sht.columns:
that DO give errors that cause the program to fail.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-195-85dde6ec7071>", line 1, in <module>
File "<ipython-input-194-0b889c817b08>", line 75, in xxx
for col in update_sht.columns:
AttributeError: 'Error' object has no attribute 'columns'
I'm doing more than one thing on the sheet, if I find it, and would prefer not to have a try/except around error line of code (I exaggerate) unless I need them for other errors.
I know/hope this is easier than I have been trying to make it, but as I opened with, I am missing something fundamental.
---- UPDATE ----
I am going around in circles.
If errors_as_exceptions is true, then this
update_sht = SmSh.Sheets.get_sheet(dd_id)
raises and exception, but
or anything similar shows the previous good value in the object.
How do I determine the status code and error codes so I can take appropriate action?
Nothing I have tried has worked.
If errors_as_exceptions is false, then this
update_sht = SmSh.Sheets.get_sheet(dd_id)
gives me the error code, but only when there is an error ... so I need to catch the error that occurs when there is no
If I raise the error (errors_as_exceptions=True), how do I determine the status code and error code and if I don't raise the error,
how do I do the same?
I want to prevent my code from failing and give the user useful information on what needs to be fixed.
If you set ss.errors_as_exceptions() and your code looks something like this
my_sheet = ss.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_ID)
except Exception as e:
The result will look something like this 1006: Not Found. So, the exception message appears to be errorCode:message.
If you want the Python SDK to raise exceptions for API errors call the errors_as_exceptions method on the client object, e.g.
ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet()

Invalid Syntax for PEP-8

I'm receiving a notification that advised the below script is not PEP-8:
example_var = print('whoa')
[E] invalid syntax.
It's showing that the error is a result of the first parentheses in the print statement, but nothing looks off to me.
example_var = print('whoa')

Set function return type in Haxe

For some reason, I get this error message whenever I try to compile this simple function: Test.hx:1: lines 1-7 : Invalid -main : Test has invalid main function
public static function main(a:Int, b:Int){
trace("Calling main function");
return a+b;
I'm not sure why this is happening. What's wrong with this function definition, and how can I get it to compile correctly? I tried reading the documentation, and found it to be unclear in its explanation of how to properly set function return types.
The special main entry function must be a Void->Void function. i.e. No param and no return value is allowed. Remember there is no command line argument concept in JS/Flash, which Haxe also compiles to. So we have to use system targets' API for that:
Sys.args() : Array<String> to get the command line params.
Sys.exit( code : Int ) : Void to exit with exit code.
FYI, the doc of Sys is at http://haxe.org/api/sys

How to solve "callback not fired" with Vows and Node.js

I'm trying to get started with Vows and Vows-BDD. Unfortunately, the callbacks are tripping me up.
In the very simple example below, how does one fix this error?
** Inside the first context
** Creating Person with name Nick
✗ Errored » callback not fired
in Create a Person via JavaScript: When a person has a name,
in Creating a Person
in undefined✗ Errored » 1 errored 1 dropped
vows_bdd = require "vows-bdd"
assert = require "assert"
class Person
constructor: (#name) ->
console.log "** Creating Person with name #{#name}"
greeting: ->
"Hello, #{#name}"
.Feature("Creating a Person")
.scenario("Create a Person via JavaScript")
.when "a person has a name", ->
console.log "** Inside the first context"
new Person "Nick"
.then "the person can be greeted", (person) ->
console.log "person is a #{typeof person} = [#{person}]"
assert.equal person.greeting(), "Hello, Nick"
I know this post is old, but as this is the first result when someone searches for this error, I am posting my answer.
I found this post helpful, when dealing with error.
In my code error was due to an exception occurring in one of the topics. Vows does not print actual error, because of that its difficult to understand exact problem.
