How to solve "callback not fired" with Vows and Node.js - node.js

I'm trying to get started with Vows and Vows-BDD. Unfortunately, the callbacks are tripping me up.
In the very simple example below, how does one fix this error?
** Inside the first context
** Creating Person with name Nick
✗ Errored » callback not fired
in Create a Person via JavaScript: When a person has a name,
in Creating a Person
in undefined✗ Errored » 1 errored 1 dropped
vows_bdd = require "vows-bdd"
assert = require "assert"
class Person
constructor: (#name) ->
console.log "** Creating Person with name #{#name}"
greeting: ->
"Hello, #{#name}"
.Feature("Creating a Person")
.scenario("Create a Person via JavaScript")
.when "a person has a name", ->
console.log "** Inside the first context"
new Person "Nick"
.then "the person can be greeted", (person) ->
console.log "person is a #{typeof person} = [#{person}]"
assert.equal person.greeting(), "Hello, Nick"

I know this post is old, but as this is the first result when someone searches for this error, I am posting my answer.
I found this post helpful, when dealing with error.
In my code error was due to an exception occurring in one of the topics. Vows does not print actual error, because of that its difficult to understand exact problem.


Obtain the desired value from the output of a method Python

i use a method in telethon python3 library:
this return :
ChannelMessages(pts=41065, count=0, messages=[Message(out=False, mentioned=False,
media_unread=False, silent=False, post=False, id=20465, from_id=111104071,
to_id=PeerChannel(channel_id=1111111111), fwd_from=None, via_bot_id=None,
reply_to_msg_id=None, date=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1517325331),
message=' test message test', media=None, reply_markup=None,
entities=[], views=None, edit_date=None, post_author=None, grouped_id=None)],
i only need text of message ------> test message test
how can get that alone?
the telethon team say:
"This is not related to the library. You just need more Python knowledge so ask somewhere else"
Assuming you have saved the return value in some variable, say, result = client(...), you can access members of any instance through the dot operator:
result = client(...)
message = result.messages[0]
The [0] is a way to access the first element of a list (see the documentation for __getitem__). Since you want the text...:
text = message.message
Should do the trick.

Recursively getting body of email with Pyzmail module

I'm trying to create an app that needs to recursively check an email address for new emails and then do some other stuff; I'm having some problems with the getting the body of the emails, though. I'm using the pyzmail module alongside imapclient, and the Automate the Boring Stuff for guidance (with python 3.6). Here's my code:
mail = imapclient.IMAPClient('', ssl=True)
mail.login('email', 'password')
mail.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=False)
uid = mail.gmail_search('NC')
for i in uid:
message = mail.fetch(i, ['BODY[]'], 'FLAGS')
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(message[i][b'BODY[]'])
But it's not working. I've basically tried different forms of this code but to no avail and there's really not that many examples that can help me along. I'm a bit of a python newbie. Can anybody help?
I realized where I made a mistake and fixed a bit of the code:
server = imapclient.IMAPClient('', ssl=True)
server.login('', 'rabbitrun88ve')
server.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=True)
uids = server.gmail_search('NC')
for i in uids:
messages = server.fetch(i, ['BODY[]'])
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[b'BODY[]'])
The problem I'm having is with the last line, which I dont know how to fed using the variables that is created with the iterator. It throws out this message:
ValueError: input must be a string a bytes, a file or a Message
I'm not sure if you still have this problem but for those who might have similar issues in future.
I noticed a little omission in the last line which might be the culprit.
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[b'BODY[]'])
You omitted the 'i' variable of the for loop
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[i][b'BODY[]'])
I'd like to do next to get body text of searched messages:
server = imapclient.IMAPClient('', ssl=True)
server.login('', 'rabbitrun88ve')
server.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=True)
uids = server.gmail_search('NC')
rawmessage = server.fetch(uids, ['BODY[]'])
for i in rawmessage:
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(rawmessage[i][b'BODY[]'])
In this case, you get iteration over fetched emails with body text. I checked similar example but I used text_part.get_payload() instead html regarding features of my server.

"Generator already running" message on any error

I have a very simple generator function, like this
exports.whatever = function *(next) {
this.body = 'wow';
Now, there obviously is a syntax error here ('z' on the third line),
but with koa's generators, the error I get in the console is basically useless for debugging; I do not get the line of the error, the file, or even the type of error. All I get is:
Error: Generator is already running
at (native)
at onFulfilled (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:59:19)
at /Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:48:5
at (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:47:10)
at Object.toPromise (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:112:63)
at next (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:93:29)
at onRejected (/Users/johndoe/Documents/nodejs/testing/node_modules/koa/node_modules/co/index.js:79:7)
Is there any way to see the real detail of the error? Thanks in advance.

Firebase... Add/Update Firebase Using node.js Script

I have arbitrary JSON that is sensibly laid out like this:
"name":"Buckeye, AZ",
"street":"416 S Watson RD",
I've written a node.js script like this for proof of concept (why I'm using node is that the JS API seems better supported than REST or Ruby for this. I could be wrong):
http = require('http')
Firebase = require('firebase')
all_sites_url = ""
firebase_url = ""
http.get(all_sites_url, (res) ->
body = ""
res.on "data", (chunk) ->
body += chunk
res.on "end", ->
response = JSON.parse(body)
all_sites = response
).on "error", (e) ->
console.log "Got error: ", e
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
for charger in response
console.log charger
new_child = firebase_ref.push()
new_child.set {id:, data: charger}, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data cound not be saved #{error}"
console.log "Data saved successfully"
The result is a unique id generated by Firebase, which has as a child a data and an id child. The data child has the expected information like name, status, etc.
What I'd prefer is to generate a key-value pair. E.g., for an id of 100:
- 100
- name
- address
etc. So my first question is how to accomplish this or if it is even sensible.
After the first time around, this data (call it the data from an external server) will be there and a mobile app will have added some fields. These are not present in the data already there. Next time I fetch data from the external server, I want to update things that have changed that the server would know about, like status. I don't want to tamper with things that only the mobile devices would know about like remote_observations.
I know I'm seeming a bit dense here, but I'm trying to put together a sensible data model that will be updatable from that server using a CRON job and incrementally updatable from a bunch of mobile devices.
Any help is much appreciated.
UPDATE: I have found that this works for getting the structure I want:
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
for charger in response
firebase_ref.child( charger, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data could not be saved #{error}"
responses_pending += 1
console.log "Data saved successfully : #{responses_pending} pending"
firebase_ref.on 'value', ->
console.log "value received rp=#{responses_pending}"
process.exit() if (responses_pending -= 1) < 1
So the code I settled on is this:
http = require('http')
Firebase = require('firebase')
firebase_url = '/path/to/your/firebase'
# code to get JSON of the form:
"name":"Buckeye, AZ",
"address":{"street":"416 S Watson RD",
... etc.
# Asynchronous get of JSON hash from some server or other.
get_my_fine_JSON().on 'complete', (response) ->
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
length = response.length
for charger in response
firebase_ref.child( charger, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data could not be saved #{error}"
console.log "Data saved successfully"
process.exit() if length -= 1 is 0
The idea was to have a Firebase structure like this:
- 100
- address
street: "123 Main Street"
That's reason 1 why id is pulled up to be the primary key. Reason 2 is so that I can uniquely identify an object pulled off the external server as the "same" one in my Firebase and apply any updates necessary.
Epiphany 1: Update is more like upsert. If the key is there, whatever hash you supply replaces matching values. If it's not there, then Firebase happily adds it. Which is way cool because it covers both the push and patch cases.
Epiphany 2: This process will hang waiting for events if nothing tells it to stop. That's why the countdown index, length is decremented until the code has upserted (for lack of a better term) each item.
Observation 1: Doing this in node.js is super fast compared with REST using Python or Ruby. And this upsert stuff is wicked cool if I'm understanding it right.
Observation 2: There isn't a ton of wisdom out there as of this writing regarding writing node shell scripts to do this kind of stuff. Maybe it's a good idea, maybe a bad one. I don't know.
Observation 3: Because of the asynchronous nature of node and the Firebase Javascript API (both GOOD THINGs), terminating a process before the last bit is done can be tricky because your process has to hang on just long enough to complete its last request/response with Firebase. This is, as mentioned before, done in the completion handler of the update. Otherwise we wouldn't necessarily be complete when the process exited.
Caveat 1: Related to observation 2, this could be a bad idea, but I haven't been able to find resources that speak to the problem.
Caveat 2: This could be a horrid abuse or misunderstanding of the Firebase update API. I am reporting observed behavior in the limited case of my specific data. YMMV.
Caveat 3: I'm hoping the process lifetime is as I suggest it is in observation 3.
A note to the decaffeinated: The Javascript for this is so trivially different that it shouldn't be too tough to translate. Or go to js2coffee and paste the Coffeescript into the right pane to get real Javascript in the left pane that you can tune.

Frank Cucumber Test Case Hangs When Using "when I wait" Test

I'm using frank-cucumber to test my iOS app and have run into some problems when my test is of the following form
When I wait to see "OpenButton"
If a UIView with the accessibility label "OpenButton" never shows up, instead of timing out and reporting an error on the test after WAIT_TIMEOUT is hit, cucumber just hangs.
Since I don't see WAIT_TIMEOUT even used in the core_frank_steps.rb I wonder if this is the reason why any test case of the form "When I wait.." will just hang.
Note: core_frank_steps.rb can be found here
# Polls every 0.1s , returns true when element is present
# #param selector [String] Frankly selector e.g. view marked:''
# #param timeout [Int] seconds to wait
def wait_for_element(selector, timeout=10)
#the return value of the yield expression isn't working, so we use a closure
res = nil
wait_until(:timeout => timeout, :message => "Waited for element #{selector} to exist") {
res = element_exists(selector)
The above function helped us get around some of these wait scenarios.
