MongoDB Update Statement Set Value From Other Collection - node.js

I have a background in SQL server and I'm migrating some data over to MongoDB for a proof of concept project using Mongoose as the driver. I want to add a DB ref to another collection. A basic example of what I'm trying to do here:
Project Schema:
projectNo: String,
projectTitle: String
Document Schema:
projectId: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'project'},
projectNo: String,
documentTitle: String
I want to add a new key to the Document schema that references the _id of the project collection. If I was doing this in SQL Server I'd do this:
UPDATE document
SET projectId = project._id
FROM project
WHERE document.projectNo = project.projectNo
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!

Ok I had to take off my SQL Server hat and think about it in JS terms. For each project in project I want to update these collections with the project _id. So I came up with this:
var proj = db.proj.find(); //load all the projects
proj.forEach(function(proj){ //loop through each one and update matching records in the collection
"projectNo" : proj.projectNo,
"$isolated" : true
$set: {
projId : proj._id
}, {
"multi" : true
I'm sure there is another way to do this, I'm very open to suggestions.


Query migrated database pointer relationship with Mongoose

So we have migrated from to an hosted MongoDB database. Now I have to write a script that queries our database directly (not using Parse).
I'm using nodejs / mongoose and am able to retrieve these documents.
Here is my schema so far:
var StorySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: String,
genre: String
var ActivitySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: String,
action: String,
_p_story: String /* Also tried: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Story' } and { type: String, ref: 'Story' }*/,
I would like to write a query that fetches theses documents with the related Story (stored as a pointer).
action: 'read',
.exec(function(error, activities) {
activities.forEach(function(activity) {
// I would like to use activity._p_story or whatever the mean to access the story here
Is there a way to have the fetched activities populated with their story, given that the _p_story field contains Story$ before the object id?
One option I have been looking at is the ability to create a custom data type for each pointer. The unfortunate side is Parse treats these as 'belongsTo' relationships and but does not store the 'hasMany' relationship that Mongoose wants for populate(). But once this is in place you can easily do loops to get the relational data. Not ideal but works and is what populate is really doing under the hood anyways.
PointerTypeClass.js -> This would work for populating the opposite direction.
var Pointer = function(mongoose) {
function PointerId(key, options) {, key, options, 'PointerId');
PointerId.prototype = Object.create(mongoose.SchemaType.prototype);
PointerId.prototype.cast = function(val) {
return 'Pointer$' + val;
return PointerId;
module.exports = Pointer;
Also be sure mongoose knows about the new type by doing mongoose.Schema.Types.PointerId = require('./types/PointerTypeClass')(mongoose);
Lastly. If you are willing to write some cloudcode you could create the array of ids for your populate to know about the objects. Basically in your Object.beforeSave you would update the array of the id for the relationship. Hope this helps.

Mongodb Many to Many relationship

I am working on a webapp built on mean.js and part of the app is projects that have tags, similar to a blog site that has tags for each blog entry.
I have searched everywhere for a good example/tutorial explaining the best way to create a many to many relationship using mongodb/mongoose, but I can't seem to find anything.
Each project can have multiple tags and I want the users to be able to find all projects with a specific tag.
I would really appreciate any suggestions/examples on the correct way to achieve this. TIA
Keep an array of id's in both collections. For example:
_id: ObjectId("56784ac717e12e59d600688a"),
coll2_ids: [ObjectId("..."), ObjectId("..."), ObjectId("..."), ...]
_id: ObjectId("56784ac717e12e59d600677b"),
coll1_ids: [ObjectId("..."), ObjectId("..."), ObjectId("..."), ...]
The advantage of this approach is that when you have a document from either collection, you can immediately pull all associated documents from the opposite collection simply by doing
obj = db.coll1.findOne({})
db.coll2.find({_id: {$in: obj['coll2_ids']}}) # returns all associated documents
and vice-versa.
For many-to-many relationship, I have found mongoose-relationship really useful.
Here's a sample how you would solve it using mongoose-relationship module:
// In TagsModel.js file ----------------------------------------------
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var schema = mongoose.Schema;
var relationship = require("mongoose-relationship");
var tagSchema = new schema({
projects: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Project',
childPath: 'tags'
tagSchema.plugin(relationship, {
relationshipPathName: 'projects'
var tagModel = mongoose.model('Tag', tagSchema);
// In ProjectModel.js file -----------------------------------------
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Projects = new Schema({
tags : [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Tag'
var tagModel = mongoose.model('Project', tagSchema);
With this model structure, you will be able to find projects by specific tag and tags by project.
It seems you just want to have an Array of tags within your Project schema.
var Tags = new Schema({
name : String
var Projects = new Schema({
tags : [String] // When you save a Tag just save the Name of it here
// This way you could easily look it up
// Assuming "name" was passed in as a param to express
Projects.find({ 'tags' : }) // voila!
There are other ways as well (such as saving ObjectIds).
This method would be easier if you think Tag names could change often but once again if a Tag is "deleted" you'd have to go look through all Projects to remove that ObjectId
tags : [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref : 'Tags' }]
Basically the gist of this is that you are saving the a String or ObjectId reference (of the name) in an Array of "tags" within your Project model.
Just remember when you're going to Edit Tag names / Delete a tag / etc, you'll want to go through and update (if they are saved as Strings) / remove those tags from any Projects that have it in their array.

Easy way to reference Documents in Mongoose

In my application I have a User Collection. Many of my other collections have an Author (an author contains ONLY the user._id and the, for example my Post Collection. Since I normally only need the _id and the name to display e.g. my posts on the UI.
This works fine, and seems like a good approach, since now everytime I deal with posts I don`t have to load the whole user Object from the database - I can only load my
Now my problem: A user changes his or her name. Obviously all my Author Objects scattered around in my database still have the old author.
is my approuch solid, or should I only reference the userId everywhere I need it?
If I'd go for this solution I'd remove my Author Model and would need to make a User database call everytime I want to display the current Users`s name.
If I leave my Author as is, what would be a good way to implement a solution for situations like the change?
I could write a service which checks every model which has Authors of the current user._id and updates them of course, but this sounds very tedious. Although I'm not sure there's a better solution.
Any pro tipps on how I should deal with problems like this in the future?
Yes, sometime database are good to recorded at modular style. But You shouldn't do separating collection for user/author such as
At that time if you use mongoose as driver you can use populate to get user schema data.
Example, I modeling user, author, post that.
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: { type: String, default: "user", enum: ["user", "author"], required: true },
name: { type: String },
// Author specific values
joinedAt: { type: Date }
var User = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema);
var PostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
author: { type: mongoose.Scheam.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },
content: { type: String }
var Post = mongoose.model("Post", PostSchema);
In this style, Post are separated model and have to save like that. Something like if you want to query a post including author's name, you can use populate at mongoose.
Post.findOne().populate("author").exce(function(err, post) {
// do error handling
console.log( // author
One solution is save only id in Author collection, using Ref on the User collection, and populate each time to get user's name from the User collection.
var User = {
name: String,
//other fields
var Author = {
userId: {
type: String,
ref: "User"
Another solution is when updating name in User collection, update all names in Author collection.
I think first solution will be better.

Retrieve name based on object _id

I have the following schema in my Node js / express app where each warehouse can optionally have a parent warehouse. I wrote the code to save warehouse, but can't figure out how to retrieve any warehouse (which has a parent) and get its parent warehouse was wondering if there is any way I can do that in one call? Thanks
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var warehouseSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
parentID: { type: String, ref: 'Warehouse' }
module.exports = mongoose.model('Warehouse', warehouseSchema);
Just as Philipp said, you can't do it with a single MongoDB auery.
But you can do it with single Mongoose command, using its Query Population feature:
Warehouse.findById(warehouse_id).populate('parentID').exec(function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
// something get wrong
} else {
// doc.parentID is a parrent Warehouse here
Internally, Mongoose will make two separate queries to MongoDB (one for the child document, and then another for its parent), bu for you it'll look like a single command.
MongoDB can't do JOINs on the database. As long as the parent is a reference in the warehouse object, you can not retrieve both with one query. You first have to query the warehouse(s) and then resolve the reference(s) with a second query.
To avoid the second query you might want to look into embedding the required information about the parent-document in the child-document. Duplicate information in MongoDB isn't as abnormal as in a relational database.

Mongoose: Add new Schema property and update all current documents

I have at production a NodeJS application running using MongoDB and Mongoose, which inside has a Mongoose Schema like:
var Product = new Schema({
"name": { type: String, required: true }
, "description": { type: String }
Now, as a new requirement I'm adding a new property to the Schema at my local, like this:
var Product = new Schema({
"name": { type: String, required: true }
, "description": { type: String }
, "isPublic": { type: Boolean, default: true }
When I restart my NodeJS process, I was expecting an update to all of my current documents (products), so now every document have a property isPublic which value is true.
What happened is no document has that new property and if I do a someProduct.Save({ isPublic: true }) it gets added.
Question: is there a way to accomplish that?,
I know I can do a $set from command line with mongo client, but I want to know if there is a way where Mongoose will add the missing property after the Schema changed on a process restart.
What happened is no document has that new property and if I do a someProduct.Save({ isPublic: true }) it gets added.
That's because the mongoose default attribute works just for new documents. There're two workarounds:
Write your code to treat documents without the isPublic property as true;
Or, as you've mentioned above, set the property manually through mongodb console.
Your best bet is to use MongoSH. Adding a new property to a Mongoose Schema will never update existing documents unless the programmer does it.
Use the updateMany command in the Mongo Shell (MongoSH):
// Get all documents in the collection, and set the field to a value
db.users.updateMany( {} ,
{ $set: {"newlyCreatedField": "defaultValue"} }
