Synology DSM Backup - configuration file - linux

I have 2 NAS DSM Synology 5.1 system and I want to make daily Network BackUp of first DSM to second one.
I am using Backup&Recovery tool from DSM GUI (aready have created shared folders, granted permission etc.) and when I go to the part where I can choose Shared folders I do not have option to select all shared folders (I can only pick one by one) and that is the problem - because if I create a new share folder, that new folder is not included in the next BackUP.
I have found configuration file (synobackup.conf) and in that file is:
backup_folders=["/folder1", "/folder2", "/folder3", "/folder4", "/folder5"]
So my question is:
How can I include all shared folders (existing folders and new created) to scheduled BackUp.
Can I type any command in "backup_folders=["XXX"] to select all shared folders. I have tried with *, $ but it does not work.
Thank you!

The best way is to get a time backup or a total backup.
Timebackups are more advanced then the default software, But therefor you have the option of restoring all the data.
A total backup is in case our NAS dies and have to reïnstall the OS.


How to monitor a directory for file changes without using inotifywait?

I require a VM for developing and my host is where my IDE is. I have discovered that inotifywait does not work with shared folders, as I am sharing a local folder with my Linux guest using Virtual Box.
Basically, I have a simple bash script which needs to watch a directory and wait for any file changes. Inotifywait would be the best option but I cannot get it to work with my shared folder.
I was wondering if there is another option for my problem?
Depending on the sizes of the files and the nature of the changes you could:
Create a checksum (md5, CRC, SHA256) of the files and watch for changes
check the size of the files and watch for changes

how to recover folder data which is permanently deleted in ubuntu

I have a some project in my apps folder and those were deleted permanently. how can i recover it from command line,apps folder contains some folders like project_1, project_2 etc. and project_1 folder contains files.
Depends on how long ago it was. If this was just now, shut down the system immediately and take a disk image. Foremost is the usual tool for file recovery, but as your partition is intact you might try some things like extundelete. If you deleted it a few days ago, it's probably mostly gone.

Renaming executable's image name is giving it write permission

Dear community members,
We have three of same hardware Windows 7 Professional computers. No one of them is connected to a domain or directory service etc.
We run same executable image on all three computers. In one of them, I had to rename it. Because, with my application's original filename, it has no write access to it's working directory.
I setup full access permisions to USER group in working directory manually but this did not solve.
I suspect some kind of deny mechanism in Windows based on executable's name.
I searched the registry for executable's name but I did not find something relevant or meaningfull.
This situation occured after lot of crashes and updates of my program on that computer (I am a developer). One day, it suddenly started not to open files. I did not touch registry or did not change something other on OS.
My executable's name is karbon_tart.exe
When it start, it calls CreateFile (open mode if exist or create mode if not exist) to open karbon_tart.log file and karbon_tart.ini file.
With the files are exist and without the file exists, I tried two times and none of them, the program can open the files.
But if I just rename the name to karbon_tart_a.exe, program can open files no matter if they are exist or not.
Thank you for your interest
Ömür Ölmez.
I figured out at the end.
It is because of an old copy of my application in Virtual Store.

In Perforce, how can I check in a file previously checked out on another machine/workspace?

I hope I'm not asking a question that's already been answered, but I can't seem to find one that fits my situation.
Scenario: Using P4V gui (2011 version), with no access to P4 command line, on Windows 7.
The setup: A user creates a workspace in Perforce from Machine A, pointing that workspace to a shared network drive, and checks out a file for editing.
Machine A then dies before the user can check in the file. The user is then assigned Machine B, for which he must create a new workspace (which is also pointed at the same shared network drive).
The problem: The problem we're having is that even though the workspace from the dead Machine A and from the new Machine B both point to the same location, Perforce considers them to be different workspaces and prevents the user from checking in/submitting the previously checked out file.
Any suggestions on how to check in this stranded file would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!
To be nice and clean, I'd suggest this:
Make a backup copy of the file as it exists on the shared network drive.
Connect to the depot from Workspace A (can be done from Machine B if the workspace isn't bound to Machine A).
Revert the file - this will overwrite the file on the drive with the version in the depot (aren't you glad you made a copy first?).
Switch to Workspace B.
Check out the file.
Copy the backup version over the file on the shared network drive.
Check in the file.
...and if you're not planning on using Workspace A anymore, I'd suggest deleting it.
Have you tried clearing out the Host field? For example, see 'Using the same workspace from different machines':
As an update from my comment response, if you need to change ownership of a changelist, the steps are documented here:

Database folder on development mode

On arangodb's documentation it is suggested to use a different folder to databases during development phase (/tmp/fancy_db). I try to use this but I get errors saying that no database exists... How can I create databases on this temporary folder?
Thank you
arangod will not create any folder for you, you have to give it an existing folder on your system.
is just a suggestion you can use any folder at any location on your machine.
However to create a folder in /tmp on a unix system open a terminal and enter:
bash> mkdir /tmp/fancy_db
On a windows system (as far as i know) \tmp is not available, you can use
instead (create it with Explorer)
