Vim function to get all mappings - vim

Is there a function in Vim to get the list of all current mappings as a dictionary? (I know about :map command.)
If no (it seems so), is there a decent workaround?
Here is the practical motivation for this question: i would like to be able to clear all key mappings except those that start with <Plug>.

Nothing I could see either. You could use :redir to get the map output into a register and manipulate that. This snippet of vim script will do the job:
redir #a
silent map
redir END
let l = split(#a, '\n')
Now l contains a list of mappings, though parsing each entry might be a pain.
To filter these for those not containing <Plug> add this line:
call filter(l, 'v:val !~ "<Plug>"')
An example of a script to unmap non-<Plug> entries could be:
redir #a
silent map
redir end
let l = split(#a, '\n')
call filter(l, 'v:val !~ "<Plug>"')
for line in l
let type = line[0]
let thekey = split(line[1:len(line)], ' \+')[0]
exec type. 'unmap '. thekey
catch /E31/


Understand :iabbrev <buffer> iff if:<left>

I typed :autocmd FileType python :iabbrev <buffer> iff if:<left> as this tutorial told.
The output was
if :
Why is there a space between if and ":"?
I assume you're using the space bar after you type iff? If so, it's because of the <left>. This is positioning your cursor one to the left, i.e. between the f and the ":". Once the space bar is accepted your cursor is in between the two characters so it puts a space between them. You can try the command without the <left> and see if that does what you need. If not, you'll need to let us know exactly what output you're looking for us to be able to help you. Also see: :help abbrev if you haven't already.
Abbreviation's are triggered by non-keyword (e.g. ., <cr>, <space>, etc), <esc>, or <c-]>. Typing iff alone will is not enough to expand the abbreviation. You typed iff<space> which is enough to expand the abbreviation and puts the <space> inside your expanded abbreviation. You can use <c-]> to expand abbreviations without inserting any extra characters. e.g. iff<c-]>
I however find using <c-]> to be unappealing. Vim's documentation gives us an alternative, the Eatchar function. This function will consume a key matching some pattern and not output it.
function! Eatchar(pat)
let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c
iabbr <buffer> iff if:<left><c-r>=Eatchar('\s')<cr>
Rails.vim like abbreviations
You can take this even further and make Rails.vim-esque abbreviations which only expand on <tab> or a supplied pattern. Think of these as lightweight snippets.
function! RailsExpand(root, good, ...)
let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
if c == "" || c =~ (a:0 ? a:1 : "\t")
return a:good
return a:root . c
iabbr <buffer> iff <c-r>=RailsExpand('iff', "if:\<left>")<cr>
Now iff<tab> will expand properly. However defining abbreviations like this is a mess.
function! Railsabbrev(root, good)
let good = substitute(a:good, '[\"|]', '\\&', "g")
let good = substitute(good, '<', '\\<lt>', "g")
let root = substitute(a:root, '[\"|]', '\\&', "g")
let root = substitute(root, '<', '\\<lt>', "g")
execute "iabbr <buffer> " . a:root . " <c-r>=RailsExpand(\"" . root . "\", \"" . good . "\")<cr>"
command! -nargs=* Railsabbrev call Railsabbrev(<f-args>)
Now you can use :Railsabbrev to define your <tab> expanding abbreviation. Example:
Railsabbrev iff if:<left>
Sometimes abbreviations are just too simple or too tricky to maintain for multiline expansions. If this is the case I suggest you look for a good snippet plugin. Good choices are UltiSnips or vim-snipmate. Look at their documentation on how to expand and create your own snippets.
More help
:h Abbreviations
:helpg Eatchar

How to simplify this pasting calculator

I have implemented a command in vim which pastes the result of a calculation into your file, i.e. you type
:CalP 34 * 89
and it should paste the result after your cursor.
The code is as follows:
command! -nargs=+ CalP :call Calculator(<q-args>) | normal! p
py from math import *
fun Calculator(arg)
redir #"
execute "py print " a:arg
redir END
let #" = strpart(#", 1)
This works but is messier than I would like for a simple operation, mainly because:
I don't know a better way to redirect the output of py print ... to the " register
I have to write execute "py print " a:arg because just py print a:arg doesn't work
The let #" = strpart(#", 1) removes the stray newline at the front of the register which py print creates, ideally this should be removed
I think this should be do-able in one line but I don't know enough vimscript.
No scripting is needed for this. In insert mode, you can use <Ctrl-R>=34*89<CR> to insert the result of that calculation.
:help i_CTRL-R
:help expression
I'll second #Amadan's suggestion. If you prefer Python over Vimscript, you can use the pyeval() function, e.g. directly from insert mode:
<C-R>=pyeval('34 * 89')<CR>
If you would like to keep your custom command, that's possible, too:
command! -nargs=+ CalP execute 'normal! a' . pyeval(<q-args>) . "\<Esc>"

Yanking all marked lines in vim

Often times when reviewing log files in vim, I'll highlight interesting lines using marks. At some point, I'd like to be able to copy all of the interesting lines (either all marked lines, or a list of marks) to either a register or another file (it doesn't really matter which; the goal is to facilitate writing a summary). I haven't been able to find any built in way to do this; is it possible in vim?
I suppose it's probably a fairly straightforward function; probably looking something like this, but my vimscript abilities are very weak:
for cur_mark in list_of_marks
goto mark
yank current line and append to register
Has anyone ever written anything similar that they can point me to?
EDIT: I posted the accepted solution at
As always, there are few things that are more motivating than asking for help. Here's what I came up with; feedback welcome.
function! Yankmark()
let save_cursor = getpos(".")
let n = 0
" I should really make this a parameter...
let marks_to_yank="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
let nummarks = strlen(marks_to_yank)
" Clear the a register
let #a=''
while n < nummarks
let c = strpart(marks_to_yank, n, 1)
" Is the mark defined
if getpos("'".c)[2] != 0
" using g' instead of ' doesn't mess with the jumplist
exec "normal g'".c
normal "Ayy
let n = n + 1
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
Mikeage had a great idea; here's a more refined version of his function turned into a command:
":YankMarks [{marks}] [{register}]
" Yank all marked (with [a-z] / {marks} marks) lines into
" the default register / {register} (in the order of the
" marks).
function! s:YankMarks( ... )
let l:marks = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
let l:register = '"'
if a:0 > 2
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg 'Too many arguments'
echohl None
elseif a:0 == 2
let l:marks = a:1
let l:register = a:2
elseif a:0 == 1
if len(a:1) == 1
let l:register = a:1
let l:marks = a:1
let l:lines = ''
let l:yankedMarks = ''
for l:mark in split(l:marks, '\zs')
let l:lnum = line("'" . l:mark)
if l:lnum > 0
let l:yankedMarks .= l:mark
let l:lines .= getline(l:lnum) . "\n"
call setreg(l:register, l:lines, 'V')
echomsg printf('Yanked %d line%s from mark%s %s',
\ len(l:yankedMarks),
\ len(l:yankedMarks) == 1 ? '' : 's',
\ len(l:yankedMarks) == 1 ? '' : 's',
\ l:yankedMarks
\) . (l:register ==# '"' ? '' : ' into register ' . l:register)
command! -bar -nargs=* YankMarks call <SID>YankMarks(<f-args>)
A different way of accomplishing this might be using the :global command. The global command takes the form :g/{pattern}/{cmd}. The command, {cmd}, will be executed on all lines matching {pattern}.
Append lines matching a pattern to a register:
:g/pattern/yank A
Append matching line to a log file:
:g/pattern/w >> file.log
Of course if you want to find line matching a mark you can match it in your pattern. The following pattern matches a line with mark m.
:g/\%'m/w >> file.log
To do something like this. (Note: I am using \v to turn on very magic)
:g/\v(%'a|%'b|%'m)/yank A
Of course if a pattern won't work you can do this by hand. Instead of marking the lines just build up the lines as you go. Just yank a line to an uppercase register to append.
Or do a write append with a range of a single line
:.w >> file.log
For more help see
:h :g
:h :w_a
:h /\%'m
:h /\v
You can do something like:
:redir #a
:silent marks XYZN
:redir END
That way the output of the :marks command will be redirected to the a register. Note, that it will only lists (in the above case) the X, Y, Z and N marks (as the arguments), and if there was an a register, it will be deleted/overwritten.
Also note, that it might not give the desired output, but gives you a starting point...
I like the solution from Mikeage, though I would probably solve this with the multiselect - Create multiple selections and operate plugin. This also has the benefit that you don't run out of marks.
With the plugin, you can select lines with <Leader>msa or :MSAdd. Finally, yank all lines with:
:let #a=''
:MSExecCmd yank A
If you use an upper-case register name when yanking into a specific register, Vim will append the yanked content instead of overwriting the register's value.
So, for example:
"ayy - yank current line to register a, overwriting
"Ayy - append this line to register a
"ap - paste all yanked material
See :help quotea for more details.

Create a mapping for Vim's command-line that escapes the contents of a register before inserting it

Suppose that I have a document like this, and I want to search for all occurences of the URL:
Vim resources: [][q]
I don't want to type it out in full, so I'll place my cursor on the first URL, and run "uyi[ to yank it into the 'u' register. Now to search for it, I'd like to just paste the contents of that register into the search field by running:
This results in Vim searching for the string 'http:' - because the '/' character terminates the search field.
I can get around the problem by running this instead:
/\V<c-r>=escape(#u, '\/')<CR><CR>
But it's a lot of typing!
How can I create a mapping for Vim's commandline that simplifies this workflow?
My ideal workflow would go something like this:
press /\V to bring up the search prompt, and use very nomagic mode
hit ctrl-x to trigger the custom mapping (ctrl-x is available)
Vim listens for the next key press... (pressing <Esc> would cancel)
pressing 'u' would escape the contents of the 'u' register, and insert on the command line
Try this:
cnoremap <c-x> <c-r>=<SID>PasteEscaped()<cr>
function! s:PasteEscaped()
" show some kind of feedback
echo ":".getcmdline()."..."
" get a character from the user
let char = getchar()
if char == "\<esc>"
return ''
let register_content = getreg(nr2char(char))
return escape(register_content, '\/')
By the way, something that might be useful to know (if you don't already) is that you can use ? as the delimiter for :s. Which means that you could write a search-and-replace for an url like so:
I've accepted Andrew Radev's solution, which solved the hard parts. But here's the version that I've added to my vimrc file, which adds a couple of enhancements:
cnoremap <c-x> <c-r>=<SID>PasteEscaped()<cr>
function! s:PasteEscaped()
echo "\\".getcmdline()."\""
let char = getchar()
if char == "\<esc>"
return ''
let register_content = getreg(nr2char(char))
let escaped_register = escape(register_content, '\'.getcmdtype())
return substitute(escaped_register, '\n', '\\n', 'g')
This should work:
whether you use / or ? (to search forwards, or backwards)
and when the pasted register includes multiple lines
Also, I changed the prompt. While waiting for a register, the prompt switches to \ - which seems like a suitable cue for 'PasteEscaped'. Also, I've appended a ", which mimics Vim's behavior after pressing <c-r> at the command line.
If you've any further suggestions for improvements, please leave a comment.
How about different workflow? For example, creating your own operator to search target text as is:
" Requiement:
map YourFavoriteKeySequence <Plug>(operator-search-target-text)
call operator#user#define('search-target-text', 'OperatorSerachTargetText')
function! OperatorSerachTargetText(motion_wise)
execute 'normal!' '`['.operator#user#visual_command_from_wise_name(a:motion_wise).'`]"xy'
let #/ = '\V' . escape(substitute(#x, '[\r\n]$', '', ''), '\')
normal! n
I like #nelstrom's solution and made a small change to support escaping [ and ].
cnoremap <c-x> <c-r>=<SID>PasteEscaped()<cr>
function! s:PasteEscaped()
echo "\\".getcmdline()."\""
let char = getchar()
if char == "\<esc>"
return ''
let register_content = getreg(nr2char(char))
let escaped_register = escape(register_content, '\'.getcmdtype())
let escaped_register2 = substitute(escaped_register,'[','\\[','g')
let escaped_register3 = substitute(escaped_register2,']','\\]','g')
return substitute(escaped_register3, '\n', '\\n', 'g')

How to make Vim's global command :g/ work on per occurrence basis

Typically Vim's global command :g// works on per line basis. Is it possible to make it work on per occurrence basis as there could be more than one occurrence on a line.
Not a direct answer, but you could use something like :rubydo, which will run some ruby scriptlet per line of code. Combining that with gsub in ruby should get you the ability to do just about anything per occurrence of a match. Of course, you will need to do it with ruby code, which may not give you access to everything that you might need without hassle (register appending would be annoying for instance)
:[range]rubyd[o] {cmd} Evaluate Ruby command {cmd} for each line in the
[range], with $_ being set to the text of each line in
turn, without a trailing <EOL>. Setting $_ will change
the text, but note that it is not possible to add or
delete lines using this command.
The default for [range] is the whole file: "1,$".
You can try:
command! -bang -nargs=1 -range OGlobal
\ <line1>,<line2>call s:Global("<bang>", <f-args>)
function! s:Global(bang, param) range
let inverse = a:bang == '!'
" obtain the separator character
let sep = a:param[0]
" obtain all fields in the initial command
let fields = split(a:param, sep)
" todo: handle inverse
let l = a:firstline
while 1
let l = search(fields[0], 'W')
if l == -1 || l > a:lastline
exe fields[1]
Which you can use as :global, except that the command name is different (and that the bang option as not been implemented yet)
