Verilog not displaying output - verilog

I have a homework problem where I'm supposed to create a module for single-precision IEEE-754 floating point multiplication. This is the module:
module prob3(a, b, s);
input [31:0] a, b; // operands
output reg [31:0] s; // sum - Could potentially use wire instead
integer i; // loop variable
reg [8:0] temp;
reg [47:0] intProd; // intermediate product
reg [23:0] tempA;
reg [23:0] tempB;
initial begin
for (i = 0; i < 48; i = i + 1) begin
intProd[i] = 0;
//Compute the sign for the result
if (a[31]^b[31] == 0) begin
s[31] = 0;
else begin
s[31] = 1;
//Compute the exponent for the result
#10 temp = a[30:23] + b[30:23] - 8'b11111111;
//Case for overflow
if(temp > 8'b11111110) begin
s[30:23] = 8'b11111111;
for (i = 0; i < 23; i = i + 1) begin
s[i] = 0;
//Case for underflow
else if (temp < 8'b00000001) begin
for (i = 0; i < 31; i = i + 1) begin
s[i] = 0;
else begin
s[30:23] = temp[7:0];
//Mutliply the signficands
//Make implicit one explicit
tempA[23] = 1;
tempB[23] = 1;
//Make operands 24 bits
for(i = 0; i < 23; i = i + 1) begin
tempA[i] = a[i];
tempB[i] = b[i];
//Compute product of signficands
intProd = tempA * tempB;
//Check and see if we need to normalize
if(intProd[47:46] >= 2'b10) begin
intProd = intProd >> 1;
temp = s[30:23] + 1'b1;
if(temp > 8'b11111110) begin
s[30:23] = 8'b11111111;
for (i = 0; i < 23; i = i + 1) begin
s[i] = 0;
s[30:23] = temp[7:0];
s[22:0] = intProd[47:25];
Here is my testbench:
module prob4;
reg [31:0] a, b;
wire [31:0] s;
// instantiate the floating point multiplier
prob3 f1(a, b, s);
initial begin
assign a = 32'h42055555;
assign b = 32'hBDCCCCCD;
#10 $monitor("s = %h", s);
assign a = 32'hBF555555;
assign b = 32'hCAB71B00;
#10 $monitor("s = %h", s);
a = 32'hFF500000;
b = 32'h7E700000;
#10 $display("s = %b", s);
a = 32'h01700000;
b = 32'h02F00000;
#10 $display("s = %b", s);
a = 32'hBE000000;
b = 32'h455F36DB;
#10 $display("s = %b", s);
a = 32'h3C800000;
b = 32'h3A800000;
#10 $display("s = %b", s);
a = 32'hC797E880;
b = 32'hB7FBA927;
#10 $display("s = %b", s);
It displays the first value of s, but that is it. I'm honestly not too familiar with Verilog, so any clarification on why this might be happening would be truly appreciated.

The reason you are seeing only a single value for s is because all of your floating point logic (all the stuff in the prob3 module) is inside an initial block. Thus, you only run that code once; it starts at time 0, has a pause for 10 time units and finishes; never to run again. Here are a few tips for implementing the unit (assuming the module is suppose to be synthesizable and not just a functional verification model):
Place your combinational logic in an always #(*) block, not an initial block.
As toolic mentioned, only call $monitor once, and it will inform you whenever s or any other variables given as arguments change; thus you do not need the $display statements either unless you want to know the value of s at that point of execution (whether it changed or not and inline with the processes, so not necessarily the final value either). So typically your testbench main stimulus initial block would have $monitor() as the first line.
Don't call $finish inside your logic; ideally, you should set an error signal instead that the testbench might then choose to call $finish if it sees that error signal asserted.
Don't use assign inside procedural blocks (always, initial, etc), just say a = ... not assign a = ...


Verilog sequential multiplier

I am trying to implement a 4 bit signed sequential multiplier. I have a for loop in my TB, but only the multiplicand changes, not the multiplier. When I manually change the multiplier, I notice that my product outputs all 0s then it changes to the actual product. What am I doing wrong?
module seq4bit(a,b,sign,clk,out,ready);
input [3:0]a,b;
output [7:0]out;
input ready,sign,clk;
reg [7:0] out,out_t;
reg neg;
wire ready = !bit;
initial bit = 0;
initial neg = 0;
always #(posedge clk)
bit = 3'b100;
out = 0;
out_t = 0;
a0 = (!sign || !a[3])?{4'd0,a}:{4'd0,!a + 1'b1};
b0 = (!sign || !b[3])? b : !b + 1'b1;
neg = sign && ((b[3] && !a[3])||(b[3]&&a[3]));
else if(bit > 0)begin
if(b0 == 1'b1)
out_t = out_t + a0;
out = (!neg)?out_t:(~out_t + 1'b1);
b0 = b0 >> 1;
a0 = a0 << 1;
bit = bit - 1'b1;
module seq4tb;
wire [7:0]out;
reg clk,sign,ready;
integer i;
seq4bit uut(.a,.b,.out,.ready,.clk,.sign);
initial begin
a = 0;
b = 0;
clk = 0;
sign = 0;
ready = 1;
always #10 clk = ~clk;
$monitor("time = %2d, a=%4b, b=%4b, sign=%1b, out=%8b, clk = %1b,ready = %1b", $time,a,b,sign,out,clk,ready);
always #(*)
for ( i=0; i< 16*16 ; i = i + 1 )
#20 a = a + 1;b = b +1;
#1000 $stop;
I think the main problem was that b = b + 1; was not inside the for loop.
Replace the always block in the testbench with this initial block:
initial begin
for ( i=0; i< 16*16 ; i = i + 1 ) begin
#20 a = a + 1;
b = b + 1;
#1000 $finish;
The always block simulated like an infinite loop for me. In this case, b also changes.

vivado simulation error: Iteration limit 10000 is reached

While I was trying to run the simulation in vivado, I got:
ERROR: Iteration limit 10000 is reached. Possible zero delay
oscillation detected where simulation time can not advance. Please
check your source code. Note that the iteration limit can be changed
using switch -maxdeltaid. Time: 10 ns Iteration: 10000
I don't have any initial statement in my module being tested.
Could anybody point out where the problem could be?
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module mulp(
input clk,
input rst,
input start,
input [4:0] mplier, // -13
input [4:0] mplcant, // -9
output reg done,
output [9:0] product
parameter N = 6;
parameter Idle = 2'b00;
parameter Load = 2'b01;
parameter Oper = 2'b10;
parameter Finish = 2'b11;
reg done_r;
reg [N-1:0] A, A_r, B, B_r;
reg [1:0] state, state_r;
reg [2:0] count, count_r;
wire [N-2:0] C, C_comp;
reg [N-2:0] C_r;
assign C = mplcant; assign C_comp = {~C + 1};
assign product = {A_r[N-2:0], B_r[N-2:0]};
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
state_r <= Idle;
count_r <= 0;
done_r <= 0;
A_r <= 0;
B_r <= 0;
end else begin
state_r <= state;
count_r <= count;
done_r <= done;
A_r <= A;
B_r <= B;
end // if
end // always
always #(*) begin
state = state_r;
count = count_r - 1; // count: 6
done = done_r;
A = A_r;
B = B_r;
case (state)
Idle: begin
if (start) begin
state <= Load;
end // if
Load: begin
A = 0; B = {mplier, 1'b0}; count = N; // start at 6
state = Oper;
Oper: begin
if (count == 0)
state = Finish;
else begin
case (B[1:0])
2'b01: begin
// add C to A
A = A_r + {C[N-2], C[N-2:0]};
// shift A and B
A = {A_r[N-1], A_r[N-1:1]};
B = {A_r[0], B_r[N-1:1]};
2'b10: begin
A = A_r + {C_comp[N-2], C_comp[N-2:0]};
A = {A_r[N-1], A[N-1:1]};
B = {A_r[0], B_r[N-1:1]};
(2'b00 | 2'b11): begin
A = {A_r[N-1], A[N-1:1]};
B = {A_r[0], B_r[N-1:1]};
default: begin
state = Idle; done = 1'bx; // error
end // else
end // Oper
Finish: begin
done = 1;
state = Idle;
end // Finish
default: begin
done = 1'bx;
state = Idle;
end // always
You have a combinational loop. You are sampling and driving the state signal in the combinational always block. Typically, you sample the registered state variable (state_r in your code) in an FSM. Change:
case (state)
case (state_r)
Unrelated, but you should use all blocking assignments in the combo block (not a mixture). Change:
state <= Load;
state = Load;

Pattern Generator (verilog)

I need to program a sequential circuit in Verilog code as a pattern generator which generates, instead of binary counts, your Firstname (space) Lastname (space), character by character. I need to display the pattern sequence for at least two cycles.
This is the sample output:
I know that the issue my program has is in the CoderMod module, but I'm not sure where the issues are.
Thanks for the help!
module TestMod;
reg CLK;
wire [0:11] Q;
wire [6:0] ascii;
initial begin
forever begin
RippleMod my_ripple(CLK, Q);
CoderMod my_coder(Q, ascii);
initial #27 $finish;
initial begin
$display("Time CLK Q Name");
$monitor("%4d %b %b %c %x %b", $time, CLK, Q, ascii, ascii, ascii);
module CoderMod(Q, ascii);
input [0:13]Q;
output [13:0] ascii;
assign ascii[0] = "F";
assign ascii[1] = "i";
assign ascii[2] = "r";
assign ascii[3] = "s";
assign ascii[4] = "t";
assign ascii[5] = " ";
assign ascii[6] = "L";
assign ascii[7] = "a";
assign ascii[8] = "s";
assign ascii[9] = "t";
assign ascii[10] = "n";
assign ascii[11] = "a";
assign ascii[12] = "m";
assign ascii[13] = "e";
or(ascii[0], Q[13]);
or(ascii[1], Q[12]);
or(ascii[2], Q[11]);
or(ascii[3], Q[10]);
or(ascii[4], Q[9]);
or(ascii[5], Q[8]);
or(ascii[6], Q[7]);
or(ascii[7], Q[6]);
or(ascii[8], Q[5]);
or(ascii[9], Q[4]);
or(ascii[10], Q[3]);
or(ascii[11], Q[2]);
or(ascii[12], Q[1]);
or(ascii[13], Q[0]);
module RippleMod(CLK, Q);
input CLK;
output [0:15]Q;
reg [0:15]Q;
always #(posedge CLK) begin
Q[0] <= Q[15];
Q[1] <= Q[0];
Q[2] <= Q[1];
Q[3] <= Q[2];
Q[4] <= Q[3];
Q[5] <= Q[4];
Q[6] <= Q[5];
Q[7] <= Q[6];
Q[8] <= Q[7];
Q[9] <= Q[8];
Q[10] <= Q[9];
Q[11] <= Q[10];
Q[12] <= Q[11];
Q[13] <= Q[12];
Q[14] <= Q[13];
Q[15] <= Q[14];
initial begin
Q[0] = 1;
Q[1] = 0;
Q[2] = 0;
Q[3] = 0;
Q[4] = 0;
Q[5] = 0;
Q[6] = 0;
Q[7] = 0;
Q[8] = 0;
Q[9] = 0;
Q[10] = 0;
Q[11] = 0;
Q[12] = 0;
Q[13] = 0;
Q[14] = 0;
Q[15] = 0;
There are actually multiple issues with your program. i.e. you declare an ascii arraya as wire [6:0] ascii; but later you connect it to the module as CoderMod my_coder(Q, ascii); where it is an output port of width 14. You also assig 8-bit characters to a one-bit ascii, like here: ascii[1] = "i";
as a hint, you need to declare it as
wire [6:0] ascii [13:0];
you shold be able to figure out the rest.

Verilog :errors.Invalid use of input signal <ck> as target

I can't figure out , where this errors.Invalid use of input signal <ck> as target error is coming from?
module register
#(parameter Width = 8)
(output reg [Width-1:0] out,
input [Width-1:0] in,
input clear, load, clock);
always #(posedge clock)
if (~clear)
out<= 0;
else if (~load)
module adder
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input [Width-1:0] a,b,
output [Width-1:0] sum);
assign sum = a + b;
module compareLT // compares a < b
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input [Width-1:0] a, b,
output out);
assign out = a < b;
module compareLEQ // compares a <= b
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input [Width-1:0] a, b,
output out);
assign out = a <= b;
module roshanpoop
#(parameter Width = 8)
(input ck, reset,
input [Width-1:0] yln,
output [Width-1:0] y, x);
wire [Width-1:0] i, addiOut, addxOut;
wire yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad,iClear;
register #(Width) I (i, addiOut, iClear, iLoad, ck);
register #(Width) Y (y, yIn, yClear, yLoad, ck);
register #(Width) X (x, addxOut, xClear, xLoad, ck);
adder #(Width) addI (addiOut, 'b1, i),
addX (x, y, addxOut);
compareLT #(Width) cmpX (x, 'b0, xLT0);
compareLEQ #(Width) cmpI (i, 'd10, iLEQ10);
fsm ctl (xLT0,iLEQ10 ,yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad,iClear, ck, reset);
module fsm
(input LT,LEQ, ck, reset,
output reg yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad, iClear);
reg [2:0] cState, nState;
always #(posedge ck,negedge reset)
if (~reset)
cState <= 0;
cState <= nState;
always#(cState, LT,LEQ)
case (cState)
3'b00: begin //stateA
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 0;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 0; nState = 3'b001;
3'b001: begin // state B
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 0; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 0; iClear = 1; nState = 3'b010;
3'b010: begin //state C
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1;
if(LEQ) nState = 3'b001;
if(~LEQ & LT) nState = 3'b011;
if (~LEQ & ~LT) nState = 3'b100;
3'b011: begin //state D
yLoad = 1; yClear = 0; xLoad = 1; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1; nState = 3'b101;
3'b100: begin //state E
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 0;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1; nState = 3'b101;
default: begin // required to satisfy combinational synthesis rules
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 1;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 1;nState = 3'b000;
$display("Oops, unknown state: %b", cState);
line no:70
Invalid use of input signal ck as target,
Invalid use of input signal target as target.
In module roshanpoop above mentioned error are coming . what might be the problem ?
The error is caused by this instantiation:
fsm ctl (xLT0,iLEQ10 ,yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad,iClear, ck, reset);
of the module:
module fsm
(input LT,LEQ, ck, reset,
output reg yLoad, yClear, xLoad, xClear, iLoad, iClear);
You are using positional instantiation, which is not recomended, because it makes the task of maintaining your module more difficult (think, for example, if you want to add signals to your module: if you add it in the middle of the module's definition, all remaining signals will be wrongly connected).
Here, the use of positional instantiation has caused signal ck from the top module to be connected to iLoad, which is an output signal from fsm, so you are trying to put a value to a input only signal ck.
The way to have it right is to use explicit instantiation, where each signal from the module is explicitly named and assigned to a signal from the top module, like this:
fsm ctl (.LT(xLT0),
So, regardless of where in the argument list you put signal clk it will be always connected to the right signal inside the module.
Not an answer but some tips on potentially making the code easier to understand. I would post as a comment but code examples do not work well in comments.
1) Manual sensitivity lists can [should] be avoided when using a modern toolset.
always#(cState, LT,LEQ)
With an automatic sensitivity list would just be:
always #(*)
// Or
always #*
If you are able to use SystemVerilog (as question tags indicate) then the preferred method is :
2) Instead of:
yLoad = 1; yClear = 1; xLoad = 1; xClear = 0;
iLoad = 1; iClear = 0;
For every case, we could have
reg [5:0] temp_control;
assign {yLoad, yClear xLoad, xClear, iLoad, iClear} = temp_control;
always #*
3'b000: begin //stateA
temp_control = 6'b111010; nState = 3'b001;
3'b001: begin // state B
temp_control = 6'b110101; nState = 3'b010;
3'b010: begin //state C
temp_control = 6'b111111;
if(LEQ) nState = 3'b001;
if(~LEQ & LT) nState = 3'b011;
if (~LEQ & ~LT) nState = 3'b100;
Better still create Mnemonics for the temp_controls.
localparam [5:0] CTRL_LOAD = 6'b111010;
localparam [5:0] CTRL_CLEAR = 6'b111010;
Mnemonics for the states are also really helpful:
localparam [2:0] STATE_INIT = 3'b000;
localparam [2:0] STATE_START = 3'b001;
localparam [2:0] STATE_STOP = 3'b010;
The the FSM structure might look some thing like:
always #*
STATE_INIT: begin //stateA
temp_control = CTRL_LOAD; nState = STATE_START;
STATE_START: begin // state B
temp_control = CTRL_CLEAR; nState = STATE_STOP;
STATE_STOP: begin //state C
temp_control = CTRL_HALT;
if(LEQ) nState = STATE_START;
if(~LEQ & LT) nState = STATE_RECYCLE;
if (~LEQ & ~LT) nState = STATE_CRUSH;
As the readability improves it is often easier to spot an incorrectly used signal.

Priority encoder in verilog

I am somewhat new to verilog, I tried running this code but it gives me an error:
module enc(in,out);
input [7:0] in;
output [3:0] out;
reg i;
reg [3:0] out;
always #*
for (i=0;i<7;i=i+1)
if ((in[i]==1) && (in[7:i+1]==0))
out = i;
out = 0;
I think it complains about in[7:i+1] but i don't understand why ?
Can someone please advise..
ok so I am reluctant to using the X due to their numerous problems.. I was thinking of modifying the code to something like this :
module enc(in,out);
input [7:0] in;
output [2:0] out;
reg i;
reg [2:0] out,temp;
always #*
temp = 0;
for (i=0;i<8;i=i+1)
if (in[i]==1)
temp = i;
out = temp;
Do you think that will do the trick ? I currently don't have access to a simulator..
A priority encoder mean giving priority to a one bit if two or more bits meet the criteria. Looking at your code, it appears you wanted to give priority to a LSB while using a up counter. out is assigned in every look, so even if your could compile, the final result would be 6 or 0.
For an LSB priority encoder, first start with a default value for out and use a down counter:
module enc (
input wire [7:0] in,
output reg [2:0] out
integer i;
always #* begin
out = 0; // default value if 'in' is all 0's
for (i=7; i>=0; i=i-1)
if (in[i]) out = i;
If you are only interested in simulation than your linear loop approach should be fine, something like
out = 0;
for (i = W - 1; i > 0; i = i - 1) begin
if (in[i] && !out)
out = i;
If you also care about performance, the question becomes more interesting. I once experimented with different approaches to writing parameterized priority encoders here. It turned out that Synopsys can generate efficient implementation even from the brain-dead loop above but other toolchains needed explicit generate magic. Here is an excerpt from the link:
output [WIDTH_LOG - 1:0] msb;
wire [WIDTH_LOG*WIDTH - 1:0] ors;
assign ors[WIDTH_LOG*WIDTH - 1:(WIDTH_LOG - 1)*WIDTH] = x;
genvar w, i;
integer j;
for (w = WIDTH_LOG - 1; w >= 0; w = w - 1) begin
assign msb[w] = |ors[w*WIDTH + 2*(1 << w) - 1:w*WIDTH + (1 << w)];
if (w > 0) begin
assign ors[(w - 1)*WIDTH + (1 << w) - 1:(w - 1)*WIDTH] = msb[w] ? ors[w*WIDTH + 2*(1 << w) - 1:w*WIDTH + (1 << w)] : ors[w*WIDTH + (1 << w) - 1:w*WIDTH];
So my Edited solution worked... how silly !! I forgot to declare reg [2:0] i; and instead wrote reg i;
Thanks everybody
Hunks, I have to tell you, all your solutions are either too complex or non-synthesizable, or implement into slow multiplexors. Alexej Bolshakov at OpenCores uploaded an outstandin' parametrizable encoder on Aug 23, 2015, based on OR elements. No muxes, 100% synthesizable. His code (with my tiny formatting):
module encoder #(
parameter LINES = 16,
parameter WIDTH = $clog2(LINES)
input [LINES-1:0] unitary_in,
output wor [WIDTH-1:0] binary_out
genvar i, j;
for (i = 0; i < LINES; i = i + 1)
begin: loop_i
for (j = 0; j < WIDTH; j = j + 1)
begin: loop_j
if (i[j])
assign binary_out[j] = unitary_in[i];
RTL viewer screenshot, Model-Sim screenshot
This solution divides the input into four blocks and checks for the first nonzero block. This block is further subdivided in the same way. It is reasonably efficient.
// find position of most significant 1 bit in 64 bits input
// (system verilog)
module bitscan(
input logic [63:0] in, // number input
output logic [5:0] out, // bit position output
output logic zeroout // indicates if input is zero
logic [63:0] m0; // intermediates
logic [15:0] m1;
logic [3:0] m2;
logic [5:0] r;
always_comb begin
m0 = in;
// choose between four 16-bit blocks
if (|m0[63:48]) begin
m1 = m0[63:48];
r[5:4] = 3;
end else if (|m0[47:32]) begin
m1 = m0[47:32];
r[5:4] = 2;
end else if (|m0[31:16]) begin
m1 = m0[31:16];
r[5:4] = 1;
end else begin
m1 = m0[15:0];
r[5:4] = 0;
// choose between four 4-bit blocks
if (|m1[15:12]) begin
m2 = m1[15:12];
r[3:2] = 3;
end else if (|m0[11:8]) begin
m2 = m1[11:8];
r[3:2] = 2;
end else if (|m0[7:4]) begin
m2 = m1[7:4];
r[3:2] = 1;
end else begin
m2 = m1[3:0];
r[3:2] = 0;
// choose between four remaining bits
if (m2[3]) r[1:0] = 3;
else if (m2[2]) r[1:0] = 2;
else if (m2[1]) r[1:0] = 1;
else r[1:0] = 0;
out = r;
zeroout = ~|m2;
Here is another solution that uses slightly less resourcess:
module bitscan4 (
input logic [63:0] in,
output logic [5:0] out,
output logic zout
logic [63:0] m0;
logic [3:0] m1;
logic [3:0] m2;
logic [5:0] r;
always_comb begin
r = 0;
m0 = in;
if (|m0[63:48]) begin
r[5:4] = 3;
m1[3] = |m0[63:60];
m1[2] = |m0[59:56];
m1[1] = |m0[55:53];
m1[0] = |m0[51:48];
end else if (|m0[47:32]) begin
r[5:4] = 2;
m1[3] = |m0[47:44];
m1[2] = |m0[43:40];
m1[1] = |m0[39:36];
m1[0] = |m0[35:32];
end else if (|m0[31:16]) begin
r[5:4] = 1;
m1[3] = |m0[31:28];
m1[2] = |m0[27:24];
m1[1] = |m0[23:20];
m1[0] = |m0[19:16];
end else begin
r[5:4] = 0;
m1[3] = |m0[15:12];
m1[2] = |m0[11:8];
m1[1] = |m0[7:4];
m1[0] = |m0[3:0];
if (m1[3]) begin
r[3:2] = 3;
end else if (m1[2]) begin
r[3:2] = 2;
end else if (m1[1]) begin
r[3:2] = 1;
end else begin
r[3:2] = 0;
m2 = m0[{r[5:2],2'b0}+: 4];
if (m2[3]) r[1:0] = 3;
else if (m2[2]) r[1:0] = 2;
else if (m2[1]) r[1:0] = 1;
else r[1:0] = 0;
zout = ~|m2;
out = r;
To be able to use variable indexes in part-slice suffixes, you must enclose the for block into a generate block, like this:
gen var i;
for (i=0;i<7;i=i+1) begin :gen_slices
always #* begin
... do whatever with in[7:i+1]
The problem is that apllying this to your module, the way it's written, leads to other errors. Your rewritten module would look like this (be warned: this won't work either)
module enc (
input wire [7:0] in,
output reg [2:0] out // I believe you wanted this to be 3 bits width, not 4.
genvar i; //a generate block needs a genvar
for (i=0;i<7;i=i+1) begin :gen_block
always #* begin
if (in[i]==1'b1 && in[7:i+1]=='b0) // now this IS allowed :)
out = i;
out = 3'b0;
This will throw a synthesis error about out being driven from more than one source. This means that the value assigned to out comes from several sources at the same time, and that is not allowed.
This is because the for block unrolls to something like this:
always #* begin
if (in[0]==1'b1 && in[7:1]=='b0)
out = 0;
out = 3'b0;
always #* begin
if (in[1]==1'b1 && in[7:2]=='b0)
out = 1;
out = 3'b0;
always #* begin
if (in[2]==1'b1 && in[7:3]=='b0)
out = 2;
out = 3'b0;
.... and so on...
So now you have multiple combinational block (always #*) trying to set a value to out. All of them will work at the same time, and all of them will try to put a specific value to out whether the if block evaluates as true or false. Recall that the condition of each if statement is mutually exclusive with respect of the other if conditions (i.e. only one if must evaluate to true).
So a quick and dirty way to avoid this multisource situation (I'm sure there are more elegant ways to solve this) is to let out to be high impedance if the if block is not going to assign it a value. Something like this:
module enc (
input wire [7:0] in,
output reg [2:0] out // I believe you wanted this to be 3 bits width, not 4.
genvar i; //a generate block needs a genvar
for (i=0;i<7;i=i+1) begin :gen_block
always #* begin
if (in[i]==1'b1 && in[7:i+1]=='b0) // now this IS allowed :)
out = i;
out = 3'bZZZ;
always #* begin
if (in[7]) // you missed the case in which in[7] is high
out = 3'd7;
out = 3'bZZZ;
On the other way, if you just need a priority encoder and your design uses fixed and small widths for inputs and outputs, you may write your encoder as this:
module enc (
input wire [7:0] in,
output reg [2:0] out
always #* begin
casex (in)
8'b1xxxxxxx : out = 3'd7;
8'b01xxxxxx : out = 3'd6;
8'b001xxxxx : out = 3'd5;
8'b0001xxxx : out = 3'd4;
8'b00001xxx : out = 3'd3;
8'b000001xx : out = 3'd2;
8'b0000001x : out = 3'd1;
8'b00000001 : out = 3'd0;
default : out = 3'd0;
(although there seems to be reasons to not to use casex in a design. Read the comment #Tim posted about it in this other question: How can I assign a "don't care" value to an output in a combinational module in Verilog )
In conclusion: I'm afraid that I have not a bullet-proof design for your requirements (if we take into account the contents of the paper Tim linked in his comment), but at least, you know now why i was unallowed inside a part-slice suffix.
On the other way, you can have half of the work done by studying this code I gave as an answer to another SO question. In this case, the module works like a priority encoder, parametrized and without casex statements, only the output is not binary, but one-hot encoded.
How to parameterize a case statement with don't cares?
out = in&(~(in-1))
gives you the one-hot results(FROM LSB->MSB where the first 1 at)
