Spring cache constant as a key - spring-cache

As part of my code I have a method with empty parameters. For e..g,
public MasterData fetchMasterData() {
// DO something.
I want to add a #Cacheable with key as 'masterdata'. I tried the following, but it looks for a bean named 'masterdata'.
I tried #Cacheable(cache="master", key="masterdata")
If I leave the key attribute, I know it takes as empty key. But I want to explicitly give a constant as key.
Is there a way to do that?

The key attribute is a SpEL expression so if you want the key to be masterdata you would write something like this
#Cacheable(cache="master", key="'masterdata'")
public MasterData fetchMasterData() { ... }


How to use BQL In Operator with Select2 query / PXProjection and list of values

I am trying to replicate the following type of SQL query that you can perform in SQL Server...the important part here is the WHERE clause:
Select InventoryCD from InventoryItem WHERE InventoryCD IN ('123123', '154677', '445899', '998766')
It works perfectly using the IN3<> operator and a series of string constants:
i.e. And<InventoryItem.inventoryCD, In3<constantA,constantB,constantC>,
However, I need to be able to do this with an arbitrarily long list of values in an array, and I need to be able to set the values dynamically at runtime.
I'm not sure what type I need to pass in to the IN<> statement in my PXProjection query. I have been playing around with the following approach, but this throws a compiler error.
public class SOSiteStatusFilterExt : PXCacheExtension<SOSiteStatusFilter>
public static bool IsActive()
return true;
public abstract class searchitemsarray : PX.Data.IBqlField
public virtual string[] Searchitemsarray { get; set; }
I think maybe I need an array of PXString objects? I'm really not sure, and there isn't any documentation that is helpful. Can anyone help?
This shows how to do it with a regular PXSelect: https://asiablog.acumatica.com/2017/11/sql-in-operator-in-bql.html
But I need to be able to pass in the correct type using Select2...
For reference I will post here the example mentioned by Hugues in the comments.
If you need to generate a query with an arbitrary list of values generated at runtime like this:
Select * from InventoryItem InventoryItem
Where InventoryItem.InventoryCD IN ('123123', '154677', '445899', '998766')
Order by InventoryItem.InventoryCD
You would write something like this:
Object[] values = new String[] { "123123", "154677", "445899", "998766" };
InventoryItem item = PXSelect<InventoryItem,
In<Required<InventoryItem.inventoryCD>>>>.Select(Base, values);
Please note that In<> operator is available only with Required<> parameter and you need to pass array of possible values manually to Select(…) method parameters. So you need to fill this array with your list before calling the Select method.
Also, the Required<> parameter should be used only in the BQL statements that are directly executed in the application code. The data views that are queried from the UI will not work if they contain Required<> parameters.
I ended up creating 100 variables and using the BQL OR operator, i.e.
And2<Where<InventoryItem.inventoryCD, Equal<CurrentValue<SOSiteStatusFilterExt.Pagefilter1>>,
Or<InventoryItem.inventoryCD, Equal<CurrentValue<SOSiteStatusFilterExt.Pagefilter2>>,
Or<InventoryItem.inventoryCD, Equal<CurrentValue<SOSiteStatusFilterExt.Pagefilter3>>,
Or<InventoryItem.inventoryCD, Equal<CurrentValue<SOSiteStatusFilterExt.Pagefilter4>>,
You can then set the value of Pagefilter1, 2, etc inside of the FieldSelecting event for SOSiteStatusFilter.inventory, as an example. The key insight here, which isn't that obvious to the uninitiated in Acumatica, is that all variables parameterized in SQL Server via BQL are nullable. If the variable is null when the query is run, SQL Server automatically disables that variable using a "bit flipping" approach to disable that variable in the SQL procedure call. In normal T-SQL, this would throw an error. But Acumatica's framework handles the case of a NULL field equality by disabling that variable inside the SQL procedure before the equality is evaluated.
Performance with this approach was very good, especially because we are querying on an indexed key field (InventoryCD isn't technically the primary key but it is basically a close second).

Is there a pattern for declaring a computed key for a model?

I'd like a particular ndb.Model key's string id to be automatically set to the concatenation of two of the models' properties. These two properties are write-once, although other properties might change. This approach helps ensure that the entities are unique for these two properties.
Here's how the class might look like:
class Foo(ndb.Model):
bar: ndb.StringProperty()
baz: ndb.StringProperty()
An entity could be constructed like this:
foo = Foo(id='bar-baz', bar='bar', baz='baz')
Is there a pattern to automatically set that id in the model class itself, similar to a ComputedProperty?
You can use the _pre_put_hook function to set the key name as part of a put. This would also be the place to verify that bar & baz do not change as part of an update.

How can I ensure CassandraOperations.selectOneById() initializes all fields in the POJO?

I'm using Spring Data Cassandra 1.3.4.RELEASE to persist instances of a class that I have. The class is written in Groovy, but I don't think that really matters. I have implemented a CrudRepository, and I'm injecting an instance of CassandraOperations into the repo implementation class. I can insert, delete, and do most of the other operations successfully. However, there's a scenario I'm running into which breaks my test case. My entity class looks something like this:
class FooData {
long id
long updated
String name
String userData
List numberList = []
In my test case, I happened to only set a few fields like 'id' and 'updated' before calling CassandraOperations.insert(entity), so most of them were null in the entity instance at the time of insertion. But the numberList field was not null, it was an empty List. Directly after the insert(), I'm calling CassandraOperations.selectOneById(FooData.class, id). I get a FooData instance back, and the fields that were initialized when I saved it are populated with data. However, I was checking content equality in my test, and it failed because the empty list was not returned as an empty list in the POJO coming back from CassandraOperations.selectOneById(). It's actually null. I assume this may be some sort of Cassandra optimization. It seems to happen in the CGLIB code that instantiates the POJO/entity. Is this a known "feature"? Is there some annotation I can mark the 'numberList' field with to indicate that it cannot be null? Any leads are appreciated. Thanks.
In short
Cassandra stores empty collections as null and Spring Data Cassandra overwrites initialized fields.
Cassandra list/set typed columns represent an empty collection as null. It does not matter whether the list/set (as viewed from Java/Groovy) was empty or null. Storing an empty list yields therefore in null. From here one can't tell whether the state was null or empty at the time saving the value.
Spring Data Cassandra overwrites all fields with values retrieved from the result set and so your pre-initialized fields is set to null.
I created a ticket DATACASS-266 to track the state of this issue.
Spring Data uses setters if possible so you have a chance to intervene. A very simple null guard could be:
public void setMyList(List<Long> myList) {
if(myList == null){
this.myList = new ArrayList<>();
this.myList = myList;
As important addition to mp911de answer you have to set #org.springframework.data.annotation.AccessType(AccessType.Type.PROPERTY) to make this solution work.

Querying Gridgain when the cache-value is an array

I have a cache that looks like this:
Value: Array[Long]
I want to get the key corresponding to a specific value. How does the where-part look like?
I have tried "value = ?" and "_value = ?" but these obviously doesnt work.
What do you mean by Array[Long]? Is it just long[] or may be you are using Scala?
The simplest (but not the most effective) way would be using a scan query with predicate (docs here).
To achieve the best performance it is preferable to have your value indexed, so I'd recommend to have a special wrapper class for your array like this:
class MyArray implements Comparable<MyArray>, Serializable {
private long[] arr;
// implement compareTo,hashCode,equals
#GridCacheQuerySqlField(index = true)
public MyArray indexedArray() {
return this;
then the query will look like
"indexedArray = ?"
where as parameter you have to pass MyArray instance. It is a bit dirty way to index value but this is the only way right now.
By the way column names for cache key and value in SQL are _key and _val but not _value and you can write queries like
"_val = ? and _key > ?"
of course you have to make sure that your key and value at least implement hashCode and equals correctly, implementing Comparable is preferable.

Automapper: Mapping a property value of an object to a string

Using Automapper, how do you handle the mapping of a property value on an object to an instance of a string. Basically I have a list of Role objects and I want to use Automapper to map the content of each "name" property to a corresponding list of string (so I just end up with a list of strings). I'm sure it has an obvious answer, but I can't find the mapping that I need to add to "CreateMap" to get it to work.
An example of the relevant code is shown below:
public class Role
public Guid Id{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
// What goes in here?
Mapper.CreateMap<Role, string>().ForMember(....);
var allRoles = Mapper.Map<IList<Role>, IList<string>>(roles);
I love Automapper (and use it in a number of projects), but wouldn't this be easier with a simple LINQ statement?
var allRoles = from r in roles select r.Name
The AutoMapper way of accomplishing this:
Mapper.CreateMap<Role, String>().ConvertUsing(r => r.Name);
