Extending a script to loop over multiple files and generate output names - linux

I have following script (named vid2gif.sh) to convert a video file to gif:
#! /bin/bash
ffmpeg -i $1 /tmp/gif/out%04d.gif
gifsicle --delay=10 --loop /tmp/gif/*.gif > $2
I can convert a file using command:
vid2gif.sh myvid.mp4 myvid.gif
How can I make it to convert all mp4 files in a folder? That is, how can I make following command work:
vid2gif.sh *.mp4
The script should output files as *.gif. Thanks for your help.

for f; do
tempdir=$(mktemp -t -d gifdir.XXXXXX)
ffmpeg -i "$f" "$tempdir/out%04d.gif"
gifsicle --delay=10 --loop "$tempdir"/*.gif >"${f%.*}.gif"
rm -rf "$tempdir"
Let's go over how this works:
for f; do
is equivalent to for f in "$#"; that is to say, it loops over all command-line arguments. If instead you wanted to loop over all MP4s in the current directory, this would be for f in *.mp4; do, or to loop over all MP4s named in the directory passed as the first command line argument, it would be for f in "$1"/*.mp4; do. To support either usage -- but go with the first one if no directory is passed -- it would be for f in "${1:-.}"/*.mp4; do.
Temporary directory use
Because the original script would reuse /tmp/gif for everything, you'd get files from one input source being used in others. This is best avoided by creating a new temporary directory for each input file, which mktemp will automate.
Creating the .gif name
"${f%.*}" is a parameter expansion which removes everything after the last . in a file; see BashFAQ #100 for documentation on string manipulation in bash in general, including this particular form.
Thus, "${f%.*}.gif" strips the existing extension, and adds a .gif extension.


Rename multiple filename with random numeric extension after one specific alphanumeric word in Linux

I have a folder/subfolders that contain some files with filenames that end with a random numeric extension:
I would like to remove everything after A901 from the above filenames.
For example:
DWH..AUFTRAG.20211123115143.A901 (remove this .3801176)
DWH..AUFTRAGSPOSITION.20211122002147.A901 (remove this .3798013) from the filename
How do I use rename or any other command in linux to remove only after A901 everything from finale rest file name keep as it is?
I can see there is 5 '.' (dots) before the number so I did some desi jugad.
I made some files in folder and also made a folder and created some files inside that folder accourding to the name pattern that you gave.
I created a command and it somewhat looks like this.
find "$PWD"|grep A901|while read F; do mv "${F}" `echo ${F}|cut -d . -f 1-5`;done
When executed it worked for me.
terminal output below.
rexter#rexter:~/Desktop/test$ find $PWD
rexter#rexter:~/Desktop/test$ find "$PWD"|grep A901|while read F; do mv "${F}" `echo ${F}|cut -d . -f 1-5`;done
rexter#rexter:~/Desktop/test$ find $PWD
I dont know if this is a proper way to do it but it just make things work.
Let me know if it is useful to you.

`mv somedir/* someotherdir` when somedir is empty

I am writing an automated bash script that moves some files from one directory to another directory, but the first directory may be empty:
$ mv somedir/* someotherdir/
mv: cannot stat 'somedir/*': No such file or directory
How can I write this command without generating an error if the directory is empty? Should I just use rm and cp instead? I could write a conditional check to see if the directory is empty first, but that feels overweight.
I'm surprised the command fails if the directory is empty, so I'm trying to find out if I'm missing some simple solution.
If you really want full control over the process, it might look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ^^^^- bash, not sh
restore_nullglob=$(shopt -p nullglob) # store the initial state of the nullglob setting
shopt -s nullglob # unconditionally enable nullglob
source_files=( somedir/* ) # store matching files in an array
if (( ${#source_files[#]} )); then # if that array isn't empty...
mv -- "${source_files[#]}" someotherdir/ # ...move the files it contains...
else # otherwise...
echo "No files to move; doing nothing" >&2 # ...write an error message.
eval "$restore_nullglob" # restore nullglob to its original setting
Explaining the moving parts:
When nullglob is set, the shell expands *.txt to an empty list if no .txt files exist; otherwise (by default), it expands *.txt to the string *.txt when there are no matching files.
source_files is an array above -- bash's native mechanism to store a list. ${#source_files[#]} expands to the length of that array, whereas ${source_files[#]} on its own expands to its contents.
(( )) creates an arithmetic context, in which expressions are treated as math. In such a context, 0 is falsey, and positive numbers are truthy. Thus, if (( ${#source_files[#]} )) is true only if there is more than one file listed in the array source_files.
BTW, note that saving and restoring nullglob isn't really essential in an independent script; the purpose of showing how to do it is so you can safely use this code in larger scripts that might make assumptions about whether or not nullglob is set, without disrupting other code.
find somedir -type f -exec mv -t someotherdir/. '{}' +
Saves you the check, may not be what you want, though.
Are you aware of the output stream and the error stream? Output stream has number 1, while error stream has number 2. In case you don't want to see a result, you can redirect that result to the garbage bin.
Excuse me?
Well, let's have a look at this case: when the directory is empty, an error is generated and that error is shown in the error stream (2). You can redirect this, using 2>/dev/null (/dev/null being the UNIX/Linux garbage bin), so your command becomes:
$ mv somedir/* someotherdir/ 2>/dev/null
Following up on Dominique, to report all errors except the empty directory one use:
mv somedir/* someotherdir 2>&1 | grep -v No.such

How to solve this ambiguous redirect error

I want to run a program (anchor) in all the .fa files in a directory, and append the output back into the input files (as next lines of original input content). For that I have tried:
for f in ./*.fa ; do ./anchor $f -d ./; done >> $f
and it gives the error:
bash: $f: ambiguous redirect
I understand bash is objecting to post the output content in the input file, but as I am recently migrating from windows system, there I'm doing it as:
for %F in ("*.fa") do anchor %F -d ./ >> %%F
which gives me the desired output.
Although this might seems strange to append output in input files, but how can I do that in shell?
ps. I also try to use $$ in output redirection, but it forms a separate output file with different name and the original input content are also not merged in it.
the most logical way of doing it is to redirect from inside the loop instead, but not directly (thanks 123 for the comment: file cannot be input and output as the same time, maybe here it could work since windows loop seems to work, but let's not take useless risks...)
for f in ./*.fa ; do ./anchor $f -d ./ > /tmp/something; cat /tmp/something >> $f; done
BTW: I wouldn't dare trying to explain what your original code does, is f defined/when $f is evaluated (before or after entering the for loop).
My guess is that $f just not evaluated and considered as $f literally, which confuses bash.
At any rate, it's incorrect.
EDIT: the windows version
for %F in ("*.fa") do anchor %F -d ./ >> %%F
does the redirection inside the loop (unlike your unix attempt), and it's really surprising that it works because of windows file locking...
What could happen (not sure) is that windows doesn't try to append to the file before something is issued on standard output, and at that moment, the program has closed the file as input.

Sort files according to their filetype

After an HD problem and some work, I have a bunch of files with names like "f1234", "f1235", etc.
My goal is to sort this files according to their filetype. For example, I want to move all the PDF files in the "pdfs" directory.
For one file, I can do : "file f1234", and if it's a PDF, I can "mv f1234 pdfs/". But I have thousands of file... Can you help me with a bash or zsh command for sort all the PDF in one pass ? Thanks
The hard part here is reliably turning the output of file into a directory name. I think probably the best candidate for that is the mime-type of the file rather than the human readable output of file. I'd use something like:
mkdir sorted
for f in f*
d=$(file -b --mime-type "$f" | tr / -)
mkdir -p "sorted/$d"
mv "$f" "sorted/$d/"
Obviously I'd test that out a bit before running it on your files, but something pretty close to that should work.

copy multiple files from directory tree to new different tree; bash script

I want to write a script that do specific thing:
I have a txt file e.g.
from1/from2/from3/apple.file;/to1/to2/to3;some not important stuff
from1/from2/banana.file;/to1/to5;some not important stuff
from1/from10/plum.file;/to1//to5/to100;some not important stuff
Now i want to copy file from each line (e.g. apple.file), from original directory tree to new, non existing directories, after first semicolon (;).
I try few code examples from similar questions, but nothing works fine and I'm too weak in bash scripting, to find errors.
Please help :)
need to add some conditions:
file not only need to be copy, but also rename. Example line in file.txt:
from1/from2/banana.file;to1/to5/fresh.file;something different from above
so apple.file need to be copy and rename to juice.file and put in to1/to2/to3/juice.file
I think thaht cp will also rename file but
mkdir -p "$to"
from answer below will create full folder path with juice.file as folder
In addidtion after second semicolon in each line will be something different, so how to cut it off?
Thanks for all help
EDIT: There will be no spaces in input txt file.
Try this code..
cat file | while IFS=';' read from to some_not_important_stuff
to=${to:1} # strip off leading space
mkdir -p "$to" # create parent for 'to' if not existing yet
cp -i "$from" "$to" # option -i to get a warning when it would overwrite something
Using awk
(run the awk command first and confirm the output is fine, then add |sh to do the copy)
awk -F";" '{printf "cp %s %s\n",$1,$2}' file |sh
Using shell (get updated that need manually create folder, base on alfe's
while IFS=';' read from to X
mkdir -p $to
cp $from $to
done < file
I had this same problem and used tar to solve it! Posted here:
files="/some/folder/file1.txt /some/other/folder/file2.txt"
tar --file="$tmpfile" "$files"​
tar --extract --file="$tmpfile" --directory="$targetfolder"
In this case, tar will automatically create all (sub)folders for you! Best,
