I want to compress video in android dynamically [closed] - android-ndk

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have video which contains 700mb(5 min duration) size. I want to reduce the file size to less then 30 mb .
I have go through the FFMPEG blog and successfully run the samples. But the problem in that library is, it will take too much of time to compress a video file(146 mb take 20 minute). so looking for a good library or right path to achieve my requirement.
My application support from android api-9 and above.

The public APIs for access to hardware video codecs was added in API 16, though it didn't really stabilize until API 18. See the docs for the MediaCodec class. Some examples are available here.
For API 9+ you're generally limited to software solutions like ffmpeg.


Sample Dataset for Benchmarks [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am working on my bachelor thesis and my topic is to benchmark nodejs applications. I have an I/O intensive application where I would need some sample files.
Therefore it would be great if I had a lot of small sized files, some medium files and some big files (>1gb). But they should represent real data (eg. pictures, pdfs, documents, archives, ...)
If you think that this should not be asked on stackoverflow please tell me where i can ask this.
Do you know where I can get such sample datasets?
English wikipedia database dumps (~12GB)
Sample audio and video files (~12MB - ~650MB)
Text files of various sizes (~1KB - 114KB)
StackExchange data dumps (~1MB - ~15.4GB)

Tool for debugging Jpeg 2000 images [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I normally use JPEGsoop to peek into jpeg images. Is there a tool kit library or program that I can use to peek into structure of Jpeg 2000 images ?
I saw
John Bokma Java
freelance Perl programmer
Obtaining image metadata
I suppose I will build that program anyway .
Any other suggestions ?
I think imagemagick esp. its tool "identify" might help you.

Is there a Linux library for creating AVI files? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to create an app which gets raw video (RGB 32bits) data and store this data in an AVI file.
Is a "simple" library is available out there ? I'm mean low footprint as it's for an embedded project.
Not that small, but FFmpeg should do the job. You don't need all of it.
This should help you:

Capturing video in Linux from a frame buffer in C/C++ [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to ask you to recommend me a C/C++ library to capture video.
I am getting frames from a camera at 16 bits per pixel (RGB), and I would like to save those frames in a video format in an efficient way to be able to look at it in the future.
Would you please recommend me a good C/C++ library that I can use under Linux please?
A Google search gives me a lot of libraries, and I am really not sure which one does a good job and is widely used. I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you very much.
As far as I know -- the predominat library is Video4Linux -- however I have not tried it myself, but the list of applications using/supporting it is impressive.
For Multi media Encoding GStreamer is probably one of the most used frameworks.

Automated transcription software [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've noticed that the wiki transcriptions for some of the recent Stack Overflow Podcasts are kind of weak. Clearly, this task calls for a computer program. Is transcribing audio to text (ideally with speaker labels so we know who said what) something that could feasibly be accomplished in software? Are there any active open-source software projects attempting to implement such functionality?
Believe me, I have searched for this before. There are slim to none text to speech that are open source or free to use. From my search there weren't any free speech to text synthesizers. These things are so hard to code and expensive that they can't really be made with an open source approach. If you really need this you would have to purchase it from a company. (although I don't know any off the top of my head).
I've looked into this a little. I tried the Microsoft Speech API but got very poor results. I've been wanting to look into the CMU Sphinx project, especially the Transcriber demo.
