Store settimeout id from nodejs in mongodb - node.js

I am running a web application using express and nodejs. I have a request to a particular endpoint in which I use settimeout to call a particular function repeatedly after varying time intervals.
For example
router.get ("/playback", function(req, res) {
// Define callback here ...
var timeoutone = settimeout(callback, 1000);
var timeouttwo = settimeout(callback, 2000);
var timeoutthree = settimeout(callback, 3000);
The settimeout function returns an object with a circular reference. When trying to save this into mongodb i get a stack_overflow error. My aim is to be able to save these objects returned by settimeout into the database.
I have another endpoint called cancel playback which when called, will retrieve these timeout objects and call cleartimeout passing them in as an argument. How do I go about saving these timeout objects to the database ? Or is there a better way of clearing the timeouts than having to save them to the database. Thanks in advance for any help provided.

You cannot save live JavaScript objects in the database! Maybe you can store a string or JSON or similar reference to them, but not the actual object, and you cannot reload them later.
Edit: Also, I've just noticed you're using setTimeout for repeating stuff. If you need to repeat it on regular intervals, why not use setInterval instead?
Here is a simple solution, that would keep indexes in memory:
var timeouts = {};
var index = 0;
// route to set the timeout somewhere
router.get('/playback', function(req, res) {
timeouts['timeout-' + index] = setTimeout(ccb, 1000);
res.json({timeoutIndex: index});
// another route that gets timeout indexes from that mongodb somehow
req.get('/playback/indexes', handler);
// finally a delete route
router.delete('/playback/:index', function(req, res) {
var index = 'timeout-' + req.params.index;
if (!timeouts[index]) {
return res.status(404).json({message: 'No job with that index'});
} else {
timeouts[index] = undefined;
return res.json({message: 'Removed job'});
But this probably would not scale to many millions of jobs.
A more complex solution, and perhaps more appropriate to your needs (depends on your playback job type) could involve job brokers or message queues, clusters and workers that subscribe to something they can listen to for their own job cancel signals etc.
I hope this helps you a little to clear up your requirements.


Should I save data to DB asynchronously

I'm using node express and postgress.
I'm not sure if what I'm trying to do is a good practice or a very big mistake.
Save data to database asynchronously after I already return a result to the client.
I tried to demonstrate it with console.log to check if my server will be blocked during the saving.
Here you can see status route and statusB route.
app.get("/statusB", async (req, res) => {
return res.status(200).send("testAAA");
app.get("/status", async (req, res) => {
const userStats = await UserController.getData("id")
const x = test();
return res.status(200).send(userStats);
async function test() {
return new Promise(() => {
for (let x = 0; x < 10000; x++) {
setTimeout( () => {
}, 5000);
What should I want to happen is if I send /status and right after send statusB.
I expect the output to be:
/status will return userStats data
/StatusB return 'testAAA'
and the counter will run asynchronously.
But actual the output is:
- /status return userStats data
- The counter run
- /StatusB return 'testAAA' only after the counter finished
The console log is only test to know if I can fetching and saving data to the database asynchronously instead of the console log.
Depends on your business case.
If it's alright for your customer to get a 200 OK status code even if the saving might actually have failed, then sure, you can do it asynchronously after you've responded.
In other cases, you'll want to do the saving within the request and only respond after you're sure everything is safe and sound.
It's depending on your logic if you want for example to return the saved resource to the client you should wait (async/await or callback) until the data is saved to the database but for example, if you want just log an action without any returns to the frontend you can save it asynchronously
Yes, you should save data to db asynchronously, because of the way nodejs works. If you wait for an answer from db (synchronously), nodejs block event loop and doesn't handle new requests from clients. BUT if your business logic rely on the fact that you should return the answer from db to client, you should do it synchronously and maybe think about workarounds or choose another runtime, if that will become a problem.

Using Mongodb variables out of its functions

So I'm making a web application and I'm trying to send variables to an EJS file but when they are sent out of the mongo functions they come out as undefined because it's a different scope for some reason. It's hard to explain so let me try to show you.
router.get("/", function(req, res){
var bookCount;
var userCount;
Books.count({}, function(err, stats){
console.log("Books count failed to load.");
bookCount = stats;
User.count({}, function(err, count){
console.log("User count failed to load.")
userCount = count;
//Get All books from DB
Books.find({}, function(err, allbooks){
console.log("Problem getting all books");
res.render("index", {allbooks: allbooks, bookCount: bookCount, userCount: userCount});
So in the User.Count and Books.count I'm finding the number of documents in a collection which works and the number is stored inside of the variables declared at the very top.
After assigning the numbers like userCount i did console.log(userCount) which outputs the correct number which is 3, If was to do console.log(userCount) out of the User.count function it would return undefined, which is a reference to the declaration at the very top.
What is really weird is that Book.Find() has the correct userCount even though its a totally different function. The whole goal im trying to accomplish is doing res.render("index", {userCount: userCount}); outside of the Books.find(). I can do it but of course for some reason it passes undefined instead of 3. I hope this made a shred of sense.
I seem to have found a solution. but if anyone knows a different way I would love to know. So basically all you need to do is move the User.Count function outside of the router.get() function. Not completely sure about the logic of that but it works...
This is a classic asynchronous-operation problem: Your methods (Books.count, Books.find, User.count) are called immediately, but the callback functions you pass to them are not. userCount is undefined in your log because console.log is called before the assignment in the callback function is made. Your code is similar to:
var userCount;
setTimeout(function() {
userCount = 3;
}, 1000);
console.log(userCount); // undefined
User.count takes time to execute before calling back with the result, just like setTimeout takes the specified time to execute before calling its callback. The problem is JS doesn't pause and wait for the timeout to complete before moving on and calling console.log below it, it calls setTimeout, calls console.log immediately after, then the callback function is called one second later.
To render a complete view, you need to be sure you have all of the data before you call res.render. To do so you need to wait for all of the methods to call back before calling res.render. But wait, I just told you that JS doesn't pause and wait, so how can this be accomplished? Promise is the answer. Multiple promises, actually.
It looks like you are using Mongoose models. Mongoose has been written so that if you don't pass a callback function to your methods, they return a promise.
Books.count({}) // returns a promise
JS promises have a method then which takes a callback function that is called when the promise has been resolved with the value of the asynchronous method call.
Books.count({}) // takes some time
.then(function(bookCount) { // called when Books.count is done
// use the bookCount here
The problem is, you want to wait for multiple operations to complete, and multiple promises, before continuing. Luckily JS has a utility just for this purpose:
Promise.all( // wait for all of these operations to finish before calling the callback
.then(function(array) { // all done!
// the results are in an array
bookCount = array[0];
userC0unt = array[1];
allBooks = array[2];

Better way to write a simple Node redis loop (using ioredis)?

So, I'm stilling learning the JS/Node way from a long time in other languages.
I have a tiny micro-service that reads from a redis channel, temp stores it in a working channel, does the work, removes it, and moves on. If there is more in the channel it re-runs immediately. If not, it sets a timeout and checks again in 1 second.
It works fine...but timeout polling doesn't seem to be the "correct" way to approach this. And I haven't found much about using BRPOPLPUSH to try to block (vs. RPOPLPUSH) and wait in Node....or other options like that. (Pub/Sub isn't an option here...this is the only listener, and it may not always be listening.)
Here's the short essence of what I'm doing:
var Redis = require('ioredis');
var redis = new Redis();
var redisLoop = function () {
redis.rpoplpush('channel', 'channel-working').then(function (result) {
if (result) {
processJob(result); //do stuff
//delete the item from the working channel, and check for another item
redis.lrem('channel-working', 1, result).then(function (result) { });
} else {
//no items, wait 1 second and try again
setTimeout(redisLoop, 1000);
I feel like I'm missing something really obvious. Thanks!
BRPOPLPUSH doesn't block in Node, it blocks in the client. In this instance I think it's exactly what you need to get rid of the polling.
var Redis = require('ioredis');
var redis = new Redis();
var redisLoop = function () {
redis.brpoplpush('channel', 'channel-working', 0).then(function (result) {
// because we are using BRPOPLPUSH, the client promise will not resolve
// until a 'result' becomes available
// delete the item from the working channel, and check for another item
redis.lrem('channel-working', 1, result).then(redisLoop);
Note that redis.lrem is asynchronous, so you should use lrem(...).then(redisLoop) to ensure that your next tick executes only after the item is successfully removed from channel-working.

Node.js Async Loop to Query Database

I'm new to node.js.
I'm building a loop to query a database with chat messages every 3 seconds to then send required new messages to required users.
This is the loop I have - but currently it only loops once:
// New Database Chat Messages Send
var newDBMessagesInterval = 3000; // 3 Seconds
(function newDBMessagesSchedule() {
setTimeout(function() {
async(function() {
console.log('async is done!');
}, newDBMessagesInterval)
function async() {
console.log('in async function....');
Do I need to return something from the async function for the loop to continue?
Also is this a good/bad way to do a loop - my intention is to put a DB SELECT into the async function and don't what the DB calls to overlap.
Also is this non-blocking?
There is nothing magical about aynchronous functions. You have to call the callback to an asynchronous function at some point. For testing purposes you should change async to:
function async(callback) {
Yes, this is non-blocking.
However, from your comment, I see that you're doing this to send messages to sockets. This isn't a great way to do that. You should look into getting a "pub/sub" system, and having each server subscribe and publish their own messages. Redis is a good choice for this.

Meteor client synchronous server database calls

I am building an application in Meteor that relies on real time updates from the database. The way Meteor has laid out the examples is to have the database call under the Template call. I've found that when dealing with medium sized datasets this becomes impractical. I am trying to move the request to the server, and have the results passed back to the client.
I have looked at similar questions on SA but have found no immediate answers.
Here is my server side function:
"getTest" : function() {
var res = Data.find({}, { sort : { time : -1 }, limit : 10 });
var r = res.fetch();
return (r);
And client side:
Template.matches._matches = function() {
var res= {};"getTest", function (error, result) {
res = result;
return res;
I have tried variations of the above code - returning in the callback function as one example. As far as I can tell, having a callback makes the function asynchronous, so it cannot be called onload (synchronously) and has to be invoked from the client.
I would like to pass all database queries server side to lighten the front end load. Is this possible in Meteor?
The way to do this is to use subscriptions instead of remote method calls. See the counts-by-room example in the docs. So, for every database call you have a collection that exists client-side only. The server then decides the records in the collection using set and unset.
