FBX Converter - Gear VR - visual-studio-2012

This is a x-post from my question listed at https://answers.oculus.com/questions/583/fbx-converter-gear-vr.html
I'm attempting to use the Oculus FBX converter tool which came bundled with the Oculus Mobile SDK for Samsung Note 4 download.
Unfortunately, FBX Converter appears to be a Windows only tool :(, so I'm attempting to run this via Parallels Desktop.
There's a readme file in the tools dir which contains some instructions for downloading the AutoDesk FBX SDK and moving to an appropriate directory. I've followed them.
Inside the tools dir I see a makefile. Windows does make? Cool, so I attempt to make:
makefile(3) : fatal error U1033: syntax error : '=' unexpected Stop.
Huh... luckily there's a Visual Studio solution here. So I open the .sln and build. Dang, looks like I have to change the Platform Toolset to v110 because I have VS2012. Try again... Ahhh man, bunch of syntax errors about unexpected identifiers in std::max. I guess I'll try and fix it - std::max - expected an identifier
Cool, build is starting and..... ugh. cannot open file libfbxsdk.lib. Wait a second, I bet it's an issue with how the .sln is pulling in it's dependencies. Yup, wrong pathing. Add an extra ../ and here we go.... nope, no dice. cannot open include file fbxsdk.h.
So that's where I am right now. All I really want to do is convert an fbx file to a .ovrscene. Is that so much to ask? Is there a better way to do this? I hope so.

oh.... looks like there's a bin dir with the FBXConvert .exe included in the download. You'll have to add a .dll, to your System32 directory. That was awesome.


Can't find Android Size Analyzer in Android Studio

According to https://developer.android.com/topic/performance/reduce-apk-size, I should be able to install Android Size Analyzer as a plugin, but nothing shows up.
Android Studio -> File -> Settings -> Plugin -> Marketplace -> search for "Android Size Analyzer"
UPDATE: 17th May 2022
After a lot of trials, errors & frustration, I was able to make it work. Here are the steps: (for MacOS)
Download the the plugin's zip folder from the Github https://github.com/android/size-analyzer/releases
Extract the zip and add the size-analyzer executable and the analyzer.jar to Users/<your_user>/Library/Android/platform-tools
(You can add the above files to any place but I bundled it with platform-tools because this location was already present in my $PATH variable. Wherever you place those two files, please make sure that this location is present in your $PATH variable else it won't work. Don't know how to set path variables? Please refer this https://techpp.com/2021/09/08/set-path-variable-in-macos-guide)
Now in your Android Studio Terminal, run the following command
size-analyzer check-project <your-path-to-project-directory>
(After above step, If the terminal complains like size-analyzer command not found, it means your $PATH variable is not set properly)
After analyzing the entire project, it shows output like this
The result analysis provides lots of suggestions and space saving options. Thank you Google for such amazing plugin : )
OLD : 16th May 2022
The AS plugin Android Size Analyzer is deprecated! It's no more indexed on Plugin Market Place(You cannot install it directly from AS anymore).
I even tried installing the plugin from their GitHub Repo, but all in vain. When adding the plugin to studio from disk, the following error popped up.
Maybe you can try downgrading the studio and then install it.
Looks like, we'll be on our own for a while : (

Undefined reference to `PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable' when compile paex_record_file.c from Portaudio using Eclipse

I need to compile PortAudio's paex_record_file.c file using Eclipse and CDT on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS.
Dev libraries (libportaudio-dev) was installed via Synaptic.
I create new Eclipse project and create (copy) this only file to it (so project contains only one user source file 'paex_record_file.c', 1752 2011-09-08 03:21:55).
Then i use Eclipse's Pkg-config to add 'portaudio' (dev) library.
But it not compiles with error
../src/paex_record_file-test.c:47:27: fatal error: pa_ringbuffer.h: No such file or directory
Then source branch taken from git
$ git clone https://git.assembla.com/portaudio.git
sudo male install
But still get same error (no 'pa_ringbuffer.h').
Then during blind trials and errors i use Project - Properties - C build - Settings - Tool settings - Includes, and add '/home/test/portaudio/src/common' path which contains needed .h file, and (this) error disappear.
Question 1: Is this step is correct use of Eclipse settings in this case? (i believe not, because i never need to use this setting before).
But then it shows multiple errors like
/home/doc/prog/paex_record_file-test/Debug/../src/paex_record_file-test.c:110: undefined reference to `PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable'
and this is unrecoverable.
Question 2. How it can be fixed using Eclipse, BUT without copying all Portaudio source tree to my project?
I have pa_ringbuffer.o file somewhere in system, but no any something like pa_ringbuffer.so files.
I have compiled and running under Eclipse other PA apps which are do not use PA's ring buffer, and just
#include "portaudio.h"
and adding PA lib via PkgConfig is enough.
I had to add those 3 files to source code as well as main.c , then it compiled.
I use Code Block, Mingw c compiler
code block IDE view of 3 files added
Please have a look into the portaudio.git :
cd portaudio/
find . -name pa_ringbuffer.h
The reply is : ./src/common/pa_ringbuffer.h
... so you will have to copy the header to a location, where it can be found. But : Do not expect to compile a single file → often not possible with a complex application. I.e. the setup is meant for compiling the complete portaudio/.

mergExt install assistance needed

I have the commercial LiveCode license.
I'm trying to install mergJSON as my first external and have looked at the lesson as well as googled all I can. I've got the Externals folder set up and now am hung up on setting up the Runtime structure. Which file goes into which folder in the Runtime folder? There is a mergJSON.bundle, .dll, .dylib, .lcext, and .so. The lesson that is referenced doesn't show a Linux folder under Runtime and it shows the files going into a Database Drivers folder. It also does not help someone new in this environment have a clue which of the 5 mergJSON files goes into which folder under Runtime.
Something as simple as a directory tree under My LiveCode would go a super long way in helping to understand how to get this product installed.
I am on OSX.
Can someone give me some pointers on getting this bundle I purchased loaded to I can use it?
The directory structure for Linux is the same as the other platforms shown in RunRev's how to but using the *.so file.
The filetypes for externals are:
Windows = *.dll
OS X = *.bundle
OS X Server = *.dylib
Linux = *.so
iOS and Android = *.lcext
This directory mirrors what you will find in the Tools/Runtime directory inside the LiveCode app package as seen here:

Installing Emacs Emulation keybindings -- Invalid VSIX package

I'm trying to install the extension for Visual Studio 2012 that allows emacs key-bindings.
I'm following through the steps here:
Emacs Keybindings in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013
I'm up to step 5:
Run the vsik file as administrator. This is required so the extension
can write Emacs.vsk into the program files folder. I wasn't sure the
best way to do this so I ran a command prompt as admin and then
executed start emacsemulations.vsik from the prompt.
So, running emacsemulations.vsix from an administrator command prompt,
I get the following error "This VSIX package is invalid because it does not contain the file extension.vsixmanifest at the root."
I'm not changing any of the file names inside the package.
I'm thinking this may have something to do with how windows zips up the file -- I'm able to recreate the problem simply by unzipping and rezipping the EmacsEmulation.vsix file without changing the contents of the vsix package.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix, or even better, the actual updated vsix file itself, I'd be very grateful!
The issue you have relies on the way you are zipping your file, what you should do is zip all files inside the folder you created (in this case, "EmacsEmulations") when you unzipped it.
Step into the EmacsEmulations folder.
Select all files.
Add to .zip
Rename the .zip output to EmacsEmulations.vsix
I'm trying to get this extension to work too, so good luck!

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/regex.hpp': No such file or directory

I am getting the following error when i build my code using regex.hpp I am using VS2010 VC++
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/regex.hpp': No such file or directory
boost\boost_regex-vc71-mt-1_33_1.lib file is here.. is this correct?
It sounds like your include settings do not have the path to the boost installation parent directory.
Look at these instructions: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/more/getting_started/windows.html#build-from-the-visual-studio-ide
and note especially the include directory setup.
You need to make sure that you have included the path to the Boost header files in Visual C++.
Follow the instructions here.
This issue arises because Visual C++ does not include the path to the Boost header files. By including the directory, Visual C++ will search that directory for the problem and hopefully your problem should be solved.
Maybe the error message is true? The file is not there?
If you are in Ubuntu, install the boost library with synaptic, including the regex package. It is not enough with downloading from the boost website and building the regex library in the computer (instructions in http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/install.html), additionally you have to download it with synaptic. I guess this second redundant step is neccessary because synaptic may update some system variables (the $PATH???) and install some other dependencies that a direct download from www.boost.org does not do.
