Installing Emacs Emulation keybindings -- Invalid VSIX package - visual-studio-2012

I'm trying to install the extension for Visual Studio 2012 that allows emacs key-bindings.
I'm following through the steps here:
Emacs Keybindings in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013
I'm up to step 5:
Run the vsik file as administrator. This is required so the extension
can write Emacs.vsk into the program files folder. I wasn't sure the
best way to do this so I ran a command prompt as admin and then
executed start emacsemulations.vsik from the prompt.
So, running emacsemulations.vsix from an administrator command prompt,
I get the following error "This VSIX package is invalid because it does not contain the file extension.vsixmanifest at the root."
I'm not changing any of the file names inside the package.
I'm thinking this may have something to do with how windows zips up the file -- I'm able to recreate the problem simply by unzipping and rezipping the EmacsEmulation.vsix file without changing the contents of the vsix package.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix, or even better, the actual updated vsix file itself, I'd be very grateful!

The issue you have relies on the way you are zipping your file, what you should do is zip all files inside the folder you created (in this case, "EmacsEmulations") when you unzipped it.
Step into the EmacsEmulations folder.
Select all files.
Add to .zip
Rename the .zip output to EmacsEmulations.vsix
I'm trying to get this extension to work too, so good luck!


How do I open GitKraken after installation on Windows 10?

It seems that this is a real issue. In How to Install GitKraken, they point to a %APPDATA%/.gitkraken folder. Once there, you have "profiles" and "service" folders and "config", "log" and "secFile" files. Inside those folders, there are no signs of an executable. It's not under Program Files, nor in the PATH environment variable, it's nowhere to be found. If you install it again, it opens normally and logged in your profile, but after closing it, there's no way to open it again. There are no shortcuts.
What am I missing?
By default GitKraken is installed to your local app data folder. You can find the executable file inside %LOCALAPPDATA%\gitkraken\app-<app-version>
As of this writing, the latest version is 2.0.1 so the exe will be %LOCALAPPDATA%\gitkraken\app-2.0.1\gitkraken.exe
And easier way to open the software would be using the shortcut in the start menu:

Installshield LE is not updating the files while attempting upgrade

I've spent literally the last 5 hours around this, and can't get it to work.
I've done everything it's said in similar questions.
Change the ProductCode, keep the old UpgradeCode, Change product version.
Again and again. It doesn't replace the updated .exe file it's supposed to.
What am I missing?
Edit: I also have doublechecked the .exe build in visual studio, there it's builded and working properly. Only when I run the setup that's supposed to copy it to install folder, and only then it fails, keeping the old .exe file there, and not updating.
Does the exe on the target system have the same or higher file version than the exe you are installing? Windows installer will not overwrite a file that has a higher file version then the file it is installing.
look at the install log. search for the component name, check the Request/Action state. Is the state set to "Local"? Also search for the file name to see if msiexec tried to copy it.

FBX Converter - Gear VR

This is a x-post from my question listed at
I'm attempting to use the Oculus FBX converter tool which came bundled with the Oculus Mobile SDK for Samsung Note 4 download.
Unfortunately, FBX Converter appears to be a Windows only tool :(, so I'm attempting to run this via Parallels Desktop.
There's a readme file in the tools dir which contains some instructions for downloading the AutoDesk FBX SDK and moving to an appropriate directory. I've followed them.
Inside the tools dir I see a makefile. Windows does make? Cool, so I attempt to make:
makefile(3) : fatal error U1033: syntax error : '=' unexpected Stop.
Huh... luckily there's a Visual Studio solution here. So I open the .sln and build. Dang, looks like I have to change the Platform Toolset to v110 because I have VS2012. Try again... Ahhh man, bunch of syntax errors about unexpected identifiers in std::max. I guess I'll try and fix it - std::max - expected an identifier
Cool, build is starting and..... ugh. cannot open file libfbxsdk.lib. Wait a second, I bet it's an issue with how the .sln is pulling in it's dependencies. Yup, wrong pathing. Add an extra ../ and here we go.... nope, no dice. cannot open include file fbxsdk.h.
So that's where I am right now. All I really want to do is convert an fbx file to a .ovrscene. Is that so much to ask? Is there a better way to do this? I hope so.
oh.... looks like there's a bin dir with the FBXConvert .exe included in the download. You'll have to add a .dll, to your System32 directory. That was awesome.

I cannot Uninstall Tcl from my linux system

I installed tcl to learn it, however, I installed all the files in the wrong location. I am trying to uninstall it, But the uninstall file does not work. I am trying to carry out the instructions form their website:
To uninstall ActiveTcl, run the "uninstall.tcl" script that is located in the directory where you extracted the ActiveTcl archive. Note that you must use the "wish" in the distribution you wish to uninstall. For example:
% /path/Tcl/bin/wish /path/Tcl/lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl/uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl
stored, by default, in the directory /lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl. You must use the wish interpreter from the distribution you wish to uninstall. Ensure that you do not run the uninstall script from a directory that will be removed during the uninstallation.
For example:
% /path/Tcl/bin/wish /path/Tcl/lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl/uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl
Note: if you are uninstalling both ActiveTcl and Tcl Dev Kit, uninstall Tcl Dev Kit before uninstalling ActiveTcl.
There is no uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl. I do see an "uninstall" file but it does not have an extension, and I do not know how to run it.
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
Try editing the file to a uninstall.tcl file and see if that works. Take a back-up first though. Because we might need that file later
I re-installed it in a new location, compared the files that were installed between the old and the new location and deleted the file sin the old location. Unfortunately I could not delete many of the hidden files, as I did not know if they were there originally or if they belonged to Tcl. I am really surprised and disappointed there is no easy way to uninstall tcl properly.
I strongly suspect that you should uninstall ActiveTcl as follows:
Open a command prompt
Change directory to where you found the install file - e.g.
$ cd path_to_Tcl_installation/bin
Run the file
$ ./uninstall
On linux systems, you don't need any particular file extension in order to be able to run a file.
I don't know CentOS but a little googling led me to a forum thread that describes how to open a command prompt.
Good luck

Installshield - The files for installation requirement could not be found. The installation will now stop

I am using InstallShield to build an installer to install some custom prerequisites on my client computers. But everytime I try to run the installer, I get:
The files for installation requirement Crystal Runtime x86 could not be found. The installation will now stop. This is probably due to a failed, or canceled download.
I have told the prereq where the File sits on my local development machine, and it seems like InstallSheild takes this file, and copies it to the ISSetupPrerequisites folder in the same directory as the .exe file it generates. I can confirm my file exists in the ISSetupPrerequisites folder.
Is there something else I need to do to tell the installer where my .msi installer is for my prerequisite?
My guess is that you've copied the installer (setup.exe or something similar) to the PC that you're installing on but not the ISSetupPrerequisites folder. You need to do this because you haven't changed the setting that puts the prerequisites (Crystal Runtime x86 in your case) inside the installer itself.
To enable this, go to your release's "Setup.exe" tab and change the value of the property called "InstallShield Prerequisites Location" from "Copy From Source Media" to "Extract From Setup.exe".
You should verify the checksum and filesize attributes in the redistributable's pre-requisite file. If these don't match the local/downloaded file you'll see that error
(Example files node for MSFT VS 2010 Tools for Office Runtime)
<file LocalFile="<ISProductFolder>\SetupPrerequisites\VSTOR\vstor_redist.exe" URL="" CheckSum="a1b5c8fb246a9d0d66f12d3b6f5e471d" FileSize=" 0,40051808"></file>
Make sure the CheckSum value inside the .prq file is exactly the same as the MD5 checksum of the package copies on the web url and under < ISProductFolder >\SetupPrerequisites
You can calculate MD5 on windows using the command
certutil.exe -hashfile myPackage.exe MD5
