Juce library plugin for phonegap - phonegap-plugins

Is there any plugin available for Juce library which i can add and which can work for both IOS and android ? If not, how do i integrate Juce library in my Phone gap app ?

There is no plug in. But you can use intro juicer for creating different projects. Xcode, Visual studio or Android.


Finding NDK on my System

I am following this tutorial and am stuck on Step 3 where I have to add in the NDK. What exactly is the NDK and where do I find it?
You can also download the NDK using the SDK Manager I believe. There should be an option that says Android SDK and you can download it from within Android Studio if you are using it
what is Ndk?
Ndk is a toolset which would enable you to implement parts of your app into native languages such as C or C++.
where you can download it?
NDK is the Android Native development kit. You can download it from here.

How to Compile the Xamarin.iOS app using Visual Studio only?

Recently i came to know that Xamarin 3 got released and there a is beautiful GUI designer for iOS. But am not sure still for compilation do we need to use the Mac? With out Mac is it possible to compile iOS app?
With invention of GUI designer for iOS in Xamarin, makes it easy for the developer to switching between xCode to windows. For compiling there is no need of Mac. But to run and see the output, you still require Mac - iOS build host. Also, Mac would be required to host iOS app on App store.

Is Reactive Extensions 2.1 PCL compatible with Xamarin?

Riddle me this:
Can the new PCL version of Reactive Extensions be made to work with Xamarin?
If so, how?
Nope. But check out https://github.com/mono/rx/tree/rx-oss-v2.1/Rx/NET/Source/Rx_Xamarin for versions that do work.
Yes it is possible. At the moment, you will need to switch to the beta channel of the Xamarin tools which implement Mono 3.0. This can be done via Tools > Options > Xamarin in Visual Studio 2012.
Xamarin.Android 4.7 Information
Xamarin.iOS 6.3 Information
The ReactiveUI project should have all of the libraries that you need. Here is a link to the libraries folder on their nuget site.

Xamarin how it is getting the Native Look and Feel?

I am new to Xamarin. I have few confusion here.
How does Xamarin get the Native Look and Feel of the UI Components?.
Does Xamarin Provide their own Widgets [ like button, Layouts, ..].
Here is my understanding Correct me if I am wrong?.
1) Develop the UI [ button, layout...] by native SDK. For example iOS use Xcode. for Android ?.
2) Consider the button, when the button is pressed, the the code which is going to get executed
is common across the platform.
3) So, Since UI are directly from their respective SDK, we get the Native Look and Feel.
Kindly correct me where I misunderstood?.
I think you are way off.
Xamarin provides C# and the .Net (Mono) runtime on iOS and Android. At the same time they expose the native APIs on each platform to C#. So they built a way for C# to call into Objective-C and Java (and vice versa).
This means you develop native UIs on each platform, and can share backend business logic between platforms. A Xamarin app can share somewhere between 50-75% of its code across platforms. There is no general sharing of the UI across platforms, since this would abstract away the native APIs.
To break it down:
Use Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio to develop your C# backend code
Use Xamarin's Android designer to layout native Android XML layouts
Use Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio* to develop your C# backend code
Use XCode on a Mac to layout storyboard or XIB files for native iOS UI layout
Both options you can create your UI from code as well, but the native APIs will be different on each platform.
*A mac is needed to compile for iOS

PhoneGap plugin installation like Facebook

I am new to PhoneGap I have implemented PhoneGap Facebook plugin for Android and iPhone using phonegap-plugin and editors like Eclipse and XCode. But I want to know:
Is there any other way of installing plugins using config.xml building app with build.phonegap?
The PhoneGap people have been talking about adding plugin support to PhoneGap Build for some time, but have not released anything yet. Here is what they were saying around April 2012:
