Excel - Match data from column and get the value next to it - excel

Is there a formula that match data, get the value next to it, and then post that value into another cell?
This is what my excel sheet looks like:
Sheet A
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D
Bob John Cat
John Sue Dog
Sue Bob Duck
John owns a cat, Sue owns a dog, and Bob owns a duck. I want to match Column A to Column C and then grab the value right next to Column C and then put that value back into Column B.
This is the result that I want:
Sheet A
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D
Bob Duck John Cat
John Cat Sue Dog
Sue Dog Bob Duck
Thanks in advance!

Here's a solution using the VLOOKUP() function. Enter the formula in cell B1 and pull it down. You might need to edit your range aswell.
*you might need to change ; with , depending on your language settings.

You could use vlookup (as you've tagged your question) but combining index and match is a much more versatile way of doing this (it doesn't require the the lookup row to be on the left side and is also more efficient).
Assuming row 1 contains headers, you could use the following formula in column B:


Excel highlight duplicates in 2 columns, ignoring same row

I have 2 non adjacent text columns that I wish to compare. There may be duplicates in both columns but if they are not on the same row I need them to be highlighted in both columns. In the example below, Barry and Larry would both be highlighted in Columns A & C.
| Col A. | Col B. | Col C.
Row1.| Harry | London | Harry
Row2.| Barry | Paris | Larry
Row3.| Larry | New York | Barry
Row4.| Gary | Munich | Tom
If the same names are not aligned in the same row I would then cut and paste the offenders to resolve the problem. In this case the Barry in column C would be cut and inserted into row 2, forcing Larry down into row 3. Nothing would then be highlighted.
I guess it is a conditional formatting problem but I can't get a formula to work. I would appreciate some ideas.
So if I am understanding you correctly, you want to:
1) Find duplicates and highlight them
2) Move the offenders
Is there some reason this needs to be two parts? For moving the offenders I would run 2 loops, one to loop through the cells in column A, for each cell in column A I would loop through column C until I find the match, cut it, and paste it into the range that is two columns over from the current cell you are comparing in the first loop. you can use a range offset to find the right place to paste the name in column C.
Arrays would do this more quickly, so if you have a large number of records it would be worth looking in to.
You can use a dictionary object to accomplish both steps more easily, you can use dict.exists(value) to determine if a match exists and use those addresses for formatting, a quick google will help you with how to use them.
Honestly this seems like a homework problems so that's as far as I will go.

Count repetitive values in column B based on unique value in column A

I have the following table:
1 John Doe
John Doe
2 Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Adam Smith
I need to count the number of times a name appears for each number value in column A. The numbers are unique.
Place this formula in cell C1 and drag down until the end.
n.b. - you can more clearly define row numbers instead of using B:B if you like as well

Excel IF Formula 3

I have a sheet with rows of data that I want to copy to a different sheet if the name in column a equals a certain value. For example:
A | B | C
Name | Color | Amount
Sue | Blue | $400
Joe | Green | $1000
Sheet Sue needs to bring columns B and C from Sue's records to it's worksheet if column a equals Sue
Sheet Joe needs to bring columns B and C from Joe's records to it's worksheet if column a equals Joe
and so on and so forth...
Can anyone help!?
Well, if you don't have too much data you can do this with array formulas.
Set up your main sheet (assuming it's Sheet1) with named ranges. Your A2:A100 name it Name, B2:B100, name it Color, and C2:C100 name it Amount. (Adjust the range as necessary)
Then, in each of the people's sheets, have header rows called Name, Color, and Amount. Then you can use this formula (entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):
Wrap IFERROR([formula],"") to hide the #NUM errors when you reach the end of the data.

Excel - Append cell2 to cell1 if cell3 is not blank

I've taken a browse around and I've been unable to nail down the formula I'm looking for. I'm a bit new to Excel expressions, so this is all part of the learning process.
My quandary:
I have a list of names in an Excel spreadsheet - some have two components and some have three. I need all names to have only two components - if they have three, then the first two components need to be combined.
Here is my workflow:
IF cell 3 is occupied, append the content of cell 2 to the end of cell 1 IN cell 1. Then, assuming cell 2 is now blank, move the content of cell 3 to cell 2. Else, do nothing.
So my input might be (assuming each group of characters is in its own cell):
My output would be:
What's your take on this?
Assuming your data is in columns A, B, and C, this will put the correct output in columns D and E.
In column D:
In column E:

INDEX MATCH obtaining values for duplicate names

I have one example table with the following data in Sheet1 with the following random data
------A ----------------- B ----------------------C ------------------------D
1 --First--------------Last-----------------Start Date--------------End Date
2 --John--------------Smith--------------08/08/2014------------01/01/2015
Then I have another table in Sheet2
------A ----------------- B ----------------------C ------------------------D
1 --First--------------Last-----------------Start Date--------------End Date
2 --John--------------Smith---------------------------------------------------
I am using INDEX MATCH to transfer the data between the two sheets.
To populate column C with the start dates from Sheet1.
and this to populate column D with the end dates.
The problem is, when I perform this INDEX MATCH function, for a duplicate name, it will only copy over the first value. So this formula will paste 08/08/2014 into all 'John Smith' Start dates in column C of Sheet2.
How do I obtain all values so that C2 should be 08/08/2014, C3 should be 08/11/2014, C4 should be 06/06/2014 etc.
One solution would be to insert a column in both sheets with a "running count" of instances of the same name. For example, insert col C and in C2 enter =IF(A2&B2 = A1&B1, C1+1, 1). This starts the count at 1 if the concatenated first and last name is new, and increases the previous count by 1 if not. So you would have
First Last Count by Person
John Smith 1
John Smith 2
John Smith 3
Abel Jones 1
Abel Jones 2
George Washington 1
Thomas Jefferson 1
Thomas Jefferson 2
You can then add this column to your MATCH() function (and change the lookup column as necessary).
Edit: It is worth noting that this requires your raw data is sorted by name.
You can narrow the $A:$A refferances to something like $Ax+1:$Ay where y = last row of your excel sheet and x is position of previous occurance of this name/surname (you could store this in some dummy column).
