Is it possible to automatically map fields for events I would receive by syslog, if they follow a format field1=value1 field2=value2 ... ? An example would be
name=john age=15
age=29 name=jane
name=mark car=porshe
(note that the fields are different and not always there)
One of the solutions I am considering is to send the syslog "message" part as JSON but I am not sure if it possible to automatically parse it (when the rest of the log is in syslog format). My current approach fails with _jsonparsefailure but I will keep trying
input {
port => 5514
type => "syslogandjson"
codec => json
source => "message"
output ...
Fields with a key=value format can be parsed with the kv filter, but it doesn't support fields with double-quoted values, i.e.
key1=value1 key2="value2 with spaces" key3=value3
or (even worse)
key1=value1 key2=value2 with spaces key3=value3
won't turn out good.
Sending the message as JSON is way better, but as you've discovered you can't use the json codec since the codec applies to the whole message (timestamp and all) and not just the message part where your serialized JSON string can be found. You're on the right track with the json filter though. Just make sure you have that filter after the grok filter that parses the raw syslog message to extract timestamp, severity, and so on. You'll want something like this:
filter {
grok {
match => [...]
# Allow replacement of the original message field
overwrite => ["message"]
date {
json {
source => "message"
Since presumably not all messages you pick up are JSON messages you might want a conditional around the json filter. Or, attempt the JSON parsing of all messages but remove any _jsonparsefailure tag that the filter adds for messages it couldn't parse.
I'm fairly new to Logstash filtering stuff. I've below json string
"changed": false,
"msg": "Foo Facts: oma_phase: prd, oma_app: fsd, oma_apptype: obe, oma_componenttype: oltp, oma_componentname: -, oma_peak: pk99, oma_phaselevel: prd"
I would like to extract the fields oma_phase, oma_app, oma_apptype, oma_componenttype, oma_componentname, oma_peak & oma_phaselevel.
I've tried below native json filter,
filter {
if [type] == "ansible" {
json {
source => "ansible_result"
Here ansible_result is the key holding the above json value. However, there are many keys having different values but with the same ansible_result key. This is creating lot of index keys and I don't want that.
I would like to have some sort of filter which can match the substring Foo Facts and there after extracting the oma_* fields.
I somehow couldn't managed to do with grok filter to match the substring. It would be really great if you could help me with this.
Many thanks in advance..
Please try the following code:
filter {
json {
source => "message"
the ansible_result json will be considered as a message.
It was little difficult in the beginning but eventually managed to crack the grok.
\"msg\": \"Foo Facts: oma_phase: %{DATA:oma_phase}, oma_app: %{DATA:oma_app}, oma_apptype: %{DATA:oma_apptype},( oma_componenttype: %{DATA:oma_componenenttype},)? oma_componentname: %{DATA:oma_componenentname}, oma_peak: %{DATA:oma_peak}, oma_phaselevel: %{DATA:oma_phaselevel}\"
From the logs, I got to know oma_componenttype is missing for some logs. So I marked it as an optional field with ()?
It wouldn't have been possible without the help of below online parsers.
Grok Constructor
I would like to send json-formatted messages to logstash via filebeat.
i can filter each key value in json by writing the following in filebeat:
json.keys_under_root: true
json.add_error_key: true
json.message_key: message
However, multi-line could not be processed.
How can I get a multi-line?
And, Can I get rid of the fields that are added to filebeat by default?
I want to remove metadata from filebeat.
I want to receive only the information I send from logstash. Just like in a file.
Is there no way??
{"1": "val1" ,"2": "val2" ,"3": "val3\nval3\nval3" }
Your issue is not about multi-line. I think we need more context, however you should look at the json filter plugin documentation :
Your logstash pipeline should look like the following :
input {
beats {
port => 'xxxx'
filter {
json {
source => "message"
mutate {
# put the terms you want to exclude from your metadata on the "remove_field" array
remove_field => ["beat","input","prospector","offset"]
output {
So I need to write a filter that changes all the periods in field names to underscores. I am using mutate, and I can do some things and not other things. For reference here is my current output in Kibana.
See those fields that say "packet.event-id" and so forth? I need to rename all of those. Here is my filter that I wrote and I do not know why it doesn't work
filter {
json {
source => "message"
mutate {
add_field => { "pooooo" => "AW CMON" }
rename => { "offset" = "my_offset" }
rename => { "packet.event-id" => "my_packet_event_id" }
The problem is that I CAN add a field, and the renaming of "offset" WORKS. But when I try and do the packet one nothing changes. I feel like this should be simple and I am very confused as to why only the one with a period in it doesn't work.
I have refreshed the index in Kibana, and still nothing changes. Anyone have a solution?
When they show up in dotted notation in Kibana, it's because there is structure to the document you originally loaded in json format.
To access the document structure using logstash, you need to use [packet][event-id] in your rename filter instead of packet.event-id.
For example:
filter {
mutate {
rename => {
"[packet][event-id]" => "my_packet_event_id"
You can do the JSON parsing directly in Filebeat by adding a few lines of config to your filebeat.yml.
- paths:
- /var/log/snort/snort.alert
json.keys_under_root: true
json.add_error_key: true
json.message_key: log
You shouldn't need to rename the fields. If you do need to access a field in Logstash you can reference the field as [packet][length] for example. See Logstash field references for documentation on the syntax.
And by the way, there is a de_dot for replacing dots in field names, but that shouldn't be applied in this case.
In my application I have log fromat as follows-
logFormat: '%-5level [%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}] [%X{appReqId}] [%X{AppUserId}] %logger{15}: %m%n'
and the output of that format is like
INFO [2017-02-03 11:09:21.792372] [b9c0d838-10b3-4495-9915-e64705f02176] [ffe00000000000003ebabeca] r.c.c.f.r.MimeTypeResolver: [Tika MimeType Detection]: filename: 'N/A', detected mime-type: 'application/msword', time taken: 2 ms
Now I want each field of the log to be queryable at kibana and for that i want logstash to parse the input log message and it seems grok filter is there to help us.If grok filter is able to filter my message properly output should be like
"message" => "INFO [2017-02-03 11:09:21.792372] [b9c0d838-10b3-4495-9915-e64705f02176] [ffe00000000000003ebabeca] r.c.c.f.r.MimeTypeResolver: [Tika MimeType Detection]: filename: 'N/A', detected mime-type: 'application/msword', time taken: 2 ms",
"appReqId" => "b9c0d838-10b3-4495-9915-e64705f02176",
"timestamp" => "2017-02-03 11:09:21.792372",
"AppUserId" => "ffe00000000000003ebabeca",
"logger" => "r.c.c.f.r.MimeTypeResolver",
I am not able to figure it out how shall i configure at logstash.conf file so that i get the desired output.
I tried like following
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{LOGLEVEL:severity}* %{YEAR:year}-%{MONTHNUM:month}-%{MONTHDAY:day} %{TIME:time} %{JAVACLASS:class}\.%{JAVAFILE:file}" }
and verified at grok patter varifier and it does not work.Any kind of help would be appreciated.
You may find something like this works better:
The insights here are:
Use %{SPACE} to handle one-or-more space instances, which can happen in some log formats. The * in your syntax can do that too, but this puts it more explicitly in the grok expression.
Use a dedicated timestamp format, %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601} rather than attempt to break it apart and assemble later. This allows use of a date { match => [ "timestamp", ISO8601 ] } filter-block later to turn it into a real timestamp that will be useful in Kibana.
Capture the bracketed attributes directly in the grok expression.
Anchor the grok expression (the ^ and $ characters) to provide hints to the regex engine to make the expression less expensive to process.
We have a separate server for logstash and logs are on a remote machine.
We ship these same logs from a remote machine to logstash server using lumberjack's plugin for logstash.
I tried this:
Client config (where logs are present):
input {
path => "/home/Desktop/Logstash-Input/**/*_log"
output {
lumberjack {
hosts => ["xx.xx.xx.xx"]
port => 4545
ssl_certificate => "./"
I want to extract fields from my file input's path variable, so that accordingly for different fields values different parsing patterns can be applied.
Eg: Something like this
grok {
match => ["path", "/home/Desktop/Logstash-Input/(?<server>[^/]+)/(?<logtype>[^/]+)/(?<logdate>[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)/(?<logfilename>.*)_log"]
Here server, logtype are directories names which i want in my fields to apply different parsing patterns like:
if [server] == "Server2" and [logtype] == "CronLog" {
if [server] == "Server3" and [logtype] == "CronLog" {
How shall I be able apply the above on my logstash-server config, as file input is on the client machine from which I want to extract fields from path ???
Lumberjack succesfully ships logs to server.
I tried applying the grok on client:
grok {
match => ["path", "/home/Desktop/Logstash-Input/(?<server>[^/]+)/(?<logtype>[^/]+)/(?<logdate>[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)/(?<logfilename>.*)_log"]
I checked on client console it adds fields like server, logtype to the logs but on logstsh-server console the fields are not added.
How should I be able to achieve the above????
Two options:
Set the fields when they are originally shipped. The full logstash and logstash-forwarder (aka lumberjack) allow you to do this.
grok the information from the file path, which my documents have in a field called "file". Check your documents to find the actual field name.