We have a separate server for logstash and logs are on a remote machine.
We ship these same logs from a remote machine to logstash server using lumberjack's plugin for logstash.
I tried this:
Client config (where logs are present):
input {
path => "/home/Desktop/Logstash-Input/**/*_log"
output {
lumberjack {
hosts => ["xx.xx.xx.xx"]
port => 4545
ssl_certificate => "./logstash.pub"
I want to extract fields from my file input's path variable, so that accordingly for different fields values different parsing patterns can be applied.
Eg: Something like this
grok {
match => ["path", "/home/Desktop/Logstash-Input/(?<server>[^/]+)/(?<logtype>[^/]+)/(?<logdate>[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)/(?<logfilename>.*)_log"]
Here server, logtype are directories names which i want in my fields to apply different parsing patterns like:
if [server] == "Server2" and [logtype] == "CronLog" {
if [server] == "Server3" and [logtype] == "CronLog" {
How shall I be able apply the above on my logstash-server config, as file input is on the client machine from which I want to extract fields from path ???
Lumberjack succesfully ships logs to server.
I tried applying the grok on client:
grok {
match => ["path", "/home/Desktop/Logstash-Input/(?<server>[^/]+)/(?<logtype>[^/]+)/(?<logdate>[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)/(?<logfilename>.*)_log"]
I checked on client console it adds fields like server, logtype to the logs but on logstsh-server console the fields are not added.
How should I be able to achieve the above????
Two options:
Set the fields when they are originally shipped. The full logstash and logstash-forwarder (aka lumberjack) allow you to do this.
grok the information from the file path, which my documents have in a field called "file". Check your documents to find the actual field name.
I would like to send json-formatted messages to logstash via filebeat.
i can filter each key value in json by writing the following in filebeat:
json.keys_under_root: true
json.add_error_key: true
json.message_key: message
However, multi-line could not be processed.
How can I get a multi-line?
And, Can I get rid of the fields that are added to filebeat by default?
I want to remove metadata from filebeat.
I want to receive only the information I send from logstash. Just like in a file.
Is there no way??
{"1": "val1" ,"2": "val2" ,"3": "val3\nval3\nval3" }
Your issue is not about multi-line. I think we need more context, however you should look at the json filter plugin documentation : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-json.html
Your logstash pipeline should look like the following :
input {
beats {
port => 'xxxx'
filter {
json {
source => "message"
mutate {
# put the terms you want to exclude from your metadata on the "remove_field" array
remove_field => ["beat","input","prospector","offset"]
output {
I'm trying to add a custom pattern to Logstash in order to capture data from this kind of log line:
[2017-11-27 12:08:22] production.INFO: {"upload duration":0.16923}
I followed the instructions on Logstash guide for grok and created a directory called patterns with a file in it called extra that contain:
and added the path to the config file:
grok {
patterns_dir => ["./patterns"]
match => { "message" => "\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] %{POSTFIX_UPLOAD_DURATION: upload_duration} %{DATA:log_env}\.%{LOGLEVEL:severity}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}" }
However, I'm getting this error message:
Pipeline aborted due to error {:exception=>#<Grok::PatternError: pattern %{POSTFIX_UPLOAD_DURATION: upload_duration} not defined>
Also, some log lines don't contain the 'upload duration' field, will this break the pipeline?
You are able to use relative directories, as long as they are relative to the current working directory of where the process starts, not relative to the conf file or to Logstash itself.
I found out that there is better and more efficint way to capture data using the json plugin.
I've add "log_payload:" in my logs and insert the data I need to capture in a json object.
Then I've used this pipeline to capture it.
if ("log_payload:" in [log_message]) {
match => {"log_message" => 'log_payload:%{DATA:json_object}}%{GREEDYDATA}'}
update => ["json_object", "%{[json_object]}}"]
json {
source => "json_object"
mutate {
remove_field => ["log_message", "json_object"]
I'm new in ELK and currently I'm facing the following issue.
I want logstash to parse some server logfiles. Everyday, a new logfile is created which it has the following naming format: file160629.log (where 160629=current date)
Here's my config input:
input {
file {
path => "C:\LogFiles\u_ex%d.log"
start_position => beginning
But as it seems, it doesn't recognize the new logfiles..
Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance.
For all the log files inside LogFiles folder you can use :
input {
file {
path => "C:\LogFiles\*.log"
It will tail files by default.
Is it possible to automatically map fields for events I would receive by syslog, if they follow a format field1=value1 field2=value2 ... ? An example would be
name=john age=15
age=29 name=jane
name=mark car=porshe
(note that the fields are different and not always there)
One of the solutions I am considering is to send the syslog "message" part as JSON but I am not sure if it possible to automatically parse it (when the rest of the log is in syslog format). My current approach fails with _jsonparsefailure but I will keep trying
input {
port => 5514
type => "syslogandjson"
codec => json
source => "message"
output ...
Fields with a key=value format can be parsed with the kv filter, but it doesn't support fields with double-quoted values, i.e.
key1=value1 key2="value2 with spaces" key3=value3
or (even worse)
key1=value1 key2=value2 with spaces key3=value3
won't turn out good.
Sending the message as JSON is way better, but as you've discovered you can't use the json codec since the codec applies to the whole message (timestamp and all) and not just the message part where your serialized JSON string can be found. You're on the right track with the json filter though. Just make sure you have that filter after the grok filter that parses the raw syslog message to extract timestamp, severity, and so on. You'll want something like this:
filter {
grok {
match => [...]
# Allow replacement of the original message field
overwrite => ["message"]
date {
json {
source => "message"
Since presumably not all messages you pick up are JSON messages you might want a conditional around the json filter. Or, attempt the JSON parsing of all messages but remove any _jsonparsefailure tag that the filter adds for messages it couldn't parse.
I'm having issues understanding how to do this correctly.
I have the following Logstash config:
input {
lumberjack {
port => 5000
host => ""
ssl_certificate => "/etc/ssl/star_server_com.crt"
ssl_key => "/etc/ssl/server.key"
type => "somelogs"
output {
elasticsearch {
protocol => "http"
host => "es01.server.com"
With logstash-forwarder, I'm pushing my haproxy.log file generated by syslog to logstash. Kibana then shows me a _source which looks like this:
{"message":"Dec 8 11:32:20 localhost haproxy[5543]: [08/Dec/2014:11:32:20.938] es_proxy es_proxy/es02.server.com 0/0/1/18/20 200 305 - - ---- 1/1/1/0/0 0/0 \"GET /_cluster/health HTTP/1.1\"","#version":"1","#timestamp":"2014-12-08T11:32:21.603Z","type":"syslog","file":"/var/log/haproxy.log","host":"haproxy.server.com","offset":"4728006"}
Now, this has to be filtered (somehow) and I have to admit I haven't got the slightest idea how.
Looking at the grok documentation and fiddling with the grok debugger I still haven't got anything useful out of Logstash and Kibana.
I've been scanning the patterns directory and their files, and I can't say I understand how to use them. I was hoping that providing a filter with a haproxy pattern Logstash would match the pattern from my _source but that was without any luck.
You're in luck since there already is a predefined grok pattern that appears to parse this exact type of log. All you have to do is refer to it in a grok filter:
filter {
grok {
match => ["message", "%{HAPROXYHTTP}"]
%{HAPROXYHTTP} will be recursively expanded according to the pattern definition and each interesting piece in every line of input will be extracted to its own field. You may also want to remove the 'message' field after a successful application of the grok filter since it contains redundant data anyway; just add remove_field => ["message"] to the grok filter declaration.