check unzip -t result - linux

I was wondering how I'd get the result of unzip -t so I could use it within an IF statement
At the moment I've got
if [ unzip -t "$" ]
#proceed with script
echo "Zip file is not ready"
I've also tried if [! unzip -t "$" ] but I was wondering if there was a way to make sure the file is valid before continuing with the script.
I'm on a fairly simple web server, I don't think gzip is running and I can't use lsof to find out if the file is still being written to.
Any point in the right direction would be great. I've searched google and these forums but have had no luck.

if [ unzip -t "$" ]
if unzip -t "$"
Or, if you prefer quiet:
if unzip -t "$" >/dev/null 2>&1
The above should work on any POSIX shell. If you use bash and prefer brevity even at the cost of portability, the above can be simplified to:
if unzip -t "$" &>/dev/null
The command [, also known as the test command, is used to set an exit code according to some conditions, such as whether a file exists or a string is empty. There is no need for the test command here. unzip itself sets an appropriate exit code that can be used by the if statement.


Nested if in for loop appears to use all results instead of single one

I'm not sure if this is a curl issue or if it's an issue with my code.
I am uploading a directory's content to a remote server using curl -T and since curl does not, according to the help file and some googling, have a way to skip file if it exists I am trying to script around it.
cd /foo/bar
curl --user foo:bar -ls > /foo/bar/temp.txt
for file in ./*.dat
if ! grep -Fq "$file" temp.txt
curl --user foo:bar -T "$file"
rm -f /foo/bar/temp.txt
I currently have 6 files in /foo/bar and those are uploaded to remote already. I removed one of the files from remote for testing purposes, but all 6 files were transferred anew.
Using the code above, as long as there is a not-match against temp.txt, curl uploads ALL files that's found in the for loop, regardless if it matches the if condition or not. Am I missing something royally obvious or this a curl thing and I'm better off over in SuperUser?
Thanks to comment from Jonathan Leffler I found via sh -x that my for statement was the issue. The way I had written it, it sent ./file1.dat to grep to try to find in temp.txt, which only had file1.dat and not ./file1.dat specifically.
Changed to for file in *.dat and this fixed the issue.

creating bash script to automate task for analyzing multiple files

I don't have a lot of experience with scripting.
I have a directory that contains, among many other files, a set of *.phylip files I need to analyze with a program. I would like to automate this task. I think a loop bash shell script would be appropriate, although I could be wrong.
If I was to perform the analysis manually on one .phylip file, I would use the following command in terminal:
./raxmlHPC-SSE3 -m GTRCAT -y -s uce-5.phylip --print-identical-sequences -p 12345 -n uce-5_result
For the bash shell script, I think it would be close to:
for i in $( ls ); do
./raxmlHPC-SSE3 -m GTRCAT -y -s uce-5.phylip --print-identical-sequences -p 12345 -n test_5 $i
The issue I'm aware of, but don't know how to fix, is the -s option, which specifies the input phylip file. Any suggestions on how to modify the script to do what I need done?
Try the below code:
for i in *.phylip
./raxmlHPC-SSE3 -m GTRCAT -y -s "$i" --print-identical-sequences -p 12345 -n ${i%.phylip}_result
-s option will be passed $i which has the file name with .phylip extension in the current directory.
${i%.phylip}_result replaces the .phylip extension with _result which i guess is what you expect. (Ref: Parameter Substitution)

Using find in shell script

I need to check if a given string in a bash script is a command.
In other words: I need to check if that String is a filename in the /bin directory (Only /bin).
I tried
echo "Write a bash command: "
read -r var2
if [[ -z (find /bin -name $var2) ]]
then echo "That's not a command" && exit 1
But it didn't work.
EDIT: Solved. As amdixon suggested I changed (find /bin -name $var2) for $(find /bin -name $var2).
Thanks dude.
Depending on your actual requirements, it can be easier than that:
if ! [ -x /bin/"$var2" ]
echo "That's not a command" && exit 1
[ is short for the test command and with the -x argument, it will return 0 (true) if the given file is executable by you. Note that this will exclude commands that are executable by other users only because you have insufficient permissions.
If you use the -f argument instead, [ will test for any file in the /bin directory, whether it is executable or not (of course usually all of them are):
if ! [ -f /bin/"$var2" ]
echo "That's not a command" && exit 1
If you need to make sure that the file is executable (even if it may not be executable by you), see this question for a solution using file.
Type help test on the command line to read more about possible arguments for [.
echo "Write a bash command: "
read -r var2
if [ ! -f /bin/"$var2" ]
then echo "That's not a command" && exit 1
is the natural way to do this in bash. [ expr ] is the shorthand for the builtin test command. Type man builtins and scroll until you find test for a complete description of what testcan do for you. For instance, if you prefer testing simultaneously if the file exists and is executable, you can replace:
[ ! -f /bin/"$var2" ]
[ ! -x /bin/"$var2" ]
I need to check if a given string in a bash script is a command.
I need to check if that String is a filename in the /bin directory (Only /bin).
This is by no means the same. I guess you refer to well-known "shell commands" and in this case, There are three reasons you might be on the wrong path:
The root hierarchy is for everything needed to boot up the system. This might include what you consider "commands", but other stuff as well (like e.g. lvm or cryptsetup)
For the same reason, binaries you would consider "commands" might be missing from /bin, living in /usr/bin instead.
Shells have "builtin" commands and there is no guarantee you will find them as separate binaries at all.
Given all that, if you still want to look for executables in /bin, there is really no reason to use find at all. test (or the abbreviated version just writing brackets) will be enough, like if [ -x /bin/$var2 ]; then ...

How to touch a file and mkdir if needed in one line

I need to touch a file with an absolute file name such as: /opt/test/test.txt, but I'm not sure if there is /opt/test existed on the system. So the code should similar with this:
if (-d '/opt/test') {
touch '/opt/test/test.txt';
} else {
mkdir -p '/opt/test';
touch '/opt/test/test.txt'
Is there any better way to simplify the code? I hope there is some system commands that can do the same job with only one line.
mkdir B && touch B/myfile.txt
Alternatively, create a function:
mkfile() {
mkdir -p $( dirname "$1") && touch "$1"
Execute it with 1 arguments: filepath. Saying:
mkfile B/C/D/myfile.txt
would create the file myfile.txt in the directory B/C/D.
In a shell script, you can simply do:
mkdir -p /opt/test && touch /opt/test/test.txt
mkdir -p will not fail (and won't do anything) if the directory already exists.
In perl, use make_path from the File::Path module, then create the file however you want. make_path also doesn't do anything if the directory exists already, so no need to check yourself.
In perl, using one of my favorite module: Path::Tiny.
From the doc:
Combines mkpath and touch. Creates the parent directory if it doesn't
exist, before touching the file.
I like typing very little, so I put this command into a named fn in my .profile, but I used this formulation for years before I did it:
mkdir -p dirname/sub/dir && touch $_/filename.ext
The variable $_ stores the last argument to the previous command. Pretty handy to know about overall.
I defined a touchp in my ~/.bash_aliases:
function touchp() {
/bin/mkdir -p "$(dirname "$1")/" && /usr/bin/touch "$1"
It silently creates the structure above the file if not present, and is perfectly safe to use when passed a single filename without any directory in front of it.
Perl from command line,
perl -MFile::Basename -MFile::Path=make_path -e'
make_path(dirname($_)), open(F, ">>", $_) for pop;
' /opt/test/test.txt
I have this shell function in my .zshalias file:
function touch-safe {
for f in "$#"; do
[ -d $f:h ] || mkdir -p $f:h && command touch $f
alias touch=touch-safe
If either the test or the mkdir command fail, no touch command is invoked.
Bring Python to command line.
i.e. Use pyp
cat filepaths.txt | pyp "'mkdir -p '+s[0:-1]|s+'; touch '+o" | sh
The Pyed Piper", or pyp, is a linux command line text manipulation tool similar to awk or sed, but which uses standard python string and list methods as well as custom functions evolved to generate fast results in an intense production environment.

Equivalent of %~dp0 (retrieving source file name) in sh

I'm converting some Windows batch files to Unix scripts using sh. I have problems because some behavior is dependent on the %~dp0 macro available in batch files.
Is there any sh equivalent to this? Any way to obtain the directory where the executing script lives?
The problem (for you) with $0 is that it is set to whatever command line was use to invoke the script, not the location of the script itself. This can make it difficult to get the full path of the directory containing the script which is what you get from %~dp0 in a Windows batch file.
For example, consider the following script,
echo $0
If you'd run it you'll get the following output:
# ./
# /tmp/
So to get the fully qualified directory name of a script I do the following:
cd `dirname $0`
cd -
This works as follows:
cd to the directory of the script, using either the relative or absolute path from the command line.
Gets the absolute path of this directory and stores it in SCRIPTDIR.
Goes back to the previous working directory using "cd -".
Yes, you can! It's in the arguments. :)
look at
combining that with
Remove from $var the shortest part of $Pattern that matches the back end of $var.
what you want is just
I recommend the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide
(that is also where the above information is from).
Especiall the part on Converting DOS Batch Files to Shell Scripts
might be useful for you. :)
If I have misunderstood you, you may have to combine that with the output of "pwd". Since it only contains the path the script was called with!
Try the following script:
echo "called path: $called_path"
echo "stripped: $stripped"
echo "pwd: `pwd`"
echo "real path: $real_path
This needs some work though.
I recommend using Dave Webb's approach unless that is impossible.
In bash under linux you can get the full path to the command with:
readlink /proc/$$/fd/255
and to get the directory:
dir=$(dirname $(readlink /proc/$$/fd/255))
It's ugly, but I have yet to find another way.
I was trying to find the path for a script that was being sourced from another script. And that was my problem, when sourcing the text just gets copied into the calling script, so $0 always returns information about the calling script.
I found a workaround, that only works in bash, $BASH_SOURCE always has the info about the script in which it is referred to. Even if the script is sourced it is correctly resolved to the original (sourced) script.
The correct answer is this one:
How do I determine the location of my script? I want to read some config files from the same place.
It is important to realize that in the general case, this problem has no solution. Any approach you might have heard of, and any approach that will be detailed below, has flaws and will only work in specific cases. First and foremost, try to avoid the problem entirely by not depending on the location of your script!
Before we dive into solutions, let's clear up some misunderstandings. It is important to understand that:
Your script does not actually have a location! Wherever the bytes end up coming from, there is no "one canonical path" for it. Never.
$0 is NOT the answer to your problem. If you think it is, you can either stop reading and write more bugs, or you can accept this and read on.
Try this:
This should work for bash shell:
dir=$(dirname $(readlink -m $BASH_SOURCE))
Test script:
echo $(dirname $(readlink -m $BASH_SOURCE))
Run test:
$ ./somedir/
$ source ./somedir/
$ bash ./somedir/
$ . ./somedir/
This is a script can get the shell file real path when executed or sourced.
Tested in bash, zsh, ksh, dash.
BTW: you shall clean the verbose code by yourself.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "---------------- GET SELF PATH ----------------"
echo "NOW \$(pwd) >>> $(pwd)"
echo "NOW \$0 >>> $0"
echo "NOW \$_ >>> $_"
echo "NOW \${0##*/} >>> ${0##*/}"
if test -n "$BASH"; then
elif test -n "$ZSH_NAME"; then
echo "RUNNING IN ZSH..."
elif test -n "$KSH_VERSION"; then
echo "RUNNING IN KSH..."
SH_FILE_RUN_PATH_GETSELFPATHVAR=$(lsof -p $$ -Fn0 | tr -d '\0' | grep "${0##*/}" | tail -1 | sed 's/^[^\/]*//g')
cd "$(dirname "$SH_FILE_RUN_PATH_GETSELFPATHVAR")" || return 1
# Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks as lsof of macOS doesn't have -f option.
cd "$(dirname "$SH_FILE_REAL_PATH_GETSELFPATHVAR")" || return 1
# Compute the canonicalized name by finding the physical path
# for the directory we're in and appending the target file.
echo "---------------- GET SELF PATH ----------------"
I have tried $0 before, namely:
dirname $0
and it just returns "." even when the script is being sourced by another script:
. ../somedir/
